u cant open a box with game already owned, there is no 'Open giftbox' button
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I've been lucky that I have only run into 3 or 4 of those so far. But there really should be a big giant warning on the giveaway creation page letting people know what kinds of giveaways are problematic (or prevent them from being created). I don't think people are doing it on purpose.
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2 ideas for improvements.
Most complaints I've seen so far are about:
a) already owned games/dlc/packs
b) extra low quality games which many people have on their blacklists and would like to filter out
Solutions proposed up till now:
Many people are suggesting to filter out blacklisted titles which could help with both of the problems, but could also be abused. It's theoretically possible to filter out all but selected games(probably it would require using a few accounts due to blacklist limits, yet it's still possible). With proper scripts it would even be possible to identify the exact game without opening the box, by manipulating the blacklist and checking which boxes are still visible. That's certainly against the idea behind the event, where the gift should be a surprise
Hints/tagging could also be easily abused. Too detailed ones could be used to identify the game, too broad ones, would probably just cause more complaints.
Rerolls could help, but some would be forced to use them for owned titles, while others could get an extra chance to reroll their worst pick. Not really that fair. If only it was possible to limit rerolls to already owned games.. Yet in that scenario the problems wouldn't exist in the first place.
What about using 2 different mechanism to counter each of the points?
Ad a) Tag all content which can't be verified by the page and few extra chances for that pool only
Ad b) Allow only games with >50% positive reviews(+ packs and unreleased titles as they can't be reviewed). If this is about making somebody a pleasant surprise, why don't we simply ban gifts which the majority finds bad?
And most importantly: Thank you CG for the event! Let's have some fun and focus on the bright sides. We're living in an imperfect world, and it's almost impossible to suggest a solution which would suit everybody, each of the propositions has some downsides and that can't be avoided.
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Here's a new(?) suggestion;
If you get a "blacklist" block, mark the giveaway red (rather than green).
I understand why it was changed from on-click rather than it just hid them, but once you click them and get the message, you got the info anyway, so it's only helping you navigate better at that point.
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Do dark grey or black border. Less negative in tone than red, and fits better to the name of the list.
Also, Available already filters out [people who have you blacklisted], regardless of whether or not you have them blacklisted, just not people you have blacklisted. Well, unless I reversed which one shows and which doesn't-I didn't pay that much attention, after all. :P But yeah- so, either way, it already shouldn't be something you're bumping into often, as-is. But if there's still reason for it, I do think giving it a non-intrusive alt-border color is a good approach for it.
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You cannot join a giveaway by only having the direct link. If you did not open the corresponding gift box, but received the link from someone else, you will see an error when attempting to view the giveaway.
I think this is the answer you are looking for MrG.
You can indirectly also make the box you are giving away with your avatar as a picture so people can almost be sure its you.
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Two updates have just been added to the event.
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Thanks for the update CG :)
The great event just got better!
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Retroactive? Like removing entries from already opened boxes if they were filtered?
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Found it 2 times.
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Okay, so if I understand this correctly, folks who used the filter functions on this site excessively now have a huge advantage, while others are left out? I never used filters, because I normally only browse wishlist giveaways anyway. I also understand, that there's no way to fix this by adding the filters now. Not cool.
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You act like they have a bigger chance of winning the acutal giveaway they enter now, because they have filtered out games they dont want. Its more like crap games and DLC wont have as many entries, and better games will have more entries and less chance of winning.
So the real winner is you.
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What's the point of winning chances, if I can't find anything I want to win? My problem simply is this: if someone filtered out all the stuff they don't want, they have a huge advantage in actually finding the stuff they want. While the rest of us is stuck with bad rats. Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean they actually win. I'd still take a very tiny chance on something I actually want over a big chance on something I don't want anytime. What really upsets me, is that this update totally wrecks the balance of the whole event. Because at the end of the day, when I found out that I used my 5 picks for stuff I would never enter anyway, my only consolation is that everyone has equal chances finding the good stuff. Except, now that's not the case anymore.
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if someone filtered out all the stuff they don't want, they have a huge advantage in actually finding the stuff they want.
I was kind of against the filter being implemented to the boxes, but the community / cg was partial towards that, so there's that. Also using it "excessively" is spending free time by hiding those games - anyone could have done that too if they wouldn't have gone for the easier route. Technically it's just a reward for activity, not a punishment for others.
