It's been 3 days and i can't access the website. Will i lost all my keys?

6 years ago

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So with all the backlash they called it quits?

6 years ago

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i dont know, i just want to retrieve my keys for activation

6 years ago

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Someone posted on their facebook.

"you owe alot of people money! we want our money please ASAP. the bundle ended long before you declared bankruptcy plus you sent us the figures. im going to fight for the money you owe me so please send and save yourself the repercussions."

Also what most people missed probably, as it wasn't revoked.
"Scammers, where is my money? My Game: Story of the Survivor is part your bundle undated 1 ...and i no have money from you..."

6 years ago

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I looked them up on Twitter because of their site being down and it's a similar sight..

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6 years ago

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Gogowhat? :P

6 years ago

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gogo yubari

6 years ago

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Go go Power Rangers!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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The comedy just keeps on giving, first they scam devs out of payments and then go bankrupt, someone must've drank all the money. :)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Isn't there some short time limit for that tho?`So only like 1-2 latest bundles can be refunded, but some people might have saved keys there from dozens of bundles.

6 years ago

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yeah like me, i have like 20 bundles or so that i havent activated the keys and now what?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Oh well, last time I seem to have bought any OtakuGoGos was 8 months ago. Might have something to do with "Gaben is learning this game is worthless trash" starting 7 months ago and them not having cards ever since. :)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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5 years ago

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Nice necro.. -1

5 years ago

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get a life -1

5 years ago

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Oh i got one, not much but still that makes it 1000x better then yours, since you have none.

5 years ago

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I beg to differ ,if you did have one you wouldn't have made that remark.

So...I win ,case closed ,won't be reading anymore replies on this matter .bye ! :)

5 years ago

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Remember the immortal words of Samuel Clemens here, my friend. Never argue with a stupid person. They drag you to their level and beat you with experience.

5 years ago

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my only need is to reach a PayPal human being. don't need for money or keys, just need to talk a bit (+tons of hand gestures)

already done something similar, takes a little, but at least you feel (I feel) little less... dumb.

6 years ago

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yup i bought all the bundles from paypal

what can i do ?

6 years ago

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when did you purchase them? if in last 2 or 3 months (aka 60-90 days, I don't remember whick one is for PP and which is for CC ;p) you can open paypal dispute, go to paypal account, locate the payment and click on it, there will be option to dispute it, as a reason give that they didn't fullfill agreement. For earlier purchases nothing you can do.

6 years ago

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since february 2018 both on otaku and gogobundle, i havent had the time to activate all the keys and didnt make a backup of the keys on notepad or somethng. this sucks. i will never trust a bundle site again.

6 years ago

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the same way you can never trust any giveaway site (these also went offline in the past, like Gameminer, Steamcompanion, Playblink), Key store, and so on and on. You may as well stick to Steam store only and only buy stuff there. It's not the first time site goes offline and keys are lost, it should be your responsibility to use or at least save keys, I could understand some recent purchases, but purchases from almost a year ago? And what if they turned out to be duplicates? Or invalid keys? noone would refund you money after a year anyway, if you do not save keys for a whole year, do not use them in any way etc, you have (partially) yourself to blame as well.

Anyway - like I said, you can try to sidpute purchases from last 2 or 3 months, but stuff you bought and money you paid in february 2018 etc is gone for good.

6 years ago

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OtakuGoGo also allowed downloading the keys as CSV, but not like it helps much when you find out they are revoked or duplicates a year later.

6 years ago

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yeah, but afaik so far only a handful of developers revoked keys, so majority of keys on GoGo was still valid atm (doesn't mean more devs don't start revoking them now due to bancrupcy), so difference is that OP could have all of keys with majority of them working or like he's now having no keys at all and losing majoprity of valid ones ;p

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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just tried to open a dispute. gets automatically refused, term is "max 180 days since transaction".

obviously, i don't give up :D

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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eastside grocery market hut


btw, found a slightly later order, second dispute seems to be valid...

