So I was trying to find a good movie to watch and I decided to read some reviews and damn.. people are really concerned about which race play the characters and specially the protagonist. Some review says "too much white people". It just doesn't make sense to me.

We are all humans here, who cares? does that really make the movie better if an asian person is the protagonist? If a movie is based on books, real life, other media, then I think the race should stay the same as it was based on. If it make sense that the character should be that race because of settings, etc, then yeah, I understand the critics, but when people are demanding the race to be different simply because there isn't enough of that race in movies, then I don't understand.

Maybe I am missing something here. People give bad reviews because of that reasons, it grinds my gear.

psst. also im asian..I know people will assume I'm white if I don't include this, also the title is a bit click baity.. sorry

6 years ago*

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It sometimes matters more than you might imagine. Have you ever seen one of those studies where they show kids photos of people of different ethnicities and ask them questions about what kind of people they are? You uniformly get them repeating negative stereotypes, because that's the only representations they regularly see. So - it's not so much a problem that there are too many white people in films, and more that virtually anyone who isn't white in mainstream films and TV is presented in an incredible reductive light.

6 years ago

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It's also probably why too many white guys believe they're the majority and everyone else is a "minority" (what's in a word eh?) and they were bitching when the Matrix portrayed a party in Zion with a wide majority of non-white people. Suddenly you see the other side.
Well, it was supposed to represent the world and guess what? With two thirds of the world in Asia, and Africa and South America pretty populated as well, we, white people, are the minority.
And yeah most movies with a representation issue are made in the US but even there, white guys aren't a majority and yet we believe it to be true. Psychologically it has an impact

6 years ago

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Thank you for this.
To add to your comment, this kind of reductive representation can also lead to you internalizing whatever you are shown, whether that is good or bad. So if a certain group of people you can identify with is shown as very diverse (i.e. in this case if they are casted for a huge variety of roles), you can basically choose anyone you want as a role model and aspire to be like that person. However, if the group you identify with is either not shown at all or shown as very one-sided (and even worse, if they are always portrayed in a bad way), you have very limited options to choose from, very limited role models and you may start to think that people like you can't even be a certain way (while the other group can), because you've never seen it to be possible.

6 years ago

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Pretty much this! It's nice to see characters of different ethnicities playing roles that go against stereotypes. It also gives the opportunity for non-white actors to have a wider variety of roles to showcase their acting skills, rather than say, the Chinese guy being typecast as a nerdy sidekick five times in a row.

6 years ago

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+1 to this for a real reason why it can be bad

6 years ago

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I agree with you, it shouldn't be some end-all criteria to judge a movie by.

Unless it's just obviously bad like... having Matt Damon play the lead in The Great Wall :P

6 years ago

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The Great Wall was a fantasy story and he fit better than that bungee thing them girls were useing, now the last samurai i'm sure was a kick to the face to any Japaneses person.

6 years ago

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The Last Samurai was a product of imagination just like The Great Wall (imaginary story taking part during a fitting event of Japan's westernization) , and Tom Cruise was playing a US officer in Japan during the times when US were pretty much present in Japan ;)

6 years ago

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The Great Wall can't be taken seriously but the last samurai could also samurai at that point represented old japan and it's why they needed to go. it was a step that the country was moving forward and away from the old ways. its kind of an insult that they would let a white man be one and even more so at that time. it was actually one of the things they were fighting against. oh and him living through that would have dishonored him. that character is basically scum.

6 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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lol, 2 blacklists in 5 minutes... people really don't like truth ;(

6 years ago

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stuck at 4 after 24 hours... i'm disappointed

6 years ago

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hehe, no idea how you know it, but yes 4 black lists and 2 just for telling that I was blacklisted by 2 people... :))

6 years ago

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psst. also im asian..

This makes you even more privileged than "white" people these days. Didn't you get the memo? :P

6 years ago

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Just read some scientific research on self esteem and image representation
who gives a shit? Anyone who isn't a white guy should. And some white guys too.
When all you see through your whole life, starting in infancy is white guys saving the day, you tend to believe that's the way life is.
Some people, including a whole lot of psychologists and sociologists believe that it's important to be exposed to role models you can identify with, to a variety of points of view and to perspectives different than your own.

Books do that and have a positive impact on personality and empathy.

Now I agree that people ignoring or trolling movies because of that are being irrational and counter productive .It's the drama queen social media effect. But I disagree when you say it doesn't matter. Yes we are all humans, that's why it matters.

Since we are all humans, we should get to a point when anybody can watch a movie with an Asian female character and find something to relate to, or be interested even if they can't identify. It won't happen without some change though.

