So it's looking more and more like I will not be able to return to my craft due to back issues that are pointing towards long term disability. My main concern going forward is my being idle for extended periods and I figured why not learn something that my back will allow me to do. I'm 50 yrs old so we are talking 15 years until pension and social security will kick in. I've always been amazed at what computer adept people can do and how things have changed since the '80s. I don't expect to become an expert or master of anything (old brain is too calcified for that lol) but would love to play around with it. Maybe design something, graphic art who knows.

My question (finally) where do I start? What languages to begin with? Online resources I should know about. I don't expect everything at the beginning of this journey be done by y'all or spoon fed to me. There are two life lessons that I have made use of most of my professional career. Make use of every available resource and Work smarter, not harder. So I'll be making use of the old google-fu as much as I can. If you've made it this far, I thank you for your time. Hopefully my ramblings were able to get my point across. So, I guess let's see what happens.

5 years ago

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Depends on what you want to do/work on.

To understand the logic of how to program it's not language-dependent so something general like C or python can be good, but you'll probably be better off going a different way if you just want to learn how to do webpages or something like that, and how much work do you want to put in before you can actually get paid for something, maybe even getting acquainted with some tools/sites like wix, squarespace, etc. can be a good practice/starter before you move onto more advanced toolsets.
No idea if there is a surplus of demand for any kind of work, or how soon you need to be able to catch up to others to be able to make a living from it, so I can't say if it's a good idea or not.
Probably, the best tool at your disposal will be your ability to google your way out of an issue. Most have been solved and there is a shit ton of resources by knowledgeable people you can use to get by. So that's one of the first things I'd start getting a handle on.

5 years ago*

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Not worried so much about making anything for mass consumption. Money is always good don't get me wrong but this will probably be my mental health escape, this along with the guitar that I deliberately set up next to my desk to guilt myself into putting in some time each day. I'm thinking about tinkering around with graphic design. The idea of starting with basically a stick person and building onto it and really seeing your progress each day really appeals to me. I should have put that in the title I apologize. Will your suggestions still work for this purpose? Or does that take us down a different rabbit hole? Thank you for your time!

5 years ago

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I would recommend starting with Python. It's an excellent combination of accessible, powerful, and in-demand.

I don't have any specific resources to recommend, but I would recommend a specific approach. Come up with some small project to automate something you do with some regularity. This has a few advantages. It gives you a goal that has intrinsic value, so you'll be more motivated to finish. If you do finish, it'll save you time since you'll have a working tool. You will have a useful code-base you can use for your next project. And because your code was written to serve an actual purpose (as opposed to some meaningless tutorial), it will be easier to recall what code was necessary to achieve those ends.

Good luck!

5 years ago

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Thank you for the reply! That is a very intriguing idea. One that goes along with my response to @Avantyr. Both of you mention Python, I take it that it is a jumping off point for beginners? And secondly when I want to try something Python doesn't support does it play well with other programs so there is a near seamless transition? Again, thank you for your time!

5 years ago

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Python is definitely the most beginner friendly language. I recall reading that it was designed to be easy to pick up. As far as a seamless transition, that depends on where you wanted to go next. Python is fairly flexible and can do a lot, from automating tasks to some game development. But if you wanted to get into more significant game design you'd probably need something like C# or C++, which are a different beast. There will be plenty of similar concepts, but also many new ones. On the other hand if you wanted to get into web design, I expect there'd be fewer similarities (though I'm not terribly familiar with web design).

5 years ago

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Thank you. After sleeping on it, I think I'll be focusing more on the graphical design side. Which also is big endeavor. I'll need to research where it starts to deviate (?, doesn't seem like the word I'm looking for, I guess where the paths for the different disciplines start to split). Hopefully they actually do and I won't have to be proficient in everything for what may be my new hobby lol. Thank you again for your time.

5 years ago

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They diverge almost from the start. You don't actually need to program to do graphic design. In fact most companies have both a programmer and a graphic designer, and the graphic designer may not have followed any programming course.

