Ok there are lots of misunderstanding so I'm gonna explain why.
First of all, the site has ignorance system for any games you don't care, so you won't get notification for all. It will be even better if SG automatically synce ignored games from our profile.
Second, there were/are lots of 1 hour sweeptakes that I did/am/will miss if I don't check it hourly.
Last but not least, you can always turn it off in Notification setting of the website.
Finally, when notification mail pop up on the phone you just can easily swipe it out if you don't care.
So why not?

4 years ago*

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I need automatic notification by email for 1 hour left steam gifts available that I haven't entered, so I won't need to check SG every hour. Who's with me?

View Results

Uhhhh, that would be a lot of emails...

I think for me, checking occasionally is just fine, but I don't enter much anyway.

4 years ago

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You can turn it off in notification category in setting.

4 years ago

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For all steam gifts which are going to end in 1 hour?

4 years ago

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nope just gifts you haven't enter yet

4 years ago

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Couldn't you just set alarm that dings every hour?

4 years ago

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I don't want to answer to sb that I'm so addicted to GA to even set alarm for it, nope

4 years ago

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Won't you need to check your notifications every hour, though? lmao

4 years ago

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it'll pop up on the noti part of phone so I just can swipe to ignore or open the mail

4 years ago

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Would it not be much more useful, if Steamgifts enters you in all those giveaways automatically?

4 years ago

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no, because it'll look like bot activity, and there are gifts you don't want, and even you don't have enough points to put in all of them

4 years ago

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the site has ignorance system for any games you don't care,
there are gifts you don't want


4 years ago

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Hey, please remember to leave all Unlucky7 giveaway you might still be in.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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You entered a couple of giveaways, you should not be in, as an entry, any longer. Please leave these giveaways before they end.
For example:

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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oh I misread your sentence, it's fine.

4 years ago

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I don't see the point in that. Personally, I check sg 1-2 times a day and have not encountered any problems.

4 years ago

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there were lots of 1 hour gifts (very fast sweeptake) that you missed and continue to miss

4 years ago

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For all games or wishlisted games?
(i could use it for one hour limited wishlisted games but I hate trash emails that just useless and having space on mails)

4 years ago*

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hey there is ignore system on the website, isn't it?

4 years ago

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Having a quick look at my "all games" page that would currently be 10 mails per hour, and looking at the page without filtering games I own that seems like 20 mails an hour. With this frequency you could just check the site often. That sounds excessive

4 years ago

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the site has ignore system

4 years ago

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There are over 12,000 public giveaways every month and you only have enough points to enter around 1000-1500 of them. You want everyone on the site to get emails every hour about every game that is going to end that they did not enter? You must have meant something else because that is crazy and fairly pointless.

4 years ago

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you can always turn it off in notification tab in setting

4 years ago

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But why would you want that many emails? There are thousands of games that you cannot enter because you do not have enough points. I could maybe understand if you just wanted a notification if it is a game from your wishlist that you have not entered, but notifications for all games would just be silly and probably create a massive amount of server load (I don't know how servers work, just guessing).

Instead of reading an email every hour, you could just open the site and look at the available giveaways every hour.

4 years ago

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ignorance system do exist, why do I have to get thousands of notifications for games I don't care? It will even be better if SG automatic synce ignored games from our Steam profile.

4 years ago

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Instead of clicking per X times per every mail - just open ONE TIME steamgifts page.

4 years ago

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Well, I do not need to enter all... also after I started selecting what games I would really like play and do not plan buy them, I enter like 5 giveaways per day. Now I have like 10 entered. No need to hoard....

4 years ago

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all users come to this poimt, I believe. I used to enter everything, currently entered 5 GAs

4 years ago*

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I see 10 giveaways right now and I don't even enter 1 every day, sometimes I don't enter any for days so yes, no problems there, though missing a 1 hour giveaway would suck but still, that's all it is

4 years ago

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i think better every 30 min

4 years ago

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İf options are added it might can be better(just thought it Bec they're easily solvable problems)
On off
All games ,wishlisted games,dlcs,groups etc(box for these so you can choose only one of them or all of them)
İf you have points
Notification for each games or notification for time limited games at once(as a warning )(so I'll get one email not 20 email )
For now I'll add later if i have other ideas
İt would be better if there's a app but it's not possible much

4 years ago

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I agree.

4 years ago

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I'm sad bec I'll bet lot of bls :(
By the way what was ur bl status and what's currents bls

4 years ago

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what does "bl" abbreviate for?