6 years ago

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Books are much better than movies. They are also a tremendous resource for education. Too bad people don't read as much, these days.

6 years ago

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I agree. Especially when it comes to children. What better way to feed a kid's imagination and to expose him/her to the existence of other perspectives and other times?

6 years ago

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1 time every 2 weeks
30 minutes Read a book that is not interested.
(Have a different person choose books every time)
CHILD hate to do it at once.
Habit, slowly learn.
When interest is born to other things, time to read naturally increases.

My skin color? It may be green. 👽
Is it useless except for humans?

6 years ago

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When interest is born to other things, time to read naturally increases.

True. And kids pick up habits from an early age. Kids who get read to by their parents get used to sitting still and naturally gravitate towards the quiet of books later on. It's important to find things they may be drawn to in books.

6 years ago

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I remember when my eldest son started reading the Harry Potter books after seeing the movies. He was amazed to find out that there was so much more to the story than what the movie could convey.

6 years ago

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I remember reading LOTR after watching the movies... and being astounded how incredible dull and horrible that first book was. Pretty much unreadable if you ask me.
And that's a classic? :(

6 years ago

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It' basically the fundament of many high-fantasy worlds. In the hungarian translation they made it a nice mix or epic/storytelling/child's tale, but I heard so many complaints about the original.. I really should check it at a point, to have a personal point of reference

6 years ago

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It depends on personal taste and what you were looking for.

Tolkien tends to go into details a lot and let emotion drive the story more than action. The movie had to be made more action-oriented to work on the big screen so if you start reading the book expecting the same kind of storytelling that the movie did you're most likely to be disappointed. I remember in the special features of the DVD, they said that the council ef Elrond scene alone would have been a good 2 hours by itself if they had stayed true to the book.

I was lucky enough to have read the books before watching the movies so I was able to thoroughly enjoy them for what they had to offer.

6 years ago

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Think from what you are broadcasting from long ago ...
It will be a remake from Japan to the United States as an example of "Sentai Anime" ....
Spirit of gender equality!
Male 4 changed woman 1 and increased the number of women.

Spirit of racial equality!
"Reduce yellow people, increase blacks and whites"

Other, discrimination! And the rest of the filtering all the sticking labels was remodeled in America.

Is it originality?
Either white people, all black people, or all of us yellow people do not mind.

I want you to express it freely.

Any expression can "choose not to see".
Freedom which does not permit expression is not permitted.

If possible, look it up.
I want to think, want to laugh, I want to get angry.

I feel like that.

6 years ago

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ikr, damn white people and their

shuffle deck
pick first card on top

presence in western movies!

unironically those same people that makes of racial quotas an issue on various aspects of society have nothing to complain about when white are underrepresented, or not represented at all in those same areas.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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You're speaking from the privilege of the current times and recent cultural representation . You have to realize this has racially been a turning tide for most of film history. One of the earliest works of full-narrative film was D.W. Griffith's Birth of a Nation in 1915, which portrayed the KKK as heroic saviors to the tyranny of "negro oppression."

We have come a long way in film's relatively short history, but still a ways to go. It also tends to ebb like a tide, sometimes receding. The Blaxploitation movement in the 60s/70s is a great example of this flow. It initially led to an unprecedented surge of non-white employment in the industry, especially at the producer and directorial level. But, less than a decade later Hollywood had regressed to the studio norms of the 50s.

6 years ago*

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"Too many white people"? Sounds like a review on "Super Mario bros."

6 years ago

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Intersectional feminism is cancer. That's why. It's racist and sexist, and pretty much everything this authoritarian hell ideology accuse other of being.

If people want diversity, watch diverse movies. Too few black people? Watch African movies. Too few asians? Watch Korean/japanese or Chinese movies. Too few Indians? Watch the 3 billion bollywood movies out there.

6 years ago

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You grossly over-estimate general audience's willingness to watch films in a language beyond their native tongue. Many people (especially Americans) flat-out refuse to endure subtitles.

6 years ago

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Then complaining about the lack of diversity makes even less sense.

6 years ago

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I think you're confusing who is complaining and who isn't in large generalities.

6 years ago

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Well the group of complainers of such nonsense grows. Scarlett Johansson just dropped out of the trans movie, because she was harassed by intersectional feminists due to not actually being trans privately. No one complains about the lack of black people in asian movies. Or white people for that matter. It's all just hypocrisy.

6 years ago

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It's all just hypocrisy.

Or perhaps, perhaps, the situation contains a variety of nuanced factors and does not exist in pure black or white (no pun intended). I find this rather to be another symptom of the rampant tribalism that is present today.

