Did you won any of the games givenaway on steam summer sale by playing salien's game?
You only win a game depending on how long you've stayed on a planet, not by how many tiles you've claimed. So the scripts are irrelevant in claiming one of the 400 copies of games per planet, as you can just sit there on the planets page and watch your timer go up; the higher time you have = the more chances you have to win. Good luck! P.S. Like the article says, Valve supports scripts like last event.
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If time spent actually has bearing on your chances to win (I get the feeling it might not) then you're still competing with hundreds of thousands of other people, many of whom are also idling for dozens of hours. Because there's only so many games being given away, it's just very unlikely to win anything, whether or not you idle, play, or script for hours.
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Small chances, it's like entering a giveaway for a single game with 10k other people here on steamgift.
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It's 400 copies against millions of entrants (Consider that Steam reports a client usage rate of 18m peak simultaneous unique logins (as of January 2018), and (as of January 2017, when peak simultaneous users was 12-14m, so these numbers have presumably risen) 33m daily unique logins, 67m monthly unique logins, and 125m yearly unique logins; Working off that information, we can determine that the probable range of users active for each day of the event likely falls between 33m and 125m. As such, even if only a small percentage of those active users actually participate in the event, that'd still likely end up being several million participants.) so the odds are far, far, far worse than anything SG has ever had.
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I think you're overexaggerating the numbers. At best, you have here around 20 million entrants. 33 mil unique per day doesn't mean that literally every single one plays the event's game and keeps doing it every day. That doesn't even include those that can't run it, like the people with lower end hardware and older operating systems.
It's still a massive number, of course. But it'll never reach the 125 million that you estimated to be the maximum.
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fanatical group and the SG groups started out and maybe got some wins, but as you said, everyone went to one of the big groups. And it's all a gamble that the following line will result in anything. If anything, I'd only expect a small amount of XP.
The groups with the most tiles when a planet is taken will get to plant their flag as conquerors, undoubtedly gaining Saliverse-wide fame in the process.
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AFAIK: Just participating in a planet is enough to enroll in he games lottery for that planet. Doesn't matter how you participate, doesn't matter how much you participate.
That would mean that with the number of participants, the odds of winning one of the games is statistically insignificant.
The only guaranteed benefit from cheating your way through is getting some porifile pimping stuff, as supposedly you keep your salien and dress-up parts after the event.
Other than that, it seems to be mostly a ploy to get people farming & selling cards & stuff. Because that makes Valve money.
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30% is the software cut. For market transactions, it's a 10% publisher fee (minimum 1 cent) and 5% Steam fee (minimum 1 cent), with 15% going to Valve only for their own games. A market item needs to be listed at a minimum of 23 cents to go above the minimum 2 cent fee, so a majority of Steam trading cards fall under that threshold.
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At first - Valve takes 15% from every transaction (correct me if I'm wrong about %) So every 100$ is spend by one user buying thing from another user - 15$ going directly to Valve.
As a second - if you sold something, someone bought it by money, the money are not gathered from air, it has to being put on someones steam account from bank account, so those are real money. Even if someone sold items worth 50 bucks, it's not 50 bucks out of nowhere, it's 50 bucks taken from others people steam accounts, so it was someone's real money. Valve don't losing money, they always make money when there are steam market tradings going on, no matter if that's the flat 15% from every transaction or someone sold something on steam market and bought a game for it - money sooner or later goes to Valve.
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I haven't won any game yet and I know that I have the game opened at least 12h a day sometimes changing between planets, so sad :(
PD: There is no respawning in this deadly battle, but you have vastly increased health. Use your healing ability to help defeating this boss LOL
First time i see a boss
The reward is around 300k points for killing it lol
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During this sale, you can get three Intergalactic Steam Summer Sale cards daily for participating in the Community Event, and other three for completing your Store Discovery Queue. Also, you can get them from crafting badges or purchasing stuff on Steam store.
On the badge page, an „How do I earn card drops?” button pops up window with information about cards you earned so far.
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I won one game, Ori & The Blind Forest, and I haven't been using any scripts (Not even an auto clicker). While cheaters are diluting the pool with bot accounts, your chances are already so small due to the millions of Steam users partaking in any give away anyway. I didn't expect to win anything this event, just got lucky I guess. I also think it might be misleading with some of its info, with "time spent" probably not meaning anything and it being more of a straight up raffle. I do think you have to play at least 1 tile in order to be entered though. And with only 100 copies of each game, your chances for any particular game aren't great sadly.
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Wow, congrats! That's kinda like winning a lottery with those odds.
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That is by far the best game you could have won in the entire event. I'm not kidding.
Congratulations, and be sure to give it a try!
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I got a notification via my email that I won a game. And yes, it was instantly in my library when I checked. Ori & The Blind Forest counted as 2 new games in my library funnily enough, as it came with both the normal & Definitive edition. Hooray for library padding!
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I also think it might be misleading with some of its info, with "time spent" probably not meaning anything and it being more of a straight up raffle.
Keep in mind that once you load up a planet you're considered to be actively spending time on that planet, until the planet completes or you leave the planet and select a new one. I've tested this, and it holds true not only if you swap to a different section of client, but even if you close client/browser completely, and also if you click 'leave planet' but don't select a new planet. As such the only way to not accrue time on a planet is if you're actively hopping planets, or if you manage to catch a planet shortly before it closes.
