Just did it!Played pirate vers of MK Komplete Edition, loved it!(Took me 30 minutes to fall in love with game) then came moment when i bought the game just to support game devs, i could have continued to play cracked, but it was so good i felt urge to give devs my hard earned money!And it feels fckin great!

Has anyone else had same experience?

11 years ago*

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I used to before when i was very young and didn't know anything nowadays if i want a game I buy it

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I used to before I played Payday on free weekend and bought it because I wouldn't be able to play the multiplayer on the cracked. Then got L4D2. Then my library started expanding after finding all the great deals and I quit pirating for good :)

11 years ago

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i know that feeling, now i just need to find cheap deals for the musicians i like and i'm done with piracy xD

11 years ago

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Then you took an arrow to the knee...

11 years ago

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Other here

11 years ago

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I'd never pirate a PC game because the deals are never ending. Modding an Xbox or PS is a waste of time. No reason to pirate music when you have Spotify, Pandora, and Last FM. I pirate movies now and then but I always eventually buy it.

11 years ago

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Spotify, Pandora, Last FM
Not available here or have their streaming features removed. All I have at this point is iTunes (which I don't like that much but ok) and a couple of streaming services (Nokia music, lol) that barely have as much music as Last.FM has, for example. Oh well.

11 years ago

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If you like music that's not so mainstream, or well known, or too old, you're SOL with those services. Try finding music from, for example, oldskool jungle music, and you won't find most of it on any of those.

11 years ago

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Thank god for Spotify! If I payed 0.99 for each song in my library, I'd be down ~$4000.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

11 years ago

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All my games was Pirated until i got internet, STEAM, ORIGIN and GFWL :)

11 years ago

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I haven't pirated since high school....

11 years ago

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i do it from time to time, mostly when im not sure if i want to buy it.

11 years ago

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yes , same here I Pirated COD ops II and then thanked god I didn't bought dat x) , and deleted all crap files after 1 h of wasting time for dat carp , hope u are not a cod fanboy ;)

11 years ago

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I played MK too, for 10 minutes. It's still installed, but I'm gonna wait for a sale to buy it, I don't know if I'll keep playing the pirated version though. Too many achievements to get when I buy it xD

11 years ago

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lol, i wanted those achievements too!

11 years ago

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Still, I don't know if I'd start a thread about this, you know? You'll probably start one of those never ending discussions about how piracy is bad or not, and it's not gonna be pretty xD

11 years ago

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wasnt thinkin about it. now that u mention it....lets brace ourselves!

11 years ago

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mk is on a huge promo on amazon

11 years ago

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29.99$, it's still the same.

11 years ago

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try finidng the mk collection.. may not be the same game and if it isn't im sorry

11 years ago

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lolno. There's a new MK game out. Check Steam.

11 years ago

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I haven't pirated a game in a couple of years. When you get a big backlog of owned games, what's the point, just play those until you wait for a sale. There were plenty I pirated first, then bought. Sometimes I would stop playing a pirate copy because I knew I had to buy it.

I am tempted to just pirate Trials Evolution HD, because ubisoft has 4 achievements for the game, like WTF, should be same as Xbox. I will research the online leader boards, if they are still clean of cheaters, I will buy, if they are not, then sod them.

11 years ago

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There are 4 ubisoft award point achievements, but there are a lot more achievements than those 4. Just no virtual "points" tied to them.

11 years ago

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In-game though, they aren't on your ubi profile (fwiw).

Have you got the game? How's the leader boards, are there cheaters and glitchers everywhere or is it clean?

11 years ago

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I did pirate some games, but all the games I loved - I bought. If I didn't love the game - I deleted it immidiatly.

The only single game I pirated, loved, and haven't bought yet is Call of Duty: Black Ops 1 which is the first in my wishlist.

11 years ago

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hey love you name lol

11 years ago

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i had a lot of pirated games before i started to use steam. i do have Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 still installed, not likely to going to support EA with this :D

11 years ago

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It's some years since I don't pirate and honestly I don't feel the need for it. And it's not like I have a lot of money, I don't even have a job yet, so those who take money as an excuse for piracy should just look for sales and remember gaming isn't vital as food is. Same thing I want to remember to all those fags who buy overpriced Apple iPads and iPhones they don't need and thensay there's no money to live decently.

Apart from the random rant, the last games I "legitimally pirated" were Civ V and Skyrim, which I later bought on Steam.

11 years ago

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So, can you say you used those 2 has demos? (which could exist btw)

11 years ago

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I have a pretty bad computer so when I'm thinking of buying a new game and have enough money, I pirate the game to test if it can run smoothly on my computer.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

11 years ago

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same :D

11 years ago

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Same, I won NFS HP on the site but it runs poorly on my PC, putting it of till later :(

11 years ago

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i did the same thing since my computer the one i currently own is a pc is one just one i bought at best buy (no upgrade)just because i didn't feel like searching online for all the part and then installing every thing. but yea screw you http://www.systemrequirementslab.com telling me i cant run arma 3 lol

11 years ago

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also, bit offtopic, but i would be very gratefull if someone could copy folder name of MK komplete edition in steam common folder.
Trying to copy paste so i dont need to download 8 gigs with 500 kb again:D!