6 years ago

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It seems to be a very USA thing. The rest of the world doesn't really give much of a damn who stars in their movies, as long as the movie is good.
Infact one popular recent movie here in Holland was where an actor from the Antillen made one where he played the part as himself, painted black as a sterotype, and painted white as a stereotype. No complains what-so-ever.

6 years ago

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It's very much an American thing. That was kind of my point. If people truly wants diversity, they should watch actual diverse movies from around the world, like I do. It's astounding how self centered americans are. They behave like they are the centre of the entire world sometimes.

Holland, eh? How did the americans react to Zwarte Piet again? Hahah.

6 years ago

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They behave like they are the centre of the entire world sometimes.

To be fair, regarding the topic at hand, Hollywood is the center of the cinematic world. Whether that's a good thing or not, is another topic.

6 years ago

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I'm not sure about India. I think bollywood is bigger there. Same with Russia and their movies. Otherwise, yeah, you got a point. I was speaking in more general terms though.

6 years ago

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But...then what you seem to be implying is..."Too few white people? Watch American movies."
Which makes no sense, because American!=White.
And if that's NOT what you're implying, then...why should an american have to go to African cinema to see black people in movies?

6 years ago

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I'm implying that the hypocricy makes no sense. If people really want real diversity, watch diverse movies from around the world, instead of just American movies. The people complaing about this is dead silent about the lack of other colours present in bollywood or asien movies.

Americans should watch movies from other countries for REAL diversity. And not just americans with different skin colours.

6 years ago

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But your example doesn't make any sense either. Why would an american complain about the lack of other colours in bollywood -a very bad example, actually, because bollywood movies are incredibly diverse, with Marathis, Punjabis,Tamils, Bengalis, Pathans, Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, etc. etvc.? What's the percentage of American movies Americans watch? What's the percentage of Indian movies Americans watch? Which cinema should Americans focus more on?
I mean, I absolutely agree with your eventual point that people as a whole should learn to consume all manner of diverse culture, but it doesn't make sense, when an American (who could just as likely be black, hispanic, asian, etc. as white) says "How come there are so few colours in Hollywood cinema?" to reply with "If you want to watch movies with black people in it, why don't you watch African cinema?"

6 years ago

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I don't get your point with religions in Bollywood. You mean the actors having a certain religion, or that those religions are shown in the movies? If it's the first, then I don't get it, because the actors and actresses personalities/politics/etc. are really not relevant to the movies.

I don't know the percentages of colour representation in hollywood, but I do believe that blacks are overrespresented in Oscars in the last decade or so. However, my point is that if people are so fixated on race/skin colour, why not seek out movies from those countries? Especially when the entire argument is about diversity, why not go after actual diversity?

Besides, this is not just about America. Americans also hold these values and force them on others here in Europe. The entire debacle about Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a good example. Yet the same critique doesn't apply to non white countries.

Generally identity politics are horrible. It dehumanizes individuals to what they are, not who they are. That is a very authoritarian view that brings nothing good to the table.

6 years ago

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My point about religion was just an extension about the point on diversity. And I mean it in both senses you mentioned. I guess there's less focus on it, because unlike white vs all the other races, culturally non-judeochristian people make up less than 5% of the population, so it could probably be excused SLIGHTLY more. Unlike, for example, race, where white people barely make up half of the below 65 population of the US.
So yeah, telling that other half population "If you want to see more black/asian/hispanic/non-white actors in movies, go to some other countries!" is a bit weird.

And sure, it is spreading worldwide, because the worldwide population is diverse. If someone had made a game purely about Poland, for example, meant purely for polish audiences and polish sensibilities, with only polish voice and subtitles, someone from San Francisco getting their hands on it and complaining in a review that there aren't enough hispanic characters would be silly.
People from outside of the culture who would be experiencing it would be experiencing it would enjoy it for what it is, and see it as an inlet into Polish culture, possibly with a great plot or gameplay or whatever, like how someone from the US might enjoy bollywood movies or Japan-focused japanese games, despite not being the target audience.
However, if the game is meant to be marketed globally, then yes, it could be a valid complaint.

6 years ago

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The witcher 3 was globally marketed and aimed and the general audience, 'yet' it only had caucasian people in it because the book/game builds on eastern-european slav mythology/world, and people of colour were (and relatively, are) rare in the region :p and people had problems with that.
Also, what do you mean by global sensibilities? Should have the demographic distribution of the us/north america, south america, africa, asia and europe as well, with a few penguins thrown in for antarctica? You can not make happy everyone, so best to follow the base idea as most as possible. Like don't make Hermione asian and Ron indian even though thatI would fit sooo many molds of stereotypes :D

6 years ago

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" Like don't make Hermione asian and Ron indian even though thatI would fit sooo many molds of stereotypes :D"

Why not? What would be wrong with having Hermione asian and Ron indian?
I mean, I don't personally care, I never really liked the movies, but I did enjoy the books. What would happen if Hermione was asian and Ron was indian? Hermione was cast as black in one of the plays from a couple years ago, and even the author had no problem with it, despite lots of fans whining and moaning.
Would the story change if Hermione or Ron were indian? Was their white background important to the story or their characters? Same for in the the fact that they're white in the stories an important part of it?

