Enhanced SteamGifts & SteamTrades (ESGST)

An extension / userscript that adds some cool features to SteamGifts and SteamTrades.

If you find any bugs or have any feature requests, please file an issue here.


Tested and confirmed as working:

  • Chrome (since v55)
  • Firefox (since v52)
  • Pale Moon

Not tested but should be working:

  • Any Chromium-based browser (such as Opera, Vivaldi, etc...)

Not supported:

  • Edge
  • Safari


There are two different ways to use ESGST: extension or userscript. You can choose which one you want to use, but the extension is a lot faster and has a better peformance than the userscript, so I recommend it, although there is no major difference between them, except for a few options that are only available in the extension because of limitations in the userscript.

Option 1 - Extension

It should be possible to install the extension in any Chromium-based browser from the Chrome store (such as Opera, Vivaldi, etc...), any Firefox-based browser from the Firefox store (such as Waterfox, etc...), and any browser that uses the Phoebus system from the Pale Moon store (such as Basilik, etc...).

You can also use the extension on Android through Firefox for Android, but some features might not work or not be optimized enough for mobile.

Option 2 - Userscript

To install the userscript, you must install Violentmonkey, Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey or some other userscript manager first. Then click here and you should be prompted to install it. I recommend Violentmonkey or Tampermonkey, because the userscript uses the GM_addValueChangeListener API to communicate changes in the storage between tabs, and that API is not available on Greasemonkey, so a polyfill is used for Greasemonkey, which is not very effective and can affect the performance.

You can also use the userscript on Android through Firefox with Violentmonkey or USI, but some features might not work or not be optimized enough for mobile.

Beta Versions

The latest beta version for both the extension and the userscript is always available in the latest pre-release in the releases page.

8 years ago*

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do the cookies
need to be enabled for ESGST?

5 years ago

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As far as I know, those cookies need to be enabled for SteamGifts. Without steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net I think you won't get images from Steam.

5 years ago

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I'm having a strange issue since a few days ago where when I view a thread, it automatically scrolls down to the bottom of the page where the comment input box is present. I've checked the features I have enabled (I only use very few of them) but there is no such option enabled.

The issue is only present when ESGST is enabled. Any ideas?

5 years ago

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A few days ago? ESGST now automatically focuses on comment boxes, but that only started in the latest version, which was released yesterday (https://github.com/gsrafael01/ESGST/issues/1262). I should probably make it do that only in giveaway pages.

5 years ago

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Aye, I actually remember it only started yesterday.
Can it be made as an option as with other features? I always appreciate the chance to enable and disable the features to my liking.

If not, no worries - Just a suggestion. I'll be happy if at least the threads do not have this feature.

5 years ago

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Already did, update to v8.3.15.

5 years ago

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Fantastic. Thank you!

5 years ago

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Please make it an option. I usually only comment after I read the description and enter. Now I have to scroll back to the top on every giveaway to do that.

5 years ago

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Already did, update to v8.3.15.

5 years ago*

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Yes, please make it an option for BOTH forum and giveaway pages... It's really annoying having to scroll up to read the description.

5 years ago

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Already did, update to v8.3.15.

5 years ago

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Hi, in this last week, i think after update, i don't know hot remove pop-up of description/message from the user, every time i click the green button on each GA . is a bug? i miss something? I use Chrome
[SG]Giveaway Popup is off
1.[SG]Automatically bookmark giveaways when trying to enter them without enough points .
2.[SG]Cache repeated descriptions from the same creator for 1 hour and only show them once.
3.[SG]Filter descriptions.
4.[SG]Only enable for popups.
5.[SG]Pop up a box to reply to the giveaway when entering it.
6.[SG]Pop up the first page of comments of the giveaway when entering it, if it has any comments.

ALL off

5 years ago

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ESGST changelog for 8.3.8:

1326 Enter / Leave Giveaway Button: remove option to show description and make it mandatory

There was some discussion about that change in this thread starting around here.

5 years ago

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This is a super annoying change. I don't understand why we are forced to have this be mandatory now. I feel like the option should be there. I hate having to close the box every time. I don't read the descriptions anyways. Most of them are useless.

5 years ago

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so i obligatory? :((((((

5 years ago

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ESGST for Android - Need Testers

For any Android users out there, I am currently working on an Android version of ESGST (forked from SteamGifts for Android) and I would appreciate if I could get some testers to make sure that the app works correctly before releasing it as a stable version. If you are interested, please reply here and I will let you know when the next beta is ready to be tested.

