Enhanced SteamGifts & SteamTrades (ESGST)

An extension / userscript that adds some cool features to SteamGifts and SteamTrades.

If you find any bugs or have any feature requests, please file an issue here.


Tested and confirmed as working:

  • Chrome (since v55)
  • Firefox (since v52)
  • Pale Moon

Not tested but should be working:

  • Any Chromium-based browser (such as Opera, Vivaldi, etc...)

Not supported:

  • Edge
  • Safari


There are two different ways to use ESGST: extension or userscript. You can choose which one you want to use, but the extension is a lot faster and has a better peformance than the userscript, so I recommend it, although there is no major difference between them, except for a few options that are only available in the extension because of limitations in the userscript.

Option 1 - Extension

It should be possible to install the extension in any Chromium-based browser from the Chrome store (such as Opera, Vivaldi, etc...), any Firefox-based browser from the Firefox store (such as Waterfox, etc...), and any browser that uses the Phoebus system from the Pale Moon store (such as Basilik, etc...).

You can also use the extension on Android through Firefox for Android, but some features might not work or not be optimized enough for mobile.

Option 2 - Userscript

To install the userscript, you must install Violentmonkey, Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey or some other userscript manager first. Then click here and you should be prompted to install it. I recommend Violentmonkey or Tampermonkey, because the userscript uses the GM_addValueChangeListener API to communicate changes in the storage between tabs, and that API is not available on Greasemonkey, so a polyfill is used for Greasemonkey, which is not very effective and can affect the performance.

You can also use the userscript on Android through Firefox with Violentmonkey or USI, but some features might not work or not be optimized enough for mobile.

Beta Versions

The latest beta version for both the extension and the userscript is always available in the latest pre-release in the releases page.

7 years ago*

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Have a bump :)

7 years ago

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Thanks :)

7 years ago

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- logs on
revilheart made a script

- logs off for sleepy
- logs on
revilheart Scripts v0.2 released
revilheart Scripts v0.3 released
revilheart Scripts v0.4 released

Nice job! 👍🏻🙃

7 years ago

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Thanks! And one more just now! xD

7 years ago

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Thanks for all of the improvements you're making but do you happen to add settings where I can select which options of your script I want enabled?
I like the wl-bl icon but I think it's interfering with another script and some people have 2 blue hearts next to them now. I can always go on and call them superblues or something but a fix or disable option would be nice ^^

7 years ago

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The settings menu is next on my TODO list. Hopefully I can publish it in a few minutes / hours, but I can tell you how to disable it manually until then if you want.

7 years ago

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Nah, you take your time. I can imagine it's braincracking making something like a script. I have zero knowledge of it (feels sad) so I'll let you work. No more interuptions from me :)

And again, thank you for all this, much appreciated!

7 years ago

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It's here! :) I actually love making scripts. :P

7 years ago

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WHAT?! 0.9 + settings added

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Busy day. :P

7 years ago

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1.4, really?!
You're known for amazing and difficult puzzles,
fixed comment chain on sg within a day,
one improvement after the other,
obviously doesn't sleep...

Confirmed, you are not human.

7 years ago

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I come in peace.

7 years ago

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V1.6 why stop there? xD thread needed a bump :)

7 years ago

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I've been working on some improvements over the past few days, but I was holding out because I wanted to push the next version with the Preview Posts feature, but it looks like that will have to stay for next week or next year. I'm pushing a smaller update today that will have a new feature though. :)

7 years ago

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Bam! v2.0! xD

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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Interesting, looks like I didn't look well. Thanks, I might just be able to do something. :P

7 years ago

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v0.2 Added Better Comment Chains feature.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Cool idea, bro.
Have a bump.

(I made a script, but I don't know if anyone else wants it, it lets you move to the next giveaway in a train by tapping the '=' key)

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Thanks. Yeah, I'm not sure that script would be useful to me.