6 years ago*

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Regarding the witchers: because that is how the mythology is. Like how you don't make heracles pigmeus or gilgames inuit, at least in works that try to maintain any seriousness. It's not that important that they were white, but that they weren't other ethnics because other ethnics (asian and black, the two under/misrepresented) were not even present in the region where the works take place, it would misrepresent the integrity for the sake of fake representation.

6 years ago

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Not maintaining seriousness? Misrepresent integrity? How exactly is any of that happening?
Unless the movie is specifically about or related to their ethnic makeup (a movie about slaves and their owners in 18th century US, or about the Klan or about South Asians fighting against the British for independence or something like that), how does any of it affect anything at all? Did the Thor movies suddenly become horrible because Heimdall and Valkyrie were played by black actor? Despite much of the whining that occurred regarding their race when those roles were cast, I'd say they played those roles very well!

6 years ago

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I say it slowly then: slav mythology of the early 2nd millenia has no place for black people when they didn't even know black people existed. Period:
Don't mix it up with an entirely fictional world that stole characters from all the mythologies and twisted them before even the movies twisted them further. Last time I checked nord mythology didn't include Loki trading with Thanos or them travelling with spaceships.
You're free to write a story with slavic originated monsters in a world where people are all colours of rainbow and even beyond, but if the writer had chosen to go "medieval slav with mythology" then you can not claim it should be different because the nord mythology has a fanfic with black Heimdall and female Thor. Good for them, that's their writing, and their world.

6 years ago

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We aren't talking about "slav mythology of the early 2nd millenia". We're talking about a game made in the 21st century based on a book written in the 90s: Inspired by a mishmash slavic/german/norse/roman mythology, about imaginary creatures such as elves, goblins and witches. Nothing to do with the importance of having white skin, and would be no less serious or lacking integrity for having other ethnicities.

6 years ago

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Sure thing, let's force writers to follow regulations and have quotas for different coloured people, that will show how much we appreciate them. I'm done, you obviously don't give a damn about how creativity works, just try to force your "if colour is not important to story, why not different" ideology into things. It's just the usual method, skin colour doesn't matter, but why isn't it in a way I'd like it to be.
Also it's not me, it's the author who stated about his goals. Go and flame him for having an idea and sticking to it and you not liking it.

6 years ago

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I'm not flaming anyone, or claiming I dislike the Witcher (I found the book's writing style laborious in the english translation, and I got bored of the first two games quite a way through them, but that's not related to the story or the world). I'm just pointing out that if your game is going to be marketed to a worldwide audience, and the race of the characters aren't relevant to the plot, then it's likely that today, with the diversity of consumers, your game could be called out for that.

6 years ago*

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so best to follow the base idea as most as possible. Like don't make Hermione asian and Ron indian

And regarding to that now that I'm at the PC: full comment is more important than the grabbed out sentence. I don't care how they write stories. Actually, I do think that a writer's world is sacred, no matter how shitty, fake, or underrepresented it can be for certain things, and should not be fundamentally changed. though ofc they can't follow everything (scar is not in middle of the forehead, the hated eyecolor-is-wrong, Hermione is way too "proper" and later simply attractive compared to how it's written, tbh all three main actors got really beautiful/handsome instead of the awkwardish simpler description) but I really don't like the idea of just changing one character's (that is already cemented in the written book) ethnicity because that actually shows that ethnicity matters that much, that we do NEED to force one into the story. And when will it stop? Central Europe having 30% black and 20% asian ehnicity? Columbus' journey starts with native american crew?

Of course these are over the top exaqmples, but to take it simply: I actively dislike changing already stated world / characters for the sake of inclusivity in another media (because of the said if it wouldn't matter, they wouldn't change it - reason). But I do would like the written works to be more varied, when it fits. Just as a judging, today in the city (I was out for a few hours) I've seen maybe 2 dozen black people, tops, 50-100 asian maybe, and multiple hundreds, thousands of caucasians. This is how Hungary is. So manufacturing a fake country in Hollywood so the US "quotas" are met in geographical areaas where they are nowhere present and valid, that's counterfeiting reality and pandering for no goodreason.

