I (Personally) think it's stupid to think that it's "suppose to prevent chargebacks" but last time I checked, people's PP accounts were being froze because people were putting notes on the payments. Meanwhile, people make you put down notes or else they won't accept it. The worst ones are "I will not chargeback and this is for a personal payment. (STEAMID64)" I don't want PayPal looking in my Steam Profile.

People are getting more anti-privacy with this practice. Please stop, if you don't want another account frozen...

8 years ago

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If you don't want to do it, don't trade with those traders. To be honest, this is something that used to happen all the time a few years back, don't think I've been asked to add a note to a PP payment in ages.

8 years ago

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If you don't want to do it, don't trade with those traders.

...or better: convince traders that it's unnecessary. not do the trade at all is not what he wants. he wants the trade, but he wants this condition gone. it's not like there's always another trader right around the corner, online and with exactly what you want for exactly the same price. ;)

8 years ago

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I 100% agree, but I usually come to the conclusion that whatever makes them happy. I want them to feel as comfortable trading with me as I am with them. If you suddenly started saying this is necessary and this isn't necessary they'll probably think SCAMMER and run a mile. lol

8 years ago

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yes, true. that's why a general approach here on the forum makes way more sense (even if chances of success are slim) than discussing this with a trader right before the trade. maybe he will convince one or two traders with this thread. and maybe - just maybe - he will actually trade with one of those at some point. long shot, i know. ;)

8 years ago

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Try the CS:GO/TF2 Key Sellers

8 years ago

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agreed, it's stupid and i highly doubt it has any effect in case of a chargeback. and nowaways people can use the family&friends option anyway. as i understand it, you can't chargeback those payments, so the whole thing makes even less sense than before.

but last time I checked, people's PP accounts were being froze because people were putting notes on the payments.

can you elaborate? when did this ever happen, and why?

8 years ago

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It happened in the UV communities on G+ & Facebook.
Multiple people got their accounts frozen because they put a note down .
Because studios treat reselling UV Codes as a bad thing so they have cranked down on stuff.

8 years ago

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what is UV?

8 years ago

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Ultraviolet, digital movies place that includes VUDU & Flixster

8 years ago

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ah ok, thanks.

8 years ago

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and nowaways people can use the family&friends option anyway. as i understand it, you can't chargeback those payments

That's correct.

8 years ago

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Meh. Just typing out a few words isn't going to kill me so I don't see what the big fuss is about. But I understand how you think it is stupid since such notes are kinda useless :P.

Tbh, the thing that bugs me the most about trading right now are the bastards who list Desura keys on their threads. Desura is fucking dead and no one wants that useless shit. -.-.

8 years ago

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Another thing that annoys me is the "Newbies" saying "You will have to go first, no exceptions." Since these guys have no +rep, they may as well be scammers

8 years ago

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absolutely. the easiest solution is "lower rep goes first". i don't see why i should ever be forced to go first, if someone has 10 rep or whatever. or even 100. on the other hand, if i trade with someone who looks trustworthy and didn't ask me to go first, i am often willing to go first and just do it without demanding anything. ^^

8 years ago

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"Hey there stranger I never spoke with before, I am contacting you to trade with you. Since I have a higher rep, send me your stuff now and I will pay you later."
What is your reaction to a message like this? Because mine is: "That is cute total stranger I know jack shit about, but since you contacted me with your request, you can fork over the payment first."
Honestly, if trading is done with the arbitrary notion of "my trading dick is longer than yours", then that deal lacks the minimum amount of trust I require to conduct any kind of deal with that person in the first place.

8 years ago

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well, trading should normally involve things like being nice to each other, discussing terms so that they are clear to both sides, and finding a fair solution to who needs to go first. if the first two points are already a problem (and your example lacks the being nice part), the trade should be canceled immediately. but the third point is something that could be resolved with our rep system. i mean, that's what it's there for. i earned my rep for years and therefore i would say a stranger can indeed tell how trustworthy i am by looking at my feedback. this is never a 100% thing, of course. we already had people with 100+ rep who suddenly started scamming others. but those were exceptions, and overall you can be pretty sure that someone with a lot of positive rep is trustworthy. on the other hand, someone with very little (or even negative) feedback cannot automatically be treated as a trustworthy trader. therefore a rule like "lower rep goes first" makes a lot of sense to me, if we're talking about a trade between two strangers. i don't see a better way to resolve the question who should go first, if SG-rep is the only real information you have about the other guy.

