3 weeks ago*

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Good stuff!

3 weeks ago

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I've been waiting for this moment for over a year, finally!

3 weeks ago

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Also you can play the DEMO.

Play the opening section of FINAL FANTASY XVI. Save data can be carried over to the full version of the game.

3 weeks ago

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How big is the demo?

3 weeks ago

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3 weeks ago

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Straight to my wishlist. Thank you so much!

3 weeks ago

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No idea why they split the game with expansions before the release day but at least we already know the full price.

3 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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170 GB

Twice as much as it was on PS5 (think it was 90).Ouch.

2 weeks ago

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I think you need half the space free to have it downloaded, then it installs the other half of that free space, and then it deletes the installed files, that basically you will be left with half when it's finished, but then again it does have all the expansions, i don't know.

Never had a ps5.

2 weeks ago

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wow 170GB is really amazing🤣🤣 But of all the Final Fantasy series that I like, this is the only one I like https://store.steampowered.com/app/595520/FINAL_FANTASY_XII_THE_ZODIAC_AGE/

2 weeks ago

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I never liked it on playstation, because it was different from the other final fantasy games, but it also had horrible loading times.
But not as bad Discworld Noir though on ps1, that was just a slideshow.

Then a friend gifted 10 to me on steam and i got to enjoy it more and got 100% achievements.

I was very disappointed with ff15, and even final fantasy 7 remake couldn't get into it, so i am very hesistant with 16.

2 weeks ago

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I really like playing the Final Fantasy series I play it on playstation or from steam. I play Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Age

Playstation 2: 450.4 Hours
Steam: 220.6 Hours


2 weeks ago

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That's a lot, but what's the fun still if you know every secret, the ending etc?

The same as some people watch a movie over and over.

2 weeks ago

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Trying demo. Thx for heads up 👍

2 weeks ago

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