Is there any way for a scammer to revoke the giftlinks that are redeemed (keys are not redeemed)?
I've found the guy. He looks that he's a scammer. I guess I've lost 31$
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I heard that it's possible to contact Humble to revoke the key and provide a new one, so I guess that is possible? Check (current down for maintenance) for history of adding and removing friends. You should be able to retrieve the history with Steam on mobile device if he's still on your friend list.
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Check his reps. He did the same 3 months ago to someone. So I guess my keys won't work?
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But the bundle can’t even be purchased anymore. I really hope this time it was not a scam cause I’ve already sold 2 of the keys.
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bundle cannot be purchased now, but it could be purchased less than 2 weeks ago. And you can request chargeback up to 60-90 Days (depending on your CC carrier). if the keys do not get revoked till the beggining of May it means you probably didn't get scammed, but till then you cannot be sure, especially you cannot be sure just 2 weeks after bundle ended, if a guy requested chargeback right after he sold keys to you then it probably wouldn't even be processed by bank/carrier yer as from my experience processing of chargeback requests takes a few days minimum.
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Why not just check your browser history for the steamtrade profile link you said you went too but that wouldn't load
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As long as you're still friends with him, you can still find your chat with him in your mobile steam app.
Keep in mind though that if steam had connection issues, you may have actually not successfully sent him the messages you think you sent him.
If you're not friends with him anymore, just check your recent activity page, in order to see who you added recently.
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I've found the guy. He looks that he's a scammer. I guess I've lost 31$
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Also from the way you can't seem to find the chat history and all, it sounds like he probably un-friended you after the trade. Though there's not really anything sketch about that if the deal was all done, or some reason to worry that the links will be revoked now since there's no way he'd have known you'd forget the user.
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I've found the guy. He looks that he's a scammer. I guess I've lost 31$
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I've found the guy. He looks that he's a scammer. I guess I've lost 31$. He also put his profile on private.
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Nem értelek. Miért lenne imposztor? Max hackelt account.
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3 x humble monthly = $36 3 x civ6 with dlcs + extra 3x6 games
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But that only WAS. And yea I was buying them 8$ each when it was still available.
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the main humble monthly games are always worth a lot. games like Rust, Dark Souls 3 or CivVI will always go for 4-6 keys (=8-12$), even if the complete bundle was only 12$. that's absolutely normal and was like this from the beginning.
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Don't get this calling out thing. If someone find a thief, why is it bad to let the others know about it? Calling out an honoured one is a bad thing, that is ok, but a cheater one has no rights in my eyes, and calling out them shouldn't be against the rules.
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there are several reasons for 'no calling out' rule. First of all, enforcing law/rules is not your job. If you find a thief in real life you don't punish him yourself, you report to poilce and let police and court deal with them, similarly if you find someone breaking rules on SG/ST you report them to support and let support deal with them.
Second reason - allowing calling out leads to missuse of it, fake accusations, you don't like someone? Make a false story about them, get them blacklisted by countless other users, get them kicked out of their groups, all based on fake accusation. And we can never be sure if someone is really a scammer or you are just making it up - it's word against word. Also we don't really want a witch hunts in community - again, instead of lynching someone publicly let support deal with them.
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you trade with private profile with many negatives review ?
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Also he has 13 negatives and over 1.2k positive
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No freakin idea. I'm really pissed right now. I'll try to sell the keys hopefully they still work.
When I asked HB to refund me the monthly I DID NOT ACTIVATE (not a single key/giftlink) they said they can't usually but they will do a ONE TIME exception. And I repeat, none of the keys/giftlinks were redeemed. All of them were untouched.
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I made a GA months ago for a game with a HB link and the gift link where already used so I contacted HB and they gave me a new link.
I never knew if it was a problem from HB (giftlink "redeem" before I generate it so they changed it without problem) or the winner who made a mistake but the key where not redeemed and would be lost if they didn't replace the giftlink.
I think they don't bother with the possible trade scam because trading HB games is against their terms of services.
For the monthly, you have to cancel your subscription before a specific time or you'll be charged.
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If you sell the keys you are well aware may be revoked soon you are being a scammer yourself. You know these keys are not good, that they are going to get revoked soon, yet you want to sell them to someone else - how does it make you any different from the guy who scammed you in the first place? If someone stole your wallet does it suddenly make it ok for you to steal wallet from someone else to get your money back? No, if you do so you are a thief as well.
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I cannot be 100% sure that keys are not working. I bought them to make a profit. I sold the keys, and if they get revoked they still have the chance to ask for a refund and they will most likely get it. And I’m not that kind of person who likes scamming people just because I got scammed. But maybe he actually is, and that is the reason he started scamming after 1.2k+ succesful trades.
