If you prefer to not bother making your spreadsheet, for whatever reason, Gamespot already does this:
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Thanks for this! I love making it, actually, and if you look at the attached image in the original post, in the note, the first source links to the same PC Gamer article. I did use it, alongside the second source, to make sure that the data is accurate. What PC Gamer’s list lacks, in my opinion, is neatness—that extra polish. It is also not numbered, and it doesn’t tell you how many of the free games are unique (the total number of free games minus the repeats).
The spreadsheet is also where I document all the free games I have ever gotten, with their prices and all. The list of free games came about because I was curious how many games I had missed and how many there were in total.
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Hey ipax, there is already a thread for the Epic games freebies that keeps track of the upcoming deals, so it might actually pay to post in there, and the OP can add the link into the main discussion if they think it's worth doing.
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Great list, thanks for your work... this allows us to take a look at Epic's positioning campaign and their generosity too, 368 giveaways in 4 years is a very good number, I find incredible that there are some people who are still angry about repeated games or just hate the company without seeing how many people (including me and them) have been benefited from these free games.
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Thanks! I couldn’t agree more. If something is free, you lose your privilege to complain. (On the other hand, this is the internet, so you are free to do anything you want. If you wish to complain, by all means, feel free to do! Others complaining doesn’t really affect me, so I tend not to care too much haha.) Anyway, one of the main reasons I made the list was because I wanted to see how many giveaways were unique. By the end of 2022, Epic Games Store will have given out 368 items, but if you check out the spreadsheet, you will note that only 331 of those are unique. Still, that is a huge number!
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I can see your point. I should have been more specific. I believe that if Epic Games Store gives out X for free, it is illogical for people to complain why it was X and not Y. You are not forced to consume that product. You can simply choose not to claim the free game.
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Yes, 331 is huge number, and taking in account that here are great titles: A Plague Tale, Total War Troy, Alien Isolation, Assassin's Creed Syndicate, Batman Trilogy, Bioshock Trilogy, Borderland 2, 3 an Prequel, Control ,GTA V, etc. only for name a few...
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Exactly. I have tried to mark those great titles in the GG column using a star emoji (although the criteria also includes games that are priced $49.99 or higher, and not every expensive game is great). Right now, there are seventy-eight! (Note: Some entries such as Borderlands: The Handsome Collection and The Alto Collection include more than one game.)
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I didn’t know this. Thank you! I will add it. The real pain would be manually updating the numbers in the markdown list haha.
Update: Since it was a one-off, I decided not to add it, but for anyone interested, here you will find some articles. It was free from December 4–31, 2015.
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The logo on the cover does look like the mark of The Outsider but I wonder if it is the first one or the second one. I will be happy with either of them.
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I was actually planning to buy the games during this winter sale but then decided to wait until the last minute so that I can see what are the game in next month's HB Choice. Feeling good now that I decided to wait. XD
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since prime gaming gives 2nd dishonored for gog i guess same will be for epic!
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The Outsider’s Mark on the mystery game cover definitely indicates it is going to be a Dishonored game. Based on the color scheme of the mystery game cover and the Outsider’s Mark, my guess would be Dishonored: Death of the Outsider.
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Wonder if it'll be Death of the Outsider which matches the color scheme, or the whole trilogy? I've been trying to sell trading cards and such to get D1's DLC on Steam which I hear you should play before D2 which is on Amazon Prime now, but getting all 3 in one place would be convenient.
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Well you got lucky at least! I won't have to buy the DLCs now either. 1 and 2 are plenty even without Death of the Outsider, and honestly I don't really know if that's a spinoff or a sequel or what. I just know there's red on the cover, lol.
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It's very cool to see some fresh blood on this site and embracing the community aspect of SteamGifts like that and bringing their skill set and passion to the table.
Welcome to our nice weird little corner of the internet!
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The thread got closed as it was scheduled to, and you're itching for a reply, reigifts, so here.
"Against my better judgment, I took the time to read your third very long post here.
To be honest with you, you added absolutely no real reasoning. You 're just running around in circles to justify your angry, holier-than-thou attitude."I wasn't actually sure how you could disagree with me from the start to be honest, but I commend you for trying? All I'm saying "tldr" is "be nice to each other". With all due respect, it isn't rocket science We're not discussing complex formulas or anything, I'm just appealing at people's morality and asking for decency. There isn't anything to argue against me, I am right.
