Is there any particular reason why dota 2 has suddenly disappeared? There seemed to be always 1 or more Dota2's on the front page yet suddenly they stopped... I havn't seen one on the front page for almost a week now.

Have people lost interest in the game? Or do games on this website seem to come in waves? (Sorry i've only been here for a month).

I'm not complaining, but i'm very greatful because i know it is merely the kindness of people out there that put the games up in the first place, merely wondering whether these sort of trends are common, and what the likelyhood of dota 2 appearing often in the future again is.

13 years ago*

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It's not that anyone's less willing to give out their Dota 2 keys. You have to take in to consideration that the keys themselves are limited. And also it could be quite possible that keys are becoming scarce because less are being given out.

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by Randomman159.