I concur as far as the social system goes. It was funny that half of people's annoyances rose from simply not knowing how to turn it off when they were working on other missions.
I also hope they continue with creating authentic storylines and maybe really take a jump away from the childish bullshit. With GTA IV they kind of didn't go all the way serious or all the way 14 year old boy humor. They should keep some of the ridiculousness and absurdity but just totally leave the dick and fart joke bullshit and start exploring real criminal stories like modern day sex slavery, real prostitution, rape, murder, suicide, AIDS, etc.
The cars were amazing though. Its impossible to play any old GTA game, or Saints Row after spending a significant amount of time driving in GTA4. The driving was just so much better once you figured it out and the variation between cars was more much significant than just a change in top speed and/or acceleration as seen in previous GTA games and SR games.
Anyone who doesn't realize GTA IV was a step forward in the series might as well just go back to playing Madden, CoD and their PS3 or watching anime andd playing with their replica sword from FFVII.
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Really? Nothing. GTA was always just an insult to mafia and gangsters imo.
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Not really a true gangster, but a fan of those. In GTA if you say "strong words", carry a gun and deal with drugs, you are a gangster. But it is really different in real life, and you should know that before starting flaming here.
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What I want is a simple fix to their story system. If you are trying to make a relatively serious story, then don't ruin it by adding in random stuff that makes you hate the characters you are supposed to care about (Hey Nico, want to go bowling?).
Also, better ragdoll physics.
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I wasn't a huge fan of San Andreas, but I did love the stats system.
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There better be huge and luxury mansions. Not just one, I want several luxury mansions fully furnitured. Thats the only thing I hated about GTA IV, I expected it to have several cool penthouses or maybe mansions you can buy.
In the end you had maybe 2 nice apartments.
Thats all I want, seriously.
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Well, I have only started to play GTA "for real" now after the Steam sale, and I must say I'm looking forward to great driving mechanics and lots of different vehicles. Driving IS one of the cores of the GTA series, after all. Of course, I'm also expecting good shooting mechanics and a good level of interactivity.
A story that isn't ridiculous (or that is outright ridiculous, because I can't tell if GTA games want me to take them seriously or not) and a good character would be nice, too. I like how Saints Row let's you customize your character, but I think GTA works better with predefined protagonists.
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Not much. To be completely honest, Saints Row 2 was much better than GTA IV, and I can't see how GTA V could possibly be better than Saints Row the Third.
Of course tons of people will still buy Grand Theft Auto V over Saints Row, because its a recognizable brand. People are silly like that.
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Not really. Both games cater to a different niche of gamers. SR2 and GTA4 can't be compared to each other.
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I don't see how they are much different products considering the only real difference between the two games is the storyline, and the storyline in Grand theft Auto 4 doesn't fit with the gameplay if you are the kind of person who actually plays in it like a sandbox. Personally I prefer Saints Row and RDR.
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Yes really. As an open world sandbox game where you can steal cars and shoot people, Saints Row not only does that better, but the story is more harmonious with the game. In GTA IV, you play as Niko, who has a terrible past that he is trying to get away from. He is forced into being violent again in order to survive and protect people, but he doesn't want to be violent and murder people up and down the street. However the way most people play those games, Niko can go on wanton killing sprees up and down the streets beating down old ladies. This is disharmonious with the character and storyline as told by the cutscenes.
Whereas in Saints Row 2 you play as a total psychopath with no real regard for the lives of others. In this way the gameplay is more harmonious with the storyline. To my mind that makes Saints Row 2 the clear winner over GTA4, but hey I can understand brand loyalty and all that so if you need to argue thats fine. Just stop with this different 'niches' nonsense, because I happen to like both those games so what does that mean? I just fit into both niches? Are there many people who really don't? Is there really THAT much of a difference between the two games (aside from one being a more fun sandbox and having a more fitting storyline?)
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Dude, chill. Just because he likes GTA doesn't mean he is loyal to the brand or such nonsense. To you, Saints Row is much better than GTA. That's ok. However, other people might not agree with you, for one reason or another.
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Just because someone likes something... doesn't mean they are loyal to it. I mean I guess, but it's kind of a silly argument.
I feel like most people are pretty loyal to the things they like, but that wasn't really the argument I was trying to make >.>
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I also enjoy playing both games, it's just that they're not comparable. To me, Saint's Row feels more arcade-style to me, and GTA-4 seems to have this more realistic feel ( although neither game is realistic).
In all honesty, I'm probably going to get both games, seeing how they've evolved so differently, and they're both going to be fun. I have no brand loyalty towards either brand.
