I think you can still add them as a friend and try to buy it for them through the steam store to see if they have any part of the package (it will tell you if they already own it)
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I think this is the best solution. I've done it recently with giving away DLCs, presumably it works the same for a package.
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I can't in clear conscience just send it
It might be tedious, but I think this is the only way to be certain. If the winner does not comply, and you can prove you've attempted to contact them, then you can request a reroll.
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I could be wrong, but maybe their profile is set to private..
According to the FAQ, I believe this is allowed:
Does my Steam profile need to be public to use the site?
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no, it's not. private profiles look different. and regardless I'd have my reservations sending a bundle to a private profile... still It's up to me as a GA creator to decide what % of package ownership I'd allow the winner so even if they did not own the whole thing I could deny them just for owning the base game, and that I couldn't verify with private profile either. man, private profiles should be banned!
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maybe not the whole profile is private only the game stats?
but yes I agree, for the site to function properly, this all needs to be made public...
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I understand why game details should be public and also the profile itself. And in some obscure cases I might even see the utility of a public friends list for the functionality of Steamgifts. However, for what reason should the inventory be public.
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When a profile is private (my case) you can either (temporarily) add them, either ask them to temporarily make their profile public.
This case is sketchy indeed, though. Then again I agree the person is not necessarily ill-intended, but well.
This works, or you could ask them to wishlist the game - they can't wishlist it if they own it (trick I saw in one of the threads when the "private games" feature got in beta).
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FYI good suggestion, links for this are:
Depending if they have a custom id (eg Devirk) or profile number (76561198043240987).
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It won't show:
An error was encountered while processing your request:
The specified profile could not be found.
An error was encountered while processing your request:
You do not have permission to view these game stats.
But Ekaros is on the right track. You just have to use a certain website to check
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It does, and it also hides from achievement stats.
(eg. if you have a 50% game and a 100% game, your average stats will be 75%, but if you private the 50% your average will become 100%)
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Can you check if the winner has won any games previously on SG? If so report them, misuse of giveaway feedback, specify that they have hidden all games (is against the rules to hide any games you won) and then request a reroll on your own giveaway, this is well within your right given the situation.
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CG still hasn't made a statement about it yes, but I saw a post a few months ago (when this hide feature was about a month old) that someone was banned under the reason of, it falls into the category of "removed from your Steam account after activation" (from Guidelines > Giveaways > Winning) ... can't find the post though, too many common words used for Search to be of any use.
Well FateOfOne just made a recent post on the subject ...
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You sure? ... to me it reads that someone won a giveaway for Borderlands 2 that Devirk is giving away, but Devrik can't confirm if they own it already (as the giveaway contains DLC they want to verify they don't already own it) - therefore - hidden game.
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Now that Devirk sent the key, we can see the user and its profile is showing games including the now activated Borderlands 2. I guess the winner changed games stats to public after being asked for by Devirk or the mod. Or it was just a bug as Tzaar mentioned (since setting games stats to private won't make it look like "Games 0", the line is just misssing (like on my profile).
But I highly doubt that they hid 3k+ games manually.
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I'd be very surprised if someone owned 13k games but didn't have Borderlands 2. It's a 12 year old game that's been bundled and discounted many times. I'd do what the first commenter said and add them as a friend to try to buy them the game to see if they already own it.
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I checked on SteamDB and it seems they have the game. It was probably a bug. Though it is also possible that they sync once a week to meet SG's requirements to enter giveaways and keep their profile private rest of the times. Some people do this.
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lol, no, you're late. it's the reroll and they now own it since they've recieved a gift. however the original winner did indeed own the game.
Also probably don't go calling out people around if you don't know the full story. There's a reason why I've never mentioned the winner by name, dropped the link to either their sg or steam profile, nor post the screenshots that were too revealing.
and last but not least if you can see a winner listed on the GA page that means they recieved the game or at least that it was sent otherwise you'd just see the winner as "anonymous". so If you can see the winner it should suggest to you that the issue was resolved...
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So I had a GA of Borderlands 2 GOTY end and as we all know Steamgifts is notoriously flakey when it comes to packages by what I mean you can often enter GAs for them despite owning the whole thing so I did the reasonable thing and went to check my winner manually. However is seems they've been doing some weird bs with their profile probably the new "private games" thing steam introduced as it says on Steam they own 0 games despite having over 2k badges, over 800 perfected games and over 500 reviews according to showcases. Oh, and they have a steam badge for having over 13k games... I'm not sure what to do now. I can't in clear conscience just send it and hope all is fine nor can I just request a new winner can I?. I mean, I don't want to imply any ill intent on the part of that person, but mistakes happen and I know from experience you can sometimes forget what you own, even at mere 2k games, let alone 13k and the internet is full of scum that only wait to scam the living hell out of you, so you know, can never be too careful
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