Wake me up when September starts! On the first Friday, to be precise...
Joke's on me. I used the $20 store credit I received from subscribing yearly to buy Berseria from their store about two months ago. :3
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I never find something interesting and having a fair price to spend my credit on. The price is always inflated in comparison with other stores and it seems the credit is pretty much spent on getting the same discount as in other stores, at least for those titles that I was interested in thus far, with very small exceptions.
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True, they pretty much force you to spend your credit just for the sake of not losing it.
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how? and where can i see when my wallet will expire
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It's those 2 dollar in tier 3's that have expiring timers... and
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i dont have to worry
Wallet Funds: €0.00
Expiring Wallet Credit: €0.21
Wallet Credit Expiration: Jan 17, 2019
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It wasn't all that bad I got Berseria for 13.49 and JC 3 for 6.06. But still that feeling when you pay for something you know won't play in the next couple of months and... then it's bundled.
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I know that feeling. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided got bundled shortly after I bought it from the Humble Store :). The only rational choice is not to buy something unless you know for sure you're going to have the time to play it in the near future. Otherwise it'll be most likely bundled with a bunch of other possibly interesting games for the same price or less.
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Pretty much. Applying the theory is a bit more tricky though :)
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Ouch. I know how you feel though, I used my $10 store credit for subbing a year (that made it so I could not get the $20 when that was on the table shortly thereafter) on Codemasters F1 games -- which then were in a weekly T1 like three weeks later.
Ah well. Two months left in my year (including this September one) and I'll be glad to be done. I'll probably still get most months, but I don't want the feeling of being locked in for a whole year again.
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Why it's bad idea? (please explain, i actually don't know.)
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If i do that i will have money to buy 2 of the things they have on sale at the store right now and i kinda want it...
ETS2 - Viva La France DLC
Tower 57
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A couple of weeks later: "Humble Bundle banned my accounts, IGN is a cancer, amirite guys? Here is a poll with potato"
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I think that risking a permanent ban of both of your accounts (that's what they do if they discover it) for only 7€ is not worth, but do as you want
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3rd in row as PAUSE...IGN this trend is really BAD !
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Tales of Beseria is amazeballs. Staxel is a game that's been on my radar for a while too. I paid early for this one!
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i didnt enjoyed the first tomb rider, not interested in sniper 4 and already own tales of berseria on ps4 - looks like i will skip again^^
probably i will buy interesting reveals on group buy^^
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If you switch you only get Tomb Raider not Tomb Raider and the other two.
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I'm gonna pass this month. Weebgames don't interest me, Sniper Elite 4 i have yet to play the previous 3, i already have ROTTR.
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Haaa i knew i shouldn't have bought Berseria, but no regets it's a really good JRPG with likable characters. Sniper elite 4 looks like a bit hitmanish with a sniper, me likey, Staxel is like an invitation to relax (but why pixel art graphic....WHY?!). I will most probably get this monthly and hope for a good surprise.
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Actually, myself too, I prefer My time at Portia. Have you heard of Stonehearth? I can accept Stonehearth's art as it plays out differently. Staxel is basically, a 3D Block, Stardew Valley. Staxel might offer something different but there's too much similarity from just reading the store page. Cheers~
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I have never heard of Stonehearth until now, it does look interesting but I'm kinda afraid of the recent reviews and the dev just said bye bye, If it ends up in a cheap bundle i might give it a try.
My Time at Portia simply looks amazing, it reminds me so much of a franchise that i love. Do you know Rune Factory on NDS ? I think it's the perfect blend of relaxing farming and good action RPG, a must have.because only farming and chit chatting with your neighbours can be boring really quickly.
It's bound to be bundled in a humble monthly, so i will be patient this time :D and try to put a dent in my backlog until then.
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I am not a console player so I am not sure about Rune Factory but I am paying more attention to them. Images looks interesting, a little wiki research led me to find out it is a Harvest Moon spin-off. Very much like Stardew being inspired by HM too. Portia looks a little thin on content and tasks at the moment from the streams I had seen, that does not mean its not fun and relaxing. As long as the game is getting updates and support, it will get even better. One of the streamer I watched was selected as a group of contest writers to help expand the game's writing. Therefore, I can see more content and storytelling to come in time. Indeed backlogs are a killer.
