Agreed. BF4 will sell millions. Madden will sell millions. FIFA 14 will sell millions. The Sims 4 will sell millions. SW:BF will sell millions.
And then are a bunch of games that may not be guaranteed hits, but have potential to sell millions: PvZ:GW, Titanfall, Mirror's Edge 2, Dragon Age: Inquisition, and whatever the next Mass Effect will be called.
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They could easily roll in the money if they simply worked on their customer service and reputation. It would take a fair bit to regain the lost trust but really, customer service (or general functionality) is what made Valve so successful with Steam. Steam is by no means a perfect program. It has the usual random errors spanning the full spectrum. They also use automated support that can take a week before truly investigating a ticket. But the key difference is that Valve project the image that they actually care about customer opinion.
It also wouldn't hurt if EA was more reasonable with it's pricing on older games. It is kind of expected for new games to be expensive as all heck, but... well... just look at what the price of the Sims3 expansion packs are still at, and consider what content you're getting in them. It's ridiculous. If they relaxed that iron grip on the price tag they would probably be surprised to learn how much more willing people would be to purchase them.
And of course, if Origin didn't have a horrible retroactive EULA that encroached upon (and ultimately serves to erode) privacy, many more people would welcome Origin with open arms, bugs and all. Many online services have similar EULAs but the vital difference is that non-vital information gathering is typically optional, and you are told exactly what you're sending. EA's approach was "you either let us gather undisclosed information from your machine at our whim, or you cannot have access to our products". That isn't so bad if you could simply abstain, but that EULA was retroactive and applied over several pre-existing products, meaning that a game you previously bought and registered the key to, would now be non-functional. Trying to play Spore resulted in the game trying to force me to install Origin and agree to it's EULA, closing itself if I declined. I got around it, but that is still some really anti-trust business practice right there.
Not to mention with this last bundle, and my fumble of accepting the EULA on a click-through section after some patch notes on Darkspore, I decided to give Origin a shot (albeit with its ports blocked and the program sandboxed). I didn't even get as far as finishing the installer before an insane bug occured (or at least, I assume it was an unintentional bug), which caused the parent directory to get deleted (which happened to be my C:/games/ folder, at my own choosing). Losing approximately 300gb of installed games, non-cloud savefiles, custom content, mods and custom assets is a big punch to the stomach. Sure it was dumb of me not to have a manual full system backup, but I haven't encountered a bug of that sheer magnitude in all my time using PCs. The nearest was installing one of the worms games (Worms United? Or was it Worms World Party?) which deleted all my start menu entries when it added its own. I googled about the Origin f**k-up, and found next to nothing, though other users have reported Origin occasionally decides to delete all its installed games during some patch-installation errors, and I can only assume it occured to me but on a larger scale due to the error being at the base Origin installer.
Yeah :/
I left a report about it on their support forums, hoping they'd investigate it and hopefully prevent it happening from others, but with EA's reputation and support system, I wouldn't bat an eyelid if they just assumed "this guy isn't computer literate" and simply closed the ticket in silence. It wouldn't be too unusual. I mean, I even checked my router and its logs for potential breaches, and made sure that I didn't accidentally get an installer from a hostile spoof site, but it was all legit and my router was airtight. It's simply too coincidental to be a 'random happening' that went down as the Origin installer hung and fired an "execute: /quiet" command at me.
I'm sure most people will have no problems with it, but for the sake of caution, take a screenshot of your HD before you install it, just in case. Or better yet, record your desktop activity while you install it, so you can prove what happens if it goes down. Naturally, I'm not in the habit of recording my desktop activity, so I could provide no proof to support of the occurance. :V
Sucks beyond all suckage.
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I enjoyed the 746-word response much better than the "Nah." You seem to have misconstrued said response as being connected to the "Nah," which it was not. I dunno why you brought "hate" into the discussion, either.
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I really have to wonder. Are EA oblivious as to why they're the 'Worst company in America' or do they just enjoy the hate?
