this goes against the GUIDELINES
Third party giveaways that require or reward users for performing profitable actions. For example, linking to a giveaway on another service that requires or incentivizes users to click a referral link, like a Facebook page, follow a Twitter account, join a Steam group, complete a survey, sign-up for a newsletter, or make a donation.
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This is not a profitable action, and thus doesn't violate the rule. Rather, not only is there no restriction on gameplay based promotions, but the developer of Goblins & Coins has basically made an institution of offering up such promotions on the site- so there'd have been clear indication long before now if that was actually against site rules. Not that it'd make any sense to be, of course, as there's no inherently beneficial association. There's also the non-stop Indiegala gameplay promotions, which are also posted in Deals, which make the rule coming up in this thread a bit surprising, especially considering that the most recent thread has been bouncing around for over 4 months now, without anyone bringing up the rule (at least. I recall there being quite a few other gameplay promotions posted to the site in the past, as well.
Anyway, to be clear on the rule, the outside party has to receive something for it to be a violation of the rule. This can be as little as a "like", but they have to receive something on their end. If you play a game, and there's not some sort of event set up to reward the developer for user count or similar, then the other party is not receiving anything. Your gameplay time simply is not a benefit to the developer in any sense that can be considered as exploitable. Rather, if the developer views that as beneficial to them then, well, kudos to their mindset.
In fact, in some cases where the developer does receive something, it's still not against the rule (at least, according to precedence). For example, "Get this game in exchange for a Steam review" is permissable, so long as the developer or SG user in no way indicates a positive review is encouraged.
Of course, part of that is down to the nature of the request- if you force the matter, like I recall that one G2A-affiliated site did for a while, you're going to get negative reviews (forcing positive reviews would get the game banned by Valve, so that part isn't a risk). If you don't force it, and relate the review to the game in question, then the user can simply cop out after playing the game- this'd count as a trade violation [despite simultaneously also not violating the rule on posting trades to SG, by way of being a bit of a special circumstance], and you could leave negative feedback on SteamTrades. If you don't force it, and relate it to another game (ie, Review Game A to get Game B), then the associable benefit is all that much more uncertain.
An even more notable exception is the e-mail rule- e-mails offer a clear benefit to the promoting party, but e-mail sign-up requirements- even in the context of "sign up for this newsletter" type promotions- are nevertheless also acceptable on SG (this despite how Rule 16 in the new rule formatting has been phrased to explicitly exclude newsletter subscriptions). I don't believe it's been made clear if this is due to the fact that you can simply put in a fake/junk e-mail, or if it's more because such promotions are too ubiqutous and too low-damage to be considered as worth blocking (as that'd block out Humble, GOG, and other major giveaways, all of which require newsletter sign-up).
Presumably, since newsletters were noted as a clear violation in the new ruleset, it'd be down to the latter assumption. In theory, a newsletter sub'd only actually be considered an actual violation if the nature of the newsletter was overtly marketing-oriented or otherwise dubious in nature. Or maybe just if the site lacks enough oomph for the community to defend it against staff intrusion. Guess we'd find out what determines where staff draws the line if it ever comes up for a non-major site.
Anyway, the [TL;DR] key point is that if the other party isn't getting you to join or follow any social media or similarly structured grouping, isn't directly taking your money, isn't receiving a benefit in an event or competition based on your participation, and isn't receiving a clear marketing or advertising benefit off your visit, then the promotion is likely not violating Rule 16.
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It's also special actions like what you see here. You must check out the trailer. You must wishlist and follow a game. You must play so and so game for however many hours. These are special actions that you need to take to get the key. That's why Gleam giveaways, which is what this is, and other giveaways like it are not allowed on SG.
There's obviously a reason the giveaway creator wants you to do all those things, they are gaining something from it.
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It's also special actions like what you see here. You must check out the trailer. You must wishlist and follow a game. You must play so and so game for however many hours. These are special actions that you need to take to get the key. That's why Gleam giveaways, which is what this is, and other giveaways like it are not allowed on SG.
Hmm, that's a rather confusingly written comment. Best I can figure is that you're stating that this promotion does have profitable requirements, which are both not obvious upon page load and to which Sh4dowKill didn't provide context towards?
