Your description isn't even funny how, I think, you wanted this to be. I think you should change it, because now you only look like sad joke.
About the game? I think it's time to present you https://www.google.com a great and powerfull search engine. All you have to do is type what you want to find and hit enter. You can do it!
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Too young - have an older Brother who did let me play Shenmue back then ... unlike wine, games are best consumed
as soon they pop on the market > having if you witnessed its splendor back in 1999 - 2000 was fucking amazing.
(Even if you were of age, Dreamcast didn't stick around for long ... + Shenmue 1 was English only.)
Pretty good exp: Why Shenmue WAS The Best Open World Game
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You never heard of Shenmu? And you call yourself Super?! HOW DARE YOU?!
Smacks Superstan through the monitor
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Its OK. Lots of people haven't played it, but I do imagine that most gamers have at least heard of it. Like most Dreamcast games, the years have turned them into the most amazing games ever, but a new Shenmue will just end up being another sandbox game. The world has moved on.
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it was a game that let young nerds be an adult japanese "exploring" japan and looking for a vendetta, a product of its time.
and it popularized the worst gameplay killer ever, quick time events, and because of that i hate it i want to see it burn >:D
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You likely never heard of it because everyone was busy trying not to feel the pain of no Shenmue. It's really great and I recommend playing it for a few things...
You will pet the kitty and feed it anchovies. It will not be the most annoying sound but the most adorable. It will purr as you play with it.
You will work the forklift at the docks, maybe even race it at night.
You will collect gatcho-toys. You will play the actually working arcade.
It will snow. It will rain. Seasons change and the npcs have lives.
You will fight. You will seek to avenge your father. You will find out what the killer wanted.
And it all ends in an epic fight.
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Yes. Do that. I can't keep a man from fucking his potatoes.
And, when we meet again, you tell how it played out if you know what I mean (ba dum tsss).
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As to why you never heard of it:
The short version is that it originally came out on Dreamcast, a console that didn't do very well after Playstation 2's release and it quickly died, because Sega basically had the choice of going out of business potentially or at least dropping their own hardware business and becoming a third party developer and publisher exclusively.
Avoiding Dreamcast nostalgia talk, I'll say this: Shenmue 2 didn't do very well either, even though it also came out on Xbox besides Dreamcast, but that's the problem, when it came out on Xbox it was already the second installment and while the game did come with a cinematic recap of the first title it still came out on the system that it itself was a bit of an underdog at first.
By the way, Shenmue 2 CAN be played on an Xbox 360 in backward-compatibility mode.
The website www.shenmueis.com has links that should help you quickly getting into the game through the power of emulation, depending on your country you need to own the game itself, too, but I won't be your mommy looking after you and I guess Yu Suzuki won't slap you for avoiding the skyrocketing ebay prices either to get into a franchise that now after 14 years of waiting is finally getting its third installment.
What Shenmue's fanbase always is quick to mention what makes this game so special is the love and attention to detail that went into this franchise, the story that tries to be very faithful to the culture and places shown and the focus on friendship, love and companionship.
It's a great game really and whilst I'm not going to say that everyone will like it, I think every gamer should give it a try if they are somewhat inclined by the genres or the fact that the game's community stuck together for all these years waiting like loyal dogs. :)
If there are any questions of anyone they want me to answer, I'll be glad to try to help. :)
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Wow, now youre a true fan i guess :D
By the way before i asked this question, i searched for some youtube videos, and it really looked great! And I'd love it as hell I think, but my eyes are bitches, and I wouldnt enjoy a game like that. I mean I can enjoy and play Gothic 1 for hours, and Black &White, and Sims 1, because I have memories about how I adored those games, but still its hard to start and love a really old game like a new even if it's looks fun. And of course its not only about the graphics, but the whole game mechanics was different at that time.
And after these informations I just can't understand why the Shenmue is so hidden, and not as famous like a GTA, or at least a Saints row series, and I will definitely try it, and buy it, if It will be that cool. And i really hope it will. I would love a Shenmue 1 remastered as well... :D
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Yeah I understand that, but if you fancy liking it I suggest getting involved in the fan community more and diving into the hype and videos around it or just getting the HD remasters that are bound to happen if you ask me.
Basically, wait for September. :)
Yu Suzuki is in talks with Sega to bring HD remasters and word is they had already remastered it for the Xbox 360 sometime ago, so maybe they don't need to do that much work anymore.
And it's a shame really that Shenmue flew under the radar for all these years.
Of the videos you watched, did you watch the one with GT Live's live reaction to Sony's E3, the part where they announced Shenmue 3?
Oh boy, watching the announcement even now still gives me the chills and tears.
When I hear the first notes playing it's game over haha
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Yes he will through Paypal.
Let me quote a very important bit here:
"Once details become available on how to donate via PayPal, we will share them here - but we will link to the official source. Please do not send money to any PayPal account that you haven't verified through any of these information outlets:
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Where's the forklift option on the poll?
The reason i really like shenmue is that it's the only slow paced RPG that i ever played; when i played it for the first time i could not believe how many things you could do in the game, from playing arcades to fighting. I really felt i role-played on this game because the atmosphere and pacing are spot on.
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OKAY, OKAY, I know, I'm an uneducated bastard, who deserve to die, and I should kill myself, and I'm the worst person in the world, and I will rot in hell with hitler, and sing the christmas time in hell together, but I still don't know why is this whole Shenmue hype. Maybe I'm too young with my 22 years, maybe I'm really that uneducated, but I have no idea what is that, and when that guy announced it on the Square Enix E3 show, i was like "ok and?"
So was it innovative 100 years ago? Or freaking good? Both?
And if it's that awesome, why didn't I hear about it for 22 years?
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