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First off, that poll is the stupidest, most biased thing I've ever seen. The company that cost thousands of people their homes and was single-handedly responsible for the worst recession in American history since the Great Depression loses out to a company that sometimes makes bad games. Sounds legit to me.
Second off, they probably don't care. Why would they? They still make plenty of money, why would they care if people don't like what they do? Nike uses child labor. People know it, and they hate it, but they still buy Nike stuff, so why would they stop? Walmart treats their employees horribly. People know it, but they still buy from Walmart, so why change anything? Same thing here.
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The poll indicates the opinions of the people polled. It's a fact that these people claimed to hold the opinion at the time of the poll that EA was the worst company in America. That's a far cry from it being a fact that they are actually the worst company in America. What you're saying is that just because I say I'm the king of the world, when people try to deny later that I'm the king of the world, it's a valid counterargument to say that, yes, in fact, I did say I was king of the world and everybody just has to deal with it. Neat straw man, though.
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See, you're nit-picking at the worst use of this explanation ever(bad wording, but who gives a fuck). It's all really a ratio. If they had a poll, and out of 100 people, 80 said that bikes are more efficient than cars, you can safely assume that a bigger majority of people ( let's say... If you were going to survey the whole world )think the same thing, that bikes are more efficient. In your case, it's just you saying it. The majority think that you are not, in fact, the king of the world. What the public thinks is fact, because ratings or views of a company are fact when it's taken to the general public. That's how the rating / view is created in the first place. Since you can't make everyone believe in one opinion, something called generalization is used. As a challenge, bring me a poll where they survey everyone of a particular group. Trick question, you can't.
You're just nit-picking now.
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I'm really not. They stuffed the ballots, so to speak. It was a small group of angry video game nerds that rigged the poll with lots and lots of multiple votes, so it's not even an accurate poll. And the post he was replying to clearly meant that the outcome was not factual, which it isn't, not that the event never took place, which only a lunatic would try to claim.
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While the votes aren't accurate in terms of an accurate global opinion on the worst company in america, EA could have still taken that as a clear-cut sign that their own customers (and their potential customers) are far from satisfied, and some are outright angry.
For instance, I used to be an EA customer prior to Origin, and still have my grumbles with them even at that point. After abstaining for some years as a matter of personal values, I eventually gave Origin a shot with this bundle. The result? 300gb of my non-origin files got scrubbed due to what I can only assume was a freak accident and massive oversight in their installer. While I won't attribute that to active hostile intent, nor pretend it's the fault of any one person within EA, that is still their product that damaged my system. I'm just glad I manually chose to install it to C:/games/origin and not to the default of /program files/, because if it got the error and tried to clear the parent directory in there, the damage would have been far more severe.
An unlikely screw up? Certainly.
But just like this poll, it shows a certain something about EA's situation, whether it be a finely tuned accurate survey, or just a general indicator of their customer relations.
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Which is what it was about in the first place.
That's what voting is about anyway.
What you're stating is nothing but your opinion, which as you state negates the opinion of others as a fact, making your own position a fact which is just as wrong as what you interpret into other people's opinions.
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Actually, I would not buy from shops that have a bad reputation(at least, if I knew of any kind of bad reputation). Sort of a moral thing, I guess? I didn't actually believe that Nike rumour, but if it's true, then I just won't be buying from them.
Besides, that's not what we were really talking about, now were we? There's a difference between child labour ( which is a pretty inhumane thing, and I'd have to assume illegal, or something along those lines ) and just being a terrible company. I wasn't even referencing whatever the hell you're talking about, they just are literally the worst company(I'd have to say more in the gaming industry) known and I doubt anyone can disagree. Hell, even activision is better and I wouldn't hesitate to tell them to fuck off.
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They are probably the worst gaming company, but they're not even close to being the worst company in America. The fact that you can even compare making an iffy game with poor support to being as bad as something like Exxon that has polluted groundwater, sickened millions, destroyed thousands of acres of forest, is responsible for some of the biggest environmental disasters in history and so on tells me that you're either a horrible person or have no idea what you're talking about.