On the countrary if you have 100 people with 30 PoC, it's entirey possible that when they are making 3-people groups for idk, study - possible, to have 0-1-2-3 of them in a group, even by just mathematical chance.
So returning to the "HP problem" I do think that Rowling should have written more PoC characters into the book than a chinese love interest and I think... two? characters were stated as black in the books, though don't take my word on that. And they were even less important to the story than Neville, or some teachers.
Tried to google it but I found a very interesting (factually correct, but food-for-thought) sentence: "On average, each character of color in the entire Harry Potter film series speaks about thirty seconds." that shows an interesting issue for me that is entirely fucking groundbreaking: we watch movies, we see them. Besides stuff like Ron's red hair nothing really would imply than he is caucasian ( please don't start with redhead persons in other ethnicities, that's super rare :P ) while others maybe have fewer/less reminders about it in the books. It's easier to identify with a character that you're only imagining, I guess:

Regardless, one more thought ( please read it until the end)
: I really don't like this current PC-climate of minorities and ethnicities into everyone, women into games, LGBT(Q****) people into everything of the current era, beacuse most content creators SUCK. They can't even write an interesting white male character for most of the time, and changing the most cookie-cutter character into any more nuanced is just an almost uncanny-valley level of shit characterbuilding. Of course, there are exceptions and I love them. But people are way too vocal for "representashun" instead of GOOD representation and GOOD characters. Women, PoC, any minority should be in a movie because they can do what they are needed to be, not because they are what they are. Or idk, if there are no good enough trans actor to play a trans character (I think was mentioned regarding Scarlett Johansson's upcoming movie?) then hire some for advisors and force the actor/actress to actually use those advices.

I woupd prefer this kind of inclusiveness because currently it's a cringefest because the "revolution" jumps at the endproduct and tries to make wonders there, while the producing (as making of something) is the problematic element, in my opinion.

6 years ago

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witcher will have so bad reviews then :(

6 years ago

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Naah, I'm just waiting for the end of casting to see which character will be black...

6 years ago

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Maybe this is why "The Walking Dead" is so popular.

6 years ago

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The topic of "whitewashing" and all that reminds me of this debacle:

Many people in the west are bored and need something to get them going and to excite them, and want something easy to make them feel good about themselves, and to feel like a "warrior for justice", and what's an easier and quicker way to get that than being offended; especially being offended for other people (where you're not the victim anyway)? You can get offended by anything you want since it comes down to feeling. Even if it's not really justified.

While I'm not complaining about it, I really think a lot of it is to with how comfortable the people in the west have gotten; we live in the best, most fairest and most peaceful age humanity has ever known thanks to many advances in both technology and social progress (although you wouldn't think these things from looking at headlines), and many of us have more free time than any of our non-rich ancestors ever had, and all this coupled with how these issues really were major issues in the past; certain people will milk these things for all they can. It's easy feel-good fuel, and even easier attention.

6 years ago

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Many people in the west are bored and need something to get them going and to excite them

Time to make the fucking call and clone dinosaurs/dragons and let them freeeeeee!

6 years ago

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Odd... Personally I don't care what color anybody is. I like actors from all races. I never even thought about it.
But then again... I don't really like the smurfs, so I could be racist against blue people. But I did like avatar who are also blue.
I have watched Asian movies before too. But it really never crossed my mind that it was weird that almost all actors were Asian. It made perfect sense to me and didn't bother me at all.

I think people are just over sensitive these days. They start crying over literally EVERYTHING. I constantly see things pop up in the news where a little group of people is angry about "something". I always wonder how simple their lives must be to get angry over such little things. Don't they have real/important things to worry about?

6 years ago

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Mass generalizing "people" and their actions is just as callous as the those reactions you decry.

6 years ago*

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And that is absolutely fine with me.

6 years ago

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Again, tribalism is ever rampant. It's always "us" versus "them." "Me" versus "people."

Alternatively, we could start thinking in terms of "Team Human."

6 years ago

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You really use too fancy words :P I am not a native English speaker.

I really do not wish to be part of "Team Human" as most humans are horrible beings. It is bad enough that I am one of them disgusting creatures that ruins the entire world. Let's please not designate a team name to it.

6 years ago

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as most humans are horrible beings

This is what I'm talking about. You claim something like this, yet it is something you crucially cannot know. You've met, at most, several hundred people in your life. You've possibly studied hundreds more throughout history. Knowing this small fraction of people, you are somehow wholeheartedly ready to take a hard stance against "most humans."

Your extremely small sample size is not at all indicative of humanity as a whole. Your attitude, however, is definitely indicative of the tribalism I was describing.