:reloads the page a few times:
Oh, interesting. On some loads it has additional actions, rather than just the single gameplay action. Well, let's see..
The trailer thing isn't a profitable action. Rather, we've permitted youtube links countless times on this site as a prerequisite for promotions or giveaway entry, and youtube- unlike this trailer- does actually have potential advertising gains; Presumably, the extremely insignificant nature of the gains- and, as with Humble/etc, perhaps also the visibility of the site- can be thanks for that exception. But, again, this isn't a youtube video. There's no profitable action involved, even an insignificant one.
Nor is the gameplay thing a profitable action. Rather, I only just presented a rather substantial clarification that it isn't. Putting aside that bewildering oversight, are you perhaps confusing "special actions for your giveaway entry to qualify" with "profitable actions to claim a promotion"? Because, again, special actions are in no way prohibited as a step for claiming a game. Nor, even, for entering a giveaway- ergo the site's acceptance of use of SGT filters.
In any case, the wishlist thing is presumably mild enough that it's in the realm of "staff discretion", based on the principles of the newsletter exception, given the ability to simply unwishlist immediately following. It is, however, at least TECHNICALLY a valid disqualifier. Moreso, given that it's for a cheap, free-spammed game, that disqualifier won't be diminished via the justification of its community appeal, which staff has used as an exception criteria in the past.
On the other hand, as RowdyOne already noted, it's not ACTUALLY a wishlist addition, but just a "load our store page and wishlist if you want to", which is again not against the rules to have. You could certainly still block it on the technicality of the fact that the phrasing could mislead some individuals.. but, well, it's kinda petty nitpicking by that point. A more reasonable course would be to request the OP clarify in the thread post that the wishlist action isn't needed.
There's also the consideration that the actual rule is related to "require or reward", not "ask", so you'd actually be strongly stretching the rule against its precise phrasing. Of course, that could be a miswrite relative to intention on cg's part, so that's not an overly meaningful point of consideration, beyond how it relates to the next guidelines polishing pass.
There's obviously a reason the giveaway creator wants you to do all those things, they are gaining something from it.
Anyway, even though I think I've succesfully managed to make sense of the rest of your comment (and, to be clear, I am sincerely not sure I did, given the weirdly formatted English and the seemingly baseless points being made), I'm still baffled as to the intended meaning of that final sentence. I mean, a natural read would suggest that you're saying that any and every freebie promotion would be done due to someone seeing a gain in the action.. which, if that's what you meant then, yeah, sure?
Perhaps my simplifying "marketing benefit" as part of "profitable action" would be overly broad, then. Obviously, based on the fact that the site allows the listing of freebies at all would indicate that the benefits have to have some concrete nature to them. That said, I'm getting the impression you're arguing against any kind of free promotion being allowed on this site? ..including even, by the sounds of it, posting giveaways in themed threads or posting links to personal sites within giveaways, or any other permitted site action?
Honestly, this particular kind of puzzle-solving isn't really an appreciable experience, so please give that some consideration for future comments.
Anyway, TL;DR version:
Only a single action exists that can be considered to violate the site rules on the matter in any way.
That single action isn't always listed as a requirement to begin with.
When that single action is listed, you can simply skip it.
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that "game" is tagged as "Steam is learning about this game"
by using gleam giveaways to gather playerbase and playtime it will unlock the restrictions
and the other action that now is removed: when an app on steam passes a certain threshold of wishlists i think it's featured on New and Trending list, also users will get an email when the game is released
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We don't allow giveaways in general. So this will also not be fine. Someone is getting free traffic to their F2P game by giving away another game. Promotion of a game is "profitable action" if they count on gettin people hooked and push MTX on them.
If someone wants to promote their game they should post it in the GA description.
Requirement to play specific game would be fine in a puzzle with a private GA as a prize. Not in a 3rd party giveaway site.
Sorry Sooth :P
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No, they are still private, I can't check your playtime when I visit your profile. You must set what Rocky9 told you here:
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you need play eternal edge prologue 0.1 hour
(the deed)
game gives +1
drops 3 card
have 17 achievments
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