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You didn't read my post. At all. I said there was a difference between child labour and being a terrible company. I never compared the two, I was criticizing the fact that you brought up child labour when we're clearly talking about video games, not buying products made from some out-of-america sweatshop from god-knows-where. You completely missed my point.
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No there isn't. That's like saying "Oh, Phil is a mass murdering psycopath, but he's nice at parties, so he's my best friend. That guy over there that's sometimes kind of a jerk? No, he's the worst person in the world because he's mean to me. Phil the murderer is okay in my book as long as he keeps being fun at parties."
And you completely missed my point. You seem to have trouble understanding basic concepts like 'comparing two different things.' How can a company that uses child labor not be a terrible company? Also, that second part of your post tells me that you're a pretty awful human being who doesn't care about basic human rights as long as he gets a cheap t-shirt, so I think we're about done here.
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Where the hell did I say that I don't care about basic human rights as long as I get a cheap t-shirt? I already said that I would NOT buy from a store with a reputation such as child labour. You're putting words into my mouth, and you know it. To answer your other question, are you implying that a good company can't use cruel methods such as child labour and what-not? If you honestly think that, well, you're blind. My point is, you were generalizing. A terrible company is a rating of a company, while child labour is an cause for a company to be terrible. Yeah, pretty big difference. If it makes you feel better, let's put it this way. There's a difference between child labour and not being popular with your fans (a.k.a. a terrible company in the, y'know, actually important aspect).
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So popularity is the only thing that makes a good company? I guess that makes Apple the best company in the world even though they're one of the biggest human rights violators and they had to install suicide nets in their Chinese factories and they've violated several copyrights making their products that are shockingly overpriced and unable to be customized or repaired without violating warranty. Wow, I wasn't sure before but I now I know we're done. Not only do you have trouble with comparisons, but simple definitions of words like 'good' and 'bad' are concepts that are far beyond you.
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Once again, you're putting words in my mouth. I never said that popularity is the only thing that makes a good company. Try harder. You're not very good at the whole twisting-words-and-make-people-believe-it business. And, once again, I don't use apple products. Oh, I'm sorry, who's wrong again? You. You're too stupid to even understand what I'm saying and you're somehow interpreting the complete opposite of what I'm saying.
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Also, you keep on ignoring the fact that you're putting too many words in my mouth, as well as accusing me of being a bad human,( not direct words, but it was implied )when they are CLEARLY false accusation.
Fuck you, you arrogant prick.
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No. Electronic Arts is a video game company that engages in crappy business practices like microtransactions because they're very profitable and sometimes some of their games have something kind of crappy about them, like a lackluster ending or something, just like every other video game company.
If your argument is that they're the worst company because they make poor business decisions, then you're wrong, because they actually make decisions that are great for business.
If you're saying they're the worst because they make decisions that are morally reprehensible, then you're wrong because they're up against companies that knowingly speculated with other people's money in risky junk derivatives and crashed the economy so they could make a quick buck and then they got away with it and even got bailed out with government money, as well as other companies that knowingly sell products that are shipped in from overseas sweatshops with unsafe working conditions and child labor and who pay their employees less than a living wage and fight to keep them from unionizing and basically engage in every possible unethical business practice you could imagine and also continue to get away with it with no repercussions.
So, no, they are not anywhere even remotely close to being the worst company in any sense whatsoever, and people like you who think so are either living in some sort of blissfully ignorant state where you know nothing of how corrupt and terrible most corporations really are, or are trying to desperately defend the ridiculous campaign some stupid douchebags ran to rig that poll because they wanted to whine about EA, despite the fact that choosing them over the other companies is kind of like choosing Kim Jong-Un as the most vicious and brutal political figure of the last thousand years.
tl;dr: EA isn't the worst company in any way. Don't be fucking ridiculous.