that being said, i often go first in trades. if someone has 200/0 and asks that the other guy goes first in his thread, i don't even bring up this topic. we both passed a certain threshold and are equally trustworthy. so there's no need to even discuss this. but if someone has very little feedback (say 10/0) and demands me to go first - i will point to my rep and ask him if he would be willing to go first. and if he is not, i simply will not trade with him. because i don't see why i should trust him more than he trusts me, while the only information we both have about each other clearly indicates that i am way more trustworthy.

this has nothing to do with my "trading dick". i just try to avoid being scammed. and the only possible way to judge my trade partner is the rep system. i have proven over the years that i don't scam people. never did, never will. and my feedback shows that. even without knowing me personally, everyone can see that the chance of me scamming anyone is extremely low. i cannot say the same about someone with 10/0. so i think it's reasonable to apply "lower rep goes first". it's the logical way to handle trades with one high-rep and one low-rep trader. if you have a better suggestion, please tell me. ;)

8 years ago

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It was more in general. I have been contacted by someone who more or less almost did that conversation. :/
Trading here is a mutual agreement and if there is anything questionable with the other, anyone can bail out any time. But whenever someone starts to push how they want me to go first and even start using the rep clause, I usually point out that normally in business it is the party that contacted the other one with their offer "goes first" since they are the one who have the interest in the deal.
This is why, frankly, I never even look at the positive feedback parts. I check the person's SteamRep, barter profile if available for successful trade percentage, and the content of the negatives here. I only care about if he could be non-trustworthy, and even a zillion trade reps could be worthless there. (I mean, look at G2A. Highest-recommended sellers can have 5k+ fake key reports against them, but because they have 100k+ positive feedback, nobody cares about the thousands of scammed people.)

8 years ago

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Unlike G2A, a legitimate-sounding neg feedback can be pretty damning for a steam trader. Rep value isn't an e-peen, it's a sign of how many unique, successful interactions the user has managed without getting a [legitimate] negative feedback.

Besides, your business examples only apply to situations where both entities in the transaction are of standing and determined to show respect to one another, or in cultures where there's a business dignity mentality [eg, traditional Japanese business practices]. Otherwise, it's 'big company dictates terms to little company'. And, in retail, it's the full opposite- you've got the initiator (ie, customer) setting all the terms.

It certainly can fit to your ideal business practices, or to your own stance on trading. But it's not some sort of universally valid point.
Basing your actions off a business partner's reputation is key.
Using the business angle a different way: A company will set the terms to an employee with a weak resume, but someone with a suitably noteworthy resume can perhaps be the one to set the terms.

Reputation of character is critical- otherwise we wouldn't have things like credit score ratings [even though those are notoriously inaccurate and poorly managed and.. ugh. Well, attend to the concept, not the actuality].

If someone carries themself poorly, then the specifics of their outlook don't really matter, you ought dismiss them due to the discourtesy or suspicious nature of their habits. Meanwhile, the common system of trading makes perfect sense:

  1. In any situation where one user has a low feedback score, and the other user is at least reasonably established, the low-feedback user goes first due to the high risk of scamming on their end. This is normal for any situation- people always have to jump through hoops at first. Think of SG's limited giveaway slots, for example.
  2. In a situation where two users have comparable scores, the initiator goes first. That is common sense when dealing on even (or fairly even) ground.
  3. In any situation where two users are both established, the initiator goes first regardless of score. Though, typically, it actually ends up being a "whoever notices the other one is online first" affair. I find established traders rarely worry about guarding themselves with other established traders.

If you've had other experiences..
..well, from your tone, you do seem to be referring to Steamtrades, and if that's the case, then I certainly couldn't weigh in there. All I've seen of ST has been.. wanting.
But for Barter- other than the very rare scammy, bigoted, hostile, revenge-feedback user- what I outlined above seems to be pretty universally adhered to.

Just saying, if someone is a dick, that's one thing, and should be addressed by that basis. But discounting a completely sensible anti-scamming/basic acknowledgement of reputation approach because you feel it's out of e-peen, is just.. well, that just doesn't follow. :P

In other words, yeah, rep doesn't matter after a point, but early on.. if a totally new user isn't willing to go first, that's damn suspicious, mainly in the fact that it's a basic courtesy on their end to do so, and so they're already actively disrespecting your earned reputation by refusing to acknowledge it. In other words, they're already being rude to you.

On G2A, the reputation benefit of feedback is minimal, and thus you don't have that same acknowledgement, and thus you don't have the same expectation of respect. (Though I assume if someone manages high positive feedback with no negative feedback at all, then that should still be accountable, even on G2A.)