Also I did mention I also said spicy things before probably, but I did mention how it was wrong to follow that person to a different post to harass them for the past, especially after the suspension was served.
"I was going to disassemble your post, replying to each claim you made but seeing how your circular logic will kick in again for the third or fourth time now, I genuinely feel it's a lost cause."
I mean, why don't you though? it's not worth your time to explain to me how it's okay to be rude to others. You don't have the time to explain to me how we should threaten others? Calling it circular logic because maybe it doesn't pertain to you is not okay in my opinion. Again, we're not exploring some subject that's really difficult to understand. I'm sure you grasp the logic of it, but maybe just don't agree with my view, it's okay to disagree, but my view is right.
"Just coating your responses with fake calmness while trashing others is neither logical nor excuses you for what you said."
If pointing out how it's not okay to insult people for no reason and to threaten them, especially when it's being pointed in the kindest way possible, then I mean maybe you also believe we should start feeling bad for murderers? Wont someone think of the murderers, how dare the rest of us treat them this way! What they do is their business! Right? What exactly are you suggesting? That it's wrong to politely tell people when they're wrong about something because they might feel attacked for doing something wrong and they'd rather be able to do that wrong and it's more convenient if people let them do it? What exactly is your solution? If you're not going to do anything about it, how would you lead those who to any degree hurt others towards a better path or a better world?You yourself, the person who had the audacity to ask or somewhat imply whether I consider myself god, seem to suffer a little bit of hypocrisy here. You started your own reply with "Against my better judgment" and ended it with "I don't feel talking with you further about this will lead anywhere positive". You must be convinced you are too good or right in your mind to cut off a conversation after you initially invited me to discuss this with you, without actually proving me wrong and using the standard formula of "well I can't really disagree with that and I don't have anything useful to add so I'll claim you're the one not adding anything so I can back out of this argument without you embarrassing me".
"Just one important thing, I was talking about your response to the person above you, yet you clearly keep referring to the person before him and mix the two together, in two of your three responses."
Sure, and I've explained to you in great detail, which seems to have offended you, as to why both of them are wrong, and how the user you were referring to made claims that are in the wrong. It's completely acceptable to refer to text from all parties in that thread as the user you were referring to made comments that wouldn't be understood had the other users comments not been mentioned, as they were linked."He wrote four or five lines and you responded with a tirade of emotional paragraphs.
He didn't provoke you, yet your response to him was the angriest of all your replies so far and yet you still feel in the right.
I'm sorry but you aren't."
I responded in detail to explain why he's wrong. He did try to provoke me, otherwise he wouldn't ask me "what my problem was" for defending a user. The difference was that the person I directed my "what's your problem" towards was a user that was attacking someone who said nothing. The response I got, was someone who was ignorant to the situation, and made claims such as "Two users are debating.". Now I don't think I need to be the god of English to confidently say that was no debate. Then he went ahead to make some other questionable remarks, earning his long reply.There's nothing wrong with a long reply. It goes into much more detailed, such that anyone should have an easy time understanding. If you're upset someone spent the time to explain something in detail, you can't blame that person. They took the time to go in detail for you. It honestly should be a thank you for the dedication and effort. If someone refuses to learn from that or at least consider it, it is on them. The information is in front of their eyes. I'm not about to give participation trophies for ignorance.
"yet you still feel in the right. I'm sorry but you aren't."
I have given you, him and whoever the chance to prove me wrong, and you couldn't. How could I be in the wrong, yet you can't prove me wrong. If I am in the wrong on any of this, where exactly does that put you or him? Take a stance for yourself if you believe you actually can.It's totally okay with me if you want to back out, just don't try to pretend that this was a neutral argument or more towards your side. You took a specific side, you couldn't argue for your side or refused to do so, and as I said before, if you can't prove me wrong, I must be at least somewhat in the right, and relatively, if you have nothing good to argue for your side, you're probably somewhat in the wrong. It's completely okay from my point of view, I mean I personally prefer it this way, such that I end up being in the right, but for both of us it should be a learning experience.. I've lost arguments before and there's something to always learn, but I don't mind admitting when I'm in the wrong.
Hope you don't mind the long reply again, I really enjoy going in detail. See ya.
I honestly feel bad for you.