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You completely missed my point, which I tried very hard to point out near the end of my post. They're definitely one of the worst gaming companies out there, and they're not even close to being popular. I'm not an idiot, either. I know that they're financially good because they have made good decision. Your last paragraph, and I'm saying this honestly, makes you look like an ass because I didn't even imply any of that. I had already stated that I wasn't even referencing the poll - which I have no idea what it is - nor' am I in some sort of 'blissfully ignorant state'. I know that many corporations are corrupt. It's not a secret. If some conspiracy was revealed to the public, I wouldn't give a shit because it wouldn't be very surprising. Point made. I'm not ignorant, I just refused to bring up this information because it was not relevant to what I was talking about. At all.
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Maybe you'd like to explain just what the hell you are talking about, because you just keep insisting that they're the worst video game company even though the metrics for determining this say that they're not, and you supply no evidence or argumentation in support of your statement whatsoever. If you have anything to offer aside from an unsupported assertion, it's now or never, because statements of opinion can't refute anything and have no truth value at all.
And if you're not familiar with the poll that crowned EA the 'Worst Company in America,' which was rigged by angry morons who weren't happy with things like the ending of Mass Effect 3, then why did you parrot it in your initial post? Since that's the only thing I've ever heard of to try and assert that they're the worst anything, let alone the worst company in America, and now idiots float around all over the internet repeating it, even though it's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard, it makes it even more asinine if you're repeating the conclusions of a rigged poll that makes a laughingstock of the internet without even having heard of it.
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"...worst video game company even though the metrics for determining this SAY THAT THEY'RE NOT"
" supply no evidence or argumentation in support of your statement whatsoever."
Care to backup your statements?
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Another blank shot. I did read all of your endless raging cavalcade towards this user and his very naive, but alas veracious remark and did find no factual evidence to back up for your certainties. Your claims as of "stupid douchebags" who whine about EA because, quote, they "weren't happy with things like the ending of Mass Effect 3" are of very little empirical evidence. Shan't those "angry morons" and their "ridiculous campaign" perhaps be of your wishful thinking? Should be. Because fair is to say, there are plentiful other better reasons for such EA odium and let's face it, your endless chain of posts do exhale a scent of rage towards minimal offenses that appear to hit neuralgic points of sooth, and, mayhaps, you yourself are filled with slobbery feelings instead of raw information, that will keep you from accepting basic truths. Have you thought about that?
Let me tell you something out of pure personal judgment as well. This might have been the most selfless act of entrepreneurship EA has ever made that I can recall. Nevermind the obvious grand economical/PR stunt, this my friend, was an understandable advertising coup that turned out to be very convenient and serviceable to both institutions and gamers (Or so they say) as well as for EA itself. It attracts many new costumers and grants the company's future as mentioned multiple times before due to it's subsequent notoriety. But lets get down to business: This would've worked flawlessly had they planned it properly, in advance you know? For the client's sake... like any other company would do. You see, once more, they could not cope with the absurd amount of connections to the Origin servers. It was flooding throughout the whole day, yesterday. Do YOU think that things like this point out to a very concerning and aware company towards it's devoted consumers? NO! Did they even commiserate people who might've spent outrageous amounts of money on an overpriced game that now is slightly more expensive than a loaf of bread? NO! Because they simply did not and won't ever care. And why do I assume they do not care? Because it's a recurring negligent pitch. How many times have they willfully opened new public-luring ruse franchise carelessly, with, for instance, no further expenses spent on servers to support the income sought in advance? With non onerous compensations to whoever bought the game for it's real value in the first place? I'm not saying that these were bad moves, but rather bold moves that give no indication of good will.
Say what you might, it won't ever change people's idea of a good service. You've enough cases of unsatisfied costumers(such as the most recent ordeal with SimCity) to leave "Mass Effect's ending" tragic notion of anti-EA hub-bub out. (Never even played it)
Ultimately, you tell me now, what is it, that outlines EA of multiple other struggling companies (Image-wise)? By being charitable? Sure, except that most of the other companies have also done it as well so does it seem like a unique perk to you? (Except perhaps you can claim that others might not have as many overpriced games as EA does.) but it cost them nothing and we all agree that they profit from it. So where does that leave us?
