
It has been a while since I've done one of theses, but I think it's time.

What's one game you wish you have played sooner? Maybe when it launched. Why did you feel that way?

1 month ago

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Tomb Raider 2013.
I played it last year. All thanks to SG!

All that Lara Croft/Angelina Jolie archaeology treasure raiding thing never really vibed with me. Never played any of the old games, tried a demo or 2 as a kid. It didn't appeal to me back then, TBF I did have a potato Windows XP system back then. But the 2013 version looked interesting, somehow I never committed to that interest. Thankfully I had the fortune of winning it here.

1 month ago*

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I really should get back in that series. I loved the direction they took Tomb Raider as a series. More realistic, dramatic and gripping in my opinion. Truly not talked enough. Did you play the originals?

1 month ago

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Nope never did. I don't think I can get past the dated ancient pixel look, saw a YouTube recap of the timeline though.

1 month ago*

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The big triangles are too much to handle for some ^^

1 month ago

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Maybe the remastered can do it some justice?

1 month ago

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I'd rather to look forward to the Unifed Lara πŸ˜…
Who knows when it will come out tho. Or when it will start production....

1 month ago

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Not anytime soon with what happened to the studio because of Embracer Group.

1 month ago

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What happened? D:

1 month ago

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They messed up with their bought IP's and shut down studio after studio. They are not doing too well now and they are considering to sell their IP's to other companies sadly. I don't think we'll see Tomb Raider any time soon, unless they got something in the pipe line.

1 month ago

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New Tomb Raider game is in the works at Crystal Dynamics, funded by daddy Jeff Bezos himself. They didn't cancel this one.

1 month ago

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Ok, I hope to see it in motion. I wonder what will be the next approach.

1 month ago

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Sad. :(
I wonder how the Bezos funding will go.

4 weeks ago

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I'm worried the IP too. But at some point, we will see TR make a comeback again.

3 weeks ago

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If you do try one of the older ones, tomb raider anniversary is my favourite, takes the original game and makes it a lot more accessible.

1 month ago

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You mean the newer, older ones. (Legend, Anniversary, Underworld)

1 month ago

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Yep, Legend and Underworld are worth playing if Anniversary scratches the itch.

1 month ago

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Lol, that 'dated ancient pixel look' was premium graphics when I first played it. It was so advanced for a DOS game that it ran slowly on my pc. They are actually polygons though.

However they have been remastered, so no more pixels...unless you really want to

1 month ago*

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whatever they are, they're also the reason I only played MGS5V and not the old ones 😝
I'm not even as young, just that I never owned hardware decent enough to play good-looking games back then, now that I do. I can't get myself to play the old games. There's still so much I'm behind on. X_X

1 month ago

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just bought this game on sale, lol. I guess I'll give it a go.

1 month ago

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I genuinely just despise stealth games, tried multiple in the genre, disliked every one of them. So even though i had heard all the positive things about Dishonored i ignored them.
Then (due to PAGYWOSG), decided to give it a try last year, since it fit one of the themes, and god damn, the reviews were right, it was great. It was less like your standard stealth game, and more akin to the recent Hitman trilogy which is right up my alley. Just sneaking around, fucking up, and killing everyone in the room as a result of my mistake, instead of basically getting a "Oops you failed, try again", is the kind of thing i love. Or just not sneaking around at all, and killing everyone on sight. Maaaan, i do wish i had played it sooner.

1 month ago

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You're so right! I played Dishonored two years ago. Really enjoyed it. I agreed on the points you made. Which route did you go with first? The stealthy mode or chaos? I'm a fan of stealth games. I enjoy them a lot, but I realize that I don't play them as often nowadays.

1 month ago

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Gotta be chaos :D

1 month ago

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Haha, I came here to say the same. I'm currently playing through the first Dishonored (won it here on SG) and I'm loving it!

1 month ago

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Gotta return to it as I've got it on my to-complete list. Left with chaos mode. Found it a lot easier than stealth mode.