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Wouldn't a "better" reward for "activity" not be like extra chances per forum post?
But guess not the right "activity" at this point? With recommended and wishlist the site's already helping out not needing a massive hidlist... till now.
For example instead of hiding all I used my Steamwishlist instead to find games easier on SG. Same "activity", but no benefit now. Why? Because the rewarded "activity" is arbitrarily chosen. Therefore not really being an "activity" reward at all.
And now I hope this all makes sense.
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Really personally I would like to see only filtering out owned ones and maybe ignoring the profile limited ones. I don't really care about chances and activity, I would like a "have fun with neat-looking packages and good luck with opening something good" than funneling non-hidden games.
IMO this extra seasonal event got way too serious towards the "I want to win more" thing.
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Sadly if that was possible we wouldn't have needed this discussion, since the issue didn't exist then :/
My biggest issue with the "it rewards activity" argument is there is many different activities that take time to do here, why is this one specifically better than the others (although one could probably make the same argument for the forums since much higher chances with invite only giveaways).
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Well, it sure feels like a punishment to me, opening yet another box with bad rats. In fact, it's a double punishment, one pick gone, and the knowledge that I made the mistake of not hiding it before (because, until now, the wishlist tab seemed the far better option).
Also, why should anyone be rewarded for hiding stuff? Is it an activity that's somehow especially praiseworthy? Personally, I think the opposite is the case, because when you don't see a giveaway you can't appreciate it. And just because I wouldn't enter e.g. for an FPS game, doesn't mean I can't appreciate that someone is creating a giveaway for it.
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By that logic, though, wouldn't owning any games also be bad, since then you can't appreciate giveaways for the games you own? Seems like if you really believe that, you should remove all the games from your steam account so you can appreciate every giveaway. But of course, that's just ridiculous.
I see it more as me being respectful to giveaway creators. I know for sure that I don't want this particular game, so I hide it and make sure that I'll never enter for it by accident. That way every copy of it can go to someone who's actually interested.
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Now, you're blowing everything out of proportion. Naturally, someone owning almost everything will find it harder to appreciate giveaways. That doesn't mean everyone should own nothing. And, frankly, if you need to hide stuff to prevent yourself from entering by accident, you might just take a little more care when entering giveaways in the first place. Just in case I didn't make myself clear: I'm fine with people making extensive use of the hiding feature, it's just there's also benefits in occasionally seeing giveaways, even if you don't enter, just to notice they exist or even to express your appreciation. I'm just tired of everyone with a large filter list now acting like it's a divine duty to filter and implying that everyone who didn't must be a bad person and deserves to get bad rats when opening their boxes.
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Yeah, but why would you have a quick look if you aren't going to check them anyway?
I try to check every game I come across and evaluate it whether it's something I would enjoy playing or not, this way I can discover new games and appreciate them. I feel like that's much more of what this site is about, than clinging to your wishlist.
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Well, I sometimes have a quick look to see what giveaways are offered, especially in groups. Sometimes I check them out and leave a comment to show my appreciation (when appropriate) - even though I don't enter because the game's clearly not my cup of tea. Maybe I'm guilty of not doing this often enough, but there's just too many games on Steam. My point is, that even though I stick to my wishlist most of the time, I can still see other giveaways, which I couldn't if I had filtered them.
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We will see how good/bad the site stand in 1 year..... and if it gave thoughts about a better solution.
I think the new rule is a step in the right direction and a fast made one. So it is clear that it can't be perfect.
Oh and i have no advantage from it because i don't hided so much as many other users.
But to my luck i started to hide much more over the last months then the 1,5 years before. I will see in a few hours, when i check the presents again, what it changed for me.
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But what's wrong with that? Maybe this will result in more people entering GAs for games they actually want to play and not everything they see.
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It takes a long time to make a decent filter list, but it's a good way to find out about different games too (assuming you actually check out each game before hiding it). You should definitely use it instead of relying completely on your wishlist.
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The main reason I didn't use it: Steam comes up with so many new games I have zero interest in that I couldn't keep up anyway. I found my time to be too valuable to filter out stuff I already filtered on Steam, when - at the same time - I can just browse wishlist. And now it's too late anyway. That's what upsets me most: getting punished for not setting up filters, where others have a clear advantage now.
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Quite so.
I have spent my time filtering things out, and to the point where I probably have one of the more robust filter lists on the site.
