Hi, i have the above title from humble bundle, product steam store page is https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/7598/Just_Cause_3_XXL_Edition/

I wonder if and how i can ma a givewaey of this title since i can't find Just Cause 3 "XXL" in the listed items on the create new giveway page.

6 years ago

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"Giveaways should accurately reflect the game being given away. If the game is not available in the giveaway list, please contact support to have the game added, instead of posting the giveaway under an incorrect name."
Source: https://www.steamgifts.com/about/guidelines

Please contact support to have the game added.

That said, I've seen people giving away Just Cause 3 XXL Edition in the past. Most people list the giveaway game as the "XL" version and then mention in the description that it's actually the XXL version.

6 years ago

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If you give away more than what's in the description it's not a rule breaking as such, only if it's less than, or even the incorrect title, then it becomes a capital offence ;-)

6 years ago

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I dont think steamgifts allows giving away bundles from steam. But like Aethyna said. The subid for XL edition is an option.

Edit: Like I said

6 years ago*

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I did a GA a while back on the very same game. Before I created it I asked mods to add the game to the list, this is what they answered:

Hello RCSWE.

We cannot add "bundle" since they are metapackages. Indeed steam store automatically remove the price of the games you own from the total, while it doesn't if you buy a "sub".
We can add only "app" and "sub".

If you find a game (/app or /sub) on Steam store, usually (not always) we can add it. If it is missing even from steamdb, we surely cannot add it.

The closest package that you can use to give the game away would be Just Cause 3 XL.

Have a nice day.

So feel free to give that game away as JC3XL, and write in the description that it is for the XXL version, (or don't, and let it be a surprise?) that's what I did. Winner will indeed get JC3XL, and more, that's why it's not a rule breaking according the rule Aethyna mentions above.. If they had gotten less than JC3XL, then SGTOOLS/main site/mods would make problems for creator/winner, but not so in this case. You'll see quite a few GA's here that are for base game including some DLC or other(s), but still listed as the base game only - extra content is OK, less content/incorrect content is not.
Sadly though, because of this, you will not receive any CV for the extra content, but you will make someone happy as f thought I was going to swear, didn't you?! ruitbasket full of fun in a bun. yeah, had no real idea of where to go with that when I couldn't say ''fuck''. Ooops...

Have fun.

6 years ago*

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thank you very much for your help, Just Cause 3 XL will be then :) ,
i don't care for cv, and since i will never play the game its better for someone else to play it.

6 years ago

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Good man, good man.

6 years ago

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