Now to be totally fair, I'll add up that I do not belong in the "EA hate" bandwagon, by all means, in fact I am regular Origin user and owner of various EA titles. Discontented, but not totally hateful. So, until you tell us what is it that TRULY propels you from accepting some well deserved criticism towards this company (As many others do), we'll keep a hold on to your "blissfully ignorant state" unfortunate definition.
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After skimming that pile of prolix, self-indulgent twaddle and seeing no reference to Bank of America, mortgage derivatives, the recession, or anything about sweatshops, child labor, unsafe working conditions, outsourcing, underpaid employees, blocking attempts to unionize, or anything else actually relevant to what I said in earlier posts, I'll be ignoring you unless you want to make a worthwhile post. I have actual work to do around the site and I don't have time to fritter away on pseudo-intellectual jerk-offs who want their egos stroked.
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I figured as much. No brainer actually.
You did fail to mention 9/11, MacDonald's, war on terror, global warming, kony 2012 and a billion other reasons why EA is not the single worst thing that ever happened to America or Mankind. But instead you bring us cheerful, gratuitous insults with sidings of radiant and joyful premises that may sound like a speech for miss aggrieved universe- but are in fact one's motif for EA, and quote once more for clearing, :"not being the worst VIDEOGAME company" at all. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you... Complete and utter fallacy of thought.
But please do avoid the main questions being asked here, disregard this mere beatnik that scrutinized and rived your null reasoning along with your nerd tower of eternal EA worship down to bits. Do continue to exhale arrogance herewith averting the truth of you being wrong, for delicious is the scent of awe.
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I don't even like EA, dimwit. Nice ad hominem, though. All I saw was a bunch of whining about how you don't like EA up there. Since my only claim is that they're nowhere near deserving the title of worst company in America, and you've essentially already yielded on that issue, you don't even have anything left to argue, so all your prattle is just so much verbal masturbation. Congratulations on talking to yourself and looking like an idiot.
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That I refute. I did not yield at any point for I didn't even have any disputes on such matters in the first place but rather a vast factual list of collations on your arrogant behavior, such as your ridiculously ironic nonchalant stance claiming "EA is not the worst VIDEOGAME ( I REPEAT V-I-D-E-O-G-A-M-E ) company", thus contradicting yourself due to the majestic lack of evidence, granting you the stamps of certified imbecility. Simple and straight to the point.
Have a good one.
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Well, I have no shame in admitting I'm wrong. Okay, I was just pulling the whole 'worst company in America' as a joke, because as far as I am concerned, it's a way to over-exaggerate. Of course they're not the worst COMPANY in the world. Video game company? Yeah, they're up there, probably not the worst, but they're still up there. Personally, I've done some research(as in 3 hours, maybe, of looking up stuff about EA. A lot of it is hilarious.) and haven't dedicated years of my life to research EA. From what I can recall off the top of my head, EA has restricted several developers causing games to fall down flat (deadlines, and what-not), and not to mention that just about all of their EA-sports games have been called out for being simply bad and not very well developed ( if I recall, one of the Fifa games recently released had A LOT of bugs ).
As for the poll, well, I didn't even know there was a poll so I didn't even know I was parroting anything in the first place. As I said up above, I just used it as an over-exaggeration. All I did was argue that EA is a terrible company, which they are. As a final question : What, I'm not allowed to repeat something that coincidentally uses a common grouping of words that someone else used?
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Also, what I forgot to mention was commented below. To shorten it, EA is pretty well known for buying out companies and from what I have heard ( And there seems to be a wikipedia page on it, so yeah ), they have screwed over MANY companies.
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Fair enough. It's just that I and a lot of other people, really hated that poll for obvious reasons, and when we see something that seems to be repeating it or referring to it like it's factual or something, it gets our dander up. I don't hate them, but I don't have any particular fondness for them either, really.
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Okay, well, I apologise then. I'm going to try and forget about this and, well, forgive. I hope you do the same.