That doesn't make this change any more fair. Because, not only is there not a correlation between past and present filter applications, but there's also not a correlation between our filter habits and the fairness of this change. May as well just say that it's fair to have an "all people who have been buying orange juice instead of apple juice now get 90% off future purchases of all juices!".
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The event was clearly put up in a rush, as there were no improvements over last year. Instead of checking for what people said they wanted changed last year CG asked what people wanted changed now, and most people were asking for filters to work.
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Feel the same way. Have never seen the need to filter out games. This change defeats the point of having the gift box event in the first place. It's not random chance when you know that you want every single game.
EDIT: just wanted to add that I know that this is just a bit of fun. I don't really care about winning anything from the event. Just seems like everyone should be on a level playing field.
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Exactly, it should be a fun event. I don't care much about winning. However, spending all your daily picks on stuff you normally wouldn't even look at, can leave a somewhat bitter taste. Which is okay, as long as everyone is on the same boat, because next day better luck, right? Except, now the rules have changed. And what makes it worse, there's no way to make up for not having a extensive filter list, or even a filter list for the most common "traps".
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Agreed. The next issue is that anyone who is paying attention can work on there filter list before next year's event. So potentially I can filter out everything except the 40 games on my wishlist. Again, this defeats the point of running the event in the first place.
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How many users will spend days filtering absolutely everything on the site, to have 30 top-wishlisted games left. When chance is that giveaways for those games will not even be made. And they will not be able to enter in less-desirable games for days before and during the event. Plus there may not even be an event next year, so they would do all this for nothing.
Users that check only main page (which is a majority) will not even notice the change - it is not written in OP post but in one of the comments.
So I think in worse case scenario we'd have handful of users that would realize it's "time for next SG event", start to hide all "bad" games, and then wait with full list of hidden games if cg decides to re-create event without changing the rules again.
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You're right. I doubt many people will bother, me included. Was just highlighting the fact that it might be an option if people care enough about winning certain games. Just seems like an unnecessary change to something that is just supposed to be a fun festive event and has introduced a level of unfairness that wasn't there before.
I'm sure creating these events is not easy and making changes based on feedback is tough because it will always lead to more feedback. I'm up for whatever system makes things as fun and fair for as many users as possible.
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How many users will spend days filtering absolutely everything on the site, to have 30 top-wishlisted games left.
Scripts for that exist, though, and are pretty easy to make, as well. And you can disable filter in settings, as well.
It's pretty managable, for those who want to do it. Then again, I don't see the point, as the more you limit your results, the less likely you'll find ANYTHING in the event, meaning that perhaps you deserve to get whatever instances of those 30 games are available.
So it is a non-issue, just not entirely for the reason you first presented. ^.^
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If they were aware of the conditions.
I mean, people do puzzles, jigidi's etc. for chances, this is far less effort than any of those.
Also "worst case" we already got users not filtering owned dlc and games, they are in a definite disadvantage compared to us that do in THIS event.
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Having a such extensive filter list, that only your top 30 wishlisted games remain is probably a very rare and extreme case. It doesn't change the fact, though, that some are clearly better off because they filtered the stuff they don't want, while the rest of us is stuck with falling for every "trap", e.g. I managed to open at least 2 boxes with "bad rats" by now and more than dozen other things I clearly would have filtered if I'd foreseen such a feature. What makes things worse, that there seems to be no way to rectify my "mistake" of not having a filter list (because I usually only check the wishlist tab). So every time I pick a box containing something "bad" (fully admitting the term "bad" is rather subjective to ones preferences) I'll now feel doubly punished. Not my idea of fun.
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I'm all for getting surprised and everything. I opened a troll giveaway (with an AAA game on the box and a trash hentai game inside) and everyone was like "Was it worth it? I'm blacklisting you!" And I was thinking, sure it's a bummer, but that's part of the fun. If you don't want that, there are normal giveaways, no need to be salty.
But on the other hand - out of the first 10 boxes, 9 games were in my ignore list. The only game I wanted had the game's poster on the box. And even now with the filter I still get games I don't want. Right now I've only entered 16 GAs out of 50.
But I guess they should have implemented an option to show only whislisted games or something, for people who don't hide games. But I guess that option has even more issues.
