Which game should I finish next?
And it will but that is where the fun!!! Got 100% achivements and really sorry there is not more!
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I think the game has a lot of replayability value, as I've barely scratched any repeatable dialogues in the 6 and a half hours of my stream gameplay. That was fascinating to see really. I want to finish it amongst the others listed as I've said, but I find it difficult to pick which one next once I finish AC: Odyssey.
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I know it's really not the question you asked, but I can totally recommend BLAEO (with monthly Challenge Me editions and monthly themes) or PAGYWOSG which also works, if you have no unplayed wins left. Since it gives you a set theme, the choice is smaller.
Other than that looks at the games
Hades is supposed to be pretty good? :3
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For a second I thought it was a bot advertisement. 😅
Hades has a sandboxy experience and it can feel like a never-ending game really. It will probably drag on with dialogues and stories as you progress. I've invested the least amount of time in the game as I've only done it for a Stream. I'm really curious to know what the feedback is from you guys. Very interesting picks.
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Unity was nice, whatever some people think. It's probably one of the most complex that kept the original AC feel to it. I think you may like it. My personal favourite is Origins. I like RPG's and Bayek played an amazing acting part in making me fell in love with his character and the world.
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I see you're an admin there. Can I ask, is this the type of group that tackles my personal backlog or my won games on Steamgifts? And if so, do I get to pick some of the games I plan to play and someone choose them for me, or do they get to seek-peek my profile and from there decide randomly a game for me?
Also, I'm waiting to get a response for BLAEO so I can see if I can take part in so many backlog killers. 😅
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There was some rule/suggestion for people to prioritize picking SG Wins over other games, but most people don't really follow that one unless you specify it. ^_^'
In general the idea is for others to pick games for you, however you are free to set up as many extra rules for your pickers as you'd like. So you can say what kind of games you don't want picked ("No Multiplayer games" is a common one) or you can even make Lists on BLAEO for people to prioritize. Also if you don't like a picked game(s) you can ask for it(them) to be re-picked.
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There was some rule/suggestion for people to prioritize picking SG Wins over other games, but most people don't really follow that one unless you specify it. ^_^'
I don't mind because Play a game you won on SG aka PAGYWOSG helps me do that and as well Playing Appreciated.
In general the idea is for others to pick games for you, however you are free to set up as many extra rules for your pickers as you'd like. So you can say what kind of games you don't want picked ("No Multiplayer games" is a common one) or you can even make Lists on BLAEO for people to prioritize. Also if you don't like a picked game(s) you can ask for it(them) to be re-picked.
I saw that as I joined that website through my Steam account, but I don't think I can yet partake until BLAEO accepts me on their website. 😅
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As Zlia already said, you can ask for certain things - if your pickers will stick to that is another question though.
But since we all are also on BLAEO, there is always the option to make lists extra for PoP. Like put all your wins in it and make them pick from that. Or put a selection of games in it that work out for you. There are basically no limits. But again, you can't always be sure, they'll do ask you ask them to xD (But you can ask for a repick if something really doesn't work out for you)
Uh. yes. Hope that answers your question? :3
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instead of doing all 100% for JC2 (i was trying to do the same ... gave up) go JC3, it is a bit annoying in the beginning because they changed the way things work, but gets better when you get used to it. also there are some things i think are overpowered and chose not to use them
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I don't wanna drop the series, because I'm interested in how the story progresses and the difference between the Just Cause games. I've played Just Cause 1, but I only did the main campaign and explored the game just a fraction because the gameplay and visuals really turned me off.
Just Cause & Far Cry were one of the only series I've not touched once and I was doing them in parallel. As I finished Just Cause 1, I jumped on Far Cry 1, then to Far Cry 2, so I can top on Just Cause 2. I based them on level of depth really and I really wanted to see what's the hype around the 3rd on both games.
The reason why I wanted to do 100% JC2 is that I noticed it has an achievement system and I wanted to have that completed.
