Would you mind contacting me and letting me know what problems you've had with SteamRep? I can walk you through how we research reports if you'd like. =)
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I wouldn't trust SteamRep as far as I could throw it, which, considering it's not a physical entity, isn't very far.
I've seen quite a few bullshit calls on their part.
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Can you please name one? I'd be happy to look into it! =) Absolutely if you see a mistake or something, please bring it to our attention- that's why we have forums, for that very reason.
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I myself had not had any problems with SteamRep, but as Chronicdiscord said there have been a calls that seemed outrageous.
It's not a bad site since it's useful to people who are curious about the trader, but there are slip-ups that as I said before seems outrageous.
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But the other profile is not marked. I think that guy is responsible for getting this guy banned. They are not alts I think. Also he's the biggest donator on tf2outpost
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Actually, that's not why he was tagged at all. An account impersonated him & stole items. He then later admitted to having control of that account. He claims he got control of the account just minutes before he was contacted by a SteamRep admin regarding the appeal, but he lied about being able to control the account until he was caught and confessed it himself:
6:01 PM - Yatterman: I'm just going to be honest with you right here
6:01 PM - |SM| ☠Noobιηator☠275pals: thx for your time
6:01 PM - Yatterman: He just gave me back the account info and I have it on my alterante steam
6:02 PM - |SM| ☠Noobιηator☠275pals: right....
This sums up why after investigating, that you appeal is denied sir. Regardless best of luck to you.
This is from his appeal: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561198007566674-yatterman-sop-scammer.971/#post-5024
With that said, I do appreciate the help that Yatterman has given me when it comes to identifying other scammers and I am NOT trying to stir up drama. I just don't want to see people slamming SteamRep and perpetuating false information. =(
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That is very compelling evidence!
Speaking of compelling evidence, I have it on good authority that Yatterman owes me twenty bucks
2:52 AM - Taerdin: I'll loan you the money but you have to promise you'll pay it back
2:52 AM - Yatterman: Of course I'll pay you back the twenty bucks, what do you think I am? Some kind of scammer?
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He is a popular member of the forums and participates in a lot of giveaways. http://www.steamgifts.com/user/Yatterman
He has given away over $1,300 dollars in games to the community.
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I'd need to see it to believe it. I believe you are a good person :)
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And yet no one cares to look at the facts...
sometimes i really hate the internet.
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Why are you perpetuating this, Yatterman? =( I don't understand- why can't we just stop with all the drama. =(
I hate this. =(
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Since when have I ever had an ego with you? =( Why are you being so mean? =( Our conversations have always been pleasant ones- I don't understand where all this anger is coming from. =(
We are on the same side- you want to stop scammers, I want to stop scammers. I can understand why you're frustrated but that's not a reason to discount everyone & everything associated with it. =( That's like saying you will never shop at any Target ever because you got into a disagreement with an employee in the garden center.
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No one is saying that, Yatterman. =( At least no one at SteamRep anyway.
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Because someone doesn't know how to use the internet properly.
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There is no problem with Yatterman. He is just a generous person who was falsely accused in the past, and now he is not be credited for their mistake over at steamrep.com. The issue it that Shadowic did not do anything else to find out the facts, and immediately believe a single source.
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Not a problem, just don't believe everything you read on the internet without verifying it with enough credible sources. Especially, if you can, the person or group at the center of the issue.
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That's just not true. SteamRep didn't make a mistake. He admitted that he had control over the account that scammed. As in, Yatterman admitted to it.
6:01 PM - Yatterman: I'm just going to be honest with you right here
6:01 PM - |SM| ☠Noobιηator☠275pals: thx for your time
6:01 PM - Yatterman: He just gave me back the account info and I have it on my alterante steam
6:02 PM - |SM| ☠Noobιηator☠275pals: right....
This sums up why after investigating, that you appeal is denied sir. Regardless best of luck to you.
This is from his appeal: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561198007566674-yatterman-sop-scammer.971/#post-5024
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The closing post was a summary. The rest was not overlooked- in fact it was absolutely noted. The reason why we are so behind on appeals is because we spend days researching them. =(
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=( I don't know where you're getting that from. =( If you provide evidence that you didn't have control of the account at the time of the scam, that would be very helpful. You can do this by providing screenshots of the trade history from both accounts. You should still have me on your friends list, yes? Why not just ask me? =(
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It doesn't go back past when steam trading was made I believe. Not sure.
The oldest on my main account is august 9th.
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Please stop being mean. I'm trying to help. =( And you can always just directly message me, too!
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It will be lifted when he appeals and shows that he didn't have control over the account at the time of the scam. Hopefully he'll see this. =(
It's also quite a difference to lie to your parents and to lie to an admin that's trying to help you clear your name. =(
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Please delete and close this thread. Yatter's seriously fed up of answering this. Steam Rep made a fuck up and they're too stupid to correct it. I think anyone who knows Yatterman knows he's not a scammer.
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That is because TF2R is an affiliate site and they are in the process of getting their own tags. Until they get their own tags, however, we had to mark that person as an SR scammer- though once they have tags, it will be retroactively changed to a TF2R scammer.
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I agree that this thread should be closed. However, what you are saying is patently NOT true. SteamRep didn't make a mistake as Yatterman admitted that he had control over the account that scammed. He admitted it. I'm certain if you asked him now, he would admit it now too though he would raise the question whether or not he was controlling the account when it scammed: Actually, that's not why he was tagged at all. An account impersonated him & stole items. He then later admitted to having control of that account. He claims he got control of the account just minutes before he was contacted by a SteamRep admin regarding the appeal, but he lied about being able to control the account until he was caught and confessed it himself: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561198007566674-yatterman-sop-scammer.971/#post-5024
PLEASE read the thread and don't just go off of supposition. I know he's your friend, I know he's respected here- and I absolutely do NOT want to take away from that. But I also don't want people to think SteamRep is a bad site or filled with jerk admins or anything like that! I spend literally hours a day researching scam reports (note that I only handle scam reports, not appeals). I've spoken to both Yatterman and Lokonopa and hopefully they can vouch that I'm not some mean, paranoid or vindictive person. =( All we want to do is help. =(
Can we please just stop all this drama? There is no reason whatsoever that SteamRep & SG/ST should be at odds with each other. =(
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I say we use the internet properly and find out the truth!
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Thanks for skyrim. Oh wait. not sure if you will send it xD
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Loot! Everyone seems to have forgotten this rule.
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If you have any questions about how SteamRep collects evidence, what evidence we need, etc. I would be more than happy to answer it. =) I assure you, I spend hours researching reports and I don't apply any tag without solid evidence.
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But the Yatterman case was a single slip-up. Right?
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do you know the IP? run a back-trace and if it comes up as a internet cafe or something, I think that's grounds for a revoke on the ban.
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I am on a dynamic IP, my provider switches not only within the block but between different blocks, from 8X.XX.XX.XX to 7X.XX.XX.XX and 2XX.XX.XX.XX. Does this make me a scammer?
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Well 2mins ago check steamrep just to see if he's a middleman but i see this http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198007566674 target as scammer ?
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