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you also cannot be 100% sure the keys are working, what's even worse you are now WELL AWARE they may not be working very soon. Your reaction to this? "I gotta sell them as fast as possible before they are revoked". You are knowingly and conciously selling defective product to unaware customers - in my dictionary it's called 'scamming', and your reasoning for it (wanting to cover your losses because you got scammed first), doesan't change a fact that now you are scamming yourself.
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I'm not scamming anyone, I repeat. If their game gets revoked, I'll issue a refund without a problem, just wanted to make sure games work for now at least.
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Let me ask you this - are you informing your customers that key are potentially defective and may get revoked? Or are you silent and just saying 'well if they ask for refund I will refund. How can you know what your customers intend to do with purchased game? Maybe its a gift for someone and even if you refund them money later on it doesnt repair the damage? Maybe if they were aware of potential defectiveness of keys they would choose another buyer? If you are selling something you know is / may be defective without disclosing this information it is also considered a fraud, no matter that 'well i am willing to refund if sth happens'.
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I can't inform customers on Kinguin, but yes I would've informed them if I could,as I sold them really cheap.
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bottom line 'no, I do not inform customers', aka you are selling defective merchandise without informing. Also - the 'I would but sadly I cannot" argument is bs, you have many other platforms where you could sell it with giving information - why not put it on ST instead? You know why? because we both know very well, that you would have real problems selling these keys if you fairly inform customers they may get revoked. tldr: you are now a scammer yourself.
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I am not selling on ST maybe because simply I wouldn't get the price I want for it?
Anyways, my conscience is clear. As I know how it feels to get scammed, I am not going to scam anyone especially not when we're talking about real money. So please could you stop false accusing someone? I told you I will gladly refund anyone who gets his key revoked, although I'm in the business for 2 years now, and NEVER ever happened something like this, after selling 2-3k keys.
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yes, and like I said, you wouldn't get a 'price you want for it' especially if you were to disclose the fact that these are most likelly scammed keys ;) You can give us all excuses in the world, but facts speak for themselves - you have defective product, you are selling it without informing customers about it, you purposefully choose a platform where 'sadly you cannot disclose such information' and so on and on. You got scammed? It sucks. But putting it knowingly on someone else makes you the same - you're a scammer. And all that 'reasoning' you put in placew here is just to make your 'conscience clear' - tough luck, you can lie to yourself, but I just state the fact. Knowingly selling defective product without informing customer is a fraud nad it makes you a fraudster/scammer. This is not 'false accusation', it's a fact based on multiple arguments I made, none of which were you able to counter, just give answer 'yeah, this is tru but I have a reason for it'. You feel it's false accusation? Please feel free to report it to support - let's see if they think that selling keys you know are defective is not 'scamming' ^^
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I actually have much better things to do than arguing with u. I bought the keys, they worked. Otherwise I would've recieved the complaints. Bye
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what the hell? so you know him? Is there any chance I could get my money back from Paypal? Unfortunately I sent it as F&F but perhaps they could reverse the payment if I tell them it was accidentally sent to a wrong address?
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Paypal will not refund F&F transactions, but if you paid with credit/debit card linked to your PayPal account you can contact your bank / card carrier and request transaction chargeback, if you do this PayPal will cancel payment and guy will lose this 31$ and you will get them back. If you send money not from your debit/credit card but from your PayPal account ballance then sadly your money is gone.
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He probably deleted you from FL, thats why u cant see chat history
So...u give him money and DIDNT USE KEYS?!
He actually may use it
But if u use keys, and u added games-it could get revoked only if its stolen copy or bought by stolen credit card
So no worries?
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All were giftlinks I have the keys. He went first and I HAVE NEVER EVER had been scammed with giftlinks.
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actua;lly there are reasons for worries ;) It's very popular form of scam, you purchase bundle/keys using credit card, you sell keys online, you may even agree to go first as keys are working, then you contact your bank / cc carrier claiming it was not authorized transaction, request a chargeback, in a few day (up to month) carrier is doing a chargeback and when original seller (official keyshop, bundle site) gets charged back they contact publishers to revoke keys.
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asking for a chargeback isn’t something quite difficult to do? I mean banks cancel the cc’s because you tell them that it wasn’t an authorized transaction, therefore someone has your details or the card itself. So after each scam they go to the bank and try to do the same thing? If I was the bank I would be quite suspicious about this.
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ofc they can, but first, like you mentioned, they will bulk buy to capitalize one iutput as much as they can before getting banned (and here we have bulk purchase, seller sold 3 copies to one person, we dont know how much to others, but he surely bought multiple copies of monthly, could also buy other bundles, games from humble store etc). He could easilly get few hundreds worth of games from just Humble, and here we go to second thingy - so what if Humble bans his cc? He will just move to competition. There are hundreds.of keyshops, if Humble bans you you go to GMG, GG, G2A and so on and on.
