Great vic for Trump (looks like since some hours ago). I told my parents polls from TV didn't matter because after everything the media told, people were just afraid to say they would vote on Trump. Even over here in Europe if you would say that you would like to vote for Trump you would feel bad so i can imagine in America. He didn't spend half the money of Clinton, didn't had support of famous people, every poll was against win since day 1 and even today until 5 hours ago... Clinton supports the big companies, the Wall Street, and Trump focus on the other works from rural spaces that are way more people. Clinton is the common political, the figure that everyone is tired to see... Any man could defeat Trump but nowadays people are just tired of what Clinton represents. Crazy times for the world are coming but Trump being the USA president isn't the worse, the worse is many Trumps will start to appear in other countries and will gain power also.
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North and South poles are looking might cold as per usual. Don't really think much about them that often now that you bring it up
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I'm a nervous eater who is binge eating a bag of Starburts.
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I'm just waiting for the recounts, 2000 all over again.
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The loses cant be the same.
Many people say : Peste or cholera (too lazy to make the translation sorry)
I am not sure they are right the program are the same at all
So how could it end on the same result. Luck ?
Someone have seen one of the protagonist playing on SG...
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God, Tommorow's gonna be a sad and scary day.
So many trans people thinking about suicide before the get beat to death, wonder how many'll go through.
And the retaliation by the losing side might be really bad.
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Yeah tran gay then other minorities made up the most that I saw, but honestly a whole helluva lot of people are. Hopefully they don't but things aren't looking so good.
Reading the news tommorow will not be a happy thing.
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Sure it is. If it's okay for the president, why wouldn't it be okay for everyone else?
And Trump certainly feels like it's okay for him. He is absolutely, unequivocally anti-female, anti-hispanic, and anti-LGBT. (Pretty sure he's anti-black as well, although he hasn't made any specific recent comments along those lines I can think of).
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"He is absolutely, unequivocally anti-female, anti-hispanic, and anti-LGBT. (Pretty sure he's anti-black as well)"
How so? What evidence is there, any legislature he is planning to pass? Not trying to troll you, I'd just like to see some concrete evidence posted, instead of "he's a meanie white man me no like"
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Do you live under a rock? Not trying to troll you, I'd just like to know how you missed Donald Trump being a racist, sexist bigot?
Muslims and lots of other interesting topics:
"What evidence is there?"
Are you #$!@ing kidding?!
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You get that a quote is a quote, regardless of where it's reported, right?
Like if I say "VEF215 is a moron", that's a quote. It could be reported in the Wall Street Journal, it could be reported in the New York doesn't matter where it's reported, because I said it.
So just to confirm: it's either okay that he said those things...or you aren't sure he really said those things because he's been quoted by "leftist" websites. Do I have that right?
Well, you're clearly a Trump supporter. Congratulations on the victory, I guess. And may god have mercy on all of us.
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Jesus Christ. You cannot be this ignorant. Except I think you agree with a lot of Trump's remarks, which would mean that you are, in fact, this ignorant.
When a person makes HUNDREDS of remarks, all demonstrating sexism, racism and just all around bigotry towards anyone not straight, white and male, that makes them a sexist, racist bigot.
And guess what? A sexist, racist bigot should not be elected as dogcatcher, never mind president of the greatest country in the world.
(Not to mention that he's a hothead and a buffoon and I don't trust him not to use nuclear weapons just because someone offends him. Speaking of "easily offended", you supposedly hate that...but that description fits Donald Trump perfectly. I guess it's okay when he gets offended, though).
If you're trying to say that he's actually NOT a sexist, racist bigot...well, sorry, but the quotes prove otherwise. Unless you're saying he didn't really mean it, he was just kidding, these are "locker room" comments, they don't mean anything, etc. Yeah, the justifications of the bigoted people across the world. "I didn't mean it, why are you getting so offended?" Awesome.
If you're trying to say that it doesn't matter that he's a sexist, racist bigot, because he has some other mysterious, hidden qualities that will make him a good president...well, good luck with that. I honestly hope you're right.
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I'm freaking out. I hate both Clinton and Trump, but I still wanted Clinton to win. It doesn't look like that's going to happen. This is going to be a very bad time for minorities and women. I've lost any hope I had in America, at least I'm lucky in that I'm a dual citizen and can get the fuck out if things get too bad.
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"Offensive comments" I'm glad not everyone is as fragile as the "constantly offended" crowd. What's offensive is not random remarks from a rich alpha male, but someone who plots and schemes to destroy a country (and holds herself above the law)
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Well, now your true colors are showing.
Look, I am not a fan of Hillary Clinton. But we're not here to talk about her. At least according to you. We are supposed to be justifying our dislike of Donald Trump, because you don't know of any "evidence" that he's a racist, sexist bigot.
Now that we've provided you with said evidence, you are hiding behind the "well, okay, fine, but Hillary's worse!!!11!111!" argument.
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He didn't just say "mean things" a mean thing would be me calling you a dickhead.
What he said was actively racist towards a bunch of minorities, that's racism. What he said was actively sexist towards women, that's sexism.
If he said "Barack Obama is a dickhead" that's being mean. When he said “An ‘extremely credible source’ has called my office and told me that Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a fraud”, that's racist.
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Well there's the numerous transphobic, homophobic, racist, sexist, xenophobic, ableist comments that he has made, as well as the accusations of sexual assault from 12(?) different women, and the child rape trial that hardly got any media coverage and was conveniently pushed back until after the election (suspicious much?). II'm not going to look for sources because canis39 seems to have some good links, and a quick google will show why so many minorities are fearing for their well being. He has the ability to turn these comments and threats into law, especially since it looks like the senate and congress will likely be republican.
