Would you buy Cyberpunk 2077 as a GOG exclusive?
They've just released Thronebreaker a few months ago, and it was GOG exclusive for first few weeks, then quickly appeared on Steam as well. I'm unlikely to believe that Cyberpunk will have different story, even if it will be available initially on GOG to raise attention and new customers, they gain virtually nothing from not releasing it on Steam a month later, and lose a lot from doing so. CDPR is not Bethesda, they don't have a brain damage, and I hope it'll stay like that.
But the question is whether I'd buy it in this case, and the answer is "yes, I buy the game for the game, not for the platform or DRM", but I wouldn't jump onto GOG on the release date, I'd happily wait a month or two before, just how I did with Thronebreaker (and it was well worth it).
IMHO people make too much fuss about irrelevant stuff. Even if personally I don't care, I appreciate the people that outright refuse to buy the game if it's not on Steam, because thanks to those people CDPR and other companies, despite of hating it, do make their games available also on other platforms, to satisfy those that just won't accept anything else. And customers directly benefit from it, because more possibilities and bigger competition is always better for the consumer. I like having a choice, I don't like being forced to something, and CDPR has outstanding record of being very open about that, even if deep inside they want to do their best to compete with Steam, but not for the cost of the players.
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It was a GoG exclusive for 8 days before turning up on Steam. Its sales were that disappointing that they moved it over to Steam as quickly as possible.
And it's far more likely that Cyberpunk 2077 will end up being an Epic Games Store exclusive because CDPR could definitely use the large cash bonus upfront for signing with them.
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Yes, but don't let GOG know this.
Since Witcher 3 hadn't listed cards and achievements before release and GOG had offered pre-order discounts, I bought it there as well. I'll probably buy it on Steam again as soon as it hits 5 €.
And happy Cake Day btw!
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As i have atm no real interest in the game i dont care where it is sold.
And even if i had interest in it i would not care where it is sold as i most of the times i do not buy stuff depending where it is sold (even if i try to minimize the possible clients)
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I owe nothing to Gaben.
The gameplay reveal was majestic, I could buy it even if it was released only in retail, in floppy disks... hmm... that's a lot of floppy disks
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Assuming the game weighs in at an install size of, say, 70 GB, that would be 51K floppy disks!
Happy Cake Day, Lord of Light!
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Ahah I did the math too after I posted that, happy cake day to you !
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I hope it'll come out on Steam, that's where I prefer to have all my games :) Not like my ancient PC will be able to run it, though.
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What about all those Steam exclusives games? There are quite a fewe of those. Did you feel the same way for those or even think about it? Let me guess. ;)
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True. But then where are all those threads about all the games that unfairly did not release on Origin, UPlay, GOG etc.? Seems to me for many people exclusivity is just fine as long as it's on Steam.
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While I agree with you in general, it's worthy to notice that only must-be-a-Steam-exclusive games that exist are Valve games (and maybe Garry Mod, due to using HL2 assets), all the others are just publishers laziness.
Valve doesn't "force" anyone to be Steam-exclusive.
Epic so far doesn't invest in games development, they find finished products and offer them money for exclusivity.
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Those deals were supposed get people to use Epic Games. If they didn't do something like that, the majority of people would never had heard of that platform.
Also, how is this a "buy it from us at this price, or don't buy it at all" situation? You could and can still buy Subnautica and the other exclusive (s) on Steam if you wanted to. Judging by the stats on this thread, I assume that's what many people did.
I like Steam, I think their practices are mostly fair, but competition would be better.
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Subnautica, sure. Epic has secured a bunch of other titles as exclusives though. Everything from Ashen to Rebel Galaxy Outlaw, just to name a few.
Competition is good... but only when it's about price or quality. If Epic Games Store came out swinging and had amazing prices or deals, that would also have brought people to the service... and it would have benefited the consumers. Instead they threw money at the developers to make sure their games would only be available on their store... something which removes our choice entirely.
It also puts them in a position for the future where they don't have to compete on price or even quality. If you want Unreal Engine games going forward, you'll most likely have to get them from the Epic Store regardless.
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I got Witcher2 on GOG to support them... then they went and gave a free copy to anyone who bought on Steam. So basically I played with no achievements, cloud save and any other perks at the time, and as a thanks for my support got that everyone else who paid on competitors store get the game for free.
Guess twice where I've bought Witcher 3. Maybe I'm petty but I don't care.
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Yeah, but the question is would you buy it if it were on GOG exclusively?
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So, you did a good thing and now see it as a mistake, just because other people got something for free later? Oh come on...
I never thought someone would be able to somehow turn GOG Connect into a bad thing. I'm impressed. ^^
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Releasing earlier on GOG makes perfect sense, but being indefinitely exclusive would be a risky move.
I don't believe they would risk the overall success of their latest property like that.
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The "issue" is tho that Valve asks publishers on Steam (through material for them publishers/devs) to not offer a better deal elsewhere than they do on Steam (with exception only after some time passed, at which point Valve claims that they are happy to approve even larger amount of keys for e.g. bundles on 3rd sites). Something which may be hardly legally enforceable of course, but neither seems it legally enforceable for a publisher to not be thrown out of Steam with all their games.
Therefore the situation is that if Game X would be upon release on GOG for $20 and on Steam for around $30 (incl. the cut for Valve, while same revenue for publisher/dev), then it would be disappointing Valve's expectation (even if you personally have no problem paying $10 extra for a +1 on Steam account). And if it would be for the same price on both, then due to force of habit of Steam users it is in revenue quite a difference (e.g. 100k sold copies means a million $ that goes to Valve "instead", for arguably merely "passing" the game on - all while costs for servers and bandwidth have usually been going down in the past years, but Valve's cut didn't).
Which all in all means that it isn't really that surprising from a business point of view preferring to avoid Steam upon release of a game, and not about wanting to hassle customers or thinking that customers may drop Steam if a game was an exclusive elsewhere upon release.
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I will have to buy a new PC before buying Cyberpunk 2077 from anythere
And if it happens I hope to get Cyberpunk 2077 key with video card purchase
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With the way things are shaping up right now in the PC gaming space, I wouldn't be surprised if CD Projekt decides to release Cyberpunk 2077 exclusively on GOG. (Assuming it will see the light of day before the year 2030). I remember reading somewhere (I forget where) that sales figures weren't exactly rosy for Thronebreaker on GOG, and the game may have fared better on Steam. Cyberpunk would be a different proposition though, and maybe the studio would be confident enough to release it exclusively on their own platform. That's just wild conjecture though, I have no idea what will happen.
I know that on this site especially, a game not being on Steam is a huge deal for many, although that has never really bothered me personally my most played game is actually on Origin, so a GOG only release of Cyberpunk 2077 would still be a purchase for me. What about you, though? Assuming the game releases to good to great reviews, would you buy it if it were exclusively available on GOG?
Also, I seem to have left this here.
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