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Cheaters only have a small advantage in winning a game because their script automatically switches the planet. Like other's already mentioned only the time on a planet matters. But it's like 400 games for over a million user per planet. The chances to win a game are extremely low. On the other side the cheaters drastically increase the amount of planets being completed during the event which means more giveaways in the same time.
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Didn't cheat with any scripts or clickers.
Haven't won anything either, but it would be nice to see the people who did :')
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Seems like a weird game hope you would like it
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As people said, your chances are dependent on your time on the planet, so "cheats" will not help.
What would help, is having many bots (which would increase your chances), but Valve have limited participation to accounts with at least $5 worth of games, so that's not that easy etiher...
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I just wish they'd stop with the horrible grindfest "games" and the broken "competitive" events. If there's competition you bet people are going to cheat (hell even I used scripts even though I didn't care about winning games or promoting some random group, I just wanted a badge - but I stopped at level 3 given how boring it was, even with scripts). If they just brought back the sticker thing from last year they could have made them tradable on the market and still gotten tons of money but no, they had to be idiots once again :/
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I completely agree, and the sticker thing was really awesome in my opinion! and I'm level 3 like you, just there for the cards! I loved the stickers of last summer =)
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This is all one huge character test by Valve. At the end of the sale they will use their super-advanced analytics program and find out the users with the highest level without the usage of scripts. First, they will be gifted the first 20 games from their wishlist. Second, they will be flown to Valve HQ where they will discuss with Gabe Newell how Steam shall change in the future. This is a quest which obviously the most tenacious, dedicated and honest users with the highest integrity can do.
I know I will be ready and already have my vision of what willl be changed. :P
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try landing on 2 more tiles after the first one each day, you might get 6 a day :)
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In the Salien game, pick a tile, then when the game starts, refresh the page. You can get all 3 daily salien cards in under a minute doing this. You don't have to actually play.
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My salien Sqider is level 7 which I reached the legit way, no cheating, and I'm quite content with that. Didn't win anything, but that doesn't really come as a surprise :D
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I am currently level 5 (almost level 6), but I haven't played a ton of the game. I'm not using any scripts, but I play once on each planet, and then park my butt on the planet that has the game(s) I would like the most and bide my time.;)
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I mostly do the same; play a few games if I feel like wasting some time and then just sit on the planet until it's conquered :)
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I've played mostly Low and 2 or 3 Mediums. I haven't played a hard one yet. I assume that is the one that has the chance to get a Boss?
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I.. don't think this game has bosses? I played a couple of the High danger tiles, as far as I've seen there were just the ordinary "hard" enemies ;)
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Yes, there are bosses. I fought one yesterday. You fight against them with other players. I think it's a timed event: when we killed the boss, entering another tile spawned me on another boss fight that was almost dead already. I don't think it was a hard tile though, since the planet was almost fully captured. You get tons of XP for it: I jumped from lv 7 to 9 from a single boss.
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Huh, I wasn't aware of that at all O.o Then again, I didn't really play the game too much, so it's probably no wonder. Thanks for sharing that info!
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it feels good to know that my steam friends are not cheating too :D
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I use it only for the card dropping, think I'm still like level 3 XD Too many things to do! Thanks to those who said that actually you can get 4 cards instead of 3, didn't know that xD
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well then thanks a lot for the 2nd time, I'll spend some more minutes on that game now xD
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You just need to be on the planet, once you join a planet you're counted as being on it until you press the "leave" button or the planet is completed. You don't have to actually enter the game for anything other than the 3 daily cards and refreshing/closing tabs doesn't kick you out of a planet.
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I've been "cheating" since day 2 or so to get the badge, and I've won nothing, this game was made for bots:
No special enemies( bosses only recently started spawning), no new abilities after lvl 9 and the absolute repetitiveness that would get you bored much faster than breaking your mouse or hurting your hands.
Script users =/= cheaters (at least in this case)
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Fyi botting in a game like this is not cheating.
This game is literally made to be run by bots all around the world, if there are no bots, the community wouldn't even finish a single planet.
I'm sitting at 1.6M XP and I gave up eventually, there's no point of running it. This took about 50 hours of autorun and it's still JUST LEVEL 10. Noone without a bot will reach the max level, which is 21!
Also the levels won't give you any higher chance to win a game, it's just the time that you spend on a planet, you don't have to kill anything at all.
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So hopefully in the future they would a game that would be taken seriously by people
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I reached level 7 manually but there is no point in it. The game was made for scripts, impossible to get rank 6 badge without it. https://www.reddit.com/r/Saliens/comments/8t0o1c/xp_table/?st=jizt98g5&sh=dc095aed
I haven't won any games.. To be honest I knew its close to impossible to win anything with the amount of people playing. So all I want is to level up the badge.
I'm lvl 13 now, hopefully will reach level 16 for the rank 5 badge in time. http://i.prntscr.com/DpFmUMXTSzOZdERhfXM-Bg.png
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So Did any of you guys here win anything from this game?
Or the cheaters who are using auto clickers and some other scripts got everything for themselves?
And a little GA: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/xSzbF/cornerstone-the-song-of-tyrim
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