6 years ago

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If they aren't responding to emails, you should auto-win all disputes after time limit. I'd go ahead and dispute all purchases, even if you claimed keys - since website is down blocking access to view said keys.
Square Enix didn't bother replying to my dispute a year ago via paypal, fully refunded and they didn't even revoke the purchase or ban my account.

6 years ago

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May I ask what happened with Square Enix that made you open a dispute? :) Just curious, especially since Square Enix is a "legit" company.

6 years ago

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Sure, it was those mystery bundle things. I think they stopped doing them?
Obviously on the day they "released" the keys everybody was upset that they were old garbage that was bundled a million times.
In their terms of service it states you can refund any purchase as long as keys aren't revealed.
On the "mystery bundle" page it says all sales are final.
I'd wager their terms of service trumps a disclaimer on one page of their store, Square enix support didn't want to refund me.
Paypal did.
Like a month later I logged in and saw I wasn't banned, and saw they didn't remove the purchases..
So I got my refund and the keys, because they didn't want to bother with customer service.

6 years ago

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Wow (o__O)
I'm surprised Paypal released the refund so readily...
Thanks for sharing!

6 years ago

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even if you claimed keys


i only filed one dispute (for the latest order, just escalated to claim) but what you're saying is what i told PayPal: all orders made at GoGo/Otaku are affected.

we, the sgifters, know a lot of these things (imo, is part of the fun) but just think about someone else, that made one order for one bundle: how to know in advance which dev/game/bundle had "problems"? and... what about next weeks/months?

6 years ago

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Well there's really no way to prove which keys/purchases were effected since the site is down.
Did they give advance notice before going dark? I don't know/care enough to learn if this was a shady deal.
You could certainly dispute all purchases you've ever made there and likely win the dispute.
Definitely winning if they don't even reply to paypal.

6 years ago

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dispute all purchases

i don't need it. what i need, and said it to PP, is that the guy really should forget the "PayPal" word/mark, as a whole. forever.
and that's the "business" part.

as per "personal fails" (cause is just that) still can't cope with the fact that, say, Gaffi, has to "waste" his free time cause of that greedy french guy.
cg says he's still building SG. and i really like that, also cause i'm still learning to use this site the right way :P

6 years ago

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uh. noice.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Nice touch with the Sarlacc! ;)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Evil devs killed poor GoGo!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Did you get your money back yet?

6 years ago

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just checked, no message/reaction for the dispute. still got few days to escalate it to a claim, tho.

no expectations, also :D

6 years ago

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just got it back:

4,79 USD, transaction was made on Sep 20, 2018.
disputed on Jan 23, 2019 (then escalated to claim)

PayPal said that no info from OtakuMaker SARL was received.

so, i guess PayPal is not that happy :)

more info, from

You and the seller have 20 days from the date the dispute was opened to resolve your issue and escalate to a claim, if a claim is put forth by either you or the seller, the seller has 10 days in which to give PayPal all the information they ask for.

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6 years ago

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otakubundle is still up (I think they gogo belongs to otaku)
and the keys should be in your email .... use them while not revoked :)

6 years ago

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on my email?are you sure?

i will check. if they aren't there is there any way to contact them? i've paid for the bundles and at least i want the keys back

6 years ago

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look for the emails with title

Your order No. SOMENUMBER is now confirmed at

at the end of the email should be the keys.

6 years ago

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hope i haven't deleted those. anyway those bastards should have warn they were going to call it quits.

6 years ago

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don't worry, most of the bundle sites that went down did send me a notice or list of the keys.

6 years ago

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If someone still has contact infos how to contact GoGo Bundle, you could send them a Mail.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Probably not completely gone, but even if it is, could be a good thing in a long term. These bundles were financing the worst of asset flips and without them maybe there'll be less incentive for releasing those kinds of games (as they already can't earn anything on steam without cards and achievements).

6 years ago

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anyway for people like me who paid for lots of those bundles and havent activated the keys they should have warned users they were going offline. this is a scam of the worst kind

6 years ago

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Of course, I agree, there should have been a notice and keys should be available even after stopping selling bundles. That would be a normal way to run a business. I'm just saying, in general, they closed the same way they worked - unprofessionally.

