My post on reddit

Here's the text in case you are too lazy to click.

Please comment on here or reddit to enter.

This giveaway will end on July 22nd 2012 at 3pm (EST).


  • Either pick something from my inventory or the list below.

  • You can list off as many games as you want in order of most-least wanted.

  • You may enter for games that you already have if you want, either way I'm giving them away to someone.

  • What you do with the games is up to you, I would like to see the games go to someone who actually would like to play them but hey if you're that kinda guy/girl who need to make a profit go ahead.

  • There will be 5 winners total, if you only choose one game that you would like to win and another person does the same the first person who was chosen will receive that game, and then I will contact the other winner to ask them what they would like to receive as their prize.

  • I will list everything in my inventory the games/DLC with the strikeouts are not up for grabs.

  • If you want a chance to win, please leave a comment. If you want to make this interesting tell me the craziest thing that happened to you.

  • You can only enter once, multiple entries will result in disqualification.

  • I will be away for orientation until July 25th, but I'm gonna give a shot and use the reddit app to pick some winners.

My Inventory


  • Deus Ex: HR Augmented Edition

  • Assassin's Creed 2

  • Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® II Chaos Rising

  • BioShock® 2 (x2)

  • Defense Grid: The Awakening and DLC

  • PAYDAY™ The Heist (x3) This gift will become tradable on Jul 21, 2012.

  • The Binding of Isaac

  • Defense Grid: The Awakening and DLC

  • Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight

  • Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath

  • The Graveyard

  • FlatOut

  • Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee

  • Sniper Elite

  • Super MNC x4 (Figured I would just throw it in the list)

  • Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 1

  • Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 2

  • Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 3

  • Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 4

  • Defense Grid: The Awakening - You Monster DLC

  • Shoot Many Robots

  • Cricket Revolution

  • Gumboy Tournament

  • Secret of the Magic Crystals x4

Keys/Giftable through email

  • Indie Gala VI (BTA ~$6) x2

  • Shadowgrounds

  • Shadowgrounds Survivor

  • Battlefield: Bad Company 2

  • Burnout Paradise

  • Mirrors Edge

  • Nexuiz

  • Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light

  • Tomb Raider Underworld x2

  • Mercenaries 2: World In Flames

  • Bioshock

  • Bioshock 2

  • Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance

  • The Saboteur x2

  • Supreme Commander 2

  • Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days

I don't know if counts as a rep site. But I have given away over $600.00 worth in games. And not by taking individual games out of bundles. Link to Steamgifts Profile

12 years ago*

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Hello! Deus ex human revolution
I want to play for a long time in this game. As far as I realized with my English because you simply give away? I would be very glad to get it
I had an accident and I was paralyzed. I restored. Nothing more interesting was not with me)

I had an accident and I was paralyzed. I restored. Nothing more interesnoogo was not with me)

12 years ago

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I thought this had already ended about...6 hours ago?
If it's still active, i guess The Saboteur would be top of my list, since i love stealth games.

12 years ago

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  1. payday
  2. Shoot Many Robots
  3. Kane and Lynch 2: Dog DaysBattlefield: Bad Company 2
  4. Battlefield: Bad Company 2
12 years ago

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Binding Of Isaac , thanks!

12 years ago

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Payday The heist! Deus Ex! Thanks!

12 years ago

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Thanks for the offers - Deus Ex: HR Augmented Edition, Bioshock 2. Bizzare fact - i fell through a plate glass fish tank when i was 3 and nearly drowned (cut up the right side of my face too!).