7 years ago

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It's useful to me because it lets me go through the trains faster and without having to move the cursor (usually I'm on touchpad) to click the link, also it can skip forward before other bigger/slower scripts load.
Plus i'm lazy.

7 years ago

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I see. I usually like to take my time with trains. Wouldn't it be better for you to bind it to some other key though, like right arrow?

7 years ago

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I tried, but it didn't detect it, so I picked one I didn't use often. I also made an option with ">" but that needs you to press shift.
this doesn't trigger with the -> $(document).keypress(function (e){...

Edit: changed it to $(document).keydown(function (e){...
Now it works with the "->", but I bound it to "PageDown" since I never use that.

7 years ago*

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Yeah, it only works with keydown. Glad you got it working. :)

7 years ago

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got me a little curious, mostly just wondering what's preventing it from going backwards? keywords = "next, Next, Moar, moar" ?

7 years ago

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nothing really, It's just meant for going through long trains faster in hopes of finding something good. To go back you can just use the backspace.
Basically it looks for a list of keywords and launches the href of the first one found.

7 years ago

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ok, yeah i figured it'd need to run off of keywords.. cause next can be before or after back on some trains. order wouldn't work due to that.. makes sense.. ^^

7 years ago

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Looks good, have a bump!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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It took more than a year, but someone FINALLY fixed that comment chain issue. Thank youuuuuuuu!

7 years ago

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You're welcome!

7 years ago

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Hmm, seems to be a small issue with a part of the user page not being pushed to the background when adding notes (image below).
Also, do you think adding this feature would also be possible? :P

View attached image.
7 years ago

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It's a conflict with another userscript. Will be fixed in the next version, thanks.

I don't know if that's possible, I'll check it out. :)

7 years ago

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I assumed it had something to do with a conflict, but for some reason I forgot to include my installed scripts. :P
Oh, and I'm on Firefox.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Thanks, I already found the problem though. :P I'll push the new version out tomorrow. I was also able to implement that feature you linked. :) You want it to remain in the Messages page after submitting the reply, right?

7 years ago

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Sweet! And yes, preferably. Its use would be mainly for when you have many notifications and want to quick reply.

7 years ago

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Alright, it's working, but I have to adjust some things. I'll post the new version tomorrow. :)

7 years ago

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New version is up.

7 years ago

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Awesome! (Sent from my notifications page :D)

7 years ago

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you said tomorrow lol

6 years ago

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I say lots of things.

6 years ago

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ok it is my first time I going to use any script I will try this when I got home . :)

6 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Haha finally got it to work! I wasn't able to get it to work with GM_xmlhttpRequest though, so I used AJAX and it worked perfectly. And "data-comment-id" isn't present in the Messages page, so I have to parse the source page to get it.

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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Yep, I read the documentation and tried to send a POST request with it, but it didn't work. Maybe my "data" was broken, but I tried multiple different ways. Is there any problem in leaving it in AJAX?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Oh sorry, I meant jQuery.ajax(). :P Since I'm sending to the same domain, I can use it without any issues.

7 years ago

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Bumpin :)

7 years ago

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Thankin :)

7 years ago

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That username history and comment chains work beautifully! Thank you so much for developing this script.

Can you explain how are the permanent comments stored and who has access to this data?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks for explaining and for the suggestion! I'll check it out and see if I can implement it in the next version. :)

7 years ago

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Thanks for the explanation. Would the following summary of pros and cons be accurate?

Pros: Local database means there are no real privacy concerns (as the data is not available online to anyone, not even to revilheart)
Cons: Data isn't accessible to other browsers or other computers; Potential dataloss if the database isn't backed up by the user and the machine is formatted.

Is there a way to use dropbox to host the database online? If so, an risk in multiple browsers accessing the same database at the same time? this could be the best of both worlds.

7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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With the new version they are stored in Greasemonkey's SQLite database, like Sighery explained in his last paragraph. :)

7 years ago

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v0.3 Fixed some bugs, made some improvements and added Reply From Inbox feature.

