you mean phil fish? and if it was proper criticism of his game than ya, except it wasn't game criticism, it was an ad hominem attack because some journalist couldn't get an interview with him of xbox one's indie publishing policies (which are still not public.) after all the shit he's been through i don't blame him for wanting to leave the industry so soon.
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It's possible to represent yourself without representing your product or your company.
Modern media just encourages everyone to jump on the back of what people say immediately and victimise them for every word that may make them sound arrogant. Going "fuck you" to journalists for their bullshit should be acceptable even if you're not Quentin Tarantino.
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Absolutely, but Phil Fish took it too far. Instead of being "the developer" he became one of the screaming butthurt internet dwellers. Saying "fuck you" in response to someone who says "fuck you", achieves nothing. They have nothing to lose, he had a lot to lose.
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No, people did this, not Phil Fish. Phil Fish was going "fuck you" to people who were spreading erroneous rumours about him, people replied with "fuck you too" and he basically went "fuck you right back". There is nothing he did wrong, people are overreacting to him because he was profane in asking people to stop being assholes.
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"There is nothing he did wrong"
Oh come on. I don't need to go far to find someone else who disagrees with that :P
But my point is, if someone is looking for a reaction from you, don't give it to them. He could have handled the situation so much better in a more calm and collected manner. No need to be malicious, no need to take everything so personally when it's not even true. Release a public message or make a funny video about all the shit that's been sent to you. Just don't give the media more ammunition, whether it's a matter of pride, or reputation, or whatever, that was his downfall.
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How about the media stops being so aggressive in victimising people and pulling everyone down with everything they can find, this whole "scandalous shocking news: celebrity X in bikini with celebrity Y on the beach!"-like media behaviour is fucking sickening and it affects the video game industry just the same. This is what pissed off Phil Fish, and what makes him want to not be part of it.
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Celebrity media isn't quite the same as gaming media, but I understand your point. It's just a matter of dealing with it, or not dealing with it. There are plenty of indie developers who have made it through in one piece, and I don't hear them complaining about the media.
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A game "Journalist" was calling a boycott on his future games basically because he didn't give away information that is most likely confidential, and he probably has a contract with Microsoft saying that he can't give the information away.
And you're right that gaming media is different than celebrity media, but if these actions are how we are defining gaming media right now, it's practically worse. Amanda Bynes is now more popular than she ever was due to her absolutely horrible behavior, but she is rewarded with being back in the attention of the media through celebrity journalism. Phil Fish, on the other hand, is called out for doing something that he probably can't do and is boycotted in return. Great Job, gaming journalism. I myself just can't see why it's necessarily wrong that he retaliated in that way.
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Just because you can find people who jumped on the bandwagon to hate the guy....
besides reporters can be real pricks sometimes(this guy for instance), and it seems to only get worse when those types of reporters are actually quite small time
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Oh my gosh, I meant Phil Fish, sorry, LOL.
And I don't know, he just kept responding on twitter. Not to mention he went with xbox instead of steam originally because of more money, and then when FEZ had a glitch he basiclly said fuck you to the consumers and said to deal with it because he woulden't pay to get it patched.
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I kinda liked his "boycot harder noobs. suck it" thing.
Seems fair enough to troll people when everybody decides to hate him (for being racist and hating japanese people which was an assumption made based on an incorrect interpretation of an incorrect interpretation of a basically deliberate misquote of something he said in the indiedev move taken completely out of context and liberally paraphrased) or when reddit said they'll refuse to buy his game, and he taunts them when he becomes top selling game on steam the first day.
it was funny and sometimes these people just deserve somebody turning around and saying "fuck you too"
so hes a bit bluntly abrasive with it, not like they weren't going to jump all over him anyway no matter what he did
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Definitely thought this thread was going to be about the old freddy fish games...I am so dissapointed
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More like FFez Fish. Thank you, thank you. Took me all of lunch to think of that one.
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He says so many things that get soundbyte'd and taken out of context that just sound AWFUL, and this is a wonderful example of that. I actually agree with everything the panel says there, but of course the only quote you ever hear from the entire 5 minute answer is "Japanese games are just bad, -Phil Fish". I feel kinda bad for the guy, he's got an abrasive personality and apparently can't handle criticism which is/was in the worst possible situation for a game designer with those two personality quirks.
