I'm currently level 6, and it's getting more and more difficult to get levels, is it worth it, considering how much it will cost to reach that level ?

8 years ago

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Is it worth it reaching lvl 10 ?

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Why do you care about leveling? All that changes is the number really...

Give to give

8 years ago

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+1 for this

8 years ago

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That's not all it does. It also gives you access to higher level giveaways. It also affects how some people treat you and being a high level can land you on more whitelists because some people whitelist folks with high levels or great ratios.

Of course considering the amount of money it takes to reach level 10, he'd be better just buying games he wants instead of trying to raise his level to get access to more giveaways and whitelists.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I 100% agree with this. However, I did not mention this because if I said this he/she would treat it as an investment. I'm almost level 9 and I'm in a lot of groups and whitelists but as you can see from my ratio I've not made er.."profit"

So benefits of reaching level 10 from level 6 is... do it all again and you will change your level number and maybe gain a whitelist or two and win a handful of games if you are lucky.

My advice still stands... give to give

8 years ago

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While level does matter, visibility is more important. Someone making visible trains, memorable events and such things will end up on more whitelists (and more groups for "good people") than someone just doing bog standard giveaways, even if those bog standard giveaways are of a far higher value.

8 years ago

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+1 and being a girl that spams helps for whitelists too. Cause let's be honest, nobody whitelists me cause I giveaway good games and are a pillar of the community...

8 years ago

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For making an example, you're withelisted from me (for a long time too) because of your posts and games given away .
Some of them were really good too (Grim Dawn, Dragon's Dogma, Pillars of eternity, are only the firsts of your last ones) and you could have been easily been whitelisted for that.
I don't believe there are people who whitelist other users for being girls, they won't gain anything, just another person on their whitelist.

8 years ago

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No, this site is a scam.

8 years ago

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How is it a scam? They're not even making any profit, the website's all about giving to other users..

8 years ago

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It's a community joke, teasing the fair number of new users that pop up asking if the site is a scam [as if a site's community would say, if it was], or sometimes even outright declaring it is, after they spend a few days on the site and don't win anything [because apparently probability is a very difficult thing for some people to grasp].

Similarly, SGTools is Spyware, because people that get suspended from it due to leaking giveaways or entering leaks don't want to accept responsibility for their actions, so they try to slander SGTools in revenge.
..much like the portion of blacklisted users on the site that bring up their blacklist status whenever they can, slandering the blacklister (and attempting to derail the thread they're posting in) because they can't tolerate that they couldn't possibly not be unconditionally catered to, no matter how rude, vicious, and/or otherwise disdainful their behavior has been [and, of course, continues to be at that point].
See also: The First Rule of Blacklists
[is that you don't talk about blacklists]

8 years ago*

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Whoosh me.. Thanks for clarifying :)

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8 years ago

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Universe Sandbox v 3.0? :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Stop running off fresh meat!

8 years ago

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All we need is SG Premium ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

8 years ago

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Level 6 is 10% of the way to level 10

Is it worth it reaching lvl 10 ?

If you mean in terms of wins vs money spent, then no, it's clearly not worth it.

8 years ago

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they are just saying that it's not worth it, so they can get all the shiny gifts for themselves

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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but...but...they are my friends, they would not lie to us...

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You're a liar and a leech!

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8 years ago

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Hehehe, I just love Gollum! xD That's why the LOTR movies are the best movies ever! ^_^

8 years ago

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lets put it this way since its fairly simple at lvl6..

everything you ever have given on this site all needs to be done over again (in equal values i mean, not literal same game) the moment you hit lvl6 just to get to level 7. with that in mind answer your own question. ;)

8 years ago

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If you like number porn, surely.
If you want to get access to more giveaways, surely.
If you want to access more giveaways without felling like you paid hundreds of dollars to see a dozen new giveaways each month - nope. The diminishing retuns effect (the more and more you pay, the less and less new stuff will you get) is extremely true here - and even with the levels you only access giveaway, not guaranteed (and wanted) wins. There is absolutely no profit, no use of powerleveling after level 3-4-5 (even most trains don't involve level 5+ giveaways, and publics are rare as well)

8 years ago

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If you're giving away games just to level up and get to level 10, then maybe you should have a think about whether you enjoy giving away games or not.

8 years ago

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Of my 153 wins, only 6 were L7+

Like others have already said, give because you want to. Giving is not an investment.