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Yes, lots of achievements, i'm at 32/50 ~48h played, might come back in the future to take them all :)
Problem is i got so many games that is hard to properly finish them the way i'd like.
About Far Cry i only played part of the 1st but couldn't get into the game ... i think it is a good one but it did not catch me.
Right now i'm playing Jagged Alliance 2 for like 3 weeks, but from GOG, with a huge mod called 1.13. If you like turn based strategy games take a look at it.
Edit: just saw this: "🎮 | Game is not done until 100% Achievements are obtained", now i understand :D
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Yes, lots of achievements, i'm at 32/50 ~48h played, might come back in the future to take them all :)
This is what worries me. I've got 14/50. So it's a long way to go.
Right now i'm playing Jagged Alliance 2 for like 3 weeks, but from GOG, with a huge mod called 1.13. If you like turn based strategy games take a look at it.
I am a big fan of the turn-based strategy games. I've just heard from someone else about Jagged Alliance and I'm surprised I didn't know about it.
Edit: just saw this: "🎮 | Game is not done until 100% Achievements are obtained", now i understand :D
Hahaha! Good eye! 😋 But this goes to games that are worth it really. Some don't deserve anybody's attention.
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hades first and farcry 4&primal after and dying light too ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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i think ubisoft not play it too considering the fact that in the game there is Table that FLY, Portals instead of Door that catapult youin nowhere and guys that Jump in place infinite time by make you can't talk\interact with them also if they is main story npc ,and chicken farts that kill you also if they not program the game for it and not exist as gameplay but anyway t happen,maybe the game has some sort of nextgen\matrix ai that inventthnings also if devs not write the code for it 🤣
Anyway Wonderful gamessss all,LOVE.
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Dunno if you know this, but if you run through the Acts I-V campaigns with the Necro... and complete some other achievements, you can earn a pair of bonus wings.
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No, I had no idea. I found the Necro OP when I purchased him. His scaling was so quick. Only later in the game he balanced out. I could zoom in through the map and not worry about dying. The Demon Hunter felt somewhat more balanced at times.
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If you want to fly through the content and get those wings quickly, get yourself geared with a viable necro set. Here's a tiered (season and non-season) list of class builds if you're interested.
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Well, after playing 2 times the game, I can tell you I had enough of Diablo. I was never going to replay and make over and over again multiple characters as the game expects of me to do seasonally. I did enjoy the cinematic and the story, which I was in for, but after taking that long break and coming back, I basically desensitized myself from connecting much with the core gameplay even if initially I enjoyed the gameplay quite a bit.
I've gotten the Necromancer up to mid way of the DLC, and after I started as a Demon Hunter which became my main. I'm mainly picking archers/rangers/marksmen in RPG's as main class, so starting with a Necromancer first was cool, but I was longing to play that class, so I restarted it by the end of it.
My final thoughts is that although I've not connected as much as I wanted to with Diablo III, I honestly enjoyed it and highly recommend playing it as it feels like a classic and easy to understand ARPG that anybody can pick up. I did wanted it to have more complexity to it, but I guess I have to search elsewhere for that.
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Can't say as I blame you. D2 Resurrected was a horrid 'remaster' of the original, and Immortal has the worst P2W nag system I have ever seen in an MMO (and if you've ever played a Nexon MMO, then you know exactly what I am talking about). Blizzard was never been the same since it was acquired by Activision and became just as greedy. What a shame... Hopefully Microsoft can turn things around for them, but I'm not holding my breath.
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D3 was generic. While they tried to keep the same game play that made the original Diablo and it's sequel fun and exciting, it was painfully obvious that Blizzard was butthurt over the DOTA2 fiasco and was doing everything in their power to prevent future modding to their games... and especially forcing players to play online. Unfortunately, IMHO, they weren't thinking ahead with future design for the game because it more or less forced the developers to keep coming up with some kind of new content, no matter how grindy and mundane to keep people playing.