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+100000000 for wbarton
sometimes people need to look past weakly reasoned personal biased and look at the facts. sure, EA uses microtransactions, but that probably doesn't bother someone that works in a goddamn sweatshop. But hey, Mass Effect 3 could have been better. even thought that won't really matter to the poeple who's houses are being foreclosed.
I love the smell of "gamer" entitlement in the morning. smells like idiocy.
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I think you are mixing up worst company with worst reputation.
Sure, EA may have a bad reputation right now (especially with gamers) but that doesn't mean they are the worst company. There are many companies who practice far more evil than EA but they are better at hiding it.
EA may lose a popularity contest or silly online poll, but that does not make them worst company in America, far from it in fact.
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+1. And I think a lot of it is simply because it's cool to hate on EA, yet I bet most of those people don't even realize all the games EA is a part of because of all the subsidiaries (Bioware, PopCap, etc).
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Fair enough. I don't have shame in admitting I'm wrong. I guess proper words would be worst reputation, but considering it's a video-game company, it's best to consider your fans, at least, half the time.
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Oh you'll get no argument from me that they can definitely be quite anti-consumer and just downright dicks at times :)
Hopefully getting a new CEO helps them turn some things around. Here's to hoping this HiB is the sign of a change over there haha!
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I think they're doing decently but this bundle was more to help change people's bad view of them and to advertise Origin and Battlefield 4
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The bundle has nothing to do with any possible problems as all the earnings go to either charity or humble. EA doesn't get a penny from all this.
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You have to think long term. Not only do they get amazing PR from this since they're not getting a penny, but they're also bringing more people to origin, which will lead to much greater long term profits. The next time Origin has a sale, people that bought this bundle won't think "Origin? No way, I already have Steam." They'll think "Well, I already have Origin installed from that bundle... Maybe I'll pick up one or two games." I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that the only reason any (for profit) company ever does anything is to make money, and this is no exception.
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Yeah, it is obvious all this was a PR move and to improve Origin traffic. But if they had in any immediate financial problem I doubt they would pass up on the money from the sales just for PR especially when only few actually look who they give money to.
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There is truth to this, but EA has always been a charitable company and has backed many things, especially LBGTQ groups. This is a way that they can get more money in the hands of charities they choose, while also setting themselves up for making money down the road. It's the ultimate Win-Win-Win. We get amazing games for cheap, charities get money, EA gets people on Origin that might buy things.
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Keep in mind that not even giving charity is always charitable, especially for a billion dollar business. It's no coincidence that all their chosen charities are 501c3 organizations. I wouldn't be surprised if their accountants figured out they actually got MORE money from getting deductions than if they got the money directly.
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You haven't heard? That's how DLC works; why do you think people get so mad about DLC? It's a mandatory step to buy all the optional DLC as soon as you first load up the game.
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Nope the gamer crowd will say this is not enough why don't you donate millions blah blah EA sucks just die.
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You're extremely wrong. EA and any company that donates to charity benefits from it. It helps relieve their bad imagine which in turns equals more money for them in the future. The humble bundle also advertises games for EA as well helps people have a reason to install Origin, which in EA's minds mean people might start buying games for Origin. This is all a marketing scheme, and a good one at that since the likes of you don't see it that way. (that last sentence sounds mean, but it wasn't suppose to be, sorriez lol)
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I think you mixed up "EA doesn't get a penny from all this." with "EA doesn't get any benefits from all this." The thread is about possible financial problems, I replied noting that they don't take anything from the bundle sales (which they would in case they had a problem). So don't run around throwing arguments aimlessly, especially when they contain degenerating comment like in the last sentence.
Really, you made this comment just to show how "smart" you are for revealing their great secret scheme that no one could see when in reality you simply can't read and just throwing obvious to anyone argument at every possible situation like a kid. Good job for getting on my bad side.
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That is the thing though, EA gets a shit load from this. It isn't an argument, it is common sense. The thing is everyone knows this, I wasn't even trying to sound smart, this is literally just stuff EVERYONE knows. By the looks of it, it isn't hard to get on your bad side and I'm sorry you're such a bitter person. I did not mean to get you worked up over something stupid, regardless what you get from this message.
