Free CV bump :D
Edit: It is the second price increase, isn't it?
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Once again don't see a problem. People who buy/own before April 9th get the updates free, and people buying after pay a reasonable price for the amount of game you get
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I would have to agree. They have poured enough time and resources into the game and added so much content with the new campaigns and game modes that I think it is justifiable. I would think there will be another sale just before the April 9 deadline if they do the same thing as last time.
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only game on store which has higher and higher base game price :D
Not sure how serious or not you were but there have been other games that have gone up in price over time, either due to added content or going through the different stages of Early Access. DayZ for example. I imagine Project Zomboid will go up again as well once it exits EA. I'm sure there are numerous other examples as well.
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factorio got price increase because it was leaving EA, a lot of games from EA has price increased :p and I believe I saw games for 300$ or so at steam store ;)
But Shovel Knight get dlc packed (free for owners,yay!x3) in main game, don't know if any other dev make moves like this
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Ugh. I completely understand why they're increasing the price, but it seems like atp it makes more sense to just buy it on consoles (you can get a used copy of the original PS4 release for under $10 these days).
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I bought it on PSN, free upgrades for multiple systems thanks to cross buy. :P
Also own it on 3DS and Steam though.
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I dunno. They're obviously adding more stuff to the game and that's cool. But the game's obviously getting older and older as well. It's one thing to keep updating with the intention of keeping the game fresh to lengthen the prime purchasing period. It's another to increase the price because they chose to upgrade.
To new buyers, this will be mandatory DLC and nothing else. If Ubisoft did something similar, believe me, there'd be a total shitshow around it.
I dunno, overall, looking at all the circumstances, I'm fine with it. But i'm also not that interested in the game. This undoubtedly has made me less interested and less likely to ever buy the game from the Steam store.
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That's why they sell this separately for example:
and I would imagine they would do the same with the forthcoming final campaign. This gives buyers more options. Though I haven't seen the first two campaigns available for sale separately. Perhaps that may come as well.
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To new buyers, this will be mandatory DLC and nothing else
Yup. It's literally free DLC for old buyers and mandatory non-free DLC for new ones.
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Considering the amount of content they keep adding to the game, a price increase seems reasonable.
Honestly I kinda enjoy this pricing model over the norm. It rewards people for buying in early while giving them access to free expansions each year. While people who wait for a sale end up having to pay more and more the longer they wait.
The developers end up making more while also pleasing their core fans.
( The "normal" pricing model kinda sucks in my opinion, if you buy a game at launch for full price you are supporting the developers, but then a year later the developers slap you in the face by offering a 75% discount, so why buy at launch? You don't, you wait for that 75% off discount, which means the developers make less, and tend not to care about keeping their games updated with new content)
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The problem is that if the base price starts out above what people are willing to pay then increasing it only further alienates those potential customers. This works out fine for developers if your game is famous and will continue to sell one way or another, but most games struggle to sell even after huge discounts.
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I'm still struggling to understand why some people consider it "a slap in the face" when a price goes down over time, or something goes on sale. Okay, so you were so eager to play Game X the day it came out that you paid launch price. Cool. So now the developers should never run a sale or lower the price, because those people are offended by the idea of someone else paying less, months or years later? Should stores just never run sales at all? I think people who feel like that's a "slap in the face" are being unreasonable, to put it mildly.
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I mostly agree with your general sentiment but not when you buy in to a new game at full price and then a month or two later it is half price. See for example: Battlefield V or Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
Personally I do not buy games at full price and am not an early adopter (and I am glad that I am not) but I can understand the sickening feeling in this case. This sort of thing rarely if ever used to happen and nowadays it is becoming more and more common. Perhaps to a point now that certain AAA studios may actually be deterring some people from buying their games at release due to this practice, and so it could end up being self-defeating.
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Its not unreasonable to feel "buyers remorse" when you could have bought something for cheaper and saved money to pay for something else.
Just today I was impacted by it. I bought Yakuza 0 and The Division during the winter sale, and then found out they were both early unlocks in the humble monthly. Instantly felt buyers remorse, and luckily was able to get a Steam refund for $21. To me it feels like the developers "slapped me in the face" by not making it aware that the game was going to be bundled at a much cheaper price, and feel as if I was over-charged.
Which makes me, and everyone else just think that its best to wait a year or two or three before buying anything. People who buy the game at launch end up feeling as if they got scammed. Imagine buying AC Odyssey at launch for $60, and then finding out a month later that its $30? Are you just going to say "Oh well I got to play the game a month before everyone else and that "early playtime" was totally worth paying extra for?" I think developers should stick to one price and make customers feel as if they made a good decision. Some popular games have done this, Factorio for example.