5 years ago

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Python is designed so non programmers can also write code. Although I don't like the language, it is one of the easiest to begin with for a non programmer person

5 years ago

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Riiight that's what it was. I couldn't remember exactly how it was phrased. But I agree, I'm also not a big fan. C++ is my area of expertise.

5 years ago

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I concur. Python is a great language for beginners (just remember to always indent!), but it ultimately depends on what you want to accomplish and where your passion lies. Humble Bundle has some great bundles on programming eBooks if you're wanting to teach yourself, otherwise colleges have all kinds of online courses as well as in the classroom. In addition, sites like Codeacademy is something to look into.

Here are a couple of alternatives in case you're interested:

Other than programming, you can get a certification in medical billing and coding. I know a couple of physically disabled people who work from home, so if mobility is hard for you, it is another option to consider.

5 years ago

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Outstanding! Thank you for this reply. Gotta love seeing hyperlinks lol. Well you are first to give me homework so I thank you for that. As far as level of disability I appear to be perfectly fine as I move around but the problem becomes apparent if any stress or torque is put on my spine. After 4 MRIs that each report that it is "an unremarkable scan of a lumbar spine". I've told my Dr. each time that I'm in a remarkable amount of pain for that synopsis. I have lost count of how many needles/injections I have had into my spine (actually have another in 2 weeks).

I loved my job, but I can't be out there if I'm a liability to my crew. And that's part of mental health aspect. I need something that will pull me in and keep me from the dark spaces in my head. Don't mean to be dramatic but I've worked since I was 15 and have been in my current field for 25 years so it's hard to just put it in the rear view mirror because my body is betraying me. I have a beautiful wife of 30 years, 2 great kids and 5 soon to be 6 amazing grandchildren. Sorry, rambling again. Thank you for your time.

5 years ago

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Nope - you're good. Nobody likes being forced to give up something they love, especially their independence, because their body is starting to work against them. You'd be surprised how many I know in a situation similar to yours, so you are definitely not alone. And yes, I understand very well the need to stay out of your head. If you would ever like to talk, just let me know.

Anyhoo... I saw that you were interested in trying your hand in graphic design. Instead of shelling out money on graphic editors while you're getting your feet wet (unless you have something like Photoshop already), there are some free/open source ones that I use frequently:, GIMP and Inkscape. There are tons of resources and tutorials that you can Google.

5 years ago

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Thank you for the kind words, they are greatly appreciated. Also for the recommendations!

5 years ago

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+1 for Python.

Also recommend reading a bit about neural networks if you care for it. Lots of fascinating stuff there! :)

You can also ask any technical questions on StackOverflow (just be sure to search first to make sure nobody else has already asked the same question before!), the people there seem helpful and nice.

I think it's important to learn with a goal in mind. Like, maybe you might like to write a small program to help you schedule which games to play? Have something in mind then work towards it -- there's nothing like actually coding stuff.

5 years ago

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Thank you, more good stuff to add to my list (which is not a short list anymore). Thank you for your time!

5 years ago

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If it's graphic design you are interested in, it's not programming you want to learn - you'd be better off learning the applications Photoshop and Illustrator. You only need to learn programming if you want your designs to do something.

5 years ago

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Good to know, thank you!

5 years ago

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Note, I am a beginner myself.


  • An easy way to get into the mindset of programming, but not actually program, is to try HTML Writing the code feels similar and it could be handy to know how websites work, since we are exposed to websites all the time.

2. Python

  • Easy to learn.

3. Javascript

  • This is harder than Python, but is useful to know if there is a frequently visited website, and that website needed to be interacted automatically.
5 years ago

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Nice, thank you for the breakdown. Good stuff!