Also, keep in mind that ESGST for Android does not include all of the ESGST features. At the moment, the only difference between ESGST for Android and SteamGifts for Android is that ESGST for Android allows you to interact with SteamTrades (view trades, comment on trades, bump trades, etc), but my goal is to gradually add ESGST features to ESGST for Android based on popular demand.

I might consider porting the app to iOS if there is demand, but I have no idea how to do that and how hard / fast it would be, so my focus right now is Android.

Source Code: https://github.com/gsrafael01/esgst-android

5 years ago

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I can help with beta testing it if it can be installed side by side with the old "SteamGifts for Android"

5 years ago

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Pretty sure it can be installed side by side, because the application ID is different: https://gsrafael01.github.io/esgst-android/fdroid/

5 years ago

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Did you properly sign it? My phone doesn't want to install it.

5 years ago

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I thought I did. Are you installing through f-droid? What happens if you try to install an older version?

5 years ago

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no, I'm downloading the apk and trying to install it.

5 years ago

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Ah, that could be it, I used f-droid to sign it. I'll see what I can do.

5 years ago

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I just downloaded the .apk and it's installing fine for me, what happens when you try to install it?

5 years ago

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It's failing silently now, but when I tried the first time it complained about not recognizing the developer, and asked something, but i had to touch out of it(or I touched on the "no" option not sure) to answer a message and the it just failed to install silently ever since.

5 years ago

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Maybe you hit the button to block the app? I'll try to get a v2.0-beta.2 out when I have some time, but not sure how else I can sign it. I verified the app's signature using an online checker and it shows that the app is signed.

5 years ago

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I'm not sure and I can't find a way to make that thing to show up again.

5 years ago

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I'm not a ST user, but I can be a beta tester [I'm interested in the option to filter DLC]

5 years ago

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My main focus right now is making SteamTrades work, so I'll let you know when I release a beta that focuses on SteamGifts.

5 years ago

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Actually, I guess you could still test it to see if I didn't break anything in the SteamGifts side. Well, here's the beta repo: https://gsrafael01.github.io/esgst-android/fdroid/

5 years ago

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One question, please. When opening a thread, now I have to the left of the number of comments of the thread, three vertical buttons (: 13,761 Comments, using this thread example, but three instead of two buttons) . when pressing those three vertical buttons I see hidden different options, like searching for comments or image carousell, which before were not hidden. Is there any way to NOT make it hidden by default.

Another question: In the normal steamgifts.com page I always had under each giveaway

Number of entries (example. 1588) - Number of comments (example, 3 comments) - Show description (If I want to see the description

But recently I am watching that this goes instead

Show description - Number of entries - Number of comments

Can it be something I did with ESGST?


5 years ago*

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Something happened recently that messed up the order of things for some users. Just go to the "Element Ordering" section of the settings menu to fix it, I haven't figured out the source of the problem yet.

5 years ago

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Thanks for the answer. I'm in settings, Element Ordering. Which header is it for the giveaways in the main page? Maybe is Giveaway Links (Grid View)?

5 years ago

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If you use Grid View, yes, otherwise it's just Giveaway Links.

5 years ago

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Hi! I have an issue (or bug) with "My comment History".
I left a comment in GA that now deleted, and History cannot load it and any comment further, so right now it's infinite "Loading more"

View attached image.
5 years ago

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I keep getting a popup when entering a giveaway, if there is any kind of comment. The settings:

5.[SG]Pop up a box to reply to the giveaway when entering it.
6.[SG]Pop up the first page of comments of the giveaway when entering it, if it has any comments.

Neither are enabled and I tried enabling and disabling again but I can't stop it

5 years ago

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ESGST changelog for 8.3.8:

1326 Enter / Leave Giveaway Button: remove option to show description and make it mandatory

There was some discussion about that change in this thread starting around here.

5 years ago

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How absolutely bonkers. I'm going to need a way to find a previous version. The code is too obfuscated for me to find where the change occurred.

5 years ago

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I can't find an option to rearrange buttons on giveaways on main SG page.

5 years ago*

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Oh, I see changes because once it was possible to arrange the order by holding LMB (previous order https://i.imgur.com/7yoXdaI.jpg). Thanks a lot though.

5 years ago

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Yeah, that was removed because it was slowing down page loads. Having it on the settings menu is better for performance.

5 years ago

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Where is the option to hide discussions in a click?

5 years ago

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I don't know, someone else reported that it's missing, but it's working fine for me. Is there anything in your console log?

5 years ago

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I did some testing and It doesn't show on the main page when the "Group Info" and "User Info" sub-options of the "Content Loader" are enabled, but they do show on the discussions page and on the threats themselves.