Only someone with nothing better to do and a very fragile ego would reply on a free games thread with these long rants. I'm not saying you are but you show the exact symptoms of those who do. Is that really what you want?
I told you I'm not engaging with your circular logic any longer and I won't be baited into a war.
Yet you keep ignoring what's written and go on tirades.
And no, I didn't read your fourth rant and yes you can pat yourself on the back now because in your mind I'm sure you see this as a 'victory'.
To put things into perspective, this is your contribution to a thread about free games on Epic:
rant 1
I hope you see the irony here. You're not too different from the person you're defending who managed to derail two threads and got banned twice at least. One of you trolls by baiting then going silent, the other trolls by long, boring rants.
Neither is worthy of attention.
It's a new year. Maybe try something more constructive? Just a suggestion.
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I don't need your sympathy.
Are you upset I manage my life well and have as much time as I'd like to do whatever I want? I don't see why that's my problem or why I should get insulted that you don't have as much time. I must be a no lifer with a huge ego because you can't prove me wrong but still reply to me. Type everything twice from now on so you can see what I have to reply to. I know I'm in the right, that doesn't mean I have a big ego. It's just common sense what I suggested.
As others mentioned, since you chose to carry your response here, especially after claiming you will not respond, you should of addressed the points, not respond just because you're upset. Once again talking about who you think is circling and whatever, but you've actually added 0 to the conversation. Like you can't even start it. Being upset things don't go your way doesn't mean you get to make false claims about others, it's childish.
I didn't ignore anything, you claimed you wanted out of the argument and hoped I wouldn't reply to you so you can feel the satisfaction of the last word. Long story short you are still wrong, nothing has changed.
I honestly don't understand why you have such a difficult time understanding bambi was already suspended and served it, then he made a non insulting comment to which other users chose to insult him again based on his previous comments he served a suspension on. What don't you get? Me defending someone I don't agree with is completely acceptable. You don't have to like it. It's the right thing to do.
Ah yes, it must be my fault that two other users were insulting bambi. Without even my first comment, it's my fault that happened. Because of some sort of paradox you live in? Wake up please. Stop being upset, are those two guys your friend or what? You can't defend them forever since they weren't right. I'm a troll because things don't go your way? Cry me a river, honestly. If you're wrong, you're wrong, just admit the defeat and move on.
Also don't suggest to me what to do with my new year, use a damn mirror and reconsider yourself first. You can't even defend your argument and talk nonsense for 4 posts straight we haven't discussed the topic you wanted to discuss because you refuse to do it out of ignorance, ego, pettiness, and of course your lack of an actual argument.. Again, wake up.
If you actually want to discuss the original topic, add me on steam so we don't waste more space in this thread, if not either admit you have no argument, or reply with whatever nonsense again because you can't defend your side and you can't accept that you could actually be wrong in an argument.
You're legit the "everyone better than me is cheating, everyone worse is a f***** loser" meme.
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I don't need your sympathy.
Are you upset I manage my life well and have as much time as I'd like to do whatever I want? I don't see why that's my problem or why I should get insulted that you don't have as much time. I must be a no lifer with a huge ego because you can't prove me wrong but still reply to me. Type everything twice from now on so you can see what I have to reply to. I know I'm in the right, that doesn't mean I have a big ego. It's just common sense what I suggested.
As others mentioned, since you chose to carry your response here, especially after claiming you will not respond, you should of addressed the points, not respond just because you're upset. Once again talking about who you think is circling and whatever, but you've actually added 0 to the conversation. Like you can't even start it. Being upset things don't go your way doesn't mean you get to make false claims about others, it's childish.
I didn't ignore anything, you claimed you wanted out of the argument and hoped I wouldn't reply to you so you can feel the satisfaction of the last word. Long story short you are still wrong, nothing has changed.
I honestly don't understand why you have such a difficult time understanding bambi was already suspended and served it, then he made a non insulting comment to which other users chose to insult him again based on his previous comments he served a suspension on. What don't you get? Me defending someone I don't agree with is completely acceptable. You don't have to like it. It's the right thing to do.
Ah yes, it must be my fault that two other users were insulting bambi. Without even my first comment, it's my fault that happened. Because of some sort of paradox you live in? Wake up please. Stop being upset, are those two guys your friend or what? You can't defend them forever since they weren't right. I'm a troll because things don't go your way? Cry me a river, honestly. If you're wrong, you're wrong, just admit the defeat and move on.
