i don't even see it on steam stats http://store.steampowered.com/stats/
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That only show the Top 100.
I haven't played the game in awhile, but one glance at the discussions forum and you can see there is an active community there, so if they are deleting those threads, maybe it's because they're redundant and flooding the discussions when their customers are actually trying to ask legitimate questions.
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I received Ravaged for free because i played during the beta, and the game itself isn't really bad but It's impossible to enjoy a multiplayer game when there aren't any players.
When i was playing, a few months ago, there were usually 30 players online.
Also, it sucks to see that a mod is trying to hide the failure that this game has become.
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Game's shit. I got the beta and played it[thought it was shit, 3 servers with actual people, heavy lag, and no tutorial or anything], and the beta actually turned into a full copy of the game.
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I remember I once said it's good. What was I smoking back then...?
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I agree. I was also in beta and I thought it was ok, but it had all those issues you mentioned. Few months later when I got the full copy and the game was already released for quite some time, same issues were still there. BTW there are bunch of free games that are way better than this.
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For a product of a Kickstarter, it dampens the crowd-sourcing enthusiasm.
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I am gonna look if anyone plays It hold on please. I will try to come back with a screenshot of the server list.
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wow i posted a thread saying game is terrible and not even a minute latter its GONE ! they must be siting on them forums waiting for people that want to tell the truth. game fkn suxs big time..
edit : i got banned from the discussion threads becasue i said the game is dead.. retarded developers
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Or maybe retarded you, because the game is not dead (see post by lorek down below). And you seriously wonder why they may delete a thread where you tell other people how terrible their game is? It's like I would walk into your house tell you that you suck. The mindset of some people is really beyond me.
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Seriously, what's wrong with you? You even post on a forum completely unrelated to the game about it? A bit neurotic. The devs of Ravaged are actually pretty cool, and you got your answer why they deleted your threads. Get over it. They have events every week (where you can play with the devs, ask questions and make suggestions about future improvements) and keep releasing DLC (good free DLC with a lot of new content) absolutely for free. Plus they really try to keep the game alive by sending free keys to various people (all former beta testers for example). When you keep in mind that it's a small dev team and that the game wasn't very successful it's not exactly what I would call a bad developer.
I don't think it's ok what the mod did there (especially without telling you why he locked the threads), but you haven't seen the amount of trolls who were active on the Steam forum for this game (especially after the free weekend some weeks ago). There were 'people' (aka trolls) who would constantly rant about how much they think the game sucks as if it was their only purpose in life.
Ravaged is a fun game, I've played it quite a lot. I can only recommend it to anyone interested in online shooters. The gameplay reminds me a bit of UT2k4, only with a tiny bit less madness and slightly more realistic guns. I haven't played for some weeks, but the last time I played there were still 1-3 servers with enough people to play every day. Only in the evening of course, but that's when most people play anyway.
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Screenshot of Server Browser window taken just now.
Game does not seem to be 'dead', but with populated servers
Edit: with populated Servers I don't mean all servers are occupied, but some servers have people that still play the game.
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Well, take a look at this. Every day from March 23 up until - shocker - today, the population barely topped 40 people at it's peak. Would you call that a game with a healthy multiplayer community? I certainly would not. It may be a false assumption, but I'm going to go out on a limb and assume anyway that the numbers will return to what they were pre-sale in about a week, if not sooner.
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Developers not knowing what their mods are up to is not uncommon. This has become a problem on Steam after the discussions areas were added, as devs can now give full rights (locking, deleting threads; temporary and permanent bans from the specific discussions area) to whoever they want. And we all know how good people are at handling power.
That aside, Ravaged is probably the least polished game I've ever played. Still kinda fun though.
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61 Comments - Last post 56 seconds ago by lext
333 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by RobbyRatpoison
273 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by Hawkingmeister
181 Comments - Last post 9 minutes ago by Dunther
2,446 Comments - Last post 30 minutes ago by NazaSekh
405 Comments - Last post 44 minutes ago by NewbieSA
87 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Chris76de
183 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by Naviis
571 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by Kadavro
14 Comments - Last post 6 minutes ago by vigaristti
8,478 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by sassdrake
57 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by nonamebg
90 Comments - Last post 16 minutes ago by samwise84
985 Comments - Last post 17 minutes ago by PastelLicuado
So as you can see Ravaged is currently on sale on steam for $3.39. I was thinking about buying the game but I wanted to know if the game still has some active community etc... So I checked their discussion tab on steam and found a new thread that was asking the same question.
So, I started typing a comment but the mods deleted that thread before I could even post a comment!! About 10 people were posting comments on that thread!
I created my own thread asking the same question and pointing out that mods were deleting these kinds of threads! Guess what?! They deleted my thread too!!
I'm definitely NOT going to support a developer that tries to hide the truth this way!
Here are some screen shots to give you a better idea of how childish the behavior of their mods are:
My locked thread
My locked thread's content Part 1
My locked thread's content Part 2
An older locked thread
They deleted my thread after it was locked for couple of mins!
TL;DR? They seem to be a horrible dev who try to hide the fact that their game has very few players by removing/locking the threads that asks these questions!
News: Apparently the Devs didn't know the mods where deleting these kinds of threads (LOL?!) and they claim mods only deleted these threads because they usually turn into a "flamewar"! Looks like mods won't be deleting the threads anymore.
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