I can be a joiner but you mean by playing we dont have to finish it right, because some games really take long time to finish.
Edit: i also won one of your giveaways but my finals and batman arkham knight taking my all time right now. Next week(after 18th) when my exams finish i ll start to play other games that i won and i wanted to play :)
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Just FYI you are actually replying to a 2 year old comment.
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Hello Reforced,
would like to ask for help or a guidance with something regarding the group, because I am confused. Yesterday I was kicked from your group, I guess for not playing the game I won. But thats not true. I used the tool on your site to remind me what games to play, because I dont have much time atm and also got a reminder from OriginalMuffin that time is running out.
I play all the games I win, sometimes they are good and I enjoy them, sometimes they are rubbish but as you say I give it a decent try at least. The game in question was http://store.steampowered.com/app/498450/ A WEEK OR CIRCUS TERROR. I spent quite a bit of time there, going from room to room, searching for clues, using my flashlight and dying a lot. I didnt really get this game, although it was scary I didnt figure it out how to survive. So after giving it a try, and it was a decent try I thought that it is done and I can move to a different game, I would enjoy.
But then I was kicked and I dont understand it. I gave it a decent try, what have I done wrong?
Could you please explain to me why, would love to know and understand.
Could I be invited back pls, because I really try and this didnt feel fair.
Thanks you
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Hi mainCZ,
You have been kicked for idling games. You have 2.5hrs playtime for these games:
It's hard to believe all these winning would have taken you 2.5 hours. Apart from playtime, there is not an additional way to verify if you played them or not. Please be sure to make a few screenshots next time when you idle games (I can understand that for small games the cards didn't drop all yet, while you might have finished the game already, explaining the 2.5hrs).
Of course you are free to join back again, for that please make sure to having played all your Playing Appreciated wins until now (and please include a few screenshots this time). Send a message when you did and I'll be more than happy to approve your giveaways and send you a new invitation. :)
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Hello Reforced, thanks for coming back to me.
Thanks for the explanation, I actually try to play all games, that was the reason for joining the group, to discover games I wouldnt play otherwise. But obviously some games are lets say rubbish and not exactly my cup of tea so I spend little time with them and realize I dont enjoy them even though I thought I would from the trailer. So I go to the next game. I dont idle for the pure reason to get cards and stay in groups, I try to play, but if the game isnt good enough I dont see the point in playing it and its a shame to lose cards so obviously I try to get all cards from all games I buy/get.
Just wanted to say I tried, I can understand your reasoning, but this is not the case. Anyways, thanks for your understanding.
So if I play those games you listed again some more, I can ask to rejoin? How far do I have to get in the game to make the screenshots valid? Just asking if the game is really boring so it might be tough to keep playing you know ;)
Btw shame I got dropped at this time, I missed on your great giveaway for Dishonored 2, love that world, my top wishlist game :(
Anyways, thanks for good talk and hope you had nice easter.
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Sure thing. Puzzle games like jigsaw, chess and word seeker are pretty explanatory - you just have to be careful what you join and you must have the intention to play the whole game, not just give it a try. Only when the game is a disappointment you can let it slide after playing half of the game or so, but if we see a borderline case and see all games won of a member like that, that member will get kicked. Just be more selective and for now make a few screenshots from where you ended. You can login on the group tool website and see all the games that were rejected.
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Hello Reforced,
oh your god, this was lesson learned, next time I am gonna research all games properly and check some reviews! Never judge a book by its cover, some of these games were worse then I could imagine from the steam description. But finally managed to play all and there was one I liked but they are all aimed for younger audience or for mobile.
Fabulous Food Truck
Kitty Cat Jigsaw
Milford Heaven
Ultimate Word Search
Tried Chess Knight 2 but I suck and never won a game :D
Would love to join the group again, thank you very much.
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I just looked, you still did not play them all. You can only join again once you have finished all 21 winnings. For your reference a full list of your winnings below for you to tick off.
A Week of Circus Terror
Milford Heaven - Luken's Chronicles
Kitty Cat: Jigsaw Puzzles
Fabulous Food Truck
Chess Knight 2
Mystery Of Rivenhallows
Pepe Porcupine
Final Quest II
Murder Mystery Adventure
Puppy Dog: Jigsaw Puzzles
Ultimate Word Search 2: Letter Boxed
Darconika: The Cube of Soul
Deep Space Dash
Super Mega Neo Pug
Kick Ass Commandos
JumpJet Rex
Revolution Ace
As for the screenshots, please upload them to Steam Cloud when possible. Especially for you: may 21 piglets nibble your toes while playing and please check back here when you finished all the games.
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Well.... Overture is a quite hard game, RNG based, no upgrades, just random drops for every item in this game. Same goes to boss fight loots, and you need money to "purchase" those statistic unknown loots.... kinda ridiculous.
The worst thing is that it keeps dropping weaker weapons / equipment than you have.
6 hours played on my own.