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People who buy the game at launch end up feeling as if they got scammed
You are obviously not one of those people so don't speak for a group you are not a part of. If I'm buying a game the second preorder becomes available then that's because I'm comfortable with paying the amount of money it costs at the time. You agreed to that price back then and pretending that you're victimized because today someone may get a better deal than you did yesterday is disgustingly entitled behaviour.
Imagine buying AC Odyssey at launch for $60, and then finding out a month later that its $30
Change that to 2, max 3 months and that's exactly how the used console market looks like. And surprise surprise, both day one and used copies have their audience and absolutely no one complains because everyone knows how this situation looks like and can choose the option which suits them best.
I think developers should stick to one price and make customers feel as if they made a good decision
A good decision regarding what? My pathetic, worthless self humbly donating $$$ to the Glorious Perfect Developers during a timeframe they wanted me to?? And the alternative being either a price increase "punishment" or being told the scummy "if you don't like it then just don't buy it lol" strawman?? This is absolutely insane
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or... they could keep the price the same (no sales), and take pride that their work will live up to the test of time.
I think more people would be willing to buy a game if they knew the price wasn't ever going to change. (For example when minecraft came out the price was firm at $20 for many years, never once did I think "I should wait for a sale" or think I paid too much for it as everyone had to pay the same)
And yes I fully take advantage of sales myself, I just don't like that many developers these days resort to selling great games for less than $1 in bundles and such or have 75%+ discounts within the first year or two. Its too soon, devaluing their product, and causing them to pump out more half-assed games to keep the funding going.
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and take pride that their work will live up to the test of time
Yeah no, the "video games are art" thing has to go out of the window when we're talking sales, otherwise you end up with a viewpoint that sorely benefits the devs/publishers and completely disregards consumer concerns. They are selling a product first and foremost, a product which should abide by some basic market rules. The last paragraph wasn't rhetorical. Please answer me how is making customers feel as if they made a good decision forcing customers into a system that is entirely disadvantageous (yes, forcing, because the only alternatives are even worse) to them anything short of completely insane. Because in that scenario at least you can be sure that someone else won't get a better deal than you? This is honestly making me nauseous.
I think more people would be willing to buy a game if they knew the price wasn't ever going to change
And I won't be touching anything that has anything to do with Factorio's devs, be it now or in the future. Maybe there are people who have a similar stance on this as me or maybe not. Not willing to speak for anyone besides me though, and you should stop doing that as well.
Its too soon
If they decided to participate in such a system at stage x then it obviously wasn't wasn't too soon for them, be it because the product wasn't making enough money during its nonbundle/nonsale time, they did it for pr, or any other reason.
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I think more people would be willing to buy a game if they knew the price wasn't ever going to change.
Or to pirate it... It's in the natural order of most things, particularly in informatics (and even more particularly software), to lose value over time. Would you like to pay RAM the same price as 10 years ago? Would you like to pay RAM even more than 10 years ago, while the people who bought RAM 10 years ago got free upgrades? Do game developers really need to sell 2 million copies at full price just to avoid "slapping in the face" the first 50k buyers who willingly rushed on the game on release day?
I remember a time when video games were sold complete, and then (sometimes) had just a few patches
Then they were sold incomplete, and had paid DLCs.
Then they were sold fully bugged ("early access" aka "use paying customers as free Q/A team"), and still had paid DLCs.
Now they're sold fully bugged, and first buyers gamble on whether or not they will get free extra value over time while new buyers will see the price increase. Wtf is this business model? Games are not an investment, and like @Zoey1 I'll stay away from devs that do such wacky stuff.
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I understand buyer's remorse is a thing, and it sucks when something goes on sale right after you bought it. Thankfully that's not such an issue with Steam since they began allowing refunds. That said, most people buy entertainment products with the understanding that the price will go down over time, so the game you're paying $60 for on launch day will probably end up selling for a quarter of that in a year or two. Yet with Steam games, you have people basically saying, "I paid $60 for that game a year ago! Why should HE only have to pay half that?" I'm not talking about a game getting a sharp discount a month after it's released. That's the exception rather than the rule.
And yes, developers and publishers profit from consumers' impatience. They count on it. People who pay full price on day one because they've GOTTA HAVE IT NOW are just like the people in F2P games who pay to unlock things that they could get for free by grinding because they've GOTTA HAVE IT NOW. And that creates two tiers of consumers. You've got the ones who have to have what's popular /now/, and want to be a a part of the scene surrounding it - discussing it on messageboards, being a part of the online scene for that game if there is one, etc. - and the ones who are willing to wait a year or more for a good sale, when the game's "old news", the online component's dwindling or dead, the discussions have died down and all the twists have already thoroughly discussed. And I don't see anything wrong with that. That's not a "slap in the face" to the day one purchasers, even if they think it is.
tl;dr: If people don't want to wait for a discount, they shouldn't demand that everyone else be forced to pay the same price they did, or complain that sales are "unfair" to them.