12 years ago

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Assassin's Creed 2 please :) Thank you

12 years ago

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1)The binding of isaac
2)F.E.A.R. 3
3) Nothing
Thanks for the opportunity =)

12 years ago

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WEll, i can take care of:
Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight
Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath
Mirrors Edge
Those are the games that i really wanted, but i think command and conquer it's the best strategy games ever!!, and well... the craziest thing that ever happened to me... did you know the Chichen-itza Pyramid?, now it's one of the new world marvel, but 7 years ago it wasn't, so i go to a trip with my family there and we where very happy (it was the first time) but my father and me, climb at the top of the pyramid to see all around from the little room on the top... but there was a little bar door wich leads to the interior of the pyramid on the floor, so my father and me look at it, and he wanted a photo from the little entrance to the interior of pyramid but what happened?... the keys of the car dropped in the interior and we where like "O____O OMFG "#!%"!$#"!@...", after a few minutes trying to see how to get them back because the door have a lock, just by curiosity i took the door and... it opens... even with the lock... something very stupid and funny, so my father entered to the interior of the pyramid looking for the car keys... he found them but also we got some awesome pictures of the interior of the Chichen-itza pyramid!!! something very stupid/funny and incredible (sorry for the english, i tried to explain the best as i can)

12 years ago

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This is over? If not, it would be nice if i win:

  1. Defense Grid: The Awakening
  2. Secret of the Magic Crystals
  3. Bioshock

That games is only playable on my actually PC :3
And thanks.

EDIT: Added Bioshock, because i love this game.

12 years ago

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bioshock 2 please please

12 years ago

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Thank You <3 I will make a list of 5 since there are 5 winners. NOTE: My PC is temp broken so I will not be able to sign into the steam application for a few weeks so I won't be able to receive a game via steam trade.

PAYDAY The Heist (x3) This gift will become tradable on Jul 21, 2012.
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War® II Chaos Rising
Bioshock 2

12 years ago

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The Saboteur
want it since release :)
and thanks :)

12 years ago

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C&C 4: Tiberium Twilight > Assassin's Creed 2 > Burnout Paradise would be great :)

As for crazy things...probably when I was offered weed by a complete stranger in a hostel (obviously declined!).

12 years ago

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Thanks for this massive giveaway, and for not requiring reddit.

  1. Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® II Chaos RisingSupreme Commander 2
  2. Supreme Commander 2
  3. PAYDAY™ The Heist
  4. Mirrors Edge
  5. Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath
12 years ago

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Burnout Paradise, Indie gala, Bioshock 2

12 years ago

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Thank you, I'd like to win Cricket revolution, but if someone else gets it I'd like Battlefield BC 2.

The craziest thing that have happened to me is playing football with the Swedish- and Argentinian National team.

12 years ago

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  1. PayDay
  2. BurnOut Paradise
  3. Mirrors Edge
  4. Nexuiz
  5. Gumboy


12 years ago

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Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance

12 years ago

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1.Payday the Heist
2.Bioshock 2
3.Sniper Elite
Thanks a bunch! ^^

12 years ago

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Deus Ex: HR Augmented Edition
Thank you so much for your kindness! :D

12 years ago

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  1. Binding of Isaac, 2. Indie Gala VI, 3. Bioshock, 4. Bioshock 2, 5. Secret of the Magic Crystals.

As far as crazy, well, I find this crazy as this all happened well before I was even capable of forming long-term memories. Meaning I know it happened, I have the of evidence to show for it, but really, it's as if it happened to someone else. When I was about nine months old, my diapers were turning up too clean. It turned out my intestines had knotted themselves together and blocked my digestion entirely. I had a surgery to correct it, but twice more in my infancy, I was constipated due to complications. Well, when it is all said and done, I was left with one large scar across abdomen, right over my belly-button.

The craziest part, to me, is finding out about a month ago, 23 years after the fact, that during the surgeries, my appendix was taken out of me. That a part of me is not there, and it was removed well before I could even hope to remember it. Not outright 'crazy', but certainly surreal.

12 years ago

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1 - Mirrors Edge 2 - Battlefield 2

I Want this game cause i have the "alternative" version of them both ( if you know what i mean ;\ ) :\

12 years ago

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  1. The Binding of Isaac
  2. Indie Gala VI
  3. Defense Grid: The Awakening and DLC
  4. Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
  5. Bioshock
  6. Bioshock 2

Thanks You for this chance!

12 years ago

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  1. Bioshock 2. Deus Ex:HR
    Thank you so much and I hope you have a wonderful day :)
12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by BillSimmons.