5 years ago

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Thanks for info, I'll try to reproduce when I have some time.

5 years ago

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I think that can just be https://github.com/gsrafael01/ESGST/issues/1381, because I can't reproduce.

5 years ago

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I had checked only the browser console, because of your message decided to check the web console with these options enabled and got this error:

TypeError: "a.avatar.getAttribute(...) is null" esgst.js:1:20417
    discussions_getInfo moz-extension://d0e51e9a-e420-4f81-9205-e5b9f2dd1573/esgst.js:100
    discussions_get moz-extension://d0e51e9a-e420-4f81-9205-e5b9f2dd1573/esgst.js:100
    discussions_load moz-extension://d0e51e9a-e420-4f81-9205-e5b9f2dd1573/esgst.js:100
    endless_load moz-extension://d0e51e9a-e420-4f81-9205-e5b9f2dd1573/esgst.js:1
undefined null null esgst.js:100:442867

also my full settings: https://pastebin.com/LDgTutzi

5 years ago*

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Since some Time I get a windows Bluescreen with Unexpected_Store_Exception.
I didn’t knew why, but it seems linked to ESGST as I browse normally all the time, but when I enable ESGST (which was disabled when I restarted) and use the giveaway extractor, it doesn’t take long to not respond anymore and then crash my whole pc.
Any idea what I can do?
Without ESGST SteamGifts isn’t really fun.

5 years ago

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It could be related to your RAM, ESGST may be stressing It in a way it doesn't like or your browser + ESGST use too much memory and windows crash. Anyway, I personally have seen ESGST crash the browser but never Windows itself.

Let's gather some info to help gsrafael01:
Windows version? Browser version? ESGST version?
X64 windows or x86? RAM size?
It only crashes on the giveaway extractor or does anything else triggers the BSOD (in ESGST or any other program)?

5 years ago

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Windows 10, Firefox, everything up to date
X64 8Gb
The strange thing is that it doesn’t crash immediately, but only after some time has past.
First I can still move the mouse but not interact with anything (music is still running in the background) then it crashes

My Firefox is using a lot of ram, but that wasn’t a problem before (but I also could use ESGST before without problems)

5 years ago

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screw it, it just crashed without ESGST running or even having Steamgifts open

5 years ago

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Take a closer look at the BSODs, there may be some information on what might be causing them.
There are some tools that try to show what file was the culprit, they aren't 100% accurate but could be a start.

5 years ago

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Yeah, I used several tools already, but still haven’t found the issue
The BSPD message is sadly not helpful at all, as it just states the error message and nothing more

5 years ago

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Try having the task manager open all the time and seeing how your memory usage gets. I've had BSODs happen for me with that same exception when I open too many programs that consume a lot of memory. Firefox is one of those for me (which is funny, because many people say that Chrome is a memory hog, but Chrome consumes a lot less memory than Firefox on my computer), so it could be the cause.

5 years ago*

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A little help please :) I use a new browser and all my userscripts need to re-install. Before that i have a nice feature - on giveaways page i see Group name of each giveaway on the right from comments number. Is this a ESGST feature?

5 years ago

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Awesome, thank you! =)

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Rafa, is it possible to monitor a section on forums? I want to be notificated every, like, 10 min of new threads on deals category.
Is it possible? Does it exists already? If no, can I request?

5 years ago

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Definitely. I was actually thinking about a thread subscription feature recently, just need to find the time.

5 years ago

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Do you have a Humble Bundle partner code? If yes, don't post it here obviously ;-) (but send me the link through Steam etc.). If not, you could register for that, seems relatively easy to do.

5 years ago

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I don't, but I'll look into it.

5 years ago

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Options 2.16.3 and 2.16.4 are mutually exclusive. My settings show that I have 2.16.4 enabled and 2.16.3 disabled.

However, when I extract GAs I get popups for sgtools GAs.

I disabled 2.16.4 and now I am unable to enable either one, both 2.16.3 and 2.16.4 say they cannot be enabled due to the other one being enabled, even though they both show up as being disabled.

5 years ago

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Any workaround/fix for this problem?

Right now I have options 2.16.3 and 2.16.4 showing as disabled. If I try to enable either one, it gives me an error message.

Here are the two error messages I get when I try to enable one or the other:

Enable 2.16.3:

This feature conflicts with 2.16.4 Automatically retrieve the giveaway link from SGTools giveaways that have already been unlocked.. While that feature is enabled, this feature cannot be enabled.

Enable 2.16.4:

This feature conflicts with 2.16.3 Automatically open any SGTools links found in new tabs.. While that feature is enabled, this feature cannot be enabled.

