You have spent approximately $85.89 USD in the store since the sale began.
Mini Motor Racing
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Overlord Complete Pack
Ridge Racer Unbounded Bundle
Saints Row 2 (ROW)
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition (ROW)
Deus Ex Collection
Sleeping Dogs - Zodiac Tournament
Sleeping Dogs: Nightmare in North Point
Sleeping Dogs - The Year of the Snake
The Bard's Tale
Under the Ocean
Tropico 4 Collector's Bundle
Hard Reset: Extended edition
Risen 2 Gold
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing
FarCry 2
Torchlight II
Sang-Froid - Tales of Werewolves
Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon
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You have spent approximately $37.06 USD in the store since the sale began.
Every cent of that money was earned from card sales. I am pleased.
The haul:
Dragon Age: Origins: Ultimate Edition
System Shock 2
The Witcher 2
Mirror's Edge
Saints Row: The Third - Genki Girl Pack
Saints Row: The Third - Shark Attack Pack DLC
Saints Row: The Third - FUNTIME! Pack
Saints Row: The Third - Special Ops Vehicle Pack
RAGE The Scorchers DLC
Sleeping Dogs - Street Racer Pack DLC
Sleeping Dogs Martial Arts Pack
Sleeping Dogs - Zodiac Tournament
Sleeping Dogs: Wheels of Fury
Sleeping Dogs - The Year of the Snake
Also bought two copies of Bad Rats, one for myself and one to torture a friend with.
Quite a bit of DLC.
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I have done some gifting, had some gifted items, so the Spent counter won't really match with what I've gotten added to my Steam account, which I've been keeping track of.
You have spent approximately $72.78 USD in the store since the sale began.
A.R.E.S.: Extinction Agenda
AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity
AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome
Blade Kitten
Clive Barker's Jericho
Far Cry
Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition
Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon
FTL: Faster Than Light
Hack, Slash, Loot
Hard Reset: Extended Edition
Just Cause
PAYDAY: The Heist
Puzzle Dimension
Quantum Conundrum
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
Strike Suit Infinity
Strike Suit Zero
Time Gentlemen, Please! and Ben There, Dan That! Special Edition Double Pack
Two Worlds Epic Edition
A.R.E.S.: Berzerker Suit
A.R.E.S.: Original Soundtrack
Aaaaa! - Brutal Concussion
Borderlands 2: Assassin Domination Pack
Borderlands 2: Assassin Madness Pack
Borderlands 2: Assassin Stinging Blade Pack
Borderlands 2: Assassin Supremacy Pack
Borderlands 2: Commando Domination Pack
Borderlands 2: Commando Haggard Hunter Pack
Borderlands 2: Commando Madness Pack
Borderlands 2: Commando Supremacy Pack
Borderlands 2: Gunzerker Dapper Gent Pack
Borderlands 2: Gunzerker Domination Pack
Borderlands 2: Gunzerker Madness Pack
Borderlands 2: Gunzerker Supremacy Pack
Borderlands 2: Mechromancer Domination Pack
Borderlands 2: Mechromancer Madness Pack
Borderlands 2: Mechromancer Steampunk Slayer Pack
Borderlands 2: Mechromancer Supremacy Pack
Borderlands 2: Psycho Dark Psyche Pack
Borderlands 2: Psycho Domination Pack
Borderlands 2: Psycho Madness Pack
Borderlands 2: Psycho Supremacy Pack
Just Cause 2: Agency Hovercraft
Just Cause 2: Monster Truck DLC
Quantum Conundrum Soundtrack
Quantum Conundrum: IKE-aramba!
Quantum Conundrum: The Desmond Debacle
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City - Classic Weapons Pack
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City - Costume Pack 1
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City - Echo Six Expansion Pack 1
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City - Echo Six Expansion Pack 2
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City - Elite Weapons Pack
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City - Power Weapons Pack
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City - Renegade Weapons Pack
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City - Weapon Stash
Saints Row The Third - Genkibowl VII
Saints Row: The Third - Gangstas in Space
Saints Row: The Third - The Trouble with Clones DLC
Sleeping Dogs - Triad Enforcer Pack
Strike Suit Zero - Raptor DLC
Strike Suit Zero Artbook
Strike Suit Zero Heroes of the Fleet DLC
Strike Suit Zero Soundtrack
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You have spent approximately $57.39 USD in the store since the sale began.
Though I bought Borderlands 2 season pass, psycho dlc and Dark Souls for my friend and he paid me back later.
For myself: Dark Souls, Scribblenauts, Hotline Miami, Surgeon Simulator, SimCity 4 and Dungeons of Dredmor: Conquest of the Wizardlands DLC.