As much as I love the Diablo franchise and have played every game to date, I am skeptical about Diablo 4. If D4 allows for mods and offline play - as Diablo 2 did, I will gladly buy it. However, their business model waxes worse and worse when investors and the publisher continue to sacrifice quality over profit.
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Aye aye! XCOM is by far one of my favourite games listed above. I've spent countless hours on XCOM EU & EW. I've also played XCOM 2 before War of the Chosen, so had to replay the mission once more. Fun times, just that I started playing the other games and kinda forgot to finish the game.
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I'm just gonna say that Just Cause 2 takes ages to 100%, the map is huge, it takes too long to go from one place to the other. also it has a very annoying achievement where you have to find and drive every vehicle in the game. you have to follow a guide for places where some vehicles spawn and also be lucky to spot them when they do. better go for 100% in Dying Light.
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I'm just gonna say that Just Cause 2 takes ages to 100%, the map is huge, it takes too long to go from one place to the other. also it has a very annoying achievement where you have to find and drive every vehicle in the game. you have to follow a guide for places where some vehicles spawn and also be lucky to spot them when they do.
I know exactly what you mean. Although I got carried away, I am planning to finish Just Cause 2 once and for all. I really hope the 3rd one isn't as grindy as the second was. I'm currently 93.5 hours in the game with 39 out of 50 achievements unlocked. I have to unlock the vehicle one. I believe I've got around 80 out of 104 vehicles. The map is about 55% completed.
better go for 100% in Dying Light.
I have to cross that game off the list, but I do like to finish my games once I start them.
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JC3 you can go well over 50 hours, however it is fun to do - I'm at almost 75% achievements with 51 hours.
JC4 is nowhere near as fun as JC3 but it is shorter - 80% achievements with 37 hours.
So I'd guess 100% would be 55 hours for JC4 and 67 hours JC3.
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Oh that's great news. I feel JC2 is dragging with so many quests. I don't have always fun, but rather checking off lists of areas I've cleared and that's pretty much my whole gameplay. It can be quite repetitive some times. If you can ignore that and just do the main quest line, I think it's quite fun.
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Hello friend,
I'm currently deep into Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, but I do feel that I've left some games unfinished. Which ones should I pick to finish next?
The games listed below are all games I've played and invested a significant amount of time in the campaign. I have started and left them aside for way too long and I'm slightly confused about which one I should consider going next really.
Diablo III & Dying Light I've played coop with my wife. She lost interest in them, so that kinda pushed me to stop too. But I'd be willing to finish them anyway if that would be the case. Even if it means going solo.
Spellforce 3, Just Cause 2, XCOM 2 felt slightly long and at a slower pace for me. Just Cause 2 I'm trying to complete 100%, but it feels more like a chore than anything else, because I'm trying to finish each section 100%. Get every collectable possible, yet the game doesn't feel that much fun as of now. Still, I don't want to drop it because I am on a journey to get to play all of them, including Far Cry series, which I finished the first two.
Hades and Frostpunk are more tedious and difficult to complete, and I need more time to finish them.
I want to put them at ease after I've finished the campaign, knowing that I've completed the game in a way or another. Surely, games like XCOM 2 & Diablo III has an infinite replayability, but that's another thing. I'm more concerned about the campaign aspect. Maybe Spellforce 3 as well, but I don't know yet, I didn't get that deep into it.
So, as I've said, I really need your help to decided here. I don't want an answer like:
Because that's not a clear one. I feel like playing all of them, but playing them all at once can be overwhelming. If you have arguments why I should pick one first before the other, you're free to do so. I'm open to what you have to say.
Lastly, I will be picking the games in the order of the vote percentage. So whatever it will be next on the list, I will play that.
Thank you for your help! 🙏🏻
UPDATE 09/07/2022:
It seems 8 months have passed and I had them stacked in my backlog. Luckily, I was able to make my first update. I finished Diablo III as I had the least time needed to finish it. Next, I'll be doing Frostpunk as I remember finishing the main campaign, and only having to do DLC's and stuff. From there I will see what I'll do next.
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