Gonna get this bundle?
Thank you for posting InquisitorAles!
I was missing 9 games and 4 of those wishlisted, easy decision and purchase. ^^
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Yep, missing 9 as well, going to reserve it on Group Buys
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I prefer to think of them as the crushed dreams of once hopeful, idealistic young developers who have come to the sad realization that they'll never sell enough of their game to quit their day job. Like an artist without a patron, they've resigned themselves to peddling their wares in a busy subway station, trying to get somebody -- anybody -- to look at what they've created. Getting ignored by the masses of disinterested people who pass them by without as much as a glance, or, even worse, being degraded by them, being called names, being told to get a "real job", and ultimately finding themselves grateful for the few human moments of compassion: eye contact, a genuine smile, an encouraging word, the rattle of a few pennies that might get thrown their way. In those brief moments, they are reminded why they do what they do, and it keeps them fighting the impossible fight, keeping the tiny flame of hope alive for one more day. Surely tomorrow will be the day they get their big break! Tomorrow their game will go viral!
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rubs hands ... lets see whats in the gutter today
edit: disapoint-meme.jpg
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OMG Reflection of Mine! Been following that since greenlight and can't believe it's already bundled. Getting this one for that alone!
EDIT: Wow, wound up keeping six out of ten games. Looks like there's some good stuff here!
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9/10 missed - 2 wishlist get it on HH for ~0.88 to 1.08$
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Oh, this one's quite nice. I had my eye on Paper Train Traffic, Apocalypse Party's Over and Octave, and Otem's Defiance doesn't look bad as well. As everyone in here hypes over Reflection of Mine I'll give that a look as well (although I don't get the hype on first sight). Group Buys, I'm coming! :)
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This comment of IG moderator BatAmbra got my eye:
Thanks for your suggestion, @DamageInc. We told our Business Manager to make next Bundles VR games-free!
So possibly no more VR games in the IG bundles and that would make VR only IG bundles possible.
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Smell of Death activates as "Smell of Death - EP1:Dark House", does anyone know whether we will get the other epsiodes too?
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As person above said, nope. Otherwise IG would have explicitly written that. Also the key would have activated as "Smell of Death - EP1 + All Future Episodes" instead of just "Smell of Death - EP1:Dark House". :) It would have been too good to be true anyways.
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Well that's pretty much what I was thinking after activating the key.
I just think that it is bad advertising by Indiegala, when I visited the bundle page I read "[...] pay $X.XX and get these games [...]Smell of Death *Notice: Requires virtual reality headset.[...]". I didn't even notice that this game uses an episode based release system while I was buying the bundle and went meh when noticing while activating the key. :)
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If Reflection of Mine ever gets fully released (and depending on the reviews), that's a game I would probably be interested in but for now, Octave is the only one I really want. And since I don't feel like buying a bundle for that one game, I guess I'll just pay a visit to the trade section site and see if I can get my hands on it...
Edit: wait... so apparently 1000's of Octave keys were given away at the beginning of the month? Damn, I missed that. I'm kinda less interested to trade for a freebie. :o/ Fine then, I'll reserve a spot for HH.
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Nah, it really was Octave and you could indeed get a Steam key. It was an Orlygift promotion though, which actually took place just a couple of days ago. "4000 keys available (83 keys per 1 hour)"
But that's alright, now I'll just wait for the Happy Hour. ;)
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HIT enemies in the face with your own penis and make the apocalypse happen!
Alright then.
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Well, we all got each our own humour.. :P But I quite like the game, its look and humour! Plus if you don't want to hit the enemies with your penis don't be sad, there are two other characters you can choose between! :P There are just so many references in the game. It made me laugh a lot, and I didn't even play that much in the game yet^^' Plus cutscenes, and even just the background stuff when you are about to choose level, settings or whatever. It changes here and there. I like it. :X
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If only :/. I work Saturdays and I have no enemy right now D:.
I need to get out more ._.
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It's always like that. They change it on the main page as if it has HH, but it isn't fully active yet. You can see that by going to the individual page. If the HH banner is there as well plus the increased price then you are good to go buy! :p If not, just wait a bit (or a couple hours).
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Yeah, sorry. I only wrote on the thread itself. :X https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/SFqM4/indiegala-hump-day-bundle-30-happy-hour/search?page=2#EUz8fu1
They fixed it shortly after our last replies ^^'
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IndieGala Hump Day Bundle #30
2 tiers, 10 games total
Tier $1
$3.49$4.36 (Happy Hour)Retail: $69
CV: 10.35
Notice: "Smell Of Death" requires a virtual reality headset!
Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!
Wondering what games you already own from each bundle? There's an extension/ UserScript for that - check it out
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