6 years ago

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Hmmmm... As a fact I can say that human beings are the worst creatures on earth. We are as far as I know the only species that can actually think the way we do. Which means we consciously can and do make bad decisions at times. When an animal makes a bad call, it doesn't do it with the intention to hurt someone, it was instinct. The animal wasn't actually thinking "lets go harm someone". Humans can do that and have many times. I am pretty sure there isn't currently a squirrel planning a terrorist attack against beavers. But can you rule out that there aren't humans plotting an attack right now?
Look at us all humping like rabbits while overpopulation is possibly the biggest threat this planet faces. It leads to countless of deaths of animal and plant species and there is nothing they can do about it.
So yeh, us humans are the worst species on this planet. I don't see how anybody can possibly deny this.

6 years ago

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You literally said nothing about humans being the worst species up until this comment. You simply said most humans are horrible beings in comparison to each other.

Not sure why you needlessly shifted with this straw man--

So yeh, us humans are the worst species on this planet. I don't see how anybody can possibly deny this.

Because no one is arguing you on this point.

6 years ago

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Personally I do not see much difference between "humans are horrible beings" and "humans are the worst species".
humans = humans
horrible = worst
beings = species
It is basically the same statement, just formulated differently.
Even parts of the rest of the comment are the same "disgusting creatures that ruins the entire world" and "biggest threat this planet faces. It leads to countless of deaths of animal and plant species and there is nothing they can do about it."

edit: I never said "as comparison to each other". Where do you see that?

6 years ago*

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Okay? That doesn't dismiss the fact that you strawmanned and are backpedaling on it. This isn't even the point we were originally discussing. Not sure what you're trying to gain by switching the topic from "most people are bad" to "humans are the worst species on the planet."

My point still stands the same. Your instinct to massively generalize things impedes your ability to critically understand them.

Edit to your edit:

edit: I never said "as comparison to each other". Where do you see that?

You started comparing people in your very first comment:

I think people are just over sensitive these days. They start crying over literally EVERYTHING. I constantly see things pop up in the news where a little group of people is angry about "something". I always wonder how simple their lives must be to get angry over such little things. Don't they have real/important things to worry about?

And as you say, other species do not have such a cognitive function, so you literally couldn't be comparing anything else here.

But seriously, we're digressing into semantics and you're just trying to shift the frame to avoid saying you were wrong. Standard internet shenanigans, no need to devolve further.

6 years ago*

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I wasn't switching the topic. You are the one who started about "team human". I just thought that was not a very good idea.

And my first reaction is the same. I am perfectly fine with that. If a group complains about something that isn't even there or about something that I render unimportant. Then it does just makes me wonder if they don't have important things to worry about in their lives. I am not sure how I am generalizing though. Am I generalizing over sensitive people?

edit to your edit. Nah that reply has absolutely nothing to do with my first comment. That was just a reply on the "team human" part. I just said humans suck because we ruin the world pretty much. So don't go give them a team name.

Also how can I possibly be wrong? lol. My opinion is just that some people can be way to over sensitive. That was literally all I was saying. An opinion can't be wrong, you can only not agree with it. And I replied that I was fine with that.
How I generalize people is still a mystery to me. I guess I generalize "over sensitive people". I don't try to label people, but I guess I just made a new label. :D

But indeed in 1 part you are absolutely correct. Standard internet shenanigans, no need to devolve further.

6 years ago*

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Again, tribalism is ever rampant.

not as much as it should imo. but whats so bad about it?

6 years ago

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Because it qualifies everything to the tribe.

The question is no longer, "is this a good idea?"

Instead, the question becomes, "from which tribe did this idea originate?"

6 years ago

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from every one of them, i would say. its not that it is a thing thats being up since a couple of days. the behavior that we describe as tribalism can be observed even in the animal world as well... unlike collectivism.

6 years ago

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Wanted to whitelist you, but you probably wont like that being such a racist against blue. No bluehearts? :/

6 years ago

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White on the inside, blue on the outside. This is getting too difficult. Can't we all just get along and just be hearts?

6 years ago

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I'm just waiting to see which character will be black in Witcher from Netflix. Triss? Dandelion? Maybe even Geralt..?
Today's media are just too "politically correct".

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Wasn't there a black female mage? Maybe I'm remembering wrong.

6 years ago

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As far as I remember from books, no.

6 years ago

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True , the black-washing is insane the past few years

6 years ago

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Hollywood is located in California, so the majority of local talent is caucasian (white), thus caucasian actors are more likely to audition for the various roles (see statistics here). I expect if Hollywood was located in China the movies produced would mostly employ actors of Asian decent, or if it was in Africa it would mostly be of African descent.