4 years ago

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u can check how many people Blacklisted you at side of ur pfp or points if u press it (have a shape but idk how to identify but similiar to"<" )u will see 3 option choose stats not sure how much u know blacklist but explained just 8n case

4 years ago*

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I have only BL once, because I know that player can't afford a PC to play some games but still participate in, it's selfish, and I don't know if there is anybody BL me yet

4 years ago

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There's prob a lot of people who bl'd you after this thread even i just gain one more few min ago

4 years ago

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Do you mean you BL me or you are BL by sb?

4 years ago

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Blacklisted by somebody

4 years ago

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I'm having 11 BL'd so far lol, nothing to worry

4 years ago

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that might actually be the worst idea i've ever heard.

4 years ago

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Too much hassle, spamming e-mails in your inbox about every ga. There is a tons of GAs that ending every hour and every hour you will get e-mails about that? This is just unsustainable. Besides its not the end of the world that you miss a chance to enter some GA, what is even the point to enter so many giveaways?

4 years ago

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You probably haven't read my post before comment this, have you?
Entering GA you need to increase chance ratio, that's just basic probability statistics.

4 years ago

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Or you can enter GAs when you actually had time to visit the site and not being obsessed about increasing chance ratio. If you enter public GAs there is no noticeable difference anyway. Popular GAs with last hour already have 1000s of entries so by entering them you will increase your chance of winning at absolute minimum.

4 years ago

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still better than 0 chance

4 years ago

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I've never seen a better case of someone begging for an intervention, because they are too addicted to SG.

4 years ago*

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I said I need, not forcing anyone to do it. Why's that begging?

4 years ago

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Sorry, your English obviously isn't good enough for a debate.

4 years ago

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this is actually a good comment for non English native speaker like me. I'll keep improving.

4 years ago

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Good luck that cg program such a thing for the very low ammount of people that "need" that "function".

4 years ago

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i just suggesting, not forcing cg to do

4 years ago

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You will never have enough point to enter any of this, especially when new bundle arrives and 90% of people put the GA for 1h only...
And if 1 GA = 1 email...my god the spam....

4 years ago

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you can turn that function off in the notification setting if you don't want

4 years ago

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and I've never run out of points because I ignore games I don't want to play, this website has that function too, only doesn't automatically synce with steam

4 years ago

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Lucky you... I'm out of point with only my wishlist...

4 years ago

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On one hand, I understand you -- I personally would love to have the minimum duration of a GA extended to 1 day, in order not to have that feeling of "missing" something.

On the other hand -- while it is true that you miss on many short GAs because you cannot be online all the time, on the few occasions you do see one of them, your chances are much higher, right? "Look, a 1 hour GA, and I was here to enter it, exciting!"

So it boils down to: would you rather enter 5 GAs, having a 0.2% chance to win each, or 1 GA, having a 1% chance to win it (missing the other 4 because you were not online then)? I would argue the 2nd option is better -- you have (nearly) the same chance of winning, but spend less points on it, so you can focus on games you really want to play.

Just my 2 (per) cents. :D


4 years ago

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Thank you for understanding, I always have lots of points available because I ignore a lot and always exciting to be able to enter a wishlisted game at last hour, so I just suggesting.
Moreover, any chance is better than 0, don't you agree?

4 years ago

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Yeah, but more people joining GAs means less chances on each one. So this "any chance" comes with a price.

(Not to mention that you shouldn't be on SG so much of the time -- go play the games, with your friends if you have any! And I am aware that this phrase applies to me as well -- despite liking the community, sometimes I spend too much time here. :D )

4 years ago*

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1% is a lot, I have never seen it before lol

4 years ago

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Fair enough. :D Maybe I should have used 0.02% and 0.1% in my rethorical example. :D

4 years ago

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i can see that you are thinking only about what you want (idk why you want that but don't care) but you should think about system, performance, costs of something like this too - yes sending one or few emails shouldn't be too restrictive in costs/performance of site, but you are talking about thousands or even more emails per hour! if that amount of emails are sent from this site with different logic, filters, etc, it would require quite a lot of resources that would be taken away from us using this site. adding more resources, would require more money etc.

ideas are good usually but this is one of the stupidest i've seen :D and i've been here for a long time :)

4 years ago

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Also, I honestly don't see any difference between checking the email once an hour and checking the site once an hour... Because even now how the emails are handled is combining the giveaways into single mail... So why wouldn't it be same for this...

4 years ago

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If you're that obsessed with entering every giveaways on Steamgifts, I'm sorry to say you're probably the problem, not the website. :P

You would very likely get a notification every hour at a minimum, which you can just setup yourself on your PC/phone in the form of an alarm and such (as was suggested by another user here).

4 years ago

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I'll tongue map you. Going round here mapping tongues and trying to give people extra work.

4 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by tungmapu.