1 month ago

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Most stealth games are straight up terrible. Dishonored games and the original Thief trilogy are the rare exception.

1 month ago

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Gothic remake. Let us play it finally!!

1 month ago

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I have to admit I knew about Gothic 1, but I only played Gothic 2. It's the RPG I loved to bits and was bad at the combat. Did you play it recently? Would it hold up in 2025?

1 month ago

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Yes. Its old rpg, these weren't meant to be easy. I still need to replay trilogy in 2025

1 month ago

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Some were. I do find JRPG's from that time a lot easier than what WRPG's or CRPG's were then.

1 month ago

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View attached image.
1 month ago

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I'm well aware it was a joke. I just didn't know how to respond to it and be awkward, so I redirected the conversation. 😜

1 month ago

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Psychonauts 2
INSANE game price kept me away until the end of last year

1 month ago

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Oh I know someone here in the thread who didn't enjoy it. I am personally very interested to try it. I heard it's good so I'd love to play it. I might say I have not played any of the 3, and yes I mean the VR one too.

1 month ago

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vr one doesnt count
1 and 2 are both one of a kind games
1 has been free a bunch is worth full price and goes on sale for like 1$ all the time.

1 month ago

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I got them all. They are waiting for me. πŸ˜‚

1 month ago

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only about 17ish hours of content. 19 if you watch the vr one on youtube. it really adds almost nothing tho.
for playing them an extra 12ish to 100%

View attached image.
1 month ago

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I will. Can't promise you when. πŸ˜ƒ

I also would rather play the VR. I have a Meta Quest 3 gathering dust.

1 month ago

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take into account the vr game is nothing like the actual game and is a janky mess
also it spoils the plot of the 1st

1 month ago

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Oh, no worries. I'll play that in between the two, just to try it out and cross it off my backlog list.

1 month ago

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I played Psychonauts for the first time in 2016 (11 years after it released). Amazing game to play for $1.
I can probably wait to pay the same price for Psychonauts 2.

1 month ago

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Happy Cakeday

1 month ago

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that was back when i only owned like 6 games on steam for a few years. got it for free and played the hell out of it.
also happy cakeday

View attached image.
1 month ago

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System Shock 2.

Bit of an oldie but I'm old so it's ok but a true classic. Picked it up a month or so shy of it being out for a year. Normally at the time I used a local PC games magazine to play demos (yes off a CD πŸ˜‹) but I must have skipped that month or something else happened because it was only when the demo was put on a "best demos of the year" bonus CD later that I played it and was blown away (SS1 was good but it didn't grab me like 2 did).

After playing the demo 4 times over a Friday evening I went out the next day fully prepared to whack down full price for it (something to this day I've only ever done once) and was dismayed that I couldn't find it.......and then I saw it......in the bargain bin ($10AUD at the time) 😱. Good for my wallet I suppose but I felt terrible the the makers didn't get a decent bit of money from me 😒. Especially so after I played my first run through over the next 3 days (and learning not to play at late at night with the lights off, I swear this is one of the few games where I've legit screamed in fear when I got ambushed thinking I was safe). To me this is one of those games that showed what was possible when narrative, game design, atmosphere and just general TLC all come together to create something more than it's component parts.

An irrational thing to think I know but a while later when the studio went bust I immediately thought of that bargain bin price I paid and felt so guilty πŸ₯Ή (not that my purchased would have made a difference of course). This is one of the small number of games where I can confidently say that even if I had paid full price I got more value from it than most other purchases. And my retail disc still gets a whirl even 25 years later.

1 month ago

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Oh I can't imagine that experience after so many years of release. I saw the remake as being a great remake. I hope they do it for the sequel too. If not, I'd play it too.

1 month ago

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My husband was just talking about how much he would have loved System Shock 2, and wished he'd been able to play it. He's watching a Let's Play right now.