Also don't suggest to me what to do with my new year, use a damn mirror and reconsider yourself first. You can't even defend your argument and talk nonsense for 4 posts straight we haven't discussed the topic you wanted to discuss because you refuse to do it out of ignorance, ego, pettiness, and of course your lack of an actual argument.. Again, wake up.
If you actually want to discuss the original topic, add me on steam so we don't waste more space in this thread, if not either admit you have no argument, or reply with whatever nonsense again because you can't defend your side and you can't accept that you could actually be wrong in an argument.
You're legit the "everyone better than me is cheating, everyone worse is a f***** loser" meme.
Yawn. Not worth my time or energy.
You just don't get it, do you?
This is your number what rant now?
Welcome to 2023. You ushered it here in the worst way possible.
I politely suggest you maybe do something to relax. Play an online game perhaps?
I keep reading about these Epic store giveaways, ever heard of them?
Or you may keep on ranting. Keep going if that's the one thing that makes you happy now.
Happy New Year, reigifts <3
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Bambi is annoying as fuck, but that doesn't give the rights to anyone to actively harass them after every unrelated comment of theirs.You calling reigifts' comments long, boring rants won't make this fact untrue, you're just supporting the harassment of users you don't like.
Now can this and move on with your life instead, because you're who's dragging that drama over here - despite you're blaming the other two.
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I'm going to reply to you.
Reigifts keeps baiting and white-knighting bad behavior, especially his own.
He can stop but he doesn't.
He's been on a little crusade, as evidenced by him replying now for the fifth time, all within two days.
I'm not having a conversation with him.
He's asking imaginary questions and answering them himself lol
God bless him he kept it to a smaller article's length this time.
So at least even unconsciously he knows he's being too much :)
Staying true to my intention of not taking his bait, I haven't replied to him. Yet.
Would you like me to?
Try telling him to stop as well if you want to keep the thread relevant to its true purpose: Free games from Epic, not Epic vs Steam or bruised egos :)
And if someone's comments add no value, are out of spite and are repeated. Several times. Across two threads, literally spanning several months, does it still count as related? Because that was the whole issue with a certain user's bombarding the Epic threads (two so far, this is the third so let's see what they do).
If you're fine with that, you should be fine with this. Freedom of speech.
If you're not fine with that, then you shouldn't be selective in telling others to 'can it'. That's not very nice to say.
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I'm not baiting, you guys are trying to bait me by replying with nonsense accusations and deflections that are unrelated to what you want to talk about. I'm even giving you guys the chance to add me on steam to discuss it in private so we don't clutter the thread. It's not me, it's you. Stop lying to others and accept the reality, you're mad because I wont let you live in fantasy land where everything goes your way. My replies go in detail explaining the reasoning for you so you understand why it's wrong. Your replies are all full of accusations and bouncing off the topic, because you have nothing to counter it. Again, you have the chance whenever to argue against me in private on steam.
I'll make this my last reply to you or volcanic, because honestly I already know neither of you have what it takes to add me and try and defend your argument. As I always do, I provide you plenty of chances to argue towards it, but if you don't, you and I are just wasting space ranting about nothing right now and going off the original topic. I understand this is your strategy as you have nothing constructive to add, but it's pathetic you guys didn't even try. Anyways, my steam's open if you want to discuss as I said even though I know you don't have what it takes. I'll let you have your last word, even though you've never said anything relevant to prove your point. Enjoy.
PS: Harassing and threatening people aren't covered by free speech. Common sense.
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I'm not baiting, you guys are trying to bait me by replying with nonsense accusations and deflections that are unrelated to what you want to talk about. I'm even giving you guys the chance to add me on steam to discuss it in private so we don't clutter the thread. It's not me, it's you. Stop lying to others and accept the reality, you're mad because I wont let you live in fantasy land where everything goes your way. My replies go in detail explaining the reasoning for you so you understand why it's wrong. Your replies are all full of accusations and bouncing off the topic, because you have nothing to counter it. Again, you have the chance whenever to argue against me in private on steam.
I'll make this my last reply to you or volcanic, because honestly I already know neither of you have what it takes to add me and try and defend your argument. As I always do, I provide you plenty of chances to argue towards it, but if you don't, you and I are just wasting space ranting about nothing right now and going off the original topic. I understand this is your strategy as you have nothing constructive to add, but it's pathetic you guys didn't even try. Anyways, my steam's open if you want to discuss as I said even though I know you don't have what it takes. I'll let you have your last word, even though you've never said anything relevant to prove your point. Enjoy.