Yes, I recently heard about the Devs "Finishing off" Stonehearth. The Last patch is due December after which there will be no longer dev support for foreseeable future. The studio was bought out recently so they are moving onto other projects. Is the game done? Yes and no, I have recently won a pre-release copy when I visit a stream to check on the status of the game. I am not sure if the game has all the functions.
From experience I can tell you this. In SH you manage a village rather individuals, you can manage each villages manually but they are mostly automated after you assign tasks. The game currently has only 3 factions, more factions were promised in Kickstarter but did not end up in the game, one of the reasons owners are unhappy about. In my opinion this is important, there is modding. Yes, it is moddable and the community actually has a good amount of mods. What my concern is its easier to mod in items but character models might conflict the game with other mods which is often in the case for mods.
This game is a very different experience from Stardew, Portia. You can design, save and build different buildings for your village. Your mission here is to survive the biome with often monster raids and the limit resources. 3 Factions, presumably 3 biomes too certainly can keep you going for awhile. Since its highly moddable at the same time you can freely design any buildings. There is bound to be lots of fun. You select the areas, to farm, mine and even store your resources. There is enough going in the game that keeps you going.
I read in the reviews though that if you reach a later stage in the game but did not mention the amount of days, I presume to be hundreds, the automation of the villages will break and even if you task them to a task, they will stray away. Something like eat, if they do not eat, they will die after depleting their HP. How true this is I am not sure. Like Don't Starve from my experience, you can presumably play endlessly and I have played over a thousand days. As you continue to expand, build and grow, the game slows with you taking more resource from your PC. As much fun as you might be having for games like this you will be having different runs in the game.
Portia is a safe bet of a genre you enjoy. I will say you will enjoy Stonehearth, however it is the game breaking bugs that might run your experience. By that point or number of days, you might want a new challenge. As mentioned about factions, it is limited but if you can enjoy other variations and it is a highly moddable game so you will get a lot of community content. It certainly warrant a try perhaps when you are a little burnout with the Harvest Moon farming genre. A little variation from the genre. I can understand your concern as they were mine too. It has been on my wishlist for awhile and when I noticed the game, it was already in development for awhile. Think I WL it last year.
Warmest Regards + Cheers,
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All those DLC all the time. So now I'm going to be looking out for the Season Pass for a couple of months/years and eventually caving buying the gold/DeLuxe version. I wish there were more full games on the monthlies even if they have to be less known games.
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Staxel - https://steamdb.info/sub/79745/info/
Tales From Berseria - https://steamdb.info/sub/142467/info/
My friend bought from Denmark.
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Thanks again. The SteamDB link for Tales From Berseria was already there, but I wonder if everyone (apart from JP) receives it, including Asia and RU/CIS...
I added the Staxel link.
The more SubIds we have, the better we can make any sense of this region lock mess.
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I assume you're basing this on the notification you get when creating a gift link (judging by your other comment)? That's not necessarily accurate. Hopefully it's a ROW key, but we need a sub id to be sure. Did you activate the key already? Are you able to paste it here so I can try finding out its SubId?
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Awesome! Thanks a bunch!
You can delete your key (so that you don't get all those "Recover" your account messages from people/bots trying to activate it).
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I updated the OP; if you (Asia) receive a ROW (excluding Japan) key, I assume that RU/CIS gets the same version.
The SubId of your key was the one you mentioned (the one that can be activated everywhere apart from JP).
I still wonder what Japan gets as a replacement though, since there doesn't seem to be a version that can be activated only in Japan.
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It's replaced by the usual $5 coupon: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/CurryNights#announcements/detail/1707313586222685584
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i'm the guy from denmark abrix mentioned, sniper elite 4 gives this one: https://steamdb.info/sub/123424/
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That's actually a good question, I'll add it to the OP, maybe someone can answer. Thanks!
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I am guessing its the standard version, it was stated "You can choose to get previous Monthly favorite Rise of the Tomb Raider instead".. What was the version of the previous monthly which I did not get.
3:1 is a crazy deal but I am guessing they will include the Season Pass in the reveals if you choose RoTR. I think that's a fair deduction from the previous monthly of Titan Quest DLC. Had they done DLCs before that? I think its the new trend. Cheers, Cruse
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And here we have the answer: https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/360007657653-September-2018-Monthly-Early-Unlock-Content-info
Thanks to alphabetsoup!