1 month ago

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System Shock 2 is such a horrible game, I mostly see people praise it who played it x years ago. I don't mind old games and play them often, but System Shock 2 is a terrible game, crappy story, terrible skill/weapon system. You're entitled to your opinion of course but I'd like to strongly advice against it. System Shock 1 isn't much better either, even more crappy story, horrible interface, you can discard important quest items, etc.

1 month ago

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I think it's fair to say if you have played it during their release, many many years ago, some games just don't hold up well anymore as they used to. As kids we sometimes don't know how to fully appreciate a good game and we all had our fair share of games we now know they were bad, but we still enjoyed them.

1 month ago

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The problem with this is that these people often experience a rosy retrospection (recalling the past more positively than it was actually experienced), a cognitive bias which distorts one's view of reality. They remember only the parts which they liked, and disregard the things which were boring and bad about the game. Like the extreme ammo starvation. It's mostly remember as a good game because of it's revolutionary ideas at the time and how it stood out from other games. I grew up playing these games and still do to this day, some aged better than others, but this one is fundamentally flawed in several aspects in my opinion. It's all subjective of course as are all matters of taste, but people should be wary of people glorifying this game because they're looking through rose-colored glasses of the distant past.

1 month ago

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So true! Couldn't have said it any better. πŸ™‚β€β†•οΈ

1 month ago

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Can't speak about System Shock 2 as I have yet to play it, but I have to disagree with you in the second part. I have played the first System Shock only recently (yeah, the enhanced edition) and pretty much loved it.
In my opinion, it even remains superior in terms of atmosphere to the recent remake - but I have to play it yet again after the long-awaited patch, so some aspects may have changed a little.
But as you say - everyone is entitled to their opinion and I found System Shock excellent. ;)

1 month ago

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πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ Different strokes and all that. To me it's a great game no matter when I play it, gives me everything I want when I start it up (and no nostalgia isn't something I play games for). Really paved the way for an immersive/crossgenre experience that most gamers take for granted now. Interface could be better but it is what it is; where alot of newer gamers fall down is when they try to play the game as a run-n-gun fps. The game will punish those sorts of players and that's the devs prerogative. I'm hoping an enhanced edition will still come out but if not I'm happy with my tinkered retail version.

1 month ago

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project zomboid

1 month ago

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What do you like about it? Heard good things, but again, I understand it isn't for everybody.

1 month ago

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I definitely love the graphic style, the game is very addictive and you can play it for hundreds of hours with your friends and I like games where you can lose everything with one mistake so you have to be careful the game is generally very developed in many ways

1 month ago

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I wish I had played Fallout (the first one) as a teen in the early 00s. I only played it this year and it felt very user-UNfriendly, slow, clunky and empty... and ultimately not worth my time when I have 2000 other games waiting to be payed in my backlog. But back in the day, I wouldn't have had that perspective, and being stuck with it with no other alternative and, so to speak, "forced" to play it, I probably would have ended up loving it (in a love/hate way, but still).

1 month ago

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Oh that sucks man! I wanna play that franchise from the start, but I'm willing to overlook the issues it has. It was part of the charm, but I would put it there too. I didn't know about the series until Fallout 3.

1 month ago

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I think I was expecting something more in the vein of Baldur's Gate I (which only came out a year later and that I did play back when it was packaged as FIVE CD-ROMs...) but it's much much much more dry.

I still plan to give a crack at Fallout 2 at some point, and expect to actually start enjoying the franchise at the third one, which seems more in-tune with modern gaming, even if in an old-schooly way.

1 month ago

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I played the game around the time it came out and still quit because of the clunky interface. I only came back to it years later and finished it. If you push yourself to get used to the clunky interface/game mechanics it's actually still a really good and funny game.