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Dude, the way he goes about it is so douchy its unbearable. Not only that the whole panel laughs at the guys face, at least the Japanese dev has fucking respect.
Thats the issue here, maybe he should not even be in public, stay behind the scenes and make games, I would not let that douche out of his room if I was going to an event to speak on the game(If I was on his team that is).
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He's trying to be funny. He's got an offbeat awkward sense of humor. As someone who has a somewhat similar sense of humor (although not nearly as public or as extroverted about it) I can somewhat sympathize with jokes that don't land right. Maybe that's why I don't hate him. Granted, he does say a lot of stupid shit even if you take that into account. Still, I don't see why people get worked into a lather about it. He makes a couple bad jokes and says a couple stupid things and suddenly he's the worst thing to ever happen to gaming.
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We just see this differently, someone might see me as a douche, thats fine, was just pointing out how I see him.
Not gonna argue about it.
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Not everyone has the same sense of humor, of course, but there are ways to be funny that don't offend anyone at all, wether you consider them pretty funny or not, and there are other ways that some people may find offensive. It's the same reason why you and your group of friends could find a cynical joke about a dead person funny, but if you go and tell it at a funeral you probably wouldn't expect them to laugh. If someone doesn't care wether it's appropriate or not to make fun of others in their faces (or isn't able to tell and just continue to do it at every occasion), then he's a bad person.
Now, that doesn't have anything to do with his work, but neither does the reason why he (apparently) left the gaming industry. It was always just about the person. His game could have been the best game ever made, but you can't really blame people if they would rather avoid buying it knowing he's one of the people behind it and would get his share of their money.
As Hillary said, "maybe he should not even be in public, stay behind the scenes and make games", in this case probably nobody would have anything to say about the game, but apparently all of his team think he's funny and is suited to be a spokesperson, so they can't really blame anyone but themselves if it came to this.
P.S.: That said, I never really followed all the ruckus about him, I just don't care, but nevertheless I'm about to watch Indie Game: The Movie with some friends tonight, so maybe after that I'll have a better understanding on how it all started :P
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hes just too "internet" for meatspace
(and for some reason the same people who'd say basically the same things here get upset when he says things that way outside. how many of the ones who got all pissy about the spreadsheets crack never said "consoles just suck" or "console ports suck and consoles are killing the game industry" how many who got all grammar nazi about "you don't say an opinion like fact(apparently all people are idiots incapable of understanding the obvious implied difference between the two), you don't say "japanese games just suck" you must say "in my opinion i find the direction jrpgs are going in recent years not to my tastes" have never said "fighting games suck" meaning that the same way he did about japanese games(and only by an idiot moron(and only one out looking for a fight at that)'s interpretation about japan, japanese people, japanese culture or Japanese productse?)
basically I don't understand the hate for the guy. I get why people might not like him if they ever met him in person or spoke to the guy, but hate seems a bit far
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He came off harsh, but I think he is just socially awkward. He knew what he was trying to say, and said what came to his mind first instead of taking a bit more time to think about it. I think that has really always been his problem. He sees a question or a situation and goes "well this is my answer" and he doesn't think about how people may react because that is the way he sees it. Then when people confront him about it, calling him a terrible person, a douche, a jackass, etc. He doesn't know how to react because he is already awkward enough socially to just blurt his ideas out, that being confronted about them must be mindbreaking.
It doesn't make him a douche, and it doesn't make him a bad guy.
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Then I guess I am a douche too. I suffer from a similar social anxiety that he does (not nearly as bad as his though) which is why I can see him struggle with it and understand where he is coming from. He does come off as a bit of a douche sometimes though, like the little hissy fit he is throwing by cancelling the second game. But I can understand his viewpoint and reason. Not his execution however, that is his own beast to deal with.
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Never called you one, no need to take it so personal, geez.
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Why can't he be like 99% of game developers who get chastized and just not respond? it reminds me of the time the creator of Bayonetta got upset because he found out people were drawing porn of her. Like nobody saw that not happening.
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