Indeed. More players would give it a try if it was F2P (as it should have been right from the start, anyway).
This is a step up from rushing to level 50 within a limited time, but still too much of a hassle for a game with such bad reputation.
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Had to admit this is kinda true, I got into the game the lst campaing it was free, given I didnt play too much I felt it was very clickbait. When you create your character you do see how good it looks and such with armor set; but once you get in the game, you dont even have an armor so you look too lame if you had the armor in mind. BUT "luckly" enough that armor you were counting on is on the "real money" shop...that threw me off the game right away.
I would prefer they dont show you equipment that is paid or very rare, so you actually feel acomplish every step of the way as you get gear; not right away strip you. I had played Ragnarok and gotta say that game does it much better for the time it came out and as simple as it looks nowdays.
Heck Im playing The Division right now, and Im getting gear and apperance every so offten I can already feel like Im making fashion and stats choices.
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graphics that to me aren't actually great (blur and dof along with absolute colors, bad models and glitches is meh), and relatively large scale world with freedom with parkourish things here and there and very little in terms of teleporting around the map and the likes. doesn't really make up much for so many negatives the game has though
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i got the game with settings maxed and without the motion blur, not even just tried to see how it looks, that's how i use it generally, though at times i disable dof and ssao because it tends to be even more ugly, and it's really not that great, it's badly "controlled" if you see what i mean. i don't get the part about playing games for fun and not to look at 2D avatars
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I hear it's also rather P2W.
I haven't heard anything recently, but I remember seeing videos of people using the ghillie suit from the real money shop. That thing was total pay to win. Even if you were standing right beside or even on top of someone wearing it, if they weren't moving, you couldn't make them out from the vegetation. If you weren't right on top of them, and there was other vegetation, they could pretty much move as they wanted too and still not be seen.
But again, I haven't heard anything for a while now, not including the multitude of ads for the mobile version.
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Velia, the first bigger city has always numerous players, so... :P
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So its not "not a single player on the whole server" dead, just "a dozen players per social hub" dead? :P
Lot of MMOs end up that way and practically stop being MMOs at that point. :(
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Problem is, it was never an MMORPG in the first place. Yes, you play with hundred players at the same times on the same open world map... yes, you can interact, party up and play with them... but there is no reason to do so (except to speed up the grind of "kill 600 of that one type of enemy" quests). It has no dungeoning or other party-required instances. It basically a solo grind with other players running around (but mostly just idle fishing 24/7).
In other words, nothing actually changes whether there are active players or not, because the game isn't even designed to be played together. A shame really, it could have been decent, but it's being run into the ground by poor design and lacking in gameplay features which make MMOs fun.
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i mean there is dozens of channels and alot of people are dedicated to one channel only except for Node wars .
The boss killing just seems rather dead though (there is still usually 3-25players(depends on time and which boss spawns) each channel hitting on a boss (the boss has shared Hp) they gave away alot of times "Boss gear" so alot of people got to lazy to farm them [Alot of people Quit the game around lvl 55-58,because they literally got softcapped hard and struggle to farm on new places for alonger time and your real grind begins ) .
There are no raids in Bdo ,thats a bummer ,but you have alot of other activitys
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Probably more than you'll spend playing the game. :P
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wtf 5 hours I can't even watch 30 minutes Good Luck
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:)) me too you could play video games and use browser runing ! audio mute and after 5 hours get your code but this game is not worth it atleast not for me i play world of warcraft and i dont find any mmorpg game as good as this one so i`m good for now playing on blizzard is worth all mmos we call these days sure blizzard is not the same as it was but still i do appreciate it more than these days mmos
but thanks anyways
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Standalone version free, not Steam so I'll pass.
You do not count as a Twitch viewer if you mute the stream in browser/client. However you can mute it via windows app sound volume control and still get drops.
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review from my friend's friend who've played for 3 years
-Good combat, close to FG
-great graphic
-great customizationCON
you litteraly just spin in 1 same spot to grind, and no, the boss lame af. Even classic rpg has more memorable boss than any boss in this game. Unlike most mmorpg where you can use autoloot, this game require you to buy a bunch of pet to help you loot. And the pets are upgradeable to increase your loot speed. Unless you want to press r 8times for every 1 mob u killed. Also party pve in this game is a joke because almost everyone grind alone here.
-Life Skill
popular opinion said that you dont need to grind and can just rely on passive income. Guess what ? Thats bullshit, all active lifeskiller admit that you require a bunch of money (approx 100$) to always get your slot ready, and the income wasnt that great
-Poorly Optimization
I have ryzen 3700x with 2080ti and game still run like shit to the point you need to use the lowest setting to actually pvp with decent fps.
-Progression Gear System
Its pure RNG, and almost abysmal unless youre super rng carried. Most player quit when bcs of this.
-catch up mechanic
The game clearly not friendly with new player despite a lot of free stuff like pet. Usually require 1 1/2 year to reach a soft cap gear to get a decent experience on pvp.
-Vasual experience
The whole game purpose is to make conflict, openworld pvp can be active anytime as long as youre outside of town. Its always toxic.
Most casual just waste their 6 months here for RP. Any casual player spend more than that usually regretting themselves why they even playing this game in the first place when they quit.
Tl;dr its typical korean mmorpg, just worse
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