8 years ago

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There are some lvl 10 users that "played the system" so to speak; yeah it can absolutely be worth it.

8 years ago

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Even for them, buying cheap bundled or 94% off games and gifting them takes time and effort. If they're doing it purely to gain levels as a way of entering more giveaways, I'd question whether it's really worth it, since there aren't that many high-level giveaways in the first place (and since the time and energy could have been spent working a job to buy the games for themselves directly, with the added benefit of getting exactly the game you want rather than what people gift.)

On the other hand, there's an unquantifiable emotional benefit to both feeling like you're giving stuff away (even if it's bundled or otherwise "playing the system") and to feel like you're winning stuff (even if, stepping back and looking at it, the time and energy spent reaching level 10 wasn't worth it in money value, etc.) Seeing the space-cat pop up is fun in its own way.

So I'd say it's worth reaching level 10 if gifting games, occasionally winning high-level giveaways, etc. makes you happy. But it's not worth doing it just because you want more games - if you want that, just spend your time and money getting the games you want directly.

8 years ago

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buying cheap bundled or 94% off games and gifting them takes time and effort.

A little over a year and a half and about 4000 keys, to be exact. :)

8 years ago

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Yeah. And even at 94% off, you'd be paying $300 to hit level 10, too. If someone is doing it just to win games, they'd be better off spending that $300 on the games they want directly.

8 years ago

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software with price glitches, dev keys, 94.99% off games.

so nice!

8 years ago

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If you're leveling up just to win more, then no.
If you're giving games away and leveling up is a secondary concern, then yes.

8 years ago

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From what I've seen, by far the majority of giveaways are for level 6 and below. Level 7-10 get almost nothing by comparison.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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grrrr twitch twitch :-P - I don't have friends, let along friends who are devs :(

8 years ago

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No worries. Just start your own curator group and blackmail devs to send you keys. Works every time.

8 years ago

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It's questionable if it's "worth it" past level 2-3. CV is generally a really bad investment if your only goal is to get more games.

8 years ago

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Nothing is worth it. Go buy a new car

8 years ago

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If you don't want to win, don't play the game.

8 years ago

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I'm level 3 and all I did to get to it was giveaway copies of games I already owned from bundles I wanted lol

8 years ago

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It's a trap! :3

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8 years ago

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Like, after lvl 4, you just may as well just buy what you really want.

8 years ago

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I quite like playing the 'game' of CV. Seeing what kind of bargains I can get to increase my CV in an efficient manner. But at the end of the day, I only spend money on it that I am quite happy to give. I now have far more games than I could ever hope to have the time to play so I'm not doing it as a way to actually get more games.

That said, I do like seeing flashy space cat - it always makes me smile, even if I won't have time to play the won game.

I give games because I like it, and if there's a game I really want to play, I just buy it. Increasing CV, and winning games on here is all just happy sauce really :-)

8 years ago

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levels are useless.
keep a nice real cv ratio and don't be rude on the forums (it seems impossible for some people), whitelists and group invites are way better than any public ga you could get into.

8 years ago

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I think that lvl 5 has the best ratio price/profit. You can join about 95 % of private GAs, most of groups and lots of public GAs.
With lvl 6 you can join maybe 99 % of private GAs, (almost) the rest of groups and some bonus public GAs.

I cannot write anything about lvl 7+ because I don't have it, but I don't think the amount GAs you can entry is much higher. In fact, there are not even so many lvl 6 GAs. IMHO road to higher level is more about getting WLs than about more public/private GAs one can enter.

8 years ago

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Stats don't show it over time, but I think the fact that there were 2m+ giveaways made for levels 0-5 and less than 70k for 6+ shows that the higher half is not really used.

8 years ago

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If you want to earn the right to act like an asshole, than yeah...you will love being between lvl 8-10.
It also comes with the elitist pass, that lets you enter random groups and whitelists

8 years ago

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Hold on, I've been acting like an asshole since level 3 am I breaking the rules?

... Oh Christ, who am I kidding? I was acting like an asshole before I even joined SG. :P

8 years ago

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You'll be part of the elite.

8 years ago

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I don't think it's worth it. Most giveaways are made for level 6 and below. I haven't seen level 7,8, 9, or 10 giveaways in the longest time.

If you start giving away games for reasons other then CV, it feels more worth it in the end. If you are buying games just to raise your level, you're going to feel ripped off by the time you get to level 10.

8 years ago

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