1 month ago

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Yeah some of those game mechanics are brutal... I think the one that ended up getting to me (if I remember correctly) is the fact that the amount of ammo in the whole game is finite while there is an infinite supply of monsters. When you combine that with the very limited inventory size, you do end up in quite an awkward situation that does not leave a lot of room for error. I did like the writing and the world-building of it, though!

1 month ago

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There are mods for both Fallout and Fallout 2 that not only update the user interface to make it easier to use on modern computers, but to fix a lot of the bugs that Interplay didn't give the devs enough time to fix.

Fallout 2 is still one of my favorite games of all time. I bought it as soon as it was released, and I've replayed it a few times over the decades. I most recently played it with KillaP's Restoration Patch, which has since been continued with the Fallout 2 Restoration Project on Github. (You'll also find some links for other quality-of-life mods, like an inventory filtering mod that I don't think existed last time I replayed the game)

Fallout 2 is still a game made in the late 1990s, so don't get me wrong; you'll never mistake its graphics or UI for a new game. But with higher screen resolutions, UI improvements, improved mouse features, etc, it's still incredibly playable, and still fantastic (Fallout is also excellent, and there are various similar mods in terms of UI improvements, but Fallout 2 is so much bigger in scope that I personally consider it much better).

1 month ago

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Thanks, your enthusiasm actually makes me look forward to try Fallout 2, and I guess, after my experience with the first one, I'll just launch it straight away with mods, without even trying the original experience... No point in a playing a game if I'm not having fun!

1 month ago

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Also, not too long ago, PC Gamer published an article about making the most of Fallout and Fallout 2 on modern systems. They link to the same Restoration Project, along with some patch projects for Fallout 1, and have a bunch of tips for getting started in both games.

Now I'm tempted to reinstall the games and try "Fallout Et Tu" (Fallout in Fallout 2's engine, with its various improvements)πŸ˜†

1 month ago

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Thanks, will look at that!

1 month ago

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Dark Souls.

1 month ago

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Did you play the rest of them?

1 month ago

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I'm still on my first playthrough. I'm trying to beat O&S right now.

1 month ago

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That is the first boss where I really could not simply do the same thing I had have been. I quit that game for like a year or more to play other stuff trying to beat them and losing over and over.

1 month ago

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I nearly killed Ornstein on my third attempt. I'm using a black knight sword and a shield, with as much armor as I can wear and still roll fast.

1 month ago

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Good luck man! I never touched that series.

1 month ago

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INSIDE. It's the successor to LIMBO and IMO it's much better. I discovered it a bit by chance and I still think about that game on a semi-regular basis.

1 month ago

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Totally agree on the better LIMBO game! I loved it so much. What a good, simple video game!

1 month ago

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Basically every game I bought on Steam, HB or Fanatical that I didnΒ΄t install right away to actually try out and play it ^^

1 month ago

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What's one that stands on the tip of your tongue as we speak that is really dear to your heart right now?

1 month ago

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I think I would go with Yakuza 0. I got it from HB in 2019 but only started playing in 2023...
The game is a freaking ride and definitely worth the time. It shouln't have sat in my backlog for that long^^

Otherwise it is a tough question because for many years, I rather collected games for having a good sale then actually buying it because I really wanted to play it right away. That happened very rarely and it takes a lot of fun in gaming. I try to focus more on enjoying the games I actually have now, which is also why I give a lot of the Choice games away and only keep the ones I feel I am interested in.

I remember, back then when I was younger and had a PS2, when I bought a game, I ran home and immediately tried it out.
I miss that feeling^^

1 month ago

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Oh, don't even get me started with Yakuza 0. It's such a good game. The main story was better than I expected and the side quests were so engaging. It was a long, but delightful game to complete. Really liked it a lot. I can say the same. I wish I was further in the series. I am slowly chipping away on Yakuza Kiwami.

1 month ago

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Portal series

I played it long time ago but before i played it it was alrdy in my library for 1-2 years. at a period where i didn't have internet for a few months but preinstalled games on steam i was trying out portal and man i had such a blast with these games :)

1 month ago

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Half-Life 2 - I still haven't played it :P

1 month ago

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+1 but I did play Black Mesa!