7 years ago

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added Reply From Inbox feature

woah, awesome! that'll certainly come in handy. thanks 4 the update. ^^

7 years ago

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You're welcome! ^^

7 years ago

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Just installed this and checked it. Neat. Absolutely like reply from inbox.

can you incorporate whitelist/blacklist indicator? I think there was a script, but it was no longer updated, I had to manually fix it. Well, it's working now, but with additional script like endless scrolling it only works for the first page.

If this request isn't suitable for your script, please disregard. Thank you.

7 years ago

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Glad you liked it. :) I'll see what I can do and get back to you later.

7 years ago

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Added the Whitelist / Blacklist feature. It should be working with endless scrolling, let me know if it's not.

7 years ago

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Damn sir it's so nice. xD

Yes it works. Thanks alot!

7 years ago

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Perfect! xD

7 years ago

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v0.4 Changed the location of the permanent notes from the browser's local storage to Greasemonkey's SQLite database. If you had already saved any notes in the previous versions, they will be automatically transferred to the new location.

7 years ago

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questions on this one. i know sighery stated "not cleaned when the user cleans its browser's cache" however, now this brings up another couple questions.. what is associating that sql db to me? would this new feature also be impervious to a full wipe and re-installation of an operating system, as well as would it be multiple-pc friendly now (at work pc's notes will now also be linked to home pc's notes)?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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okay, so "Greasemonkey's SQLite database" is a local-file of a sort also then i guess. when i think "sql" I instantly think online database, but clearly that's not the case here. it wasn't meant as a suggestion really, it was just me assuming it was online stored now and that was what was making it "not get removed upon a browsers cache wipe" which in turn would of already made it able to be cross-pc accessible.

honestly that's the only way i'd actually trust "notes" is if they were constantly clouded/databased/whatever online.. still using this script for other features, but i'd never trust a local-file if my life depended on it.

edit: oh and on the export/import, it does import the actual scripts and the load order, but none of the local storage files for any of the prior scripts i've used. not sure with this syle of localstorage though compared to others. (i'd assume same though)

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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i knew they could be a local storage file too, but my mind just instantly goes online with todays technology. no logical reason for that though.

idk why a unlimited phone internet is needed in order to use a cloud though. i don't even touch the phones internet. ;) i don't see how someone would tear thru their internet plan simple saving a few bytes of data unless they plan on typing up full blown biographies as notes for people. but i understand why it would be a localfile.. i just learned long ago after many family photos went corrupt from hdd failure not to trust technology that isn't backing itself up elsewhere if it's something i care about.. so a simple .txt saved to dropbox or any other cloud i trust far more then a localfile on my drive (even ssd). --when i say trust, i mean i trust it to exist at a later date, not that i trust the security and privacy of it so much.

idk anything really about the coding, just enough to scrape by when told what to edit. but thats about it tbh. this whole question was really more just for curiosity on how "permanent" it was because a online stored db would be the most amount of "permanent" you can really get versus the localfile that imo isn't so permanent. to be perfectly honest i don't even know what notes i'd type up, so it be no means needs to be tailored to my needs.. but that does sound cool for anyone that would want that. for me if anything all i'd need to know is what the filename is and where and i could add it to cloud backup itself. would be easier then even customizing the script.

oh and yes i do have two domains and their free hosting service that comes with them. but we discovered it isn't nearly as good as it used to be in bandwidth.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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but on the phone part you're talking about for people that actually use a phone. i have a prepaid phone that i only have used 100mb's in 10months out of the 1.3gb's i had for the full year.

i'm dsl and afaik (was talk about it changing, but i don't think it has) still no bandwidth limit at all. and i go nowhere really at all. xD

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Well, the new version allows you to import / export your notes, so you can choose your Dropbox folder as destination and use that as backup. Of course it's a manual process through.