6 years ago

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I recall the SG community being pretty consistant in encouraging caution to those sites for that reason. Unlike the surprise that comes when IndieGala locks out account access without basis or warning, straight trash-flip bundle sites never really hid the fact that they weren't worth putting any trust in.

Of course, none of the sites've yet managed to beat out DigitalHomocide's storefront, eh? :P
I actually managed to find a screenshot of it, if you've been lucky enough to manage cleansing recollection of it out of your mind.

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6 years ago

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I recall the SG community being pretty consistant in encouraging caution to those sites

Yeah, that guy who called it back in 2018 was a real genius.

6 years ago

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I'm amused at how you carefully work your way around the point of "Well, if you're going to hold the developers accountable for trusting a dubious site, then shouldn't buyers be similarly accountable for the same thing?", without actually saying it outright. :P

But yeah, backing up your purchases is a pain at times, but it's very necessary to keep in mind for any site. Being attentive to such things is just a responsability we have to ourselves, when relying on an outside entity for a service they didn't explicitly offer (in this case, the service of keeping keys stored on their site for any duration), and thus only leaves most of the blame to ourselves if something goes wrong.

When it comes to decidedly sketchy sites like Otaku or Gogo, or sites with reputations for quickly dropping key support [ie, GMG] or for randomly closing accounts [ie, IndieGala], what little leeway for blaming someone else that users may have had quickly vanishes (at least, within the circumstance where they were previously aware of the reputations of the less-obviously sketchy sites).

That's not to say that moral fault wouldn't lie with the company in question, much like moral fault for a physical assault would fall on the attacker, but we also have to accept responsability for the fact that we should have been more careful about not blindly walking into dark alleys to begin with.

6 years ago*

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many of the bundle sites were created by devs! I might be wrong and ALL are created by devs :)
as long steam gives the incentive/possibility to do such things there will be somebody doing it!
I was a bit suprised to see new dig bundles, but now it makes sense ...

6 years ago

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I'm always advising new devs not to bundle their games on day one... or at all, depending on their preference. But it's completely different bundling your game at EOL a few years into steam discounts and sales... and then getting some new players that are willing to try it for cheap but not eager to buy at 60% even... from receiving an email from gogo/orly/gala/groupees on day 1 of your release and jumping to send them 10.000 keys because of... what exactly?

They didn't even see your game, don't know if it's any good, and they wanna sell it... and that's not suspicious to you as a dev? Okay.

6 years ago

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was shower thinking about being you. i think i'd bundle mine with indiegala (don't know when. tho, not at EOL)

questions for you (no prob if no answers)

  • can you chose in which bundle / do you know in which one will be bundled your game?
  • what if Fanatical needs your game for a bundle? (not at EOL)
  • will you ever bundle Goblins?

thanks for sharing, NB

6 years ago

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I'll try to answer, sure, but keep in mind I've never actually had a game in a bundle and don't know everything first hand.

  1. Yes. As a developer, you decide if you wanna bundle your game, and what website you wanna work with. No one can force you to be a part of a bundle short of illegal actions I don't even wanna mention. Even when websites contact you, they usually tell you what they are planning, how many games should be in the bundle, what % goes is to be shared among developers, and so on. It's up to you to agree, sign a contract of your own free will, and so on.

  2. In general, the story is the same for Fanatical as far as I know. No one has a gun to your hand to participate. Fanatical is in my knowledge much safer partner to work with as they are owned by Focus Home Interactive and not some guy in a basement in Poland with a company registered in Hong Kong and a flimsy website.

  3. No.

6 years ago

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so I'm doing the opposite thing, giving discounts now and holding the higher price later

this bit here caught my attention, congratz for the cleanliness of your site, also (spotted Blogger as soon as i clicked but then design looked like, ...Wordpress, but then... no, really looks this is Blogger... :D)

and this widens my shower thinking even more, so, won't bother you with all the questions i still (and would and will) have...

just one thing (and hope this will sound genuine): i would also "follow" a Curation made by you. i love Pixeljam (those of Glorkian), pretty much everything they do, Curation included.
like, if i appreciate your games, i'll quite surely appreciate your Curation.

grazie mille, Nikola

6 years ago

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It's not curator but developer page.More info on that here

btw, I don't mind answering the questions, as long as they are something I can talk about.

