trying to get them but my twitch prime doesnt want to start...
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Where do I need to go to get the games? I'm on Twitch Prime and have the Twitch desktop app, but I don't know where to go for the games. Any help would be appreciated :)
EDIT: Found them! Thank you for letting me know about these free games! :)
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Yeah, I know that they've expanded a bunch recently, but the program isn't everywhere yet. A year ago, it was basically just North America and a handful of western European countries. And since it's tied to an Amazon mastership, it would probably be hard to get around it with a VPN or proxy. Sorry about that. 😞
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Thanks a lot for pointing that I nearly missed it.
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Absolutely free. I haven't paid for Amazon Prime in months.
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Well, if you're like me, and have Amazon Prime for its own sake—the shopping, shipping, and video streaming—then the added benefits of Twitch Prime seem free. But you can get the games with a free trial membership, so it can be truly free, at least for one or two games.
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So, maybe I'm just blind, but I haven't seen any threads about Twitch Prime Loot in the Deals section.
No, you haven't. I usually have to go over to Reddit GameDeals to get notifications about their latest. Thank you for posting here.
Unfortunately, these games are installed through the Twitch Desktop App/Game Client, rather than through Steam.
But once you have your Twitch and Amazon Prime accounts linked, then you only need go to and click on the crown in the upper right to claim any loot. There is no need to use the client to claim.
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But once you have your Twitch and Amazon Prime accounts linked, then you only need go to and click on the crown in the upper right to claim any loot. There is no need to use the client to claim.
True. I didn't make that clear in my original post. You just have to use it to access and install the games once claimed. I'm going to go ahead and put that in the main post, in case it will help others.
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headlander now in twitch prime
btw: some games are drm-free
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Thanks; updated.
So far, I haven't seen any of them that didn't include these instructions:
- Install the Twitch Desktop App (Windows)
- In the app, go to "My Games"
- Install game client
- Launch game and enjoy your rewards
I'll keep and eye out, though and if/when I see one DRM-free, I'll mention that in the main post.
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Games normally installed in "Program Files (x86)\Twitch\Games Library\" and then some wired number...
For example Headlander is "Twitch\Games Library\e0df48ae-2a71-4ffa-a888-5fd1f6a15d45" and starting without the Twitch-App.
(just tried it)
Also Punshclub and Titan Souls works without the app.
Here is also a "list" of all games that was given with the prime-sub. (There where even more games because in the beginning they given away steam-keys)
Also SteamWorld Heist works without the Twitch-App. You can even copy the Folder and uninstall the game via the Twitch-Launcher and still start the game when Twitch-App is not running.
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Ah, good to know. I'd love to be able to uninstall the Twitch app, but still install the games I've gotten from them. Even though they're not locked by DRM, I'd still have to have or re-install the Twitch app before I could install the game. I was thinking/hoping for direct downloads for installation files, but I'll link your post in the main one, so others can see this info.
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I'd say just go for it. The DLC are nice, but they don't alter the gameplay much. It's not like playing Skyrim without Hearthfire or (to use a really old example—showing my age a little bit) StarCraft without Brood War. They just give you some of the best items in the game right away, rather than making you grind a bit for them, and I think there's an XP buff that you can turn on/off in the settings.
Get the game on Twitch and try it out. A lot of people don't seem to have a good opinion of that game because they were expecting a more traditional D&D experience, rather than one based off of the adventure board game mechanics. I don't know how familiar you are with the differences, but if it turns out the game is less to your liking than you thought it would be, then at least you found out without buying it.
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Thanks. I got that e-mail too, but now that you've mentioned it, I'll link to your post until the games are released. I'm most excited for SteamWorld Dig 2, since I already picked up Tales from the Borderlands.
Also, the way they worded parts of the email made it sound like they were going to be releasing games more often or regularly in the future. Probably not five every month, but who knows? Did you get that vibe too?
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Yeah it's pretty evident what with the "brand new program that upgrades your membership" line that they're intending for this to be a regular thing from now on.
Notably, we've had several games in a single month before(up to 4 I wanna say, not 100% sure), but the amount of them and time they were available for was usually lower and fluctuated more. If nothing else, I'm definitely gonna appreciate a more fixed time schedule so you can't miss the stuff by accident(although they've been more generous concerning the length of availability recently anyway).
Also of note is that they're going to have repeats starting with this new system. For example Superhot and Oxenfree both were already on Prime before and for next month, both Dubwars and Tales from the Borderlands have been included with Prime.
So it seems likely that they'll keep going with 5 games(3 new, 2 repeats) per month, at least for a while.
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I'm guessing that there will be at least 2 games together from the Indie Amplifier winners, with 3 more like the current one. That's a lot already especially on top of those 2 games that will be given away per month.
Basically, what xFallenAngel said
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Address Verification Required
Your billing address associated with your credit card must be a verified Canadian address to get access to Twitch Prime.
i'm not giving my credit card number to a site like that , they think i'm stupid!??
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No I'm not , its when I try to get twitch prime trial they ask for cred numb , I already have an amazon account :/
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Then link your current Amazon account to your Twitch account instead of signing up for a new Twitch Prime trial. If you already have Amazon Prime, you're done. If you don't, it'll use your Amazon account settings instead of making you enter your credit card again. But Twitch is Amazon, so calling them "a site like that" is a bit of a stretch since—love'em or hate'em—they're one of the most reputable online stores.
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kk I try again , i'm abit edgy/paranoid with my bank account with 2 million$ in it :))
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August brings the following new games to Twitch Prime Members:
Claim Your Games Here
Claim these games before August 31 and they're yours forever. Also, don't forget about the SNK Bundle (Twinkle Star Sprites, Metal Slug 3, and The Last Blade), available from Jul 3–Aug 2, so it can still be claimed through tomorrow!
How It Works:
If you are a Twitch Prime (a subset of Amazon Prime) member, Twitch offers some pretty good perks, like DLC codes, in-game loot codes, and sometimes full games. Unfortunately, these games are installed through the Twitch Desktop App/Game Client, rather than through Steam. SickTeddyBear pointed out (since I wasn't very clear),
Also, once you've installed the game, there's no need to have the Twitch Desktop App running, or even leave it installed to play the games, as MachinesAreHuman pointed out below.
If you already own any of these on Steam, I'm not sure there's any benefit to owning it through Twitch. Also note that they don't get added to your account automatically; you have to claim them. But once claimed, they're attached to your account forever.
Previous Twitch Prime Loot
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