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Well for one thing the game didn't start out at $60 like a title from EA or Bethesda. Also, the argument can be made that the content has quadrupled over time. Why they didn't make the add-on campaigns as DLCs for the base game you'll have to ask them but if I had to guess I'd say it may have something to do with visibility/discoverability, which is a big problem in the games industry these days, especially on Steam. With some things I understand your cynical viewpoint but this isn't one of them.
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Does this help visibility though? If I hadn't seen this post, I would have noticed Shovel Knight had gone up in price (it's on my wishlist) but probably not understand why. In fact, I didn't know until this post that they had been adding significant content over the years.
Obviously everyone is different and some people would read the descriptions of games more closely than I do. Personally I only read descriptions of games when I have a question or if the concept is still somehow confusing after looking at screenshots and/or video. So, I would have been more likely to notice new dlc, or read the description on a season pass (to see what is included) than to peruse the description of something I thought was a single title.
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I think perhaps the thinking is that by releasing the new campaigns as straightforward DLCs for the original game they might get dismissed/ignored and/or 'lost' in the sea of offerings more easily than if you take that same content and then release it both as a separate standalone experience as well as a notable update to an already existing game. For existing owners Steam in general does a pretty poor job of help making you aware of when there is new DLC becoming available for your games. And for everyone else who is a potential customer it doesn't seem like DLC is promoted on storefronts quite the same way that full games are (even when it's a 'big' DLC arguably worthy of the old traditional expansion pack status) nor like they tend to make the trending feeds or other avenues of visibility that they do -- and even when they are newsworthy it seems like it's more the exception and not the rule for DLC to make significant headlines for a positive reason. Because everyone and their mother seems to be trying to make and market games these days and with Steam opening the floodgates starting with Greenlight, discoverability is a huge problem for developers these days just with base games, let alone adding in DLC to the mix. So does this work? I don't know.
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It's almost as if we like indie devs more than behemoth corporations 😜
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This seems to be the first game (that I can recall) that actually rewards early adopters. I'm not counting Early Access.
Usually you pay the base price, plus the season pass and extra DLC; only for the price to go down in a few months or sooner.
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I second this opinion, my 1st thought of it increasing its price again was Hollow Knight. Which has around 5 times more reviews on Steam which are all overwhelming positive. I can understand a dev wanting to be rewarded but continuing increasing price in this manner is not positive for a potential buyer like myself where I feel Hollow Knight is a better product on the surface.
Yet to play either product so I cannot comment on the contents. In the event that Shovel Knight does have better content, on the surface, it had already lost the "war" imho. Cheers~
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I get that this is a good thing for early buyers but for me it just makes me less likely to buy it anytime soon, I don't mind buying a base game and if I like it getting the DLCs too but if the base price keeps getting higher I'm just gonna keep waiting untill it drops under it's original price. I don't mind waiting half a decade to play a game and my backlog is big enough to keep me entertained for god knows how long.
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This game was promised not to be bundled for eternity.
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The email picture link in the OP is basically asking if the Steam version will have it too since they mentioned consoles only, they confirmed it will.
Here it is again:
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The price is forever increased. Good discounts do not give. So also do the copying itself. Only for the campaign of the plague knight should lower their rating. This is probably the most greedy indie developer I've seen.
And the game itself is way overrated. The most common platformer and nothing more.
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It's on my wishlist, but I guess I won't be buying this any time soon. I don't want to encourage behaviour like this from any developer,
Yeah, the value might increase, but they're the one forcing you to buy it in one big package instead of just letting you buy the parts that you want. They're actually considering it different games themselves ("Soon, the final Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove games"), so why not release it as such?
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Bump for Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove being 50% off on Steam, Humble Bundle and GOG, which makes it the lowest price since 2017.
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"We’re hard at work putting the final touches on King of Cards and Shovel Knight Showdown. After more than 5 years of development, the final pieces of the Shovel Knight saga will be complete! To celebrate this momentous occasion, we want to give everyone one last chance to get Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove at the lowest price ever! Remember, after the final games are included, the price increases to $39.99 (USD)!"
Think that will be it. Yeah they do seem to be milking it especially if you still sell Specter (normal price $10) when it's seemingly already included in Trove.
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waiting for price drop cause its a meh game, looks like im gonna have to wait llonger
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April 2019
EDIT: It got delayed. So wait until official announcement
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