7 years ago

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ahh nice update! that pretty much does solve that. =)

7 years ago

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I have a free hosting, so that's not suitable for something like this. I was going to use it for my Preview Posts feature, but it was often down, and the request limits could be an issue. Even the Username History feature could use a database that's not a Google Sheet. :P I guess maybe in the future if I can, but "permanent" is really just related to sticking to someone if they change their username, which is something other tagging scripts don't do afaik.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Yeah, that's what I thought. Just from some quick testing I managed to use 0.5% of my limit, so I decided to just rewrite Parsedown in Javascript. Plus Google Sheets is holding well for the Username History, so it's not that urgent. Google's limits are pretty good. I appreciate the thought tough. Me too, let's hope we get a job in 2017. xD

7 years ago

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v0.5 Added Whitelist / Blacklist Highlighter feature.

7 years ago

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Oooh thanks for the notes! :)

7 years ago

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You're welcome! :)

7 years ago

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I would be more happy if you have the feature to check ur whitelist for an specific game

also love the reply from inbox feature already!

7 years ago

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That one is coming soon. :)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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Does it only count how many people own it or actually shows the members? The reason I was going to do it is because someone was asking for it in a thread, to show the list of people, not just the number, like what that site "mabako" or something does for groups.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Hmm I might put that feature off then. Don't want to discredit his work if he has plans for it.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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Thanks for letting me know, we'll see. :P

7 years ago

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v0.6 Fixed some bugs, made some improvements and added Settings Menu feature.

7 years ago

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Just submitted a reply via the notifications page, it said it was successful but the reply actually didn't register.
Does this script auto-update or I should update it manually?

7 years ago

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I got auto update when I woke up. At least it worked for me.

7 years ago

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Hmm I have an idea to prevent that, will test it later. The script should auto-update.

7 years ago

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I just pushed a new version, it should be fixed now.

7 years ago

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Again tried to send you a reply, didn't send it. Strange. Maybe it hasn't auto-updated on my side yet?

7 years ago

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Did it show "Reply sent!" though? Can you try manually updating?

7 years ago

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It did. I'll try updating manually, if you can send me a reply for tasting purpose that would be neat. :P

7 years ago

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You should be able to click in "Reply sent!" and go to the reply since v0.7.

7 years ago

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[Edit] Works now, thanks!

7 years ago

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Perfect! By the way, when you were sending the replies before and they weren't coming through, were your messages marked as read?

7 years ago

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I don't think so, no.

7 years ago

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Ah 'cause prior to v0.8 the replies didn't go through if all the messages were marked as read. Looks like your problem was different then.

7 years ago

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Also, I'm having a new problem. Every single time I refresh/load up the forum page, it loads up, freezes for a second, and this message pops up (see attached image). I'm not sure how scripts work, but it says Chrome and I user Firefox, so yeah.

It happens right after the whitelist/blacklist notifications appear on usernames.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Do you have a lot of people on your whitelist / blacklist? I experienced a few freezes while endlessly scrolling, but not just by opening the forum. But then again I only added a few people to my whitelist to test it. That might be the issue. I'll see if I can improve my code to prevent those freezes. You can disable the Whitelist / Blacklist Highlighter feature in the settings menu if you want.

7 years ago

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Just counted, I currently have 25 whitelists on page 1 of the forum (no endless scrolling).

7 years ago

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Hmm I had way more than that on page 1 and didn't freeze. I'll have to do some testing.

7 years ago

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out of curiosity are you using firefox+tampermonkey or firefox+greasemonkey?

@revilheart -- same for you on your testing... maybe that could be why some stuffs working on tests but not for jbond?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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ahh okay, not even sure there would of been a diff, but if i had to guess i think that'd be the one that most people use still for firefox and likely was what revil used for testing as well.