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idk, I am not a scammer ;) and I only charged back a few times when for example order didnt arrive or hotel booking consent, so I am just saying how it works for 'normal' chargebacks and these take.minutes to do, and there are really no questions asked besides verification if I am card owner. Bank doesn't give a damn really, if after chargeback someone decides to take legal action against you bank will stay out of this, you take responsibility for fraud chargebacks.
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Doing it all the time should still raise red fraud flags in any bank. Never done it myself so no idea, but these days you have to write an essay for the origin of your cash if you want to deposit in your account and all other sorts of nuisances that mainly hit legit people. Of course this can vary from country to country, so Bank of Nigeria probably hardly cares as long as dollars are coming in.
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Well, that's really interesting. I didn't know it's so easy to do. Starwhite actually got a point, that's what I was trying to say as well. It's funny how banks do not care if someone issues tens of chargebacks each day. Don't they ask: "wtf mate, all of your purchases are fraudulent, that prolly means someone has your card, so we better cancel it and make a new one". Or if he's using stolen credit cards, then owner must be really dumb not to call the bank and tell them that is stolen, like immediately. Why wouldn't they ask questions if you want a chargeback? What if I purchase a bread using my cc, and call the bank it was a fraudulent transaction, please put my money back on my cc, will they do it? Or maybe that's how it works in the USA, but here in Hungary most likely not.
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I dont live in US, I live in Poland, so I guess.procedures aren't so different from Hungary.
You gotta give reason for chargeback, but if reason makes sense bank wont cause problems. I just say hotel changed my booking so I want to cancel reservation for example, and they charge back w/o problem. Also it is something different if you purchase sth online and if you buy bread. To buy bread you have to give physical CC, you would need to have it physically stolen for it to happen, generally its two different things charging back online payment and physical payment, but cannot give proper details here, as I've never had to make dispute over real life payment thus don't know how procedures look exactly.
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I think I know the guy you traded with. He is a scammer, there's no doubt. He was a trustworthy trader till he decided to stop trading and ended his "career" as profitably as possible. (He scammed me back when he had only 800 rep but I couldn't prove it so I didn't leave him a negative)
It's possible to ask Humble to deactivate keys and it's also possible to file a chargeback trough the bank or even PayPal so he most certainly CAN scam you. You can also try to get your money back through PayPal. If you paid for goods and services you are cool, but if you paid as friends and family you will have to lie to support that you account was stolen which will probably end with your account banned.
Here's an example of a scam victim who managed to get new codes from Humble.
The person who scammed you is a g2a reseller so he might not get new keys.
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The mobile steam app usually saves chat history. But if he is not on your friendlist I don't know.
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I would, but they never care. I once had legit proof that the guy was impersonating me, yet they did nothing.
I don't even have a proof now.
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Indeed. They don't care, no matter the proof. Steamrep is currently completely useless. Just -rep him on steamtrades and every trading site. Report him on steam too.
I remember that steamrep once banned a completely innocent person that was saying on his profile that he has an impersonator and steamrep thought that the scammer was the innocent person's second profile (just because he had a warning about the impersonator on his profile). They're complete idiots. xD
By the way, yeah, anything can be revoked.
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Just -rep him on steamtrades and every trading site. Report him on steam too.
Actually, as long as the gift links are working, OP doesn't know if a scam actually took place or not. But yeah, if the keys get revoked then that's the way to go about it.
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I mean he didnt revoke anything at all,(or at least you didnt mention it in the main post ) and you said you just had shitty conenction ... yet here you are accusing some random person of maybe going to scam you and he looks like a scammer .
As for the whole key revoking thing , it really cant be abused too much , with Humbles Retarded key trading policy , labeling you as key re-seller for even using THIS exact site . So i think you are worrying about nothing, and just creating unnecessary drama .
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Hey everyone!
So yesterday I traded with a guy I believe from ST. He added me and he said he has 3 Civilization VI giftlinks, and willing to go first. We did the deal without a problem, however I had some connection issues I think cause he randomly went offline and online. I couldn't check his ST because it was buggy or something, it wouldn't load up, but since he went first and all the links were working I sent him the money without a problem.
I wanted to check his ST today, but I can't find him anywhere. I checked the chat on the steamcommunity/chat in browser, but he's NOT there! How is this possible? Was this some kind of server issue and it didn't save? I can't find him on my FL either, now I have no idea where he dissapeared.
Could you please tell me if there's any way to revoke the already sent giftlinks somehow? Because I don't want to end up having 3 keys that do not work.
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