Both of these options are DISABLED, so neither one should tell me the other option is in conflict when I try to enable one of them.

5 years ago

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Any chance this will be fixed soon?

It seems that things have changed with this, but it still is behaving strangely.

Setting currently show 2.16.4 option is enabled, and 2.16.3 is disabled. However, when I use GA extractor on a page that has sgtools GAs, it tries to pop-up over 100 pop-ups (which my browser prevents), which all seem to be the same GA.

If I try to disable 2.16.4, and save, then bring back up the settings, it is still enabled. Also, if I try to enable 2.16.3 (which based on the pop-ups I am getting seems to already be enabled) it says "this feature conflicts with 2.16.4...".

5 years ago

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Is there a way to get rid of the descriptions. For over months or so they started popping up and I, as it seems cant find the way to disable it.

5 years ago

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It's intended that you can't easily get rid of the descriptions since 8.3.8:

1326 Enter / Leave Giveaway Button: remove option to show description and make it mandatory

There is a cache feature and a custom filters feature you can use to reduce the amount of descriptions you see. If that's not enough for you then there is A-ESGST.

5 years ago

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Oh wow didn't know it was a thing, thank you man.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Quick test of 5.8 Comment Variables:


Edit: I guess a browser reboot fixed it, nice.

5 years ago

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Wasn't working?

5 years ago

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It took a browser reboot to get it to work.

However, it doesn't work at all when I use gsrafael01 (creator) in a giveaway comment.

5 years ago

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Will take a look.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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I've had enough with the description popup. Totally fed up. It kills the workflow... the very reason I installed the script to begin with. I can't even find a good reason this was forced on users. Probably for the people who think they are clever saying "I got this key from a shady source so if you enter you agree to not penalize me if the key is no good"

Anyone recommend a fork that doesn't have this crap? Also looking to toggle hide/show already entered giveaways

5 years ago

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For a fork you should look just a few comments above and to show / hide the entered giveaways you can use giveaway filters multiple filters entered.

5 years ago

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The discoverability of that setting wasn't straightforward at all. Thanks for the direct link. However, it didn't work. I had to create a manual rule for 'NOT Entered equal true' and that got me what I wanted.... mostly. It doesn't work on Wishlist or Group, just All.

5 years ago

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Please go whine somewhere else, without ESGST you'd have to open the giveaway in a new tab to enter. "Kills the workflow" is just a half-assed excuse for "I want to enter as many giveaways as I can, as fast as I can, with the least possible interaction with the creators", which just screams ungrateful. You're probably one of those people who would gladly auto-enter giveaways in mass if it wasn't against SteamGifts' rules. Everything for those precious gibs!

Also, please learn how to use the search function before asking a question that has already been answered 1000000000 times, even right here in this page, 5 comments above yours.

So please take your entitled ass and drag it to JustArchi's fork. Thank you.

5 years ago

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It kills the workflow.

That shit made me straight up laugh out loud.

5 years ago

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It's not leeching, it's “giveaway workflow” and it's “quite hard work”.


View attached image.
5 years ago

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"Kills the workflow" is just a half-assed excuse for "I want to enter as many giveaways as I can, as fast as I can, with the least possible interaction with the creators"

That is exactly right. WHY ELSE would I use it? That is literally the point

"Also, please learn how to use the search function ... even right here in this page, 5 comments above yours"

Amazing ,use of the search function for "fork" only mentioned Foxbonds fork which was taken down. But if it makes you feel better thinking I'm the idiot, whatevs. I now see at46's comment about A-ESGST, located at https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/EL31e/ in case anyone ELSE tries to search for a fork. Fork.

I'd just like to end this conversation with stating that you and I clearly see SteamGifts as two different things. I see it as a place to give away the games I don't want, need, or otherwise can't use. In turn, I get games that other people don't want, need, or can't otherwise use. Your beef seems to be that you see it as a way for people to promote their social media, game company, ponzi scheme, whatever, for the cost of a game.

Anyway, the popup is just bad UI. You could simply put a div under each giveaway with the description, still in clear view of anyone entering said giveaway. But apparently this isn't in-your-face enough because of your idea of what SteamGifts is.

5 years ago

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WHY ELSE would I use it?

To speed up the process, while still being grateful for the opportunity to win a game that was, you know, bought by someone. Just by not having to open a new tab to enter a giveaway, you're already saving plenty of time and resources. And there are many giveaways that don't have a description, so letting the extension check this for you is also a huge time saver.

use of the search function for "fork" only mentioned Foxbonds fork

Plenty of keywords you could have used to search for this topic that are way more relevant than "fork", such as "description". And, like I said, you didn't even need to search because there was a comment 5 comments above yours about it, so just some observation skills could have helped you.