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I actually wasn't sure if I was going to pause this month or not, but then someone offered Enter the Gungeon for Sniper and Staxel so I unlocked early. Now what to do with Berseria....
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Enter the gungeon for Sniper and Staxel? Seems like a bad deal in terms of value for me. Staxel for Gungeon would be the deal maker for me. :)
If you really like Gungeon then IT is worth as much as you had given, so Cheers and have fun in Gungeon. :D
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I agree. Didn't sway me since I have SE4 and RotTR, but I like the concept of it very much. Not sure I like the 3:1 penalty though.
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Skip. Berseria might be interesting, but the rest I have or am not interested in so I paused.
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Not interested in the early unlocks, but not pausing. Good gifts or trades here. Hopefully the reveals have something I want :)
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Looks interesting.. But skipping again.. Short on cash atm :D
Might just cancel.. but lets see..
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I want that Tales but I still haven't finished the first one xD
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don't worry, you still have about 1 month to finish that before picking this up
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WOW when was it the last time I was forced to buy two bundles one after another!
Well A Hat in Time + Conan + The Escapists 2 + The Surge + Tales of Berseria + Sniper Elite 4 ... for 12$ + 9$!
Interesting I payed 12$ and wanted to cancel my subscription and then what about -3$ OK!
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Thats nice offer, when you unsub how much $$$ value this month?
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Well the payment is due until 31 so I don't know yet.
Also as some luck per say I had only 8.90$ so not enought on the card .
But this is a no brainer tomorrow it will be bought!
Sniper and tales worth nore then that.
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9$ is really low price for tales, sniper and staxel
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That is an understatement!
Berseria alone was 10+ EUR or 12$
Sniper is even more:
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☞ Purchase the SEPTEMBER 2018 Monthly Bundle! ☜
A curated bundle of games sent to your inbox every month. When you subscribe, you'll immediately receive Sniper Elite 4, Tales of Berseria & Staxel with more to come and enjoy 10% off in the Humble Store!
View this bundle on: ITAD - Barter.vg - Lestrades
Subscribe before the FIRST FRIDAY OF SEPTEMBER (7th SEPTEMBER) for $12* to receive the SEPTEMBER bundle
Also, it's too late to buy the August Monthly Bundle. You will therefore NOT receive that bundle by purchasing this one!
Notice: ⚠️ Region lock ⚠️
Tales of Berseria
Despite regional versions for Asia and RU/CIS existing, EVERYONE (including these regions, but excluding Japan) receives this version (ROW, excluding Japan). (confirmation)
💸 Customers from Japan receive a $5 Store Coupon (this store credit will expire on October 5th, 10 AM Pacific) as a replacement for Tales of Berseria. (source)
Staxel (SteamDB)
is ROW. (confirmation)
Sniper Elite 4
is ROW, at least for everyone apart from RU/CIS. (confirmation)
Little Nightmares
JP customers will not receive this game. As a compensation, Humble Bundle will offer an additional $5 wallet credit if you write a support ticket asking for it. (source)
Customers outside JP receive SteamDB (ROW).
This month only! You can choose to get previous Monthly favorite Rise of the Tomb Raider instead of Sniper Elite 4, Tales of Berseria, and Staxel. Subscribe, take your pick, and start playing right away.
Pay early and get: Sniper Elite 4, Tales of Berseria & Staxel
OR (3:1)
Note: you will receive Rise of the Tomb Raider - Standard Edition (Season Pass not included). (source)
Late unlocks (everyone gets these):
Humble original: ETHEREAL
Note about the CV that these games generate:
Normally, the unbundled games from the Monthly bundles give full CV. However, depending on their value on the grey market, some of them will be added to the partial CV list, disregarding the "5% retail value" threshold. When this happens, your CV will be recalculated and as a consequence, reduced retroactively. More details about this can be found starting with this comment.
Note about referrals:
SteamGifts by default modifies all Fanatical.com, HumbleBundle.com, GamersGate.com links from all threads, adding the SteamGifts referral code. Whenever a user click or shares a link to one of the sites listed above, SteamGifts will earn a commission.
You can disable referral links from your settings panel:
Read Rachel's detailed Q+A to these Humble Monthlies! Also, read HB's FAQ!
Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!
Thanks to luckz for the poll!
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