And, of course, there's the fact that such users are running counter to the normal expectations- Barter and ST both allow you to list your trading circumstances in your bio/trading prompt. If the user didn't bother saying that they wouldn't go first, then they're the ones setting up the bad situation. Again, not a user that merits you bending over to attend to them, or putting in trust where there's certainly no evidenced reason to.

8 years ago*

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I meant SteamTrades, yes. Barter.vg deals often concluded like this: we both agree on barter, someone adds the other, when it was accepted, whoever is online first drops the key/link in chat, and when the other is online he drops his, everyone thanks the other and is happy.

When it is from here, well… I often get the feeling that traders think they are actually offering some kind of boon that they waste their precious time and items on those who dared to reply on their threads and try to do a transaction. Taught me to stick to only certain kind of trading and use a tone where I am very on point and cut out as much possible bullshit as possible, because it gives little to no leverage to try to make anyone jump through any hoops.

8 years ago

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Right. Sorry for the wall-of-text, then.

I refuse to touch SteamTrades. I mean, I'm tempted for a few VN keys I have, since they're impossible to put into matches on Barter, and thus complicated to publicize for trade, but so far I've managed to resist on the grounds that ST is.. "totally toxic". :X

I mean, not basing that on hearsay, but on my own interactions with the section. It's all been very.. cumbersome, awkward, and dissatisfying.
..you can apply that to the user interactions or the trade section interface, as you prefer. :P

8 years ago

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i agree with a lot you said. not with everything, though. :)

It was more in general. I have been contacted by someone who more or less almost did that conversation. :/

yeah, if someone is a dick, better not trade with him. ^^

But whenever someone starts to push how they want me to go first and even start using the rep clause, I usually point out that normally in business it is the party that contacted the other one with their offer "goes first" since they are the one who have the interest in the deal.

i wouldn't agree with that, for several reasons. first, in (real life professional) business you usually don't have the problem that you know absolutely nothing about your trade partner. also, real life business usually means people feel way more responsible than on the internet, and they fear consequences more. i would say the situation is very different in real life. also, if someone contacts you for a trade, how is he then the only one who is interested in the deal? didn't he respond to your offer in your thread, where you made clear first that you are interested in trading your game? aside from that, i am not sure if it should really matter who is more interested in the deal or whatever. if we're talking about forming a general rule that makes trading safer for all of us, i think it should be more about how to judge trustworthiness.

I check the person's SteamRep

i always check it, but it's really not that helpful anymore. they refuse to flag people for all kinds of scams nowadays. they ignore key trades, for instance. if you take into account how steam trading has changed during the last 2 years and how it probably led to more key trades rather than gift trades, i would say the relevance of steamrep is lower than ever. still, if someone is flagged as a scammer on there, that's still a good indicator how to proceed. ;)

barter profile if available for successful trade percentage

i don't see the difference between this percentage and the percentage here on SG (since you say you choose to ignore the positives here). i would say it's always best to check both.

and the content of the negatives here.

yeah, sometimes they say more about a trader than pure numbers. if the last 3 entries are negative, that says a lot. or if all negatives are about a certain type of trade. i also look at how long someone has been trading. a guy with 10/0 who traded for 2 years seems more trustworthy to me than a guy with 100/0 who started a month ago.

8 years ago

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also, if someone contacts you for a trade, how is he then the only one who is interested in the deal? didn't he respond to your offer in your thread, where you made clear first that you are interested in trading your game?

:laugh: That's true. Trying to figure out the initiator gets way too complicated if you start overthinking it. Which of course means that putting too much value on that element is pretty silly, even though it does make a good 'tie-breaker' when you need one (much like the somewhat similarly arbitrary "whose name precedes the other alphabetically").

8 years ago

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If you don't like their rules, find someone else with different rules.

There's honestly no need to complain about it.

8 years ago

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It brings attention to it and how useless it is.
It's called a RANT, not a complaint
If it were a complaint, I would have taken it to the creators of SteamGifts.

8 years ago

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There's no need to get defensive. Where I live, ranting and complaining are one and the same.

8 years ago

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Not getting defensive, just pointing out my opinion

8 years ago

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Then next time, cool it with the caps.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Use *this* for italics.
Works better than caps for stressing without yelling.

8 years ago

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Still better than those people who post on facebook "I don't give Facebook permission or permission to use my pictures, my information or my publications... blablabla..."

8 years ago

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Those people are funny because Facebook will use that

8 years ago

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