Thanks to steamgifts, I wind up checking out tons of games I never would have given a second glance otherwise. It got me thinking... have you found any hidden treasures disguised as trash? I wanna know about your games with hilariously bad dialogue, terrible graphics but good gameplay, broken but fun, and whatever other random absurdities you've come across.

6 years ago

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Have you ever enjoyed a game because it was "so bad it's good"?

View Results
No, only the finest games for me!
No, I only want them for the +1
Yes, I've found a few...
I'll play whatever trash you throw at me
Something else...

I see you didn't give any examples... I can't think of any off my head.

6 years ago

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I'm not sure I have any either, but I'm curious if others do. So far I really only enter giveaways for games I know I'm interested in playing.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I will say I knew it was good already, but I never knew it was so bad too! So many bugs, breakable things, bugs, slightly broken quests, more bugs... Still a bunch of fun though.

6 years ago

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I can't think of any that I played on top of my head. Stuff like "Goat Simulator" or "Safety First!" is intentionally stupid, so those wouldn't count.

I never played it myself, but here's a comprehensive video on Limbo of the Lost.

6 years ago

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Wow, I started watching this and I can't look away. Still undecided if this also qualifies as "intentionally stupid."

6 years ago

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woww, the developer of this game is.. definitely the king. I couldn't even believe that I watched the whole video.

6 years ago

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probbly old games that were good but are now outdated, like fable and deus ex. i can still enjoy them but they feel lame. ^^

6 years ago

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from time to time I get the urge to do some retro gaming, 80's and early 90s games. If it weren't for nostalgia, most of them are unplayable by today's standards although there are some amazing gems that can compete with games released today

6 years ago

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one Finger Death punch <3

6 years ago

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that game is awesome!

But don't think it matches "so bad it's good", because there is nothing bad about it. Game is transparent about what it is and it does it very well

6 years ago

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yeah, its a masterpiece. but:
its from silver dollar games - a studio which only creates cheap trash
its the same mechanic like all the trash dance games where you just have to press the button when the game tells you you have to (you could almost call it quicktime event)
and did you have seen the "no luca no" mode? this mode shows the trash side of the game perfectly^^

6 years ago

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4 weeks left for One Finger Death Punch 2 :D

6 years ago

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tbh, the second part looks pretty much like the first one but they colored the characters (it looks worse to me). so dont why to buy this game?

5 years ago

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well, when they do qualify as games, i do enjoy me some trash. The same goes with movies, 80s b-movie trash is still a great way to waste weekends.
my favorite bad game is Ubersoldier II, followed by Afterfall insanity. PS3 fps games like Resistance are pretty good aswell, i would take those over The Halo killer, Killzone.

6 years ago

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Everyone is talking about how buggy and shitty it is. I found a good action game with some great scenes behind all those bugs.

6 years ago

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Duhh, Bad Rats!

6 years ago

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This I would play.

6 years ago

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Ah you only registered like a month ago. It used to be kind of an inside joke to give away on SG.

6 years ago

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Doctors Hate Him!

Three simple tricks to pretend you've been on SteamGifts for YEARS!!!

  • Put a potato in your poll
  • Call giveaways gibs
  • Make a reference to Bad Rats
5 years ago

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Haha true.

Don't forget thanking for Skyrim in giveaways, especially ones that are invite only and look like a wanted game before actually seeing the giveaway itself.

And referencing good ol' Fortix of course. :P

5 years ago

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I was looking for a link to sign up and give my credit card info but couldn't find it

5 years ago

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Overpriced and probably abandoned. Also quite a bit broken, not even the option menu is working correctly.
But it's always a lot of fun to play with friends when you hang out together :3

6 years ago

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There's something weirdly aesthetically pleasing about this. The play-doh looking gladiators leaving their body prints and highly unrealistic blood everywhere.

6 years ago

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A lot of people would consider Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death like this. It's ultra-low-budget God of War, but it's just so damn crazy that it's a lot of fun to pick up and play, with great set pieces and mindlessly fun combat.

Ride to Hell: Retribution is something I also consider to be so bad it's good. Yeah, the controls are an absolute mess, and there are bugs galore, but it's almost worth it just for the ridiculous cutscenes (and not just the infamous fully-clothed sex scenes)

6 years ago

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I completely forgot about Ride to Hell: Retribution, I didn't get to play it before it got yanked off Steam. :c

6 years ago

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I was going to say Marlow Briggs,way better than it has any right to be

6 years ago

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Deadly Premonition is a weird Japanese game that was a tribute to the weird television series Twin Peaks. So much of it is awkward, but in a way that it itself has become highly acclaimed for it and is considered a genuine cult classic now.

A YouTube channel that specializes in cult classics is supergreatfriend. He's been doing it for so long that there are now a lot of in jokes and characters from the channel itself. He did a playthrough of Deadly Premonition back when it came out and just did a playthrough of the Director's Cut for his channel's 10th anniversary.

6 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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This is amazing. I have so many questions, about the music choices especially.

