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The PS3 has a much better variety of exclusives, no monthly online pass to use your own internet, and they have a thing called PlayStation Plus that cost $50 a year and gives you 4 new AAAs a month to play for free.
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Yea its true :) and X360 controller ,menu ,and players comunity is better (On PS3 is too mutch young players)
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the community seriously depends on which games you play. you have kids on both PS3 and XBOX360.
controller is a matter of preference, i liked the first huge xbox (original, not 360) controller way better than any of the newer versions. right now i prefer the ps3/4 one though.
the menu is just what you are used to :)
on topic, i prefer the PS3 because of the different exclusives that it has (infamous, KH remix, Final Fantasy, etc)
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In your opinion, I cant stand the 360 controller D:
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PS3 doesn't have any more young players than 360.
It actually has less players overall. I remember I tried out a demo for a game on 360 and it still had people playing it online late into the night, but on the PS3 at most only 2 people were ever playing it at any given time throughout the whole world. Then there's other games of course. A game could be a few months old on PS3 and have no players, but years later still have people playing it on 360.
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PS+ does not give 4 new AAA's a month so don't confuse someone into thinking that's what they'll get. PS+ is great and worth the money but you will lose the games they give you if you cancel your sub.
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Ya I've been pretty let down lately too. One reason might be I own most on PC now that they have been giving or I have them on PS3 and Vita.
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the games are "free" in that PS+ gives you other benefits, which is what PS+ started as. The games were later a "free" addition to the $50 sub to those other features. So they are free, if you are indeed still buying PS+ for those other features. Most people are not, and are instead paying $50 for the games directly.
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I just bought a ps3 and love it (I definitely like it much better than my brother's xbox). There are tons of really good ps3 exclusives and free online play. I was never really interested in any of the xbox 360 exclusives (some of them appear on the pc anyways) which is why I chose the ps3. Overall you should just choose the system that has more games you are interested in.
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ps3 crushes xbox360 - not to mention its still one of the best blu-ray players on the market.
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Did that, got stuck with a shitty 360 that I don't use anymore.
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meh, sorry, not much of a shooter fan and that is like 70% of the xbox catalogue.
ps3 has better rpg and action/adventure games.
Edit: had an xbox 360, but gave it to my little brother cause all the games i played on it where already on ps3
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X360 exclusives is for older players ... And as opposed to PS exclusives its have PEGI bigger than 3+ :D
Than its not for you :(
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meh again, i dont care if you are 9 or 90 a The Last of Us will always be better than Halo in my opinion (have played and finished 3 of them, so not talking without basis).
and looking at a list of exclusives remembered that Metal Gear 4 is only ps3 too so...
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he won't miss out on Titanfall since he has a PC. As for Halo and Gears yes they are fun but overall the exclusives on the PS3 trump the 360.
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Uncharted, LittlebigPlanet, God Of War, Resistance, Journey, Demon Souls, Kingdom Hearts HD Collection, Gran Turismo, Note the variety. :D
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Oh boy, guns! There aren't enough of them in video games already.
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Personal opinion is xbox for me, I prefer there controllers more and I like the setup and how the console runs as well. I actually own 3 xbox 360s and 2 ps3s, but honestly most games are on either consoles, so I would go wherever most of your friends are so you can all play together. Also the real biggest difference between the consoles is where that left thumbstick is :P, unless you have a massive bluray collection or are a massive fanboy I really don't see much of a difference.
The other reason I would go xbox is that I prefer their exclusives over play stations, but you might be the other way around so definitely something important to think about (also a lot more asian games come out on playstation as opposed to xbox).
Lastly I have been told that xbox live online is better then sonys although you do have to pay for it, I haven't used sony's online stuff so I couldn't say if thats true, but I will admit live is quite expensive if you want to pay for a gold subscription.
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This is literally the only reason I want to fix the broken PS3 I have. I picked up Demon's Souls thinking my father would let me use his PS3 but he's a douchebag and won't let me so in order to play it I must first fix his old broken one. haha
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If your friends are PSN only then go with ps3. PSN does have premium content called PSN+ that you can pay for each month, but its not needed for playing games online with friends.
But some games like street fighter, tekken, marvel vs capcom, etc. have a strict combo timing. XBL network is generally faster and consistent than PSN. You probably wouldn't notice much difference if you play shooters though.
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+1 for this
If you wanna play with your friends get a ps3.
And get PS+ for some good games etc.
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I've had both and I feel the PS3 is better overall. Better exclusives. Games like the Uncharted series, Last of Us, God of War series, Heavy Rain, Killzone Series, Little Big Planet, and some others I can't think of off the top of my head right now. The online on PSN works just fine and I have never had an issue with it.
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Depends on which console exclusives you prefer, if you have friends on either console, and if you're willing to forgo a better online experience, but having to pay. (XBL vs. PSN)
I have both, but I prefer PS3, I like the console exclusives for it more than 360.
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Sorry, but Microsoft didn't "screw" you. If you had read the side of the box you would've known a gold subscription is needed to play on XBL.
In my opinion, the 360 is better. It looks better, the controllers are better, the UI is better, party chat for eight people, more apps & the list goes on. PS has terrible exclusives, but so does the Xbox.
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Terrible exclusives on the PS3? You must not have played many games on there then.
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And you didn't find one exclusive good? What kind of games do you like then because their exclusives range from a variety of genres.
So you didn't like Last of Us, Heavy Rain, Beyond, God of War, Resistance, Killzone, inFamous, LBP, Uncharted series, Demon Souls 3D Dot Game Heroes, or any other exclusive listed here?
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so i don't really know which one is better but after i got the xbox 360 and found out that i need to pay 5 pounds each month to play online i really think that microsoft scr*wed me don't really know about the ps3 but
i have 3 friends that have ps3 and they say it's much better than an xbox
tell me guys wich one is better
take it
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