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We need more games like X Simulator, though. It's not like Manhunt is available to purchase or anything...
Could adults be able to choose their entertainment again, please? I'd like to actually be able to choose what media I'm consuming...
There's really no excuse for a kid getting a 18+ game nowadays, not with the existing parental locks... and if they somehow do obtain it without parents' confirmation, time to get better at parenting.

9 years ago

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Even if the removal is due to censorship, Steam is a private company. They have every right to determine what games to sell and not to sell on their service. It would be more terrible to force a private company to sell something they do not want to sell.

9 years ago

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Listen to this, will ya? - Clicky

9 years ago

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Edit : Oops, replied to the wrong video link. :3

9 years ago

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I suggest you checking out TotalBiscuit's video about this issue, it's really intresting. (He doesn't gives a sh*t about Hatred, so it's not really about the game. It's about the things that happen to the game. He is intrested in the reasons and way of how and why Steam denied something, while they don't apply the same reasoning for other game.)
EDIT: thanks for the Jim Sterling link as well. I only heard him when TB was talking about Slaughtering Ground's incredible reaction to J. S's critics, previously never heard about him. Maybe I'll subscribe as well.

9 years ago

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Argh, actually. I posted that reply in the wrong place. I meant it for the TB video further up the page, haha. xP

9 years ago

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why it got removed? steam gets worse and worse...:(

9 years ago

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aaaand valve succumbs to the butthurtness

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Oh wow, this is a pretty solid summary of the situation. Thanks for the link!

9 years ago

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People who hate this game are calling it an extreme right wing, neo-National Socialist glorification game, and those who buy it are funding hate groups. It might end up with people whining about stuff outside the game than the game itself and that is why it should be banned.

9 years ago

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Idgaf what this game is about, i'ma buy it once it's released.

There are many other games like this, not as serious as this game but still the samething in the end.

9 years ago

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I find the concept disgusting, and I'm happy they got it removed. It could happend with game already released on steam.

Yes, I'm Social Justice Warrior if people here want to call me that.

9 years ago

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I understand the fact that you find it disgusting. I myself find it.. boring, however being happy that they got their game removed from the biggest PC gaming store thus basically preventing the game from getting any major sales is just being a cunt. You can add "SJW" status to it but it is what it is.

9 years ago

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It's back on steam greenlight, you should edit post op and vote up for this game :)

9 years ago

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Wow that's great news. And it's not a new page or anything since it remembered my vote apparently

If it's permanent, this will be greenlit in a matter of days. All those tumblr tears mmmmm

9 years ago

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Before the game was banned it had 13 148 up votes.

9 years ago

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apparently, it seems like gaben himself had a hand in hatred's reinstatement...

9 years ago

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i'm happy for less restrictions but sad at the same time, because there will be one more game that looks like its idea came out from a 14-year-old kid and will only feed sick minds. :/

well, watching the controversy was fun while it lasted.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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This is what I feel the whole story of Greenlight is, up to this point. Someone gets a gimmicky idea that will be all sounding sensational, and people will upvote them because "zombies are cool I guess", or other generic crap like that. I wish they got rid of this system already; the number of outright sheer scam they let through so far is far beyond the point of being just a noticeable annoyance.

9 years ago

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he is quite a guy :)

9 years ago

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Lmao let the tears flow with renewed vigor.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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It is back, boys.

9 years ago

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Add the email of Gabe Newell to topic as well.

9 years ago

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I voted for it.

9 years ago

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Gonna buy it! :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Good. Taking it out was stupid. People can judge the game by playing it.

9 years ago

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Gaben has spoken. I can't wait for those waves of butthurt on steam. Kneel hateful peasants, your god has spoken truth, and you can't do anything about it :).

9 years ago

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Oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!

9 years ago

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It's really a shame what Steam Greenlight degenerated into pretty rapidly.

Sure, there have been excellent moments - Hammerwatch, for example - but so much of it is unfortunately slanting the way of Grass Simulator garbage, horrible games that encourage voting by handing out free keys (theoretically... I hear some of them even make good on the "promise"), and then crap like this which, let's face it, is a game aimed specifically at mentally ill people.

Well, Greenlight was a good idea in theory.

9 years ago

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Good. I mean yea it's not the best game but you know what? Freedom of speech, etc. If you don't like it, VOTE. Also don't buy it. /end

9 years ago

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Awesome that it got re-added.

Something tells me that whoever got it pulled down was running on the misinformation being slung around by certain people (claiming it to be 'neo nazi propaganda' and so forth). Good to see that a little fact checking of what's going on in their offices got it put back up.

Close call, I thought that Valve were starting to slip down into the "typical big company double-standard practices" status. Glad to see that's not the case!

9 years ago

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I wonder if all those saying "fuck this censorship" would so easily jump on the bandwagon if a game which glorified pedophilia or something else just as vile, was removed from greenlight. Everyone has a standard, the question is where u draw the line and is it reasonable and consistent. Valves' initial stance here was highly hypocritical because of the previous examples of similar games already available.

But i can definitely see the position of not wishing to align with a game that seems to solely glorify mindlessly massacring innocent people... especially in the wake of real life incidents all around the world. As for this game, I voted no the first time i saw it... If asked would I want to see it on Steam? id still vote No. However it does not matter to me so much what other people do, so please yourself.

9 years ago

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But it doesn't glorify pedophilia as far as we know.

9 years ago

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You missed the point I didnt say the game has that kind of material - infact i doubt it does. But people keep saying "censorship oh noes! you cant do that, ppl have the right to choose" ... But in the case of the example i gave (or countless others), they would be all for censoring it. Everyone draws a line somewhere.

9 years ago

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