1 month ago

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haha, same here. Friends are making fun of me for that one :D
I love HL 1 tho.....its just, there is so many games and I forget on some of them when I get some free time.

1 month ago

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The original System Shock. I played it recently and it was a decent game, but I didn't enjoy it that much. I feel like it was probably a good game for it's time and I would have enjoyed it a lot more if I played it back in the 90s.

1 month ago

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Totally! I'd recommend the remake. I have seen other people played it and truly enjoyed it.

1 month ago

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I have thought about playing it and I might, but the issue is that I got bored with the original because I didn't find the story that engaging or interesting and I doubt they made that any better in the remake. I got used to the control scheme and it didn't bother me, but the game just felt like a bunch of running around. I think that would have kept me more interested back in the 90s, but I want more of a story now.

For example, I enjoyed the early doom games in the late 90s or early 2000s, but similar games that I didn't play back then, but played more recently, like Duke Nukem 3D and the original Shadow Warrior left me feeling similar. I get bored of just running around maze like levels to pick up key cards to progress just to keep doing the same thing. Getting new weapons makes it a little better, but that doesn't keep me interested enough anymore. Doom (2016) also left me feeling a little bored just running around killing things and getting new weapons.

1 month ago

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Maybe some other time. They you can come back and let us know that you wish you played it at launch. πŸ˜‚

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Heard about it. Seen the smart puzzle system. I am considering it myself.

1 month ago

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The Wolf Among Us. Was sitting in my library for 7 years. Such a good game. Even felt compelled to post a Steam review for it.

1 month ago

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Loved that game a lot. I did play it right after playing The Walking Dead when the TV series was hot. To this date, I consider it one of the best games I've played in that genre.

1 month ago

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Did you kill Tweedle Dum?

1 month ago

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I let him go, although he absolutely deserved to die for all the shit he pulled in Fabletown.

1 month ago

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Life is Strange, it really surprised me how much i liked playing it and it's worth the praise without a doubt.

1 month ago

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Got that one on my list. I hope to feel the same about it.

1 month ago

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Just don't play with keyboard/mouse it's horrible that way, at least for me...

1 month ago

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I'll remember that! πŸ˜ƒ Thanks.

1 month ago

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Can't think of any. Playing stuff late is pretty much always more rewarding.

I played better versions of Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 than people initially did. Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered is amazing, right now. The latest game I began playing is Dead Cells. I get to experience the final version with all the content straight away.

1 month ago

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I never buy let alone play games when they're released. An extreme version of this is Skyrim, which I actually bought in late-2013 and the DLC in late-2015, but didn't start playing it until last July. Now I get to start my experience with Special Edition and a mature community patch (not to mention mods), and I pretty much haven't played anything on Steam since.

I still need to play The Witcher 3...but I only played The Witcher 2 until maybe 2-3 years ago.

1 month ago

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Oh for sure. A old game can feel like a new game when you play it if you haven't played it before.

1 month ago

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Half Life 2... I played it in the past year... you can see when I won it.
probably would have enjoyed it even more back then. Was playing pretty much only WoW/Path of Exile for the longest time which is why so many games got put off.

1 month ago

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All of you mentioning makes me think I need to get to it. πŸ˜…

1 month ago

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theres a RTX mod in the works, would probably wait for it, visually you can see its age... even with a texture upscaling mod

1 month ago

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Black Mesa tried to get the game as close as possible to HL2 so you can easily play them side by side. I can wait, but I'd also would like to get into HL: Alyx.

1 month ago

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The whole "open world survical crafting" tag put me off so long. And I thought "pfft, who would like building factories".
Turns out I LOVE building factories and some inner child is screaming of joy when it sees the factories and machinery do things. And "open world survical crafting" was a lie. Its open world and you craft factory stuff.. but not punch down trees to craft axes..
400 hours later..