Edit: and you need to beat the game with 4 different main classes to "finish" this game.
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That's why members should take care what giveaways they join. If you don't, you'll win allot here including games that are hard to play. About your edit: "finishing" means just play the main story of the game up to the final boss or end credits whatever. We don't require a completionist score.
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To be fair, to get your first achievement in Overture you have to beat the entire game in a single sitting. It's arguably one of the hardest games on Steam, and it's also quite long. Oh, and it's permadeath so if you slip up just once you have to start all over.
The extreme difficulty of getting your first achievement is something most people aren't told when they enter for the game.
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I am just having my time today reading through threads. Just want to share my time playing Overture. I have played 152hrs on Overture, Is it a hard game? Not really but it does mess with your eyes alot. Why did I spend such a long time on it? Because I wanted to finish the game, its stubbornness.
You are able to upgrade/level up your character with currency you earn in your run. Higher level mean HP, Dmg increase, etc, I think the max level is 100 or 120? Been 1yr+ Once you got a run, you'll understand what is the best equipment you want to look for. Is this run the run you want to complete the level or just a money run? Time I spent most is in grinding.
I believe I could have finish the game faster if I have more patience. A person with better reflexes and patience could fair better, people whom enjoy bullet-hell games will fair better. I had fun in that game but I have lots of frustration from it too. I was glad I finally finished the game but I felt I took too long.
Cheers, Have fun in your wins and games ^__^
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I won't be able to give for now but the group seems interesting - if it's not a problem I'd love to join :) Also I won't be entering giveaways I don't intend to play right away (there aren't many so I'll be entering rarely the most probably) :) A reminder in the description is a great idea though and should be obligatory cos it's a nice reminder but maybe that's just me :P
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If people will actually really play the games I'll be more than happy to give something from time to time, just not now cos I simply cannot :) But my situation should change in the next month or so :)
Thank you for an invitation, much appreciated! <3
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Interesting idea you got there .
No way i am joining , cause i got massive backlog to work on already . And even tho i just enter for wishlist stuff playing it within a month is sometimes next to imposible >.> looks @ tales of zestiria
But good luck and have a bump :)
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You must be very busy then! ;) You can (and should) just skip group giveaways your unable to play within a month, but you can still join the group to make that selection. If you already know that you are unable to play every game that will be in a group giveaway, feel free to join later when you have more time at hand! ^^
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That's really cool of you. I actually follow this kind of rule with any new giveaways I enter, though I still have a few won giveaways I need to play (Banner Saga, Desolate Hope) but it's always hard to navigate exactly which things to play in which order. I still have a gift from last christmas to play too, and others are still getting around to playing stuff I gifted THREE christmases ago.
Those sales bring out the weirdest in us, don't they? That, and bundles.
I'd love an invite if you still have any slots open!
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In both I chose games with good reviews that also include achievements (so that the winner can easily show at least some progress).
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Wow, that's a great idea! I'm struggling with my backlog right now, but I definitely want to do better. It's stupid to win a game and not to play it, not to mention it's unfair to other participants who could've won the game and actually played it. If you think I can join, I'll do everything I can to always follow the rules. With my backlog, it won't be too easy, but I do love challenges :)
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Sounds interesting. So as a creator are you requiring that we would need to 'follow up' etc with winners who haven't played within a month or is it more just sentiment and try to encourage the behavior where possible? Mostly wondering bc I don't have time to check in on the status much.
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Thanks. The group is indeed not about burden you with being police officer over your giveaways ^^ So it's the latter, as group giveaway creator you are free to do as you please - also to report or not report someone. You just like the game to be played and if people play by the rules it will be. :)
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In addition to what Reforced said, if I interpret the rules correctly, any members of the group are also encouraged to check the winner:
In case of a group only giveaway others are encouraged to check this too.
So, even if a winner knows that you in particular don't have time to follow up, he/she won't feel completely safe in committing a gruesome act of unappreciation :)
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Hi MS2Mic, your profile went to private while one of the group rules it that you need to have a public profile. Please change it back to public at your earliest convenience if you like to remain part of the group. Please understand that this is needed in order to check if you are playing the games you may win in this group.
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Hi Mechanicc, your profile went to private while one of the group rules it that you need to have a public profile. Please change it back to public at your earliest convenience if you like to remain part of the group. Please understand that this is needed in order to check if you are playing the games you may win in this group.
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This looks interesting, I like this idea! Would like to join :)
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Playing Appreciated is a group for members that like to play games they win and for giveaway creators that like to see their games getting played. This sounds simple, yet requires committent and dedication from members by filtering out games they like to play from all group giveaways and when won playing those within one month. In return members will get higher chances of winning games they want and creators will know their giveaways have a high chance of getting played. The group has more than 1000 members and over 25000 historical giveaways.
Group rules
How to join
Final notes
More information and a FAQ is available via the Steam group. Current group giveaways can be found here on SteamGifts. Feel free to comment below if you have any questions!
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