Edit:Nvm found a solution!

11 years ago

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Yeah, done it many times. Super meat boy and binding of isaac are the two examples that first come to mind.

11 years ago

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I used to be a hardcore pirate long time ago. This was before I had a computer worth protecting for viruses and before I gotten involved with Steam. Now if there is a game I want, it is usually multiplayer. Multiplayer games now days dont work well online. I do have Original War installed, but I bought it a long time ago and the disk wont install the game anymore for some reason; so I do not feel guilty for that one.

11 years ago

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Yup. Considering the fact that my computer isn't really top notch and I'm often worried whether I'll be able to play certain game - I often pirate them, try them for some time (an hour or so) and then when I'm able to, I buy the game and play it properly.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

11 years ago

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"Ever done something illegal properly?"

11 years ago

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I stole a Vette' and took it for a joyride to make sure I REALLY wanted it.

11 years ago

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is not fully illegal, you can try the downloaded content for 24 hours and after that is illegal
This is what i read on the internet, not sure if is true or not.

11 years ago

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not true at all.

11 years ago

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Can you prove me is not true?
I'm not sure

11 years ago

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Prove? Dude just do some research. The whole "delete this rom after 24 hours" is bullshit and it was always a fake rule. The illegality starts right when you download a file, EVEN if you OWN the game you're pirating. It's still illegal because of the medium you use to get the files and not because of the files.

The act of GETTING the files is the main problem you have if you ever get caught (Unlikely to happen though), not HAVING the files themselves.

EDIT: Even sites that tell you "delete this in 24 unless you legally own the product" are lying to you, because the act of downloading the files is the most important illegal action.

11 years ago

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Actually, you don't need research. You just need common sense. 24 hours really? It takes time to make something "legal" to be illegal?

11 years ago

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Actually, yes it does with other laws. Do your research before making crazy claims. In this case though, yes, 24 hours makes no difference.

11 years ago

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You don't need to steal a Vette' to try it.. They have something called "Test Drive"

11 years ago

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Not every game have a demo to try

11 years ago

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I used to do this regularly and still do when I'm considering buying a game at full price. If I'm grabbing a game cheap I don't bother anymore. I also do this when demos are available because in my experience demos are a fairly poor way to get a feel for the game. I've had situations where the demo works fine but the game won't launch on my machine (and vice versa). Sometimes the demo only gives you the good parts of the game and the rest is boring as hell. With a pirated game you still face potential compatibility differences but you'll at least be guaranteed to know what the real game is like.

11 years ago

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I also want to note that some outstanding games (BG: EE for example) I've bought multiple times over the years.

11 years ago

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I don't make much but I'm too lazy to look for pirated games when I have a backlog and Steam :P
I only really pirated games myself in college since we had a university-wide P2P server with probably 100 TB of videos, music, games, etc. But that was also for lazy convenience since everything downloaded at like 4 MB/s. I have many of the games I once played pirated in my Steam library now; I wouldn't mind buying most of them for memory/collection's sake. However, most of these games that I did enjoy I probably wouldn't shell out even $5/game for (warcraft, starcraft, diablo, etc). AoE II HD was an exception ^^"

11 years ago

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Per typical steam stories, I was a pirate of pretty much anything until I saw the amazing power of a steam sale. Got about 12 games for 60 bucks, and I haven't pirated anything since.

11 years ago

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same, i have to thank TF2 F2P for that.

11 years ago

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Steam has saved me from a life of piracy. Now, instead of downloading games and not playing them, I buy games without playing them!

11 years ago

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are you me?

11 years ago

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same here

11 years ago

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Such a unique life story.

11 years ago

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Thats my story too. Got in love with steam.

11 years ago

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So much this. Now I have half a library of games in Steam I've never installed, instead of 100 gigs of images waiting for install..

11 years ago

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Yup, same here.

11 years ago

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ahahahaaha.... so-so-so true lol

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

11 years ago

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XDDD true story

11 years ago

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Yeah, lots of times. If i loved the game, even if I finish the pirated version, I tend to buy original copy in the future just so i can play it maybe one more time (which never happen :D ), but still i support the devs, and that's alright.

But there are times where i download the game, i finish it like super fast (or not), and i'm like: "I ain't giving you 50€ for this shit, better luck next time." (even if the game is alright, sometimes they don't deserve what they are asking for)

11 years ago

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Civ III and AoE come to mind. I will say that as I've gotten older I tend to find myself pirating less. I think its just cause I don't have time to play everything I already have.

11 years ago

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I do it all the time, at least with more expensive games, to see if they are really worth it and more importantly, if they run well on my PC.

11 years ago

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Only time I "acquire" games is to make sure they run as demos do not seem to exist anymore

11 years ago

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I've done it a couple times just to see if the game is worth it. Out of the times I actually pirated a game I ended up buying it. Too bad I didn't do it for all the games because I've bought/pre-ordered some really shitty games this year.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

11 years ago

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I pirated Deadpool because f*ck some $40 = 50€ :P
Just last month it was UnEpic, Defenders Quest and CoJ Gunslinger, bought them all after less than 15 min of playing. :D

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by egils030507.