Other one was probably PREY (Arkane one).

Bethesda really did the game dirty with the name. First I thought it was some cheap cashgrab on original prey after beth cancelled Prey 2..
Then I heard its "immersive sim, like system- and bioshock games" so I was like "why would they make Prey series into imm sim".
Really should've played the game without thinking about first Prey game..
And I was spoilered about story so it didnt have impact on me. But it was really great game.

1 month ago

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I loved Satisfactory, but I got super burned out on the later factory requirements. It gets real.

1 month ago

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Oh yeah that def was issue for me. Even tho I've played enough to prolly get to end.. I never did. It just gets too complex or "grindy" at Early access' end. But I like starting again and again with different "challenges". My 2nd save was in forest and I wanted to do "dont cut any trees and always use grid" challenge. Think my friend has done stuff like no vehicles, biomass only.. etc

1 month ago

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I started playing against after 1.0 last year, but oh my, the grind is too real. I just couldn't get it going.

Biomass only?! That's torture :>

1 month ago

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The whole "open world survical crafting" tag put me off so long. And I thought "pfft, who would like building factories".
Turns out I LOVE building factories and some inner child is screaming of joy when it sees the factories and machinery do things. And "open world survical crafting" was a lie. Its open world and you craft factory stuff.. but not punch down trees to craft axes..
400 hours later..

I sunk in that game 80 hours without even worrying. Few games do that for me. That was one of the best games I played in that formula. I played it during Update 5, so now that is fully out I'm tempted to revisit and complete.

Other one was probably PREY (Arkane one).

Bethesda really did the game dirty with the name. First I thought it was some cheap cashgrab on original prey after beth cancelled Prey 2..
Then I heard its "immersive sim, like system- and bioshock games" so I was like "why would they make Prey series into imm sim".
Really should've played the game without thinking about first Prey game..
And I was spoilered about story so it didnt have impact on me. But it was really great game.

Heard only good things about Prey. I did play the original many years ago. I liked it. I wanna play the reboot.

1 month ago*

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Dont take it as "reboot" of first prey. That was my issue why it put me off so long. Take it more of "system shock spiritual sequel" or just.. forget the name and relation to other games (even arkanes previous one, dishonored) totally and think of it as "immersive sim".

1 month ago

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Spec Ops: The Line. I played it about a year ago. People rave about its harrowing story, and perhaps it was revolutionary for its time, especially for a shooter, but it felt pretty run-of-the-mill by today's standards. I wasn't a big fan of the gameplay either; it felt awkward and dated. It wasn't a bad game by any means, but I probably would've enjoyed it a lot more 10 years ago.

1 month ago

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True! Spoilers can also ruin the experience. I knew some aspects of the game and still went for it. I played it ~2-3 years ago too. I liked it. I was more in for the story. The ending was nice. I enjoyed the game for what it was, despite it's flaws.

1 month ago

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Back in 2012 that was a freaking blast for me. I did not know anything, I thought it is just a random shot 'em up with a depth of SIN. As Fahrenheit and the others also got late on my list, I was not expecting such twists, however I started to question things half-way through. Later when some videos and the infamous addition came in, it was a more wholesome wrap-up. But I had no idea about such references like what it means to see an upside-down US flag.

1 month ago

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Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth.

I still remember noticing a copy of the book at a bookstore when shopping for a gift for my mom and dismissing it, unaware of its long-time bestseller status. If I had to guess, I might not have had the game in my backlog yet and even after I got it, it still took some time for me to play it.

I'd like to say I have a soft spot for historical fiction (albeit one that ends up with me randomly watching a movie set during a time long gone once every 5 years or so, and then I never care to make it a more frequent thing), so this game ended up completely blowing me away. There's a whirlwind of emotions, twists and turns at play here (excuse my vagueness, don't want to spoil anything in particular) that absolutely took over me for the week or so I spent playing the game.