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That was my thought process about why it should not be applied: better have a surprise than always "wanted" games... it's just not christmasy that people repeatedly complain about not opening games they want. It's a gift box... we still have all the giveaways + calendars, and people go ham on the extra, fun feature :|
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Agreed. Christmas is all about surprises! This is like distributing a list of items that you want to all friends and family before Christmas and telling them to only get you things off the list ;)
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It's not random chance when you know that you want every single game.
I can't speak for anyone else, but for me, "games I haven't filtered on SG" does NOT equal "games I want."
(Having said that, there is no question that people who have made use of the filter option will have a better chance of opening a gift box that they might be interested in. I absolutely understand the argument that the sudden implementation of filters for this event is not necessarily fair to everyone).
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Good point. That's probably true for a lot of people, but like you said, it just makes things a little unfair. It could be more of an issue next year.
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Hiding bundles you already own / DLCs / Profile features limited is time-consiming, but only reliable way to not end with multiple wins because of how SteamAPI works. So IMO adding filter based on this has more sense than adding filter for WL.
After all people cannot see those giveaways on the giveaway page, why would they see them in the boxes? And allowing them to enter in giveaways for things they already own makes them "target" for suspension for multiple wins.
On the other hand adding filter to check against games on your WL would not be better, as there are users that have there 50 games, and those that have few thousands games.
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Hiding bundles you already own / DLCs / Profile features limited is time-consiming, but only reliable way to not end with multiple wins because of how SteamAPI works. So IMO adding filter based on this has more sense than adding filter for WL.
That's kinda tangental to the topic, since you're still only referring to a very small number of filtered elements (games owned, which have DLCs, but were not won through SG). Even those with huge libraries are still only likely going to have a few hundred filtered elements with that approach, compared to the tens of thousands of filtered elements for people who use the filter more actively.
After all people cannot see those giveaways on the giveaway page, why would they see them in the boxes?
Also tangental. Carlica's focus, as presented, is on the abruptness of the change, not necessarily on the existence of the change.
This comment doesn't really relate to that point.
And allowing them to enter in giveaways for things they already own makes them "target" for suspension for multiple wins.
I.. no, sorry, I can't back that. Not only do the giveaway pages show whether the content is filtered or not, it's still ultimately down to the user in question to manage their library, nevermind it being their responsability to not accept a win for something they already own, not the site's.
Besides, it doesn't "allow" them anymore than any other part of the site does. If you're assuming that someone who doesn't check their wins and hoards wins for games they already own is going to use the filter in the first place, then I'm really not sure what kind of encounters you've had here on the site. Seems to me as though that'd be a rather niche grouping.
Even from the perspective that such is reasonable, there were plenty of other approaches cg could have taken on the matter, as had been discussed. (Not that I have any vested interest either way, I'm just pointing out that other measures were discussed.) And, again, this should all be tangental to carlica's topic, as I understood it.
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I just wrote that hiding games you already own is sometimes only way to avoid suspension, as users enter in GAs without checking if they own something or not. I did not write that everyone does that, or try to imply how many does it.
If people would effectively use hide feature then we would (as a support) have way less work with unnecessary re-rolls, suspensions, unsuspend requests etc.
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So, in summary "Some people are disrespectful and careless in their behaviors, and should put some minimal effort into taking care of themselves, rather than constantly insisting on being babysitted"? Still not sure what that has to do with cg implementing filter usage in the holiday event so suddenly (or to the inclusion of the filter in the event at all), nor do I think filter usage is directly relevant to the matter you presented, but I guess I can't argue the underlying sentiment. :P
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Which is not the point. I wasn't arguing for a check against WL either. Showing boxes with giveaways you otherwise wouldn't may not be ideal, but it's in fact the only way to make sure everyone is in the same boat. Also, your argument that some have 50 games on wishlist and others have thousands is just as true for filters. And user managed filters aren't an adequate measure to prevent multiple wins either. In the end someone would still have to pay attention as to what they're entering for.
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Still allows winning owned content in trains or other invite only though, since there's no indication of being "hidden" within the GA (without scripts).
If you won them here though you cannot join anymore (and thus enter ga's)
And this is only basing it on people using hidden for those games. There's 3 groups;
Not using at all, screwed.
Using for hiding owned content, slight benefit for them.
*Massive hiders: massive benefits.
Whereas we were all in the same boat before.
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since there's no indication of being "hidden" within the GA (without scripts).