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Nevermind, it seems you really have some reading comprehension problem and don't know what "argument" is. :|
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If you say so. You say they don't get a penny from the bundle, but they make plenty of pennies for the DLC people will buy for BF3 and Sims. I get what you're saying when you say all their money goes to charity, but that does not mean the same as not getting a penny from this bundle. Maybe you should make yourself more clear next time for us less superior people with reading comprehension problems.
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I clearly said in my reply to you that I was talking about money they get from the bundle directly, and not the money they get in the long run or indirectly. And what else I should've said when you completely miss the point of what I said even after an explanation, especially when you yourself don't hold back with degenerative comments.
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Oh you, calm down. You simply said "EA doesn't get a penny from this" when they do is all. Your reply is then all about how "Yah, they benefit from this but they don't get money now do they?!" but.. what exactly is the difference? To answer your reply, yes... they do make money from the humble bundle. I don't know what you're trying to prove, but it is amusing. Maybe you should have said something along the lines of "They do not get money from the humble directly" to avoid the confusion, but all you said is they do not get a single penny from all this when everyone here knows that isn't true.
Regardless, I doubt what you were thinking with that comment. Lets say that, yah, you were magically clear and I just have a reading comprehension problem (which, btw, is probably true anyways)... What point are you making exactly? Does your comment even seem relateable to the topic? Someone is talking about EA's problem and you go about how they make no money on the humble bundle... Am I missing something? Kindly do explain if I am because I don't mind being wrong and most certainly wont get so upset about it either.
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If EA was in any immediate financial trouble they wouldn't just casually give away everything to charities, and would take part of the money if not all. So the fact that they take no money from the bundles points out that they are in no immediate problem, and that's what I was talking about, I wasn't talking about whether Origin gets profit from the bundle in the long run or not, was just mentioning the fact that EA takes nothing from the bundle sales, that's all, wasn't trying to discuss about business standpoint.
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First of all, previous argument about how they greatly benefit from doing so aside, this is the same company that got themselves into financial trouble, attempted to giveaway illegally weapons to special edition owners to then encourage the said owners to illegal ship the weapons back to them through the mail, etc. etc. Lets pretend EA is stupid and that is why they're in financial trouble, thus why they would do something that seems ridiculous to you.
If that is what you were trying to say, you should have said it. Regardless, that leaves a whole new set of arguments I could pull out of my ass since I'm procrastinating on homework.
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I was putting up a logical point as to why it is unlikely they have any current problems, if EA doesn't act logically then I can't help it. And what new set of arguments? I was just pointing out what normally a company should've done in case of financial problem, if your argument involves that EA is so stupid and wouldn't do it then I can't do anything about it.
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People who hate EA hate them so deeply that the hatred obscures their vision of the company.
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Most people hate EA because it is the cool thing to do now a days. If we were to give as much attention to other companies as we do to EA for all the shitty or stupid mistakes they make, we would learn EA is nobody special, just a business. The news spreads faster for them ,though. :/
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I think it's too late for EA to try and clean up their deservedly bad image. I for one hope they go the way of THQ. I don't think my wish will come true, though. Gamers are short sighted and irresponsible with their purchases, and so EA or something like EA will always be able to thrive.
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I'd say the studios they acquire are responsible for those games.
However couple of them were closed down by EA. I'm sure there's more to come.
Also something ridiculously funny.
Well played Wikipedia.
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Those studios existed and made decent games before EA knocked at the door and took over their business.
How wouldn't they be able to continue on their own?
It's not like EA is doing them a big favor by buying them out and letting them die when the profit doesn't meet EA's expectations.
First comes the acquisition, then the short term profit, then the layoffs.
A pretty common pattern if you look back at the past 15 years.
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You have to be stupid to be desiring for EA go Banckrupcy. The amount of jobs that would be lost is terrible ypu prick. I don´t like EA, but i want them to change not