The reason people are offended by a 'lack of diversity' varies, but ultimately I think a lot of it stems from the fact that many consider Hollywood and USA produced films as representing the worldwide movie industry, instead of considering its actual physical location. If a films racial balance varies wildly from what their local talent pool provides, unless its due to the plot of the film itself, it likely means that there is some form of discrimination going on.

6 years ago*

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Rule nr. 1 of Movie critics... Ignore all movie critics.

Read the stuff of actual regular people. Really.

6 years ago

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I couldn't give a shit who is what color, as long as the film is entertaining.
Doesn't anyone just go to a movie to be entertained anymore?

If a movie is based on books, real life, other media, then I think the race should stay the same as it was based on.

Denzel Washington in The Equalizer comes to mind. Arguably better than the TV series it was based on. And you can't tell me Idris Elba wouldn't make an amazing James Bond. Of course, on the opposite end of the spectrum, there's Johnny Depp playing Tonto in The Lone Ranger. (cringes) ;)

6 years ago

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I like your idea of Elba as Bond. But, not sure your point of Depp as Tonto. He is part Cherokee after all. It was a terrible movie, but I thought Depp made a bad role at least partly interesting/funny.

6 years ago

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Yeah, I think the race doesn't matter in most cases. Like a black man playing bond would be totally fine, nothing about bond requires him to be white. Having a female in the role would change things, but he could definitely be any race.
Some things don't work.. like having Achilles in that TROY tv show black. Come on, Achilles was like.. made to be the greek ideal. Tall, blonde.. blue eyes. Brad Pitt was basically perfect casting the first time around.

6 years ago

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"concerned about which race" you state we are all humans, that is our race.
people mistake skin color / ethnicity for race.

as for movies, what movies are you referring to?

i agree a review stating "too much white people" is not appropriate or useful.

6 years ago*

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"concerned about which race" you state we are all humans, that is our species.


6 years ago

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View attached image.
6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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You might be right but I suspect you're not. Too many white people have been a complaint about the actor's skin color in all the cases I've encountered

People want to see different cultures, different perspectives

There is an enormous amount of movies produced portraying "different" perspectives and cultures if one looks beyond Hollywood but strangely enough few seem to care about this

6 years ago

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I look in 99% of the cases on the actors QUALITY, not on his skin color.
Only at a few times i look at this too. I give a few examples.

  • Newer Star Wars movies, a stormtrooper take the helmet down and i see a afro-american actor. Sorry at that moment i want puke. A Stormtrooper have to be "the same as all other ones" ... and that was NOT afro-american at the beginning of the Star Wars Saga.
    When they were Afro-American looking from the beginning no problem but change that after MANY YEARS and MANY MOVIES is stupid and wrong understand "political correctness".
  • Other movies were white people (western Europeans/US people) play Asian Fighting Champions/Masters or a Leader of a Group/Clan/Village (anything "special"). That is sooooooo stupid. When the movie plays in a asian country the oldest of a village/special guy should not be Matt Damon or similar actor (i think on "The Great Wall" and such stupid things...).

I think i look a bigger part asian movies then the common/usual western Europe and US guy.
Because they use much lesser patriotism then Hollywood, the action scenes are really action with real punching not at 100% strength and not only barbie plays from a fight (a lot of "action heroes" from hollywood are only embarrassing -special in the last 10 years more and more of this "faked action guys" come up-), the movie content is more different from my normal life and let me look on different things in a other way and the asian movies looks on a deeper at least past culture. I see there mostly a liveing with lesser property, more poorly, lesser space at houses/flats/citys but not unhappy people from that facts -you don't need much to be happy-, and at the medieval movies you can learn a bit too and you know... "the real fighting scenes"^^. And as a sidenote i prefer the asian females when i see all the botox/surgery victims at the US female actors (i don't like actors that can't make different face expressions, i am not a fan of silicon and lips that can be sold as dinghies -all that is NOT beautiful for me-).
In Europe you have different movie "handling/making" countrys too, as example the french movies are mostly very much of theatre playing. Much talks, much in the direction of artists/bohemians -by the talk too-, for myself it is partly exhausting to look such movies but they are always different then the common ones. Or take the nordic countrys (Sweden and Norge as biggest ones), often very dark humor -how i like it-, sarcasm and very direct. I like it that way and it is a bit of "Quentin Tarantino Style" in it.
And then you have the US common/equal stuff that repeats, repeats, repeats and repeats (soooooooooo boring and too often with really bad actors -i would normaly not use the word actors for such people...-, they are more Barbie & Ken -choosed only from the looking-). When they repeat/copy asian movies the result is ALWAYS shit :o(. Yes it give other, good, movies too but the overwhelming stuff from hollywood is "the same old story". Quentin Tarantino is one of a few ones that bring different movies then the usual US ones. And yes i like them exception Inglorious Bastards.

