
I'm searching for a game that I played when I was younger. It was around 10 years ago.

The problem is... I don't remember much about that game. I really remember only one specific scene (but I think often about it and it really annoys me, that I don't know that game).

I played it with a friend and I think it was not a PC game, but a game for playstation (or another console).

The game was played in third-person perspective (or maybe ego-perspective or a mix) and was some kind of stealth-shooter.

In the one scene I remember, you fight against an enemy (a boss I think) and he has some flamethrower. You have to shoot at the tanks of the flamethrower to make them explode. I also think you are using a sniper rifle and night vision googles.

I know it is really not much and very vague, but maybe someone knows this game?

Any help is appreciated!


The game is "Syphon Filter" - Thank you so much :D

11 years ago*

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Syphon Filter ? . I might be wrong but Third person shooter, stealth-shooter and PS, reminded me of this game. This was my favourite at that time.

Found this Flame Thrower boss. Possibly Syphon Filter is your game.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Thank you.

11 years ago

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welcome, i just clicked to find it for myself and realized it was so far into the video

but it sounds like it did more harm than good since the green was the most defining feature :D

11 years ago

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Oh... Good old days with my PS :/

11 years ago

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definatly sounds like it could be syphon filter, was thinking along those lines myself, just couldnt remember what the game name was actually called XD

11 years ago

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YEAH :D! Exactly! Thank you so much. I would have never ever found that game myself. The name "Syphon Filter" does not sound familiar at all, but this IS the game I played. First I was a bit unsure, because I really remembered that "green" night vision and the tanks of the flame-thrower being highlighted. I could not find this in the video of the boss fight, but this is just because the player is not using them in this fight. But here you can see the night vision exactly as I remember it. Thank you so much! I really didn't think the info I gave you is enough to identify the game.

If you want the Magicka Wizard Wars Alpha Key, just add me on steam. Otherwise I'll drop it here.

11 years ago

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No problem, I might not play Magica WW. so better drop it here, maybe someone who really want to play may pick it up.

11 years ago

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Sure. Thanks again! At the moment I am thinking about getting an emulator to play this game again!

Also Wizard Wars:
PIL[2*5-10]Q-T0M[Same as the next one]D-4F[5+5-5+5-5]RB

11 years ago

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Wow, finally I became a ninja! :)
I pretty much like "normal" Magicka, let's see what this will bring.
Thanks Kedyn for the game and thanks atiffarrukh for finding the game ^^

11 years ago

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There is also a good sequel (Syphon filter 2) and a bad prequel (Syphon Filter 3)
go try them too. SF2 is extremely difficult though.

11 years ago

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I had Syphon Filter 1, 2, 3, Omega Strain, Dark Mirror and Logan's Shadow. I loved the original and still have fond memories. 2 was good, 3 not so much. Omega Strain was so awful that I never even played DM or LS. I wonder if they were very good...

11 years ago

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I've never played it, but that sounds kinda like the first Metal Gear Solid game.

11 years ago

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Ahh I remember Syphon Filter 2 on PS1. Escpecially the mission in the jungle where I could sneak around using teaser on the enemies XD Fun times.

Edit: It's 3 (had to watch youtube video).

11 years ago

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Syphon Filter. Try Metal Gear Solid also, you will ike it if you didnt play it.

11 years ago

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One of my favorite childhood games, every now and then I like to take a nostalgia trip and replay the whole PS trilogy. Unfortunately I never owned a PS2 so I missed a few sequels.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Kedyn.