6 years ago*

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wasn't aware of this. and that's cause of:

Developer page of Pixeljam:

Curation by Pixeljam:
(you can see the reviews by clicking on "Recent reviews")

thought it was a single page and it's not. also thought was "clever" cause you can do both things (your games + reviews, curation of someone else's game) being a Curator

(plus just noticed Steam listing all dev i'm following in :D)

6 years ago

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Yes. Following the dev page will let you know when we release a new game for example. They did make them by extending curator page function, that's why they are kind of connected even if they shouldn't be.

6 years ago

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...was kinda hoping for something like "oh, fine then, i'll review a bunch of games just for you" but no.

(for SG Chronicles peeps out there: after trying hard, very hard, to win Goblins here, got his game on Twitter... cause of a football match...)

6 years ago

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I'm with you, if I was a game dev there would be only two reasons to bundle on day one.

  1. get a large player base (hopefully ... but a 1K - 10K player base is not that great anymore)
  2. game is finished/ready (from my viewpoint), but I don't want to touch it anymore ... lets hope it sells and spread the word.

no 2 is fueling the bundle sites. it is a difference to sell nothing or at least 10K (for the price of a potato). devs usually are no advertisers.

the vague promise that it will sell can do strange things

edit: markdown formating went wrong

6 years ago

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Not only are the DIG Weeklys back, but the have more then doubled their prices! o.o

6 years ago

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even worse, you have to buy dig points to get them and below 5$ you have to pay a fee.
no problem for a recurring customer but for anyone else it is not attractive.

6 years ago

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Indeed! :O

6 years ago

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Also Orlygift stopped with their giveaways, their ga's came from otaku and gogobundle mostly

6 years ago

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Yo, search for "Your order No. xxxxxxxxx is now confirmed at" in your e-mail. I found all of my remaining keys there, so you should be fine. Even thought they might go bunkrupt I guess most of the keys will still work.

6 years ago

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If those keys were paid...

6 years ago

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You think they didn't paid for any keys since the beginning? Imo most keys should be fine, specially the older ones.

6 years ago

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Older ones should be ok, but some bundles from last months are in danger

6 years ago

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For older ones shitty devs might just revoke all unused ones imagining they are unsold or even sell them another time.

6 years ago

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I will miss GoGo (just a tiny bit). They had good bundles once in a VERY long while and it was fun to just poke them with jokes about their bundles quality 😛

6 years ago

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I am one of the devs. Two weeks do not answer me

6 years ago

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seems he has gone into bankruptcy so probably don't expect a reply ever.

As customers we also receive no reply about the revoked games from other devs.

6 years ago

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please stipaul, don't scare the devs ;)
liquidation is a due process.

6 years ago

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as noted before it seems that they are in a liquidation process.

I am not a expert !!
liquidation is a process, which can take some time.
Mind you that the contracts are still running!!! , but payment will be from what is left over the liquidation process.
The result can be that you get all, some or close to nothing of your claims.
If you revoke you keys now, you are breaking the contracts and you can be made liable for this!

6 years ago

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while i feel for the devs who got ripped by them, bundle-wise,they wont be missed

Like, they just became notorius for pushing shovelware out the door like nobodys business

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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lol, but it could be true

6 years ago

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One would hope not. Revoking keys when the site is still active as a means of leverage to be paid is one thing, but at this point key revocations will have no positive effect for developers, while only serving to harm and anger consumers.

6 years ago

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LOL! Too funny.

6 years ago

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SG better have its panties on cause the amount of shit coming from this one is going to be BIG and WET!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Didn't you get the keys to your email after the order?