No, that's not at all true. Ever since cg edited [giveaway page] design, it shows the three core icons in the top-center. If the "Hide" icon is missing, then the game is already hidden. So yes, there's clear indication, already, if you're aware of it
And yeah, unrestricted filter application on the event is always going to be inherently unfair. The real question isn't on that, but whether that's okay. It is, after all, a site event utilizing a site mechanic. Strong argument could be pushed for it being a reasonable approach. Further considerations are that it limits the "white elephant" appeal of the event, where the prizes are truly random in appeal, and the fact that it increases the appeal to gifters, in that entrants are more likely to actually want the game. There's pros and cons all around.
That said, cg not giving users the option to decide which approach they wanted to take on the matter (by implementing the change without any clear prior warning), that ends up being a distinctly sour note against the change.
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Yeah, no, not arguing against the initial visibility. Just saying that the functionality itself, and visibility once you're aware of the matter, work smoothly enough [or, at least, I've never found it awkward to work with; Everyone is a bit different, though, and I'm always all in favor of improved user interface functions in any service].
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Hiding bundles you already own / DLCs / Profile features limited is time-consiming, but only reliable way to not end with multiple wins because of how SteamAPI works.
It's not the only reliable way. You can also enter for games on your wishlist and ignore everything else. That's the second reliable way to avoid multiple wins. It's used by people who enter giveaways for games they actually want to play instead of hoarding everything they do not yet own.
On the other hand adding filter to check against games on your WL would not be better, as there are users that have there 50 games, and those that have few thousands games.
I fail to see the logic. The following statement seems equally reasonable to me: Adding a filter to check against games on your hidden list would not be better, as there are users that have there 0 games, and those that have many thousands games.
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It's used by people who enter giveaways for games they actually want to play instead of hoarding everything they do not yet own.
Say that to the people with 3-4-5 thousand games on their wishlist. Also if someone is not entering for their WL only that does not mean that they are hoarding. There is no use to have a discussion in such bad faith when these assumptions are made about a group of people.
There is no moral highground to WL either when one can just add everything to it and claim that it's valuable for them - using whitelist filtering is not much different from hiding everything that is not wishlisted/wanted in any way.
Hiding giveaways is better in a way: you can find new games through giveaways, while WL filtering only shows the pre-approved ones :P This was the main reason I started hiding the unwanted thousands of games.
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You're right, hoarding was an unnecessary assumption. All kinds of people use their WL and hiding games on SG in different ways, that's true.
The problem in my view is that hiding unwanted games is now seen as the better way to use SG (or as the poster above said, the only reliable way not to end up with multiple wins, which made me write a reply because it's so obviously untrue) and is being rewarded, while people with meaningful wishlists are ignored.
My personal history with hiding games is one of a failed hope: at first I was hiding crap games like crazy while also finding new interesting games for my wishlist. But the flood of crap on Steam never stopped and I just gave up. Now I find new games for my wishlist through discussions and occasionally the "Recommended" tab. In my view, this way is better, because I'm not interacting with crap anymore and not getting the "WTF is this shit" reaction several times a day. The resulting peace of mind is very pleasant :)
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How I feel is that there is a very large number of users that use this site to just enter anything they can to get a +1 on their Steam account and have almost no interest in playing anything they win. This takes away a lot of games from people that may actually want to play them.
If we can open 100 boxes, someone who only enters for games they want to play may only end up entering 5 or 10 giveaways from the entire event while all those users that just want the +1 will literally enter all 100 boxes they open. This give the +1 users a huge advantage while hurting the users that want games to play. Allowing us to filter the games that we are not interested in will allow us to find more games that we can enter and have better odds, but still not as good as the users that just want a +1.
Yes, it is unfortunate for those that do not use the block filter, but I still feel like it is overall a much better experience than without the filter. Having the ability to only view wishlisted games might not be a bad idea as long as it is setup the same way where it only shows games that were added before this feature was added so that it can't be abused. I guess this will give people that have a small number of games on their wishlist a decent advantage, but that is probably a good thing because they are probably only entering the games they really want and not just collecting everything.
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That's an awesome update - thanks for the improvement! Also thanks for considering the possible exploit and taking care of it. :)
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Displaying 1 to 12 of 878 results
16,502 games have been added to your filter list.
i guess it dosnt work for everybody as many giveways are filtered so i cant enter but the boxes sill appear^^
but this migth increase the chance that a ncie giveway will end by a person who want to play the game so i like it
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Thank you so much for repairing the event, now it's actually fun :)
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Thanks! This is so much better. I only enter for games I am interested in playing and it was very difficult to find boxes that contained something I wanted to enter while all the users that just want a +1 on their Steam account were probably entering everything they opened.
