oh silly panda, people who can notice the difference of something that actually costed money to the gifter vs something that costed nothing to the gifter are actually grown up people. I would doubt some mindless kid who leeches 24/7 to understand any difference between both aspects mentioned here in this topic.
Also you just say that because you did giveaway the ship recently, shame on you, this will provide an easier extinction to your race if you get hatred on your side!
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How's this? I didn't give away The Ship, and I agree with him. Do you really care that the game you won for free, you only got because someone else ninja'd a key from somewhere with no real effort? Does that really make you enjoy your win less? If so - why? Is it because they didn't pay for their gift? Then does that mean that you also hate people that pay barely anything for a game? For instance, buying humble bundles for only 1 cent. If so, where's the line?
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lol STOP spamming these threads please!!! you have fast regenerade of points, so don't complain....
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If you won something like the THQ or Valve or -INSERT PUBLISHER HERE- complete pack, you wouldn't care if the person giving it away actually paid for it or not. Noone would.
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I've got a ton of games in my inventory that I'm just waiting to gift when this all dies down.
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I just gave my key to a friend rather than whore points on sg. I really wish people would play this game rather than try to trade it or get some kind of profit- the game's incredibly fun even with strangers.
The real cancer's existed since Christmas 2011 with this huge surge in traders clinging to shit like the steam mobile beta in their inventories trying to trade anything they can get for games or hats.
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Actually some people aren't even trying to trade/make a profit out of the game. I myself, had the game already, my friends did aswell and we played it. And then I got these copies from the site, none of my other friends wanted the game to play it so I gave it away here. Seems fair doesn't it?
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Because humankind is damn greedy, money controls everything, even humanity. Our own extinction will be based on our own stupid, if anyone manages to survive such an event, must be someone perfect and able to think outside of the box.
People these days are retarded, and they keep progressing further with that, making us look awfull in the end as a race. It's like people who enjoy beating up animals for pleasure, those are lowlife scum that should be torched to hell along with all the internet retards in this world.
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These people aren't causing a "cancer".
They're giving away copies of a game that they were given, legitimately, and have no use for.
You can only use 1 key yourself, and you get 2 others to GIVE TO SOMEONE ELSE.
Who cares if they gift it on steamgifts?
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we just want to see how the whole world is burning
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So wait, what's your problem exactly?
All I can see is that you don't want to give away a more expensive game due to people giving away the copies of The Ship that you receive specifically to give away when you activate an original copy. If that's the case then, grow the hell up, seriously.
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And before The Ship it was all the IG9 games. It doesn't matter if they're free or cheap, as long as people feel encouraged to bump up their contributor value this will happen.
Lets face it, why wouldn't they upload The Ship? It's 20 points, the same as Deus Ex HR. Even with the bundle game cutoff they still get plenty of points if they upload enough copies.
On the plus side lately I keep ending up with the full 300 points because of all these uploads. On the negative it's because there's hardly anything worth entering for.
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Well "The Ship" was in an indie bundle prior which people did have to spend some money in order to get the extra copies to raffle off here. Also since "The Ship" was in an indie bundle there is a limit to how much you can earn from keys that were in a "pay what you want" bundle previously.
There is always gonna be a way to "cheat" the contributor system here and the 90% off Total Rome example you have given is one of them - if you want to avoid users that exploit free keys they get make your contributor value giveaway criteria above the indie bundle limit perhaps?
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The way you wrote this implies you think people that win The Ship are regifting it, but that's incorrect. You get another copy. So people do keep The Ship and give away the free copy. What else do you want them to do with the free copy? I'm sorry, but I just don't understand you. Yes, it is annoying, the that it keeps spamming, but to go as far as you did seems completely off.
Edit: To be completely clear, regifting means making a giveaway of the same game you just won. Which is not what is happening here.
Edit 2: Wow, seriously? I was writing this when there were only 2 replies, and after I send it, there are suddenly 24 others.
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I expect staff to make it worth less then Ironclouds in a few days.
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OK, sure, then they should make some games not applicable to the Contributor status, so that even if they give away the game, they won't get the status. It's still a stupid reason for canceling your giveaway. That won't help anybody. And it also won't affect solving this issue.
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See, this right here is the problem with the contributor system. People like you care too damn much about it.
I give away games because I like being generous, and I enjoy the warm fuzzy feelings inside when I give them away. I bought a couple copies of Sanctum while they were on sale to give away when the free weekend is over. I won't be getting contributor points from it. Do I care? Hell no, cause I just made someone's day by giving them a free copy of Sanctum.
Right now I'm setting making giveaways for the new Amazon game bundle for my group. I'm expecting the bundled games to get the same treatment as an indie bundle. Again, do I care? Hell no!
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"Making giveaways for the new Amazon game bundle for my group"
That's the difference between you, me and many other contributors, many people like you, form groups like you did, most of them use a heavy setup of rules on their groups, trying to control everything that goes in and out of the group. That is fucking stupid, i hate that. Go control somebody else like your wife, kids, parents ok? (not implying you and your group are like this sicne i have no clue, but there's quite alot of people like this out there, it's just sad.)
If you bothered to learn and see why people care so much with it, perhaps you would have a small change on your final opinion on this subject. I do not care about how big is my contributors value, but i do freaking care if i see people getting value in return for using free promoted keys like the ship to get value on their profiles.
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how is it cheating? they are still giving away the game. Who cares if they paid for it or not? They got a spare copy and they wanna give it away and it has a VALUE. Doesn't mean that value must've been what they actually spend for it !!
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Ah i remember the days when SG didn't have the whole contributor thing, games were spammed and noone cared cus at the end of the day it's games going to those that were not able to get them. The best part is that now nothing has changed except for those that see wrong in someone else profiting even if its something so small.
Either way all this system does is make people want to give away more games.....and is that a bad thing? just because they got something out of it means they are doing something terrible by gifting a game? Should they let these extra keys sit in their inventory and just fizzle away because some people gave away games they paid for? Isn't that greed as well?
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(Yes, I'm obviously talking about The Ship.)
I was giving away a Skyrim code till a few minutes ago, after a 2 days giveaway.
Then I deleted it.
Because of The Ship.
But most of all, because of the people here.
If this were a "fair" place, where people would give away games they won, they bought, they received, to random people, I wouldn't have done it.
But here people just spammed their The Ship key, just to get more "contributions" on their stats.
Why the hell should I give away a 60$ worth game, while everyone here just press a "SEND ME THE GODDAMMIT KEY FOR ME TO RESEND", whitout probably even looking at what are they "receiving"?
I just cancelled a giveaway I was proud of.
Now I'm more proud I decided to stay with the ones with less (but really earned) contributions.
My only one was a Rome Total War key, BUT GODDAMMIT I BOUGHT IT, EVEN FOR 1$ BUT I DID IT.
I don't know what happens to the ones cancelling expected giveaways, but I'm not regretting it, whatever should happens.
The most interesting thing is that, of all the people who decided to "give away their earned game", probably none won't ever look at this.
Prove me wrong.
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