Can't understand Spanish unfortunately, but that looks like it was a good laugh to make :]
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A infomercial would never been shot in handheld. I know it's much easier to shoot handheld because you don't waste so much time setting up the shot, but think twice about what you are trying to do. A infomercial is always shot with a tripod and a static shot. I've never seen dolly/slider/crane movement in such a thing.
I won't comment about the video quality or the camera, because I know you were on a budget and those things can be expensive. However, lights are cheap, and if you're trying to make something good, don't cheap out on the light.
Regarding the image, even if the camera has poor quality, you should adjust the white balance properly. Never use it on the auto mode, always set it regarding the light you are using (and if you are outside, pay attention to the weather).
The voice over was the best aspect overall for me. You guys did a great job on that!
Considering you were asking for tips in here, I'm assuming you were trying to show something more serious (even if it's a parody), so here's my best tip to you: plan things beforehand, don't use handheld unless you have a reason to, and take a bit more time setting up the props and the scenario (the drawings on the book don't really help selling the infomercial effect).
I hope this doesn't strike as me being a douchebag, I'm just pointing what I think you should focus on next time. And never forget, everything on film/video has a meaning, so when you are planning the shots, see if they actually sell the video or are just irrelevant or for show.
Take care man!
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I love you, I really, really love you.
Those will come handy since we enjoyed doing that video so much that we plan on making some other shorts, I promise that next time we won't be doing handheld, and will use a better camera for that matter.
About the lights, we already had some desktop lights as spotlights, but as you may see it didn't do that much, it did improve the quality a bit tho (imagine if we didn't put those, oh god).
This wasn't done in a serious way, it's not like we study any way of acting/cinematography/publicity, but it was my friend's first time acting, and my first time directing, writting a script (we actually had one!) or recording video for that matter, I've done some simple dubbing before, so i knew the basics for at least that part.
Thanks a lot for the feedback man, I really appreciate it!
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Buena manera de cachondearte, esta genial, ya que no quieres hacer nada serio para entregar, ridiculizas al maximo y encima consigues que se rian, y claro, como esta hecho mal aposta (aunque no lo este jajaja) te llevas hasta nota. Muy buena idea!
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Calidad de ir por casa; pero la verdad es que me he partido con la gilipollez de los tomates cherry decorativos. Muchas gracias por los regalos.
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Hablar el español con acento neutro era parte de la parodia?
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Técnicamente, se podría mejorar. Igualmente me gustó por su originalidad y además porque era muy gracioso. Me encantó la idea del cactus, de los tomates y las voces eran muy buenas. Eras tu el que hablaba?
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Don't know any Spanish, but I have already ordered 3 of these :D
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Y me apetece compartirlo, no es que me haya dado por hacerme youtuber ni nada de eso, esto era un trabajo para clase, en el que teníamos que... bueno, hacer un anuncio de televisión para un producto navideño, y me dio por hacerlo de teletienda, porque podría ser extremadamente ridículo, y no sentirme mal por ello.
Así que... sep, aquí está el video, puede que al final te guste y todo, quién sabe.
Ah, por cierto, toma, unas chuches.
Just because I feel like sharing it, not like I jumped into the youtuber bandwagon or anything, this was some class work, we had to... well, make a tv advertising for a christmas product, and I felt like making it a infomercial so it could be extremely ridiculous, and not feel bad about it.
The image quality is kinda... well, low, since there wasn't any decent camera at hand, an it's in spanish only, sorry about that, but hey, if anyone is interested, I could add some english subtitles, sounds good?
You could still check it out, maybe you'll even understand something! Wouldn't that be cool?
Oh, also, here, have some sweets.
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