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"You have spent approximately $31.84 USD in the store since the sale began." +$5 from a Bundlestars bundle, so $36.84 total
The Haul:
Antichamber - $6.79
Dungeons of Dredmor complete pack - $2.49
Ys 1&2 Chronicles - $5.09
Reus - $5
Dust: An Elysian Tail - $7.50
Fez - $5
Bundlestars Indie Jam 2 - $5 (gave away almost everything except for X-Blades and Two Worlds 2 Tower Defense)
Penny Arcade episode 4 - $0 (gifted from a friend)
Considering I set a goal of $50 for myself, I am doing quite well. I plan on buying Quantum Conundrum($3.40) and Rogue Legacy($12) on the final day, unless they end up going on sale for a little bit cheaper before then. There are a lot of other games I would have liked to have gotten as well, but trying to save up for a better graphic card for this computer (currently using the onboard graphics from the I5)
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You have spent approximately $477.18 USD in the store since the sale began. And I'm not afraid to spend more!
The haul... is abundant:
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So jealous. Wish I had that kind of money to spend.
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"WASTE". If it's a waste for you, you're welcome not to play them.
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Thank you. My enjoyment of a game does not depend on your opinion about it.
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Time for a Backloggery account. It works by getting you so depressed that you try to beat some games just to feel better about the money that was spend on dust collection.
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I already have it. Thank you for suggestion anyway.
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I imagine it is somewhat worse than mine then. Though I admit to cheating. All my unbeaten PC games are labeled as Nulls. Keeps it under 1000 Unbeatens. :P
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I'm quite fortunate, having started my page on the site when I owned only a few hundred games, had everything up within a few days. Since then, adding titles has never taken more than a few minutes at a time, except once when I put it off for a month. During Christmas sales...
Think I spent an hour or so finding the name of every Steam and console game I bought or was gifted during that time.
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Generally, yes. I've heard that there is some software that you can use to add your Steam library automatically, but I've never used it. Couldn't even tell you what it is called.
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$42.15 - $35ish from selling cards and old tf2 items = technically ~$7.15, right?
Castle Crashers x2 (1 for my girlfriend)
Deadlight x2 (1 to gift)
Killing Floor (gift)
Mark of the Ninja
Sid Meier's Civilization V: Gold
System Shock x2 (1 to gift)
Trine 2: The Complete Story Upgrade (i.e. the goblin menace DLC)
I'm very happy. :)
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You have spent approximately $138.
My haul:
RAGE + Scorchers DLC
Dragon Age Origins: Ultimate Edition
Max Payne 3
Dishonored: Knife of Dunwall DLC
Sleeping Dogs DLC: Nightmare in North Point, SWAT Pack, Deep Undercover Pack, Year of the Snake
Dust: An Elysian Tail
Trine Complete (1 & 2 complete)
Fallout 3 GOTY
Torchlight 2
Tomb Raider + Tomb of Lost Adventurer DLC
Grid 2
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
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$65.12 not bad considering I had $25 to start with (rest is steam wallet from trading cards.
The haul:
The Witcher 2
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Sleeping Dogs: Wheels of Fury
Dishonored: Dunwall City Trials
Under the Ocean
Dishonored - The Knife Of Dunwall DLC
Afterfall InSanity Extended Edition
Critter Crunch
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
Fable 3
Sanctum Map Pack 2
Super Sanctum TD
System Shock 2
Borderlands 2 Psycho Pack
Ys The Oath in Felghana
Ys I and II Chronicles
Darksiders II - The Demon Lord Belial
Defy Gravity
Toki Tori 2+
Zack Zero
Strike Suit Infinity
Batman Arkham City GOTY (for a friend, already have all the dlc even though mine doesn't list as goty)
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Summer Badge Lvl 5 and Foil
$213.99 USD on Steam self and a lot more during summersale about other sites :)
and a lot more games i think it was so arround 70 new games over the saletime
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130.37 so far, but I think the meter is off it has been taking its time to update the last two days.
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You have spent approximately $66.92 USD in the store since the sale began.
-Under the Ocean
-Ace of Spades
-Orcs Must Die! Franchise Pack
-Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Tactical Pack DLC
-Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Standard Edition
-Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Explosion Pack DLC
-Poker Night 2
-The Witcher 2
-Hard Reset: Extended edition
-Rogue Legacy
-Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
-Counter-Strike Complete
-Skyrim: Dragonborn
-Skyrim: Hearthfire
-Dungeons of Dredmor Complete
-Fortix 2
-Don't Starve
...and Sadly missed the Payday: The Heist sale, which I was totally looking forward too. :(
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Spent around 13 USD and don't really think I will buy many, because I don't think there's any point in buying a hundred games when I don't have the time to enjoy them decently long enough (by decently, may be more than 50 hours) (and I still have some games I haven't really touched yet)
-Guns of Icarus online (got lucky and traded it for ~USD 4.99) for co-op with 2 real-life friends
-Torchlight 2 (again for co-op with a friend)
-Deus Ex Human Revolution (recommended by friend and looks promising enough to me)
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