5 years ago

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Like most have said, it really depends on what you want to make; so since you're approaching this as something fun to do, why not work in reverse? Come up with something that you'd like to create or even a task you'd like to automate, simplify and refine it a bit (you need to remember that you're coming in as a beginner), then start asking around about what methods (or languages in this case) might perform that function best. In my experience you can't really learn anything truly well without a purpose to that learning, so I'd start there.

5 years ago

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I can honestly say that is a very interesting (to me) way to look at learning something new. It should be fun and educational to come at the problem this way. Thank you for your time!

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Thank you!

5 years ago

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This assumes you already know a fes programming languages. A perfect novice reading e.g. the C page would understand nothing.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Thank you!

5 years ago

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Since you're on a gaming site, I'd suggest playing with Unity or Unreal Engine. That would involve both design and programming, with a balance that would depend on you. Game development is a pretty deep and IMO interesting field, and the combination of creativity and programming is great. Of course, it's up to you to find out what you enjoy, but I think that most people who are into games will naturally also enjoy creating games.

That said, I'm talking here about doing something interesting. If you're predominantly looking for work, programming games is a lot less of a financial security blanket. It's risky even if you find work at a gaming company, and certainly as an indie. But it can also be rewarding and if you have some luck, bring in some money. Take for example this guy, who's been working on a game in his free time for a while, and recently by some luck started getting some press and a lot of Patreon followers as a result, and now quit his job to work on the game.

Edit: Just for background, I've been a programmer for many years, mainly around C++ and GPU programming, but also some other stuff. Worked on a game many years ago and on stuff related to the industry. As a hobby I also did some embedded programming, a bit of website creation, ... What I'd suggest is finding something which appeals to you, think of a (simple) project and try to work towards it. If you're interested in creating a robot, creating a website or creating a game, you'd use different tools and different languages, but in the end you will learn to program. The important thing is to do something which appeals to you. I suggested creating games because you're on a gaming site, and it's also close to my heart. But choose whatever you find appealing.

5 years ago*

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I work full time as a programmer, mostly building web based applications for clients. The way I got started was just in building simple websites for people. So in those days, it was html and a bit of CSS and endless frustration because the different browsers didn't follow the same rules. Then I started using open source CMS systems like Joomla and wordpress, and started learning code as a secondary function from wanting to change how things operated. After a while I was good enough to pick up contract work from big web companies and I was nervous because it felt like I was an imposter, but I quickly learned that the people working as developers in these companies knew less than me even and I turned into the guy they called for the tricky stuff.

So I guess my advice to you would be to start with learning to build a web site or application using an open source platform. This way you will be able to produce marketable work quite quickly. My experience is that a lot of companies are selling websites on these platforms relying purely on plugins and templates without having much coding experience themselves. So if you are able to do that and learn how basic html and CSS work then you can start making money. The world is full of bad websites, so start small and local, sell a website to your local hairdresser that presents their information nicely or build a blog for the person who thinks they have something worth saying. But each time you build a new site, push yourself to poke around and learn what is happening.

There is a huge gap that exists between the big web site companies charging a lot of money and small businesses and individuals that need to present themselves online, but don't have the budget to engage a full studio. So be the guy that fills that gap, giving people a nice online presence at a price you're both happy with. And as you learn you can take on bigger and bigger jobs.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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Why not COBOL?

It's easy and there is always a shortage in programmers.
Compared to other business, banks or insurance companies (and those who have a mainframe) tend to pay well.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Because it's fairly difficult to emulate a realistic COBOL environment on a PC. :)

Sorry, 25 years of IT...learned COBOL 85 in school. PITA, and probably not the best place to start as a new programmer, plus being a positional language, the skills are not overly transferable.

Don't get me wrong, I get where you're going with this. I think that this could be a good phase 2 or phase 3 plan once he learns some general programming skills if he decides that he wants to turn full pro.

5 years ago

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I don't work as a programmer myself but I've met several of them on diverse projects.
Many of them are "fresh" programmers but maybe you're right and this is no the best way to start.