PS: Harassing and threatening people aren't covered by free speech. Common sense.
Oh boy
Your long replies are nothing more than projections and half-baked opinions, ones that don't matter.
You've changed nothing. Added zero value. especially TO AN EPIC GIVEAWAY THREAD :)
Good job wasting your time.
At least your replies are getting shorter. Phew!
This is my second* direct reply to you btw. Ready to type another useless article in response? lol
I sincerely hope you cool it, person I only responded to once* before without attacking you whatsoever.
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users you don't like.
Grand of you to accuse me of not liking this or that person while you just called them
annoying as fuck
Miss me with your gaslighting.
Then you say this
Now can this and move on with your life instead
You sound angry.
your overall tone paints you quite frustrated as well. Been there, done that, there's no need to get worked up. Likely the stress comes from other things, but if these comments affect you thia much, it can be beneficial to skip them for a week or so. (Or keep it to minimum, to get the info/links)
Again - this is my own experience with the same thing. Unneeded stressors are a huge problem over the years, better to avoid / handle them properly.
If that doesn't work, then
Now can this and move on with your life instead
FYI both piece of advice are your own words verbatim.
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I don't like them, I didn't deny it. But it's not me dragging this flame war into this topic, it's you, blaming other people. And me not liking them is not equal to you holding a witchhunt and going after them after god knows how many points, because disliking somebody is allowed. Witchhunt is against the rules though, as harassment of users is not allowed.
You drag your vendetta here, flame somebody for what they wrote in another topic that you can't reply to, so you reignite that shit here too. And then you tell me to take a break because your childish behaviour is disrupting the forum? Stop stirring the pot up, and then you don't get replies about you making a mess, it's that simple.
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You ignore your own 'advice' then have the gall to call others' behavior childish and a mess.
I'll ignore your rudeness for the second time in a row and remind you of your own advice.
How's that for childish and messy, adam1224
your overall tone paints you quite frustrated as well. Been there, done that, there's no need to get worked up. Likely the stress comes from other things, but if these comments affect you thia much, it can be beneficial to skip them for a week or so. (Or keep it to minimum, to get the info/links)
Again - this is my own experience with the same thing. Unneeded stressors are a huge problem over the years, better to avoid / handle them properly.
If that doesn't work, then
Now can this and move on with your life instead
FYI both piece of advice are your own words verbatim.
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Thanks for this. Also, happy to see you here, after our previous interaction!
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I did think about doing that but considering that Mods are already swamped with extra work due to the holiday season with all the giveaways that are created, I didn't want to add to their load with stuff like this. So I decided to just ignore it for the time being. Hopefully, they will settle down now. Though looking at the huge walls of text, I'm not having much hope :(
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I missed 1 or 2 games only.. But I missed the only one I actually would have wanted to try - Death Stranding..
The whole day I thought - oh whatever, its probably nothing special, I wont turn PC on specifically for that. And the next day - bam, noticed it was something I wanted to try. Irritated with myself as well for that :D
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Yup, hoping for that as well. But I don't see it happening for quit some time anyway :D
I have feeling I will more likely get it in a bundle before it turns up for free on epic again. Have to hope now for that to happen though. Fingers crossed for Humble Choice at some point
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its free again. Tomorrow will be ended for death stranding :)
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Thanks for reminding. I did manage to get it this time :D
But my hunch was right 4 months ago about DS ending up in a bundle. Got it in a choice in the end and already finished the game. But thanks for reminding :)
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Hey, everyone.
Here is the complete and regularly updated list of all Epic Games Store free games. This is a continuation of letsmaybeLP92’s work, who maintained this in previous threads.
Epic Games Store offers free games every Thursday at 8 AM PT/11 AM ET. Once you have claimed them, they are yours forever.
For a more detailed list, check out this Google Sheets document. The spreadsheet includes
Note: To find out what the colors or stars in the spreadsheet mean, simply hover over the GG or Games field (or do the equivalent on your mobile device). There is a note assigned to each that provides the necessary explanation. See the attached image at the bottom of the post for reference.
In addition, here is a backup of this post in raw text.
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