Edit: The users that don't use the block feature and use their wishlist instead are kind of left behind, maybe there could be an option to only view boxes that contain wishlisted games. I realize this will give a big advantage, but maybe it won't be a bad thing if it is setup the same way where only wishlisted games before the date that the feature was added will count. Users that have only a few games on their wishlist are probably only adding games that they really want to play and not just collecting everything. This will help even the odds between the users that just collect and the ones that want to play their wins.
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cg... this thread is getting huge, and I have scrolled, trying to find the answer. But, all of the posts make it a bit overwhelming.
How do I set a filter to show only my preferred OS? I don't see the option on the Holiday Event "Browse" filters, and I can't find it in my account details anywhere. I mean, I use Windows 10, and most games are Windows compatible. But if I should ever decide to get a Mac or Linux gaming rig... how do I change the filter to show only games tat are for that OS? Things seem to often bea bit c buried deep, and not intuitive, as far as finding settings/filters on the site..
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Filter by OS:
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Excellent! Thank you for the updates and for the event cg!
The filters are working pretty good.. I'm not opening as many boxes that I can't enter, etc.
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However, to prevent abuse (such as hiding a game you're interested in to help identify boxes which contain it), this feature will only work for games you have filtered before today, December 12.
I have a suggestion: make it so that if a user hides a game after December 12, they will permanently be barred from opening boxes of said game until next year's event (edit: assuming they un-hide it before then, of course). That way, it both prevents abuse and still lets us hide boxes for games we didn't know about until after that day.
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Only saw the update now, so obviously many people have already pointed out the filtering system is prejudicial to those of us who never used the "hide" function before, but I don't see anyone suggesting this solution, so...
How about instead of simply ignoring filters made after the 12th, any new filters would not work for 24 hours?
It would make it extremely impractical to exploit the filter to identify individual games, and would be a lot fairer in providing the opportunity for all users to filter out things they have no interest in.
Alternatively (though perhaps more complex to code) any new filters could be enforced for the duration of the event. The exploit you identify would be impossible under such a system.
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I opened a box with "Vladimir Putin Style" and I have it already. I know the game is Steam Profile Limited but still it does not make any sense. I hope the admins might have a solution for these kind of stuff.
And I think it's pretty weird to put a 0 point Vladimir Putin Style in a Christmas Box :D
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I hope the admins might have a solution for these kind of stuff.
Only fix to that would be to add this game to hidden list. If SteamAPI does not report game to 3rd party sites, then SG does not have ability to know you own it. And we need human (so you) adding it to your hidden list.
And I think it's pretty weird to put a 0 point Vladimir Putin Style in a Christmas Box :D
Game has no price on Steam, so SG counts it as 0p. When developer updates the Store page to add price - it will start to be shown properly on SG.
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Okay, hidden list is a solution but it's way too late for that. Maybe for next year..
Also these Russian games are like spam. You know what I mean. If you ever tried any of these games, you know. So, I'm still on the same page saying that it's funny(not in a good way) to put these games in a mysterious box. Even if it has a price, we all know that it would be 0.5 euro at most. Probably less. Just an idea but perhaps there might be a minimum price for this event.
All these are just opinions, no offense to anyone.
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Before i start an observation:
I saw some people saying there were complains and people mad at the event; I didn't read the whole thread but i saw more like reports and opnions.
Im just giving an opnion. I like the event, was looking foward to it despite how i feel with most boxes. These are ideas and opnions, not 'complaints'. This isn't a service and no one is a costumer. I feel a lot of the younger generation equals criticism to people being mad and complaining. Theres a reason why im not mad debating on tweeter.
I feel like 5 is a bit too little, it should either be 10 or less hours.
Sometimes i barely enter gas on sg, but the huge difference is not knowing whats in the boxes- so a huge fomo hits for me.
I feel anxious choosing and opening then, and so far more regret and disapointement then the warm feeling i think was intended. The gas thenselves aren't the issue, ive seen one or another trash asset flip level of quality but most were just games- some cheap and not to my taste but games some people do enjoy.