I see it as a place to give away the games I don't want, need, or otherwise can't use. In turn, I get games that other people don't want, need, or can't otherwise use.

Just because you have that philosophy doesn't mean everyone else does. I've given away plenty of games I wanted. If you want to trade games, SteamTrades is there for you.

Your beef seems to be that you see it as a way for people to promote their social media, game company, ponzi scheme, whatever, for the cost of a game.

What? When did I ever imply that? Most of the time it's useful information, like a possible region restriction, a possible not working key, a restriction about not entering if you own a certain number of games in a package, a warning about the giveaway being enterable even if you own the game etc.

You could simply put a div under each giveaway with the description, still in clear view of anyone entering said giveaway. But apparently this isn't in-your-face enough because of your idea of what SteamGifts is.

That would be much more "in-your-face" than a popup that you can simply click out of. A div under the giveaway would not only push all other giveaways down, but would also completely mess with the flow of the page, while a popup is much less "in-your-face" because it doesn't modify the page at all.

On the contrary, you're the one who has a warped idea of what SteamGifts is. And like I said, take that to JustArchi's fork, where leechers like you belong.

5 years ago

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Hi everyone. I'd like to know if anyone is interested in helping me update the User Suspension Tracker database. It's been ages since I last updated it, and there are hundreds of tickets waiting for review, which I just can't find the time to do. Basically what you would have to do is see if a ticket is valid and save it as not activated + multiple, not activated, multiple or invalid. There's a nice interface for that which reduces manual work.

5 years ago

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🙋‍♂️, but depends on what information is displayed there 😅

5 years ago

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I've added you on Steam so we can talk further.

5 years ago

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Hi. If you're still interested in this, I finally fixed the database and added the interface to my server. It can be accessed through here: https://rafaelgssa.com/esgst/users/ust/admin.html If you're not, just ignore this message.

4 years ago

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I still am.

4 years ago

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Did you see a message saying that you're unauthorized?

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I've authorized you.

It should be just like before, checking if a ticket is valid and then clicking the appropriate button ("Not Activated" for not activated tickets, "Multiple" for multiple tickets, "Not Activated + Multiple" for tickets containing both and "Skip" if the ticket is invalid or you're not sure what to do).

4 years ago

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everything seems to look and work well, will probably have some free during the week to go trough some of the tickets.

4 years ago

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Thank you!

4 years ago

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Although I'm unsure about the usability of that feature (it never was useful for me in the past), I would like to help you.

5 years ago

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I guess it was never useful because it hasn't been updated in ages, so there are very few tickets reviewed.

I've added you on Steam so we can talk further.

5 years ago

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Hi. If you're still interested in this, I finally fixed the database and added the interface to my server. It can be accessed through here: https://rafaelgssa.com/esgst/users/ust/admin.html If you're not, just ignore this message.

4 years ago

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I'm still open to help. On the page it says I'm unauthorized.

4 years ago

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I've authorized you now. Check my reply to marlop for more info on how it works.

4 years ago

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Seems to work.

4 years ago

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To me it seems all ticket are from one user and that user alone is uploading more tickets than I'm able to handle in my free time. Is the pile of tickets increasing or decreasing and how many tickets that are open for review are there?

3 years ago

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Sorry to bother you, but I'm not sure if you missed my post from 2 weeks ago, I am still having this problem and hope that there is some workaround to fix it (perhaps editing my configuration save or something).


5 years ago

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I didn't miss it (I use Comment Tracker to mark issues as solved in this thread by marking them as read), just haven't worked on it yet, but I've opened a GitHub issue to track it faster: https://github.com/gsrafael01/esgst/issues/1409

I don't think there's a workaround, but I'll try to push the next version until Friday.

5 years ago

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OK, thanks. I see that Mully also has a similar problem with other options, so I guess this is not specific to me or to these options.

5 years ago

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i had a problem with two settings:

v 8.3.15-dev.1

1.2 Attached Image Loader
1.37 Visible Attached Images

1.2 and 1.37 are disabled and can't be enabled.
if you try to enable 1.2, it says 1.37 conflicts because it's enabled. https://i.imgur.com/rXfXo0R.jpg
if you try to enable 1.37, it says the same with 1.2. https://i.imgur.com/KRfgGqL.jpg

both are disabled in the json


if one is manually edited and the settings restored, it works (unless you disable it from the settings and save).



5 years ago

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probably related to #1409

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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