Once again, Geometry Q2, the answer should be a rounded value or mathematical expression?
Also, do I understand correctly that there is absolutely no use of the triangle on the right since it doesn't have anything corresponding to the two circles?
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I'm pretty sure I have b (having solved it multiple ways), but doing the obvious thing to get c is not accepted. Then again, you say c is an integer, not rounded? I'm not getting an integer.
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Yay, I'm not a geometry dunce! I may have forgotten all my calculus and diff eq, but I can do trig!
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Sorry to bother you again, but the only one left for me is Calculus. So I solved Q1 and even checked that the answer is correct. The problem being is that there is no way to know what do you mean by c1 and c2. I mean, if y = x + c1 is a solution then y = x + 2*c1 is also a solution, always. But if I'll plug values, I'll get different results. Same thing for a root. Like, if y = sqrt(c1*x) is a solution then y = c1*sqrt(x) is also a solution, but after plugging results will differ drastically. And if I add that c1 and c2 can always be swapped without any harm, amount of things which might be are enormous.
Also there are actully two answers if I'm not mistaken for each set of values c1, c2 and x: y= +sqrt(...) and y= -sqrt(...), how do you type that in?
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Come on! that's just bullying now! Since if we make p = y', our equality turns into
y*p' + p^2 = 0, and since y doesn't go anywhere it doesn't simplify it a bit. Or am I just stupid?
Once again, why can't I put in right answer when its right? Y_Y
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please talk to me about the calc questions >_<
and I added in a way to make sure you get an exact answer-ie provided some initial y(0)= and y'(0)= then a value to find the question at so you can just enter that value.
second question currently has 33 different correct solutions with me rewriting it a bunch of different ways.
tldr they are the same questions but I tried to make sure it was easier for people to input thire answers
*also I solved it initially with p = y' when I wrote it...theres something else you can use thats simpler but you should also know if you set p = y'...
then y" = dp/dy * dy/dx = p dp/dy...again theres a simpler substitution you can make but this is an option as well
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bump ^^ solve the first "true" puzzle , i'll continue tomorrow :P
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DAMMIT I'm sorry ahhhhhhh I thought having two of us would help with any mistakes I made in writing questions...I was wrong.
fixed -and thank you
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Theres a question designed just for you :p
the knowledge based one should just be googling (I hope...)
unless you have tons of random trivia memorized it should (theoretically?) be possible to get through it.
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Nice seeing math quizzes on SG, guess I know where I'll be procrastinating now :P
I'm a bit worried about answer formatting issues and questions not being clear enough though. For Q1 and 2 in Easy you probably mean positive integers, and I see you've fixed Q4 (sorry for nitpicking :P)
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I love how many times I've had to fix stuff in the first question -_-'
The other one I'm going imagine I have to fix will be the knowledge based one...the one thats mainly just googling.
I'm going to say I'm pretty certain the calculus and mechanics ones are going be fine...I'm relatively confident in those.
anyways if you think theres a formatting issue feel free to ask-for most of them I've tried to include multiple correct answers (different decimal places etc) but theres always a chance that its not clear.
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REDACTED - Just moved this question to appropriate place
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Solved the easy puzzle.
Solved the "easy" puzzle, but my answer was not accepted.
Not going to bother with the rest as I work hard all day and do not use Math as a relaxation tool.
Have a bump, anyway.
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I think I got the same problem on "Easy" puzzle. I solved it changing the value of E for L and vice-versa.
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If I'm correct about what the puzzle is supposed to be, we are both off course in our solving of the puzzle.
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Bumping with the information that there may or may not be serveral hidden GA's alongside the ones found conventionally...
may not being the key word... of course theres nothing hidden :P
or is there?
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Solved Easy, was feeling pretty confident.
Opened up "Easy," thought okay I can do this.
Stared at the problem for five minutes before realizing nope, in fact cannot do this.
Quickly ran through the rest of the problems before the headache and the urge to scream and/or cry set in. I did like Logic Q3 though. ;D
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Hello and welcome one and all to the dual math event between bluelightning42 and ylil.EndedIn special maths spirits there is 31 total GA's hidden in this thread. (a prime number :P)
If any of the following are too hard blame ylil. (she's the sadistic one of the two of us) apologies in advance if your favorite genre of math is under-represented.
If we planned better this better we would correlate the GA's with some math related holiday like PI day but as it is they all end on the 30th at Midnight GMT.There was also GA's hidden in the ITH's decode using xlate gives I6dOM
simultaneous equations A < L < G < T < E
for Geometry 2 the rounded integer values gives a = 73, b = 54, c = 100, d = 79, e = 77
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