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I don't overly understand why you think they aren't comparable. I mean, yes they have different stories, but to my mind that's the only thing that is majorly different between the two. As I explained above, Saints Row 2's story is more harmonious than Grand Theft Auto 4's... which is one of the bigger reasons why I think it's better.
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Well, gameplay-wise, they make quite a big difference. GTA's driving and gunplay seem more reality-bound, while Saint's Row's driving and gunplay feel over-the-top. I'm not saying either is bad, but one might prefer one over the other.
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Locking your aim onto things like a robot isn't really realistic.
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If you look two posts above the current one you replied to, I stated that neither game is realistic.
What I said is that GTA is MORE realistic than Saint's Row. You can clearly see this in the way combat plays out.
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I agree with lonewolf, I greatly enjoyed all of the GTA games ever since GTA 1 came out, and I think the SR games have been pretty lame and the new one doesn't look great. I think the SR games cater to a more wacky type players who like to slide on peoples faces or shoot people out of a big cannon while GTA caters to the more serious players by having a more realistic and serious game while still being funny.
Back on the topic of the thread I expect GTA V to have jets/planes and a bigger world like GTA SA, loved exploring mountains and the outdoors would have loved to have seen forest and desert environments in GTA IV.
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San Andreas had decently strong RPG elements, and GTA IV tried to take a slightly more realistic and serious turn.
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That's not going to happen unfortunately. :/
If we could have a good port at least, that would be a start. Because all of the GTA ports were pretty bad.
The planes and helicopters in Vice City and San Andreas were stupidly hard to control, and the textures were horrible :x. The clipping was crazy too.
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all of the GTA ports were pretty bad.
All of the Rockstar ports regardless of franchise have been pretty bad, if they've existed at all (grumble grumble red dead redemption grumble). Unless L.A. Noire isn't, haven't heard much about that one.
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That's true, Bully wasn't exactly a great port either.
By the way, I fear that the port of L.A. Noire might not be very good either, as it's being done by a studio who has only done console games so far... (it seems Rockstar doesn't like the PC at all unfortunately, that's not that hard to find a (good) PC developer :/)
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Certainly the game isn't the best ever (I didn't play so I can't judge by myself), but I think the word "shoddy" might be a little harsh, at least when I look at the users' reviews which are pretty positive for most of them.
I think the expectations were way too high for this game, that's all. More or less the same thing which happened to Mafia 2 I guess. Years of waiting, lots of teasing and everything, and a game which is not bad, but not great either unfortunately.
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I bought the game the day it came out, still haven't completed it.
Horrid controls, dialogue that doesn't match the choice made, lethal only shots (shoot the arm holding the gun = death, the foot = death, etc), linear story progression (Police captain: Man I haven't seen a case screwed up like that in all my years. You know whats coming next right? Promotion!).
I really couldn't get past the horrible controls, the fact that conversation choices don't seem to match what the character says and lack of arrests (outside of main story choices). Cases were pretty simple and basically could be solved easily if it wasn't for the uncontrollable dialogue.
Maybe it is expectations (I know I won't expect to get a reactive & controllable police/crime-solving game from the next game claiming to be exactly that). Its right up there with Fable 3: Games I wanted to like but they made it to much damn work to like them.
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Also. GTA has been in london. It was for the PS1 an expansion if you will.
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I expect to be able to viciously murder pedestrians with a wide variety of vehicles and weaponry while ignoring the storyline.
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I expect a realistic friendship system where your needy friends constantly call you asking to go bowling, always forget their wallet and make you foot the bill. If you don't respond because you're in the middle of a mission, they'll leave you nasty text messages and ignore you.
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What I want...is something real. Okay example. Your hauling ass on a mission zig zagging in and out of traffic when suddenly you accidentally hit the wrong key and crash. I'm not meaning some little thing where you hit the car only to get out and get a new one because your current one is on fire. I'm talking crash smashed in bumper,doors,lights,hood. And quite possibly an actual injury not this *fly out of window of car slide across ground get up dust self off get in another car keep going" I'm talking an injury that could put your character at a more serious risk. Like a concussion or broken bones.
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I expect to be able to get fat and skinny or buffed up.
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Story, ultra brand new game play, that will spice up the experience as well as a Powerful dramatic story that will make me cry my tears in a 5 gallon barrel, Incredible graphics(some facial animation improvements maybe L.A. Noire). Spice up the formula instead of the usual"Go to this location and kill etc." Something at least better missions with over the top action maybe Nathan drake kind? XD
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