6 years ago*

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Stormtroopers weren't clones even back in the original trilogy-era, so good that you didn't puke because it would have been the waste of a perfectly good puke.

6 years ago

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I know that the werent, all the times, clones (partly yes, partly not). I look since ~30 years Star Wars (the old 3 ones each year).
BUT have you seen at the stormtroopers really small ones ? fat ones ? "different" ones ? .. No they are all similar (like a marching army at a parade).
AND each one you seen without a helmet were white.

For me the "Fear Power" of the Stormtroopers are that they are a "machinerie". Not a "single person". One "Unit/Force" without a face.
And then.... Helm down, hey guys i am xyz, lets do xyz, i am a direct copy of any other "hero" ... great Disney GREAT :-D
Goddamit i want that bad ass stormtrooper guys back ! with the music from the imperial march... :-D

6 years ago*

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but stormtroopers were originally clones? I mean, granted, it was only for a short amount of time before their ranks were bolstered through conscription, but even in the EU they were said to be the successor of the Republic's clone armies, initially only made up from the already existing clone trooper battalions. Still, even if they had black stormtroopers, the Empire was the most racist institution in its true meaning, since they discriminated the hell out of everyone that wasn't human ;>.


6 years ago

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I edited my sentence (now it fits for all without a lot of explanations :-D). You only want confuse me :-P

When i say now that the racists are mostly white sound that a bit wrong but is the truth (i can say that i am white too), i hope you know how i mean it :-D

And when you look back into the time of DC/Marvel.... they have a lot of influence from the time they are made too (racism, cold war, usa is great propaganda and such things....)

6 years ago

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Yeah, I was only teasing you a bit ;D.

6 years ago

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In an ideal world we look at two things if a story doesn't demand a certain race or gender; skill, and a way to improve skill.
Ideally you'd have the best person for the job do the job.
However we should also try to give a more diverse group the chance to improve their skills, preferably in a setting more catered to that, so not a blockbuster. In education we do this by giving minorities that are not necessarily at the top of their class a chance to improve themselves. In some cases it's like throwing someone that can't swim well in the deep end of the pool, but more often they do just fine and it gives opportunity and motivation to other minorities. This creates an upward spiral that helps natural diversification.

Unfortunately sometimes the issue gets forced, that's when you get female Ghostbusters, female burglars, or a wave of movies that are over diversified...making them under diversified...
When segregation is not intentional and gets noticed, the reaction is often too extreme, causing intentional segregation on the other side of the fence.

6 years ago

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Female Ghostbusters the normal REPEAT/COPY at Hollywood was soooooooo bad. From the story, from the actors, from the "jokes". Devastated anything, each and everyone that done that crime should be hard spanked in front of there spectators^^-

6 years ago

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I think it's simply an attempt to combat the idea of "white as the default".
Like, if it's a movie about an african king kickpunching bad guys in Africa, sure, they'll probably go with a black person.
If it's a movie about Gandhi, they'll probably go with an Indian.

But if it is a movie about a cop trapped in a building. Or a movie about an adventuring archaelogist. Or a movie about a space adventure with magic powers. Or a movie about going into people's dreams to implant ideas. Or a movie about a dinosaur tamer rescuing kids on an island

They'll go with a white person. The idea that when the race of the person is inconsequential, the vast majority of the time, they are defaulted to being the "standard" or white (at least until recently). And this is in spite of the fact that (at least according to the stats someone posted in here earlier), white people only make up about half of the below 65 population in the US.

6 years ago

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If it's a movie about Ghandi, they'll probably go with an Indian.

Bad example. :)

[edit] Sometimes... I'm an idiot. [/edit]

6 years ago*

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Ben Kingsley is indian :P
Edit: Also, you quoted me (still haven't figured out how to do that properly myself), but then wrote the name "Gandhi" wrong :P

6 years ago*

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d'oh, thank you very much for both corrections!

I hadn't realized, and saw only "English actor" when I did a cursory check! I stand very well corrected!

(The quoting is just done with a caret symbol and space at the start...)
> Like this
...results in...

Like this

As I was on mobile, I re-typed what I was quoting... incorrectly. :P

6 years ago

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d'oh, thank you very much for both corrections!

You're very welcome!

6 years ago

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And in a glorious streak of being wrong about things, apparently the less-than and greater-than signs are rarely/never referred to as carets.

6 years ago

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