Not to mention, he is hot headed and impulsive, encourages violence (for example at his rallies he riles up his supporters to go after protestors), he has many traits of narcissistic personality disorder, and I could go on and on. His temperament is not one that will make for a good president. Most other world powers think he's a joke and his admiration for Putin and Russia is just plain scary.
Of course as a Bernie supporter I consider myself to be very liberal but even if you remove the bias the fact remains that this man is not well equipped to be president, and the fact that many respected republicans have no respect for him is very telling.
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Don't envy American's at all.
On the one hand you have a sexist, racist, bigot who will set back progressive thinking decades.
On the other hand, you have a woman who was straight up leading us towards World War 3 by provoking Putin and saying things like imposing a no fly zone over Syria.
Whoever won, the world lost. I think it was potentially the lesser of two evils, I'd rather have racism, sexism and bigotry(for 4 years) than all out nuclear war. I just hope that these next 4 years go by without incident and the American people can get him out of office as fast as possible before he does any everlasting damage.
The only positive I can see from this and from Brexit(speaking from something I can relate to) is that we are hopefully seeing the beginnings of a more transparent and honest politics. Both votes have shown rolling out celebrities and spinning the media will no longer get you the win. People seem to want a more open and honest politics and that is hopefully a good thing in the long term.
I am sorry to all my American friends though who had to make such an awful decision.
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Ugh seriously.
“I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me. Believe me. And I’ll build it very inexpensively. I’ll build a great, great wall on our southern border and I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.”
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bring crime. They’re rapists… And some, I assume, are good people.”
"Laziness is a trait in blacks."
"I bet you make a great wife. But just a great wife. Not a businesswoman and a wife — that doesn’t exist, obviously."
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1- Ok?
2- So you don't think drugs and crime are coming through? Because they are
3- Detroit used to be a thriving place when it was predominantly white, now it's a war torn hellhole, they need to fight that stereotype
4- A crass joke. #Triggered #2016SafeSpace #NeedTissues
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You really need to learn that racial stereotyping isn't just "mean words" its active racism. "Laziness is a trait in blacks" covers everyone who is black in the world, I wouldn't call being the 2 term President of the United States "lazy". The idea that the onus is on "black people" to prove their not lazy is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my entire life. The onus is on you to give ANY evidence that they are lazy, I mean I'll open with Barack Obama but I could follow with Neil DeGrasse Tyson.
Drugs and crime coming through, because no crime or drugs existed in America until those pesky Mexican's came to America. What's more, its again saying that ALL Mexican's are criminals, rapists and drugs traffickers. A non-racist way of saying a similar thing would be, "we need to tackle the illegal immigration that brings with it high crime, drugs and other crimes." That's saying, lets stop criminals coming to our country illegally(which is a perfectly fine thing to say), without saying that ALL Mexicans specifically are rapists, drug traffickers and criminals. Do you know who isn't a rapist, criminal, drug trafficker and is Mexican? Carlos Slim the richest man in the WORLD from 2010-13.
"A crass joke" are clearly unable to engage in debate, I was hoping you may be able to have some kind of specific insight and discussion of an opposing view, seems that you are just going to cover your ears and shout "Blah blah blah blah IM NOT LISTENING" to an opposing view.
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i'm too scared some kid would moke trump that he has no balls to launch nukes
just to show he will lunch them... i honestly believe he can do that.
and yes, the world lost.
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I don't think its a matter of balls, I think he has actually openly said he would open diplomatic talks with China and Russia rather than the aggression we see today. I still think Trump is a total asshat and shouldn't be in power, I do think in the scope of geo-politics we are "safer" with him than with Hillary.
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Sorry I didn't quite understand all that.
I actually think Putin speaks a lot of sense, but his rise to power was questionable to say the least, but now he's in power, if he stands by what he says, he is a very progressive and strong leader. That's not to say that he is always right and Russia is always right. Just like Trump/Hillary aren't always wrong and America is a big evil.
Both sides need to stop posturing towards a World War, Russia needs to stop "defending" itself against imminent attacks by sailing warships through British seas and leaving non-nuke pacts. America needs to stop posturing by sending troops to Russian borders and having nukes on Russia's doorstep.
My point is, neither side is right, the loser in this entire affair is us the general people of the world.
We are all human, lets start to prove it.
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I doubt Kanye would be on the democrat side , though if American politics is now a reality to show I'd like to see the president candidates in the big brother house
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It's a sad day for our country and for the rest of the world. We have an unstable man who will have access to our nuclear codes. Let that sink in. Too many people have viewed this election as an entertainment factor instead of seriously considering in implications of having a man like Trump leading one of the superpowers of the world.
I'm genuinely terrified.
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I love the news.
Trump supports are complaining about people rolling thier eyes when the carried a Trump bag.
I can't imagine being ridiculed being who you are. It must be so hard to not be able to walk down the street without getting disgusting looks because of what you're wearing, as a minority non trumo support how could I ever experience a struggle something like that?
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Looks like Trump may take it. Personally I think he's the lesser of two evil's, which many will disagree with, but meh. Here's hoping he does some good for you all. I'd like to see the U.S get better, then maybe Canada will too, and I can stop hating my life.
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Trump is getting the 'disgusted by mainstream politics' vote. If Sanders had been the democratic nominee, he'd have gotten at least some of that vote, along with the left. Lacking the baggage of Clinton, he'd have presumably pulled in far more of the swing vote, as well.
Despite his lower mainstream appeal, given Trump as the contender, he'd presumably have been a much, much stronger nominee for the Democratic party.
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Very depressing i dislike both candidates.
Also how is it that hillary manages to rig the dnc election against bernie without remorse yet fail at doing anything on the presidential election which she's probably lost by now. Just so much anger and regret all around.
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I literally laughed out loud when I read this :D
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