6 years ago

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The soundtrack is amazing! Seriously, this really is a good game buried under so much weirdness. It got scathing reviews when it was released, especially since the publisher insisted that combat be included in the game and it was clearly shoehorned in as an afterthought, but today it really has attained cult status. Even critics like Jim Sterling call it one of his all-time favorite games. As weird as it is, you can tell that its creator Sweary65 put some genuine care into it. It is a worthy tribute to Twin Peaks.

6 years ago*

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Deadly Premonition would be awesome in Alan Wake game engine... :3

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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Surprised to see no one named Postal 2 so far! I absolutely loved that piece of shit

6 years ago

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Tomato Way. RL friend of mine has it and we lost our shit over it. Pretty sure all positive reviews are for the meme.

I wouldn't call it a hidden treasure though. Hidden trash, maybe.

6 years ago

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The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing. It wasn't terrible, but it has very few convincing aspects and yet I had fun.

6 years ago

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I own this from some bundle, maybe I'll give it a go. I do love an ARPG.

6 years ago

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I've had a few of these. To me, those can be better than most AAA games.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

6 years ago

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Jump Force

6 years ago

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Septic Savages

After encountering an alien creature in a bathroom stall, one man is propelled into a never-ending quest of sewer dwelling carnage! Septic Savages is a 2D, 1 or 2-player, twin-stick shooting roguelike with loads of randomized elements and hours upon hours of gameplay.

Despite the wobbly premise, it turned out to be really good. :3

6 years ago

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Deadly P

6 years ago

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Ride to Hell: Retribution

6 years ago

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The older RE games had really funny voice acting, it made the game really fun.

6 years ago

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Stop it. Don't open that door!

5 years ago

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Dont shoot, im human!

5 years ago

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masked shooters 2, bad to the point you have fun. (what?)

6 years ago

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I've never understood the "so bad it's good" phenomenon, in games, movies, etc. I mean, maybe in college when you're drunk in your dorm with friends, but in general, not really. But hey, I know lots of people are into it. The possible exception could be replaying a game from your early years, and knowing that by today's standards it's a really bad game, but at the time you thought it was great.

6 years ago

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Can't say I understand it in games but for movies, with friends it can be a lot of fun, you just make it your own rifftrax

5 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. mum and I watched the early 90s movie Warlock 2 several years ago. It was supposed to be a horror film. It was so bad that the two of us couldn't stop laughing all the way through, especially since my mom was providing the commentary on it. It was the funniest unintentional comedy I've ever watched.

A movie can definitely be so bad that it's actually enjoyable for whatever reason. Why not a game?

5 years ago

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i read all say this game is ugly but i like them: golden rush classic,dreambreaks,recore,quantum break,banjo kazooie nuts and bolts 2,hostage rescue mission (this i win at steamgifts!!!! i very happy!) , AER memories of old (this i win at SG! i very happy and i love this game so much! and after i win it i also advertise the game on my channel so i hope people buy it for devs make 2) , Endless Fables: The Minotaur's Curse (this i win at sg very happy! is really not my taste of game but i play it and finish it and like it much!).

And also i find that medias\websites lies about 2 things:
1) They say recore have unaceptable loading times and give 6/10 to recore because of this , but i play the game before that it was patched ( i also make a video proof about the loading times of the game when unpatched) and the time of load is normal same other games , so i really not understand when the game is released all media talk bad about it by say loading time is long , is a totally lie for me and i have proof too,but because i'm not journalist and i not have website (and also i not care too i just play games for myselph) so i not tell this,but i see for myselph that media lies about this

2) They say quantum break,dreambreaks and ryse son of rome is poor gameplay and give them low votes,ok i agree gameplay is not so much is very short games and not much things to do,but in my opinion is better play a game and enjoy his storytelling and or little moments feeling than not enjoy it and i really enjoy this 3 game also if they is not much beautiful.
And also "THE ORDER 1866" for PS4 is very similar Short and Poor Gameplay but all media give 10\10 - 9\10 to it at release date in my country , but at recore or ryse son of rome or quantum break they give 6\10... this is very strange to me... because Ok if this games is 6.\10 so must be 6\10 the order too coz similar short gameplay and timeplay...

So personally i stop read and stop believe media,i think is better i just buy and play all games and enjoy it , i stop waste my time to read websites reviews because 99,9% of time they say game is ugly when for me is not true because i like it.

And instead of read reviews from websites i personally prefer to go at youtube and watch videos about PLAYERS\GAMERS that play the game,because i want see REAL GAMEPLAY , i want to see what you can do in the game , and most of time i prefer to watch NOT FAMOUS youtubers, because i see famous youtubers most of time act like ADVERTISING the game and say a lot of lies , i prefer to see gameplay just from kids\boys\girls that is not famous,normal people,because most of time they say truth.

Also i not believe so much E3\GDC\Officials press conferences Microsoft\Sony\Nintendo etc. because 99,9% of time they show fake trailers with CG Videos or graphics awesome but then games when released have another bad graphic or also they show fake release dates,and i really bored this,so much lies in these events.

I prefer to use my time to enter giveaways,check prices,buy games,enjoy it,create little contents for my channel,watch other people play for see real gameplay etc. and wait that games is released or official news from official company instead of rumors or fake dates pre-release.

6 years ago*

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