6 years ago

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well, they stopped putting up "bundles" weeks ago I think.. and every week there's a new issue with some developer, revoked keys and such so.. I wouldn't be surprised if they won't ever come back, I wrote them for some old keys too two weeks ago and never got an answer xD

6 years ago

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I'm glad I never delved too deep into their leaking pool of crap bundles.

Good riddance ^_^

6 years ago

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Gogo takethemoneyandrun bundle ?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Renseignements juridiques
Jugement Société en cours de liquidation

Dénomination OTAKUMAKER

SIREN 828 963 355

Le jugement
Date : 07-01-2019 
Type : Liquidation judiciaire

Liquidateur: la SCP Christophe ANCEL, en la personne de Maître ANCEL, Mandataire Judiciaire
    9 bd de l'Europe    91050   EVRY CEDEX

this should be the English Compulsory liquidation, but under French law

edit: type of society is SARL, with a "Capital social" of "500,00 €" ...

6 years ago*

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Now that's juicy... Otakumaker is already in liquidation while still publishing games on Steam. At least there's the capital of 500 € to pay for all open demands..... Could be used up rather quick though^^

6 years ago

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he surely planned all this months ago. and devs won't see any of those 500 euro.

for customers (especially dumber ones, like the one's writing), well, there too, he should have planned to get all the money from his PayPal account, (100% sure) so that when disputes would come he wouldn't have big issues with PayPal = the real money, like, his main concern...

little sad thinking about how wide is the impact of something... dumb like this. a fail, yes, still, i'll grab the opportunity offered to learn something good. also:

i'm sorry SG Support, already said, surely i'll say it again :)

6 years ago

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sorry for the late reply ...
no not really ... if they (those who are responsible for the liquidation) can currently create income they will do it ... to upper the 500€ .
it seems that gogobundle was something they could easily turn off (well ... why 2 bundle sites?)
otakumaker is/was also a publisher which has some assets ... some would claim only flips :)

6 years ago

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Good detective work. So that settles the matter then.

6 years ago

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il dado è tratto, amico mio :D


6 years ago

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Imagine all of the key revocations coming in the future.

And imagine my huge spreadsheet of old gogotaku keys that I haven't yet had a chance to give away. And oh boy think of how many were probably sold on DIG Marketplace and distributed through other giveaways on IG, Orly, Tremor etc. What a mess!

6 years ago

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Yep and all the group buy guys. I hope most people are so reasonable that they do not want the money back from them. 😒

6 years ago

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Reminds me of when I was just starting in my career, it was my task as the new person to get lunch for the office. I'd take everyone's orders, go to the McDonald's or whatever, relay this huge order to the cashier who wanted to kill me, and then when I got back to work if anyone's order was made wrong or they were missing something, they'd get angry at me. And I would have to make change and figure out refunds if they missed something... it was terrible and I never want to do that again.

If I was hosting a group buy and had to deal with people complaining about it, I'd just quit hosting group buys. It is already a mostly thankless task and the people who take the time and effort to organize all of that are giving a lot of themselves for the benefit of others.

6 years ago

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Oh boy. That sounds like hell. I don't wish that to anyone!

6 years ago

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I'd take everyone's orders, go to the McDonald's [..] if anyone's order was made wrong [..] they'd get angry at me

So, connecting the dots here- they were always angry at you, then? I mean, it is McDonald's.

That said, as long as you gave them something they could eat [eg, didn't get meat for the vegetarian, or something they were allergic to or outright despised, like some people do mustard], there's just really no grounds for complaining in that situation. Unless they're jerkhats. Were they jerkhats, stlpaul? Do you need a hug and/or alcohol to burn away the memories? I'm here for you, okay?

On the broader topic, that's why I've stuck to arranging trades with people I have established relationships with rather than messing around with casual groupbuys. There's just so much potential for stress there, it just isn't worth the couple of dollars or few months of time saved, over getting the game elsewhere/elsewhen.