If filtering out hidden games, owned packages and such isn't possible, heres some more ideas:
-X (higher) number of boxes you can open, but only Y (lower) number you can enter
Probably too much of a hassle to implement, but could work with one extra 'step' before the GA link- it would just show the game picture, or its name and steam link. Only clicking on a buttom 'get link' or similar would count as entering- so no code to actually distinguish those gas or see who entered what.
-A similar extra step above but still tied to the 5 boxes: however with bonus
If you didn't enter all 5 one day extra entries as bonus queue for the next day. A limit like 10 or 15 tops can be put in place, or said bonus is only held between days (thus maximum of 10 anyway)
Or the somewhat revealing alternatives, with just 1 or 2 of these
-genre tag
-overall steam rating (positive\negative)
-number of how many people opened the box vs how many entered (or just how many entered)
A heart button people can click to 'love' a box, then showing how much love a box got.
just throwing ideas really
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cg already decided on an approach to the topic you've brought up.
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I really don't think "more boxes" AND "use of site filter" works well together. "More boxes" was always more of a recommendation to compensate for the lack of any filter, than it was a recommendation that was promoted to be used in conjunction with the addition of a filter.
Gift boxes, as with the rest of the site, should be left to their creators. Creators already offer a level of hints (uitilzing the box art) that they're comfortable with offering. The site allowing alternative options for presenting clues would merely give creators more control over how they can present their box art, rather than affecting provided hints given to users in any meaningful way.
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Ah, honestly I just skimmed through the bullet points, so I didn't read that. My bad.
Then 5 boxes per day is still fine with me.
And by NO hints I meant no further hints than the ones already implemented by the box art and the site telling you, you already own the game, skip this box...
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I sent out a message to our e-mail list to promote the holiday event, so it would be entries and comments from those users joining the event.
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I think 10 boxes should be allowed or at least more then 5.
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lots... but lots of false-positive there. oppened like 5 or 6 that I already have...
can't you make a false-positive warning or something like that? or maybe make these false-positive don't count on daily limit.
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Image URLs
Please fill in the below inputs with JPG, GIF, or PNG images hosted on Imgur.com. Images should be appropriate for all ages and in the following format: https://i.imgur.com/XXXXXXX.jpg
I am having issues using animations from Imgur - How do you get/use animated gifs from imgur for box designs?
I found a few existing animated gifs on imgur that I want to use, but the only formats imgur hosts for the animation in are gifv format or mp4 which SG doesn't seem to support. If I link to any of the SG-supported formats hosted by imgur then they only appear as a single still image, even as a gif. (Example shown in links)
Is there another way I can go about this? Does the ability to get an animated gif file depend on how the animation was originally uploaded to Imgur?
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So if you are right, then only images that were uploaded to Imgur originally as an actual gif file will be hosted as such.
This would also mean that any video to gif(v) does not get stored as an actual GIF, presumably because the file would be too big. That makes me wonder though if gif files are too big to store for video conversion, then why allow uploading of huge actual GIFs?
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Its just really confusing why imgur after video conversion would go to the effort of creating a separate GIF file as a still image - They might as well not make gif format available at all...
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So it looks like the still image "GIF" is not actually a GIF at all (despite the URL), it is a JPEG. Which they probably generate as preview for videos.
$ wget https://i.imgur.com/JJYrvhu.gif
--2019-12-13 15:47:09-- https://i.imgur.com/JJYrvhu.gif
Resolving i.imgur.com (i.imgur.com)...
Connecting to i.imgur.com (i.imgur.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 29898 (29K) [image/jpeg]
Saving to: ‘JJYrvhu.gif’
JJYrvhu.gif 100%[=============================>] 29.20K --.-KB/s in 0.04s
2019-12-13 15:47:10 (821 KB/s) - ‘JJYrvhu.gif’ saved [29898/29898]
$ file JJYrvhu.gif
JJYrvhu.gif: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.02, aspect ratio, density 1x1, segment length 16, comment: "Lavc58.18.100", baseline, precision 8, 480x596, frames 3
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Hi SG,
Our holiday gift box event is back for 2019, starting now and ending December 25! Dust off Photoshop (or Paint) and get ready to share your creative designs with our community and to unlock great giveaways each day.
How it works
Creating a gift box and giveaway
Opening gift boxes
No spoilers. Please do not share what games you found or what was contained inside of a gift box.
Happy holidays!
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