Because of the big giveaway its counted as exploited/bundled games I mean come on you get all that for free and expect with it to rise your contribution over 30$? it has a *... which means with that you cant get over 30$ ;) EDIT MY EGNLISH IS SHIT AND I WILL BE HAPPY IF YOU UNDERSTAND A SINGLE SHIT I SAID
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Dont worry your english is understandable :P
English isny my native language either so its suck too,I belive that 80% of this site arent speaking english perfectly so nothing to be worry about :P
But i didnt get it...if i'm doing the ship giveaway and then another one my contribution value is 30?
Doesnt matter how many the ship giveaways im doing later?
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NO dont understand what im trying to say...its counted as A BUNDLE game...and with bundle games you can't get over 30$...if you giveaway another game that is a non bundle I believe you will take the contribution value for the bundled games you gave away earlier but im not sure...
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it's considered a "bundle game" because it has already been featured in a bundle - this has nothing to do with the recent developer promotion ;)
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Actually, it counts as a bundled game a long time ago because it has been on a indie bundle. So the big giveaway has nothing to do with it.
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since they have been in bundles before there considered as bundle games. bundle games give you up to 25$ contribution value, then after that they only give UP TO 20% of your contributers value, so the 25$ + 20% = 30$
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that's the same with all games that have been featured in a bundle.
they will all be treated the same - even if you are giving away a tradeable copy.
There are still people on this site that give away games for good karma, for the joy of giving and sharing - not all care about their contributor value =)
If you want to keep your other The Ship copies or want to share them with your friends, that's understandable and OK, too.
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This site is about giveaways. Not some status rank.
Contributor value means nothing unless you let it, mean something for you personally.
I don't give a feck what my value says.
With this site, I have given, but mostly received... so I am happy. Having some rank label isn't a priority for me.
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Not this hoary old chestnut again.
FFS. Just be glad your account has been credited with a very generous contributor value of $30, and not what you actually paid for that shit...
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As I said, just be glad that the contribution value you have been awarded with is far in excess of what you actually paid for the games.
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His contribution this week was 270$, all by the same humble indie bundle. I don't know were the bundles come from... He don't even try to win anything, probably the "bundle guys" are just giving away the remain keys...
I'm just trying to understand why I didn't receive nothing for the last "the ship" giveaway.
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If you give out an entire bundle as a GIFT, if that bundle supports it, then you will receive full value.
That account is a developer account. He has all those bundles at his disposal because he also sells them. If you look closely, he has never entered any giveaways.
You don't receive anything because of how the rule works. That's the rule.
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It's simple, you didn't receive anything because The Ship is a bundle game. Bundle games have the whole restricted contributor thing that I don't feel like explaining, though I'm sure somebody else will probably have it explained by the time I'm finished typing this post.
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Shame on you ;)
Value.Total = Value.NonBundle + MIN( Value.Bundle, 25) + MIN( Value.Bundle, MAX( 0, Value.NonBundle - 25 ) * .2 );
Edit: no, that's not quite it ... needs more work.
New try:
Value.Total = Value.NonBundle + MIN( Value.Bundle, 25 ) + ( x * 0.2 ); // work in progress
Okay, I got it, and I made 2 examples - my contributor value and 3* The Ship:
Value.Total = Value.NonBundle + MIN( Value.Bundle, 25) + MIN( Value.Bundle -25, ( Value.NonBundle + MIN( Value.Bundle, 25) ) * 0.2 );
= 104.04 + 25 + MIN ( 19.88, 25.808 )
= 129.04 + MIN ( 19.88, 25.808 )
= 129.04 + 19.88
= 148.92
Value.Total = Value.NonBundle + MIN( Value.Bundle, 25) + MIN( Value.Bundle -25, ( Value.NonBundle + MIN( Value.Bundle, 25) ) 0.2 );
= 0 + 25 + MIN( 59.97 -25, 25 0.2 )
= 25 + MIN ( 34.97, 5 )
= 30
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Jade already said that he has prepared an FAQ update - it's done when it's done =)
I think the main problem is the "rights management", meaning the mods can't update everything and so cg has to do much on his own and manually - and I haven't seen him in the forum for some time.
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It's common knowledge on Steamgifts.
Considering the amount of ship giveaways recently I wouldn't see how you didn't expect there to be at least some measures against exploiting easy-to-get gifts/keys.
If you see a high contributor giveaway, they always have low numbers of people in it.
Matter of 1+1 deductive reasoning to see that it's not that easy :)
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'recently' :)
The Ship is kind of like Fortix here.. but a higher value :) so it had to be brought down a peg.
I'm happy to have won it here. I wouldn't have played it otherwise and I like it.
It's been on here so often for ages, not just with the giveaway recently. Same goes for Nuclear Dawn I think since all the free friend passes you got or whatever, like the Ship free friend passes
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The guy has only been around for a week, so I had to refer to what knowledge he had available during that time.
And yeah, I hear good things about the Ship too, and I know it's been there for ages, but again, one week, most prominent spam was the Ship (DLC spam might've been less obvious to some)
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Yep, that's the thread. In other words if you plan to give away a game and get the full contributor value make sure that game hasn't been in an PWYW indie bundle. Though it doesn't count for Steam sales or the sales you might get from other retail sites.
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If you give away an additional $150 in non-bundle games, you get the full contributor value back for the $30 in Ship giveaways you are missing.
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I have created 3 giveaways:
1st - The ship: Complete pack.
2nd - The ship: Complete pack (for > 10$ Contributors ).
3rd - The ship: Complete pack.
Why do I only have a giveaway value of $30.00? It's the same value as after the 2nd giveaway. The 3rd giveaway doesn't matter? I don't understand...
They have all been received.
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