Also, mind picking me up a coffee? I'm not picky at all, of course. Just get me whatever this tells you to, and I'll be totally fine. Yep, super easy, right? (It does seem to be broken, yes, but the illusion of choice may actually make it work even better for the gag. :P)

6 years ago*

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I'd just bother dev or take a loss, however that one dev that revoked 3 keys, demanded some proof, i asked prinzvonbellair, the groupbuyer and naturally he didn't want to share anything related to his buying details however he contacted the dev and he received 50x3 new keys.

6 years ago

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Wow I'm in that same boat, sheesh

6 years ago

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Remember to sue all the devs, I'm sure they are still at fault for all of this right?

6 years ago

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6 years ago*

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Don't you learn?

Complain with the president of your country!

6 years ago

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I need help writing a sternly written memo xD

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6 years ago

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Can I help? I have a vastly experience with EU consumer rights office, I complain with them and about them. I know the laws so well, I must run that office, I'm so smart... and pretty

6 years ago

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I'll have to consult with my attorney.

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6 years ago

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i see...caaaakes !

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6 years ago

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So it is basically just a normal sandwich, but with an extra hour spent making it look nice.
I feel a bit offended by the fact that it dares to call itself a cake. ...that said, sammiches are pretty okay, so I'll let it slide.

..I still want a proper veggie cake, though. :/

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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holy cyberspace ... your search fu is really scary :)

6 years ago

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it was on second page of results for the "otakumaker sarl" query...

6 years ago

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So in the last months gogo/otaku was pumping out new bundles nearly every single day.

It sure seems like a plan to take the money and run.

6 years ago

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i recall the latest weirdly good Undated ones... or those Limited with a nearly same number of keys of Mega's...

if you look at his "pumping rhythm" (like you look to have done) you can actually "see" it crystal clear, he was... like, too much.

i'm/we're just little late :D

6 years ago

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I blacklisted him on SG, that is my only revenge.

Maybe a PayPal claim on bundles with revoked keys. But that's really only punishing PayPal.

6 years ago

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opened a dispute on PP, today. i'll wait for a few days and see if something happens. (quite sure i'm not alone)

just made it so that, if PP sees something interesting, should froze his account (if it's still there...)

6 years ago

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Its sister site "Otaku Bundle" seems to be fine. I guess it's just a temporary issue, otherwise I'd brace myself for Otaku's closing.

6 years ago

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"Fine" as far as the site is still operational. But not fine as far as no response to dev or customer requests. And still selling bundles with game keys that have already been revoked.

6 years ago

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So the site will soon be dead, eh? Sad to hear.
Otaku is getting liquidated and may not refund those with revoked keys; their shareholders will eat up the money gained from the revoked keys I guess.

6 years ago

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I have all of my keys from there (first thing I do after buying is export everything into my own spreadsheet that I save in OneDrive), but I'm betting that it's only a matter of time before some of them get revoked. Crap on a stick.

6 years ago

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Well I still got leftover keys from Go Go Bundle #28 ( 11 months ago) and Go Go Bundle #43 ( 8 months ago). I guess the devs were paid for them since they were sold long time ago, but I'm not 100 percent sure ;/

6 years ago

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Can anybody write title of email that include keys? I'm pretty sure bought some bundles but can't find them in my inbox.

6 years ago

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Try searching for; your order now confirmed

6 years ago

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found it, ty

6 years ago

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last bundle i bought from there was from 2018 january, since then i not touched the site, even before i bought only some. On other hand, games are there only assetflip craps, stolen asset games, no effort copy paste craps about 99% of the time so iam not sorry for the unpaid "developers".

edit: with the steam is learning about feature it was expected anyway that bundle sites which selling always only +1 game count games will die.

6 years ago*

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they should probably have new jobs, maybe it's the people that IGN contracted to create the new bundles in humble bundle...

6 years ago

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If some devs got screwed it is likely they will revoke keys. SG team should expect some issues with us members who won giveawyas with games from Otaku/GoGo and who will get keys revoked... We won't be able to join any new giveaway protected by SGTools just because we will face issue with "not all won games activated in your profile" message...

6 years ago

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And what about the even shadier pages? :O

6 years ago

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