I'd like to finally play the game, but I can't get back into my original GW account so I lost any and all rewards I got for playing 8K + hours of the original.So I'm not entering.
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Yes. Several times. Never heard back from them. Finally gave up.
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I was a closed beta tester for the original GW. I was playing when they had tunics instead of capes. Shame, too. I liked the tunics better.
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8k hours= 333 days, a whole year of your limited life time you wont ever get back
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FoS don't have done much for the game Maybe before i joined the game -that must be then more then 8 or 9 years before GW2-. They made 3 music videos (i only see 2 or 3 of there members do anything else then dancing in a town, and that in 9 years playing GW :-D). The one that are linked are the heaviest edited one of them. The others were more "normal" dancing videos with much people (around 200 characters in the end -you see then 30 warrior, then 30 mages and so on, dancing- [the difficult on that was the fact that ALL dancers must send the start for this dance emote at the same time -with hitting the return after typing the /dance -. We -the DPL- had done such stuff too but "only" with 50 chars, so maybe 8 from each sort and we used Teamspeak to start it at the same time. Was 2 days work to made all needed moves/emotes for a short dance video of 2 min.])
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Yes was much of fun (but after 10 fail starts you hated that one GUY/GIRL that do it every time wrong :-D laughing) because it gave not much guilds that made any videos. Maybe 10 Alliances did that in the end. Not much when you think that GW (1) had (14?) Alliances at the worldmap (they hold a town, you seen there name + insignias and they can buy there cheaper) + at least 30 times more without any town and that on the EU/US/Asian Servers = i think over 1200 Alliances in the end
US Server had more but i calculate the same as EU because i am not sure how big the asian community was.
I had my Minipet big traders at the US servers and only jump to that place to buy a big bunch of them and sell it one by one to my (mostly female) customers in the EU or use them for myself -i had all that were under 200Platin at the price- (full inventory of 2 chars only for that) :-D OR to taunt the US Guilds/Alliances that thinked they are "great" because of a lot of points (from noob assa farming = using skill exploits and makros). Was very funny how they thinked from themself and how easy the most of them would be killed in the Alliance battles :-D. One time two from our three 4 man teams jumped in without armor (they got a lot to hear from me in the Teamspeak because of there presuming acting-i was known for a bit of a "harder hand" sometimes when needed^^-). I promised them a punishment (do stuff for the guild that are the officers and i think about first) when we loose. We won ... my members luck (it was presuming and a bit of dumb) an devastating for the other alliance (and much more for there 12 players in Armor -normaly you are 3times better with armor-). After that day wanted that Allianc never fought against us again and a few other one too :-D.
The memories are very strong and give a lot of positive energy but i was addicted on that game -very big problems in my life and running away from them "in that game"- so not only good memories. But in the end it gave me much more then it took and it was a big part of my experience/learning to see in a few minutes/hours/days in which group the other one(s) can be sorted. I known, mostly, after that short time if you get problems with anyone and in which direction, i known mostly which ones are very nice ones and meet a good bunch of them in the RL too. My girlfriend at that time was a GW Player. She was in a other guild (a officer there), that guild came to our alliance, she heared me in the Teamspeak, after around 6 month she switched with the ok from there leader to us, after 6 month more we meet us and were short after that togehter. Holded 5 years.
And i still have friends from that time that i meet or phone call from time to time. Strange when i look back on that time with so many years distance. We were a crazy, nice, bunch of people. More like a family/friends group then "strangers" (that was a difference to a lot of other guilds and alliances). I known ALL my members by there forename and from the ~800 people in my alliance around 80%.
A part of me want twist the time back.
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FoS made 2 or 3 good music videos but nothing else...^^.
A few others did it too, but none of them with so much editing (the backgrounds, music instruments, people that stand around).
My own guild, the Dark Pheonix Legion (DPL) The guildname was not made by me, a friend have done the writing error :-D too. But they are gone over the last ~10 years.
I was the Leader of the DPL guild a bit over 9 years (7 years on the Luxon side, 2 years on the Kurzick). Most of the time 80 - 100 members. Most of the time a point guild that played mostly BK (Bündniskämpfe) / Ally Battles -3x 4 vs. 3x 4-. We were the Leader of the DPL Alliance, mostly 800 People, the biggest german speaking Point Alliance that made there point only with BK/AB and not this point farming for assasin noob and shitty guilds. We hold 6 years without a break a town at the Luxon and later on the Kurzick side. So we are seen 6 years on the worldmap (the EU one). We never joined in a Point Alliance pr let a guild join our alliance that made there points with noob assa farming stuff (95% of the guild made it that way). I was very well known because i played each day 8h+ BK/AB. Found "exploits" to jump into the enemy base when they jump out (without dying... that was fixed in after a other one and i used that to make Berserker kills at the spawning ones :-D -was very funny how surprised they are mostly-). Or i took the NPC Sword Fighters, Bow Fighters and Mages and stack them. I was known to have up to 5 behind me -was very funny too :-D-. And yes they fixed that later too -then each time when the special point was conquered and they spawn a NPC for the new color, did the other colors one die. I was very well known with my hunter because i was a Assasine Killer (and the Assas always thinked they are "The strongest" :o)).
It was a fantastic time.....
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lol these coincidences^^
have seen a video made by him today ^^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vIoGp3R7ZI
he is playing or played on my GW2 server, i see sometimes some FoS members running around in WvW
continue trying with the GW2 support...... i lost my account data 2 times even "hacked" once because my email provider lost all his data -.-
They helped me very fast and even told me who was in my account (a korean surprise^^) who broke everything or sold everything
but all has been restored by ths support except for trading post/guild bank items which they can not recover but I even got a compensation for that.... was in no relation to what I lost but still a nice move
I did not even have to wait longer than 2 days but I heard from friends that they sometimes had to wait quite a long time or had to write several tickets
when did you last try it? when there was still gw1 support... if it's like that try again and contact the gw2 support
you only need your GW1 cdkeys, sometimes it is enough to just roughly know your old email and a gw1 character name
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And how you want to do that? That here is the last post....
And this here is not the last post or what? So you want to check the creation date of the post? O.o
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Ah geez. I forgot to add an end date. Akward!
Like the other forum give-away I made last night I intend to "stop" on sunday (tomorrow) at 16:00 GMT+1.
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I am not sure, maybe it was just a bug
but i used 3 heroic editon keys form the humblebundle on my account - at the time i already had the Heroic Edtion
and the keys still worked on a account who already have it^^
and i recieved https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Heroic_Chest 3 times so i got all armor skins :p
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Hit me up for the chance. Thanks for the chance, again.
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16 Comments - Last post 10 minutes ago by Seibitsu
48 Comments - Last post 19 minutes ago by wigglenose
161 Comments - Last post 30 minutes ago by HappierParsley
1,215 Comments - Last post 53 minutes ago by Carenard
45 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by gonsi
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136 Comments - Last post 26 minutes ago by Alamar
So, I am not entirely sure what Heroic Edition includes.
Hell, this key is so old there's a risk it might not work any more... It is, however, unredeemed. It should still work?
Anyway, if you want it let me know by posting. I'll RNG a number and whoever has that post wins the key.
Sound good?
EDIT: There's an understandable confusion. This ended a while back, but the winners never responded.
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