7 years ago

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Hmm I didn't even know there was Tampermonkey for Firefox. :P But I think the issue was really my code, it was crappy made: every time you opened a page on SteamGifts it would scan your whitelist / blacklist, filter every single link in the page looking for the usernames, and then highlight them. Now it only scans your whitelist / blacklist every number of days or manually (you can configure this in the settings menu), and it no longer filters every single link in the page. So I think jbond won't be having this problem anymore, or at least I hope so. :)

7 years ago

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i only recently heard someone else mention using TM on firefox, prior to that i didn't either. i'd imagine it's pretty new and not as good as greasemonkey would be for it (yet at least). & nice on that update, i didn't realize it was scanning that much before, but glad you got that worked out. ^^

7 years ago

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I think there's another one too called Violentmonkey .

A friend uses it and said it's good for his needs..

6 years ago

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Well, this is old. And yes, I'm aware of Violentmonkey.

6 years ago

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Just pushed an update. Let me know if it's still freezing. :)

7 years ago

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No more crash, but freezes for 5 to 10 seconds every time I visit the forum page - needless to say, I'm going to disable that setting again for now. :P

7 years ago

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Your current version is v1.3+? If so, I'm starting to think it might be conflicting with another one of your scripts, because I added more than 50 people from page 1 of the discussions to my whitelist and tested on Firefox, it works fine here. And apparently this hasn't affected other people who posted in this thread.

7 years ago

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Argh, sorry, it hadn't auto-updated so I re-installed it. Now it won't freeze, but it also won't display whitelist/blacklist highlighter at all, even when enabled. :/

7 years ago

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The first scan has to be manual, I forgot to add that to the settings page. Just click on the scan button and it should start showing.

7 years ago

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Ah, I see. It works now, but unfortunately there is still a freeze/delay of around five seconds when I refresh my page. Doesn't matter much though, I don't really care for this setting so I can just disable it.

7 years ago

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Ah that's unfortunate. :/ Well if you do become interested in this feature in the future, I'd recommend disabling all other scripts you have running and see if it still freezes. :)

7 years ago

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Here I am bugging you again, but... I just pushed an update that I think will not have that problem anymore, so could you maybe possibly test it? :)

7 years ago

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Sure. By the way, the scan thing says "Last scanned 12/31/1969, 8:00:00 PM." :P

7 years ago

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That should be fixed the next time you scan it. :P

7 years ago

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It now works perfectly fine. Thanks!

7 years ago

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Yay, awesome!

7 years ago

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Whitelist parsing is only returning first and last page, better start whitelisting/blacklisting a bunch of peeps ( for science ⚛ )

7 years ago

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Looks like my logic is flawed. Will fix it later, thanks.

7 years ago

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It's fixed in the new version. It was a silly mistake of re-using variables. :P

7 years ago

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v0.7 Fixed a bug in the Settings Menu feature that had all features disabled upon first use. Fixed a bug in the Reply From Inbox feature that showed the success message when the reply had not been sent (the reply is now also linked in the message). Fixed a bug in the Whitelist / Blacklist Highlighter feature that only retrieved members from the first and last pages.

7 years ago

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Yay! =) much better.. now almost everyone on this topic has a heart next to them. ^^
(coincidence??? i think not!!! xD)

7 years ago

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Haha xD

7 years ago

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v0.8 Fixed a bug in the Reply From Inbox feature that did not send a reply if all the messages had been marked as read.

7 years ago

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v0.9 Actually now fixed the bug in the Settings Menu feature that had all features disabled upon first use and added Better Archive Search feature.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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Thanks! xD

Yeah, you really should. :P I know, this userscript has been way more time consuming than I thought it would be. I've been busy busy busy.

7 years ago

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v1.0 You can now reply to multiple comments at the same time in the Reply From Inbox feature, and a status message has been added to alert failures.

7 years ago

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Is there a chance this script to be ported for ST?

7 years ago

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Yes, there is. Coming in the next version. :)

7 years ago

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Better Comment Chains and Reply From Inbox features are now supported in SteamTrades. Whitelist / Blacklist Highlighter support is coming soon.

7 years ago

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4 years ago

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