It's somehow been 3 years since I played it now and I've been meaning to replay it for forever, but in the meantime, I've raved about it for long enough that my mom bought me a copy of the book :'D

1 month ago

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That's a good shout. This game surprised me as well.

1 month ago

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Oh man, that was such a special game. I am still considering to grab a the book and read it. It was a very good game. I recommended it straight away to everybody in my Discord server. Was incredibly well done for a point and click adventure.

1 month ago

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Quite a few times I've played a game that I really enjoyed and wondered "why didn't I play this earlier?", but if I stop to think about it a bit more in depth I realize that there's no guarantee that I would have liked said game at an earlier point in my life. For example the first time I played Tomb Raider (the original one) was last year via the remastered version, even tho I owned the original on Steam and I have played several games in the series that I liked, but I still remember that my first encounter with this game back in the 90's was because my cousin owned a PS1 and had it, and I remember not being able to wrap my mind around the controls back then so I just watched him play instead. So I highly suspect that if I had tried jumping into it earlier, as in before playing through most of the TR games made by Crystal Dynamics, I wouldn't have been as willing to push through the awkwardness of learning the controls in order to be able to enjoy the game itself. I know for a fact that there's a lot of games I've loved as an adult that I wouldn't have had the patience or skill for as a child.

But to give an actual answer: Jazzpunk. I have no clue of why I didn't play this one as soon as I got it (2015) and instead left it gathering digital dust for years (2023), because I know I'd have liked it just as much. Multiple times as I played it I wondered just why I hadn't played it before, to the point than that thought became one of the main things I remember when thinking about that game.

1 month ago

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Heard about Jazzpunk quite a bit. I don't even know why I never wishlisted it. I have now. I might feel the same way when I'm gonna play it. Thanks for the recommendation!

1 month ago

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Resident Evil franchise. I was on Team Silent Hill back in the day and never touched RE and now I regret being so loyal to just one franchise... We didn't need to be so divided! :|

1 month ago

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So true! I have not touched it yet. I might feel like you because I absolutely loved Evil Within, made by the same creative director that made RE series, Shinji Mikami.

1 month ago

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Elders Scrolls Oblivion. When I got it I decided to take my time and enjoy it. Didn't want to finish it too soon.
Well Skyrim happened not long after. Maybe one day.

1 month ago

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Oblivion is something I haven't really played yet, waiting on skyblivion mod now to give it a 2nd try...

my entire experience with oblivion is... with just a texture mod and unofficial bug fix mod installed... walking out of the tutorial cave/dungeon or w/e... and falling through the world... I opted to not continune.

1 month ago

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Oh that was such a good game at its time. I still debate with myself that I enjoyed it more than I did Skyrim. I played them both at their respective launch times.

1 month ago

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Nice question, thanks! Bookmarked this topic, gonna read it. My answer is:
Planescape: Torment. The reason is simple - i really liked this game, but finished only first 2 locations, because it is long and takes much time reading all dialogues and trying to explore the world (+reading game guides). So i really hope to finish it sometime later, when i have enough time. Obviously if i played this game sooner when i had more time for pc games, i would've finished it already. Cause the game itself is a philosophical masterpiece.

1 month ago*

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Nice question, thanks! Bookmarked this topic, gonna read it.

It's always nice to find out what people love. Can find some great recommendations sometimes.

Planescape: Torment. The reason is simple - i really liked this game, but finished only first 2 locations, because it is long and takes much time reading all dialogues and trying to explore the world (+reading solutions). So i really hope to finish it sometime later, when i have enough time. Obviously if i played this game sooner when i had more time for pc games, i would've finished it already. Cause the game itself is a philosophical masterpiece.

I've not tried that one. I do have it. I am currently trying to make my way through Neverwinter Nights. I thought it was the one I played, but apparently it was the sequel. I was always interested in D&D games. I would like to get myself in some classic RPG's.

1 month ago

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