I just wanted to remind that COBOL is still there... with plenty of opportunities :)

5 years ago

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Absolutely. Totally agree with you. I just think that if he starts there, it's going to make modern programming languages feel very confusing, as COBOL is a very different animal.

IMO, he should learn javascript, then Python, then C#. That covers such broad, applicable ground that he could be involved in the vast majority of development projects available, and could do so as a contractor or full-time employee.

5 years ago

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You should start with a serious programming language. Possibly a weakly typed language like C, or if you are a little masochistic C++ (but don't get the 'Object Oriented Programming' ideology fool you and distract you, it is 70% bullshit. try to follow a data oriented approach).

If you want to toy with scripting you can use Lua, or, if you are again a little masochistic, Python.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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I recommend It has excellent courses on many topics and programming languages.

5 years ago

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I will go against the grain a little and say before learning any programming language you should learn fundamentals of Boolean logic and how computers work at a basic level. This knowledge will apply equally to any language you learn later on as programming languages are essentially just more advanced ways of doing the same basic things that computers have been doing forever. And for this, as a beginner, I recommend the book "Code" by Charles Petzold. Especially the first half of the book which ties together history and computing in a very compelling way. You can find it used online for a few dollars or probably find a "free" PDF with a search engine... and I think it is a fun book and well worth it to anyone who is interested in how things work. There are also many free classes online on websites like Khan Academy.

At the end of the day I think computer programming is more about problem-solving and less about "paint by number", so in my opinion the stuff that teaches you how to think about programming should come before the stuff that teaches you how to do programming.

You should be able to create your program on paper by drawing flowcharts or writing what is known as "pseudo-code" -- not in any actual language, but just statements describing the logic of what your program is going to do and how it is going to do it.

For example a common introductory computer programming homework assignment is to make your own algorithm that multiplies 2 numbers -- using only only addition. How might you accomplish that? What if one or both of the factors is negative? Zero?

If the idea of solving that kind of problem interests you, you'll probably enjoy programming.

5 years ago

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I like this philosophy. As an long-time IT Pro (25 years...holy crap, has it been that long?) and someone who has written production code in roughly 12-14 different languages, the thing that strikes me about really good developers is that they understand how logic works and how to properly reflect that with code. The rest is just learning syntax. Great coders are essentially great at story problems in math; they can understand and visualize a process they're trying to automate or problem they're trying to solve, and then develop a logical process to do so; again, the rest is just syntax.

5 years ago

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I suggest trying one of the many MOOC websites (Coursera, EdX, Udacity, etc.), they offer many CS courses for free and complete curricula equivalent to what you would get at a formal university with the advantage of going at your own pace.

5 years ago

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Everyone's posts outpaced my ability for personalized answers/thanks. So I will just give a blanket Thank you for your time! A lot of good info here and I figure I will be visiting it off and on to help with research. Once again thank you all for taking time out of your day to help me out.


5 years ago

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I'm a graphic designer and I did a post grad dip. in Software Development in recent years. They started us off on Java. Love or hate Java, it is a great gateway language in learning to code because you're learning all about Object Orientated Programming and so on. Lots of people will tell you what the most fun languages are, but not the best ones for helping to understand the logic behind it all. You learn something like Java and the logic behind it, you actually find it easier to understand other programming languages. At least that's how it's been for me.

I'm still no expert and no pro. I'm a pro graphic designer and I sometimes co-develop branded apps for my clients.

I too have had back issues and was out of work for 2 years. Couldn't even do a desk job. I've had the surgery, went through complications from that, but am back on the road to recovery. I hope things improve for you healthwise, there is nothing worse than being in pain, so my heart goes out to you.

5 years ago

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Personally I suggest you to try python, cause it has low entrance requirements for newbies, there are lot of tutorials for any topic and it is not overcomplicated as Java / C# / C++.

You might start with very small pet project which don't require OOP knowledge and then grow your knowledge.
I'd changed my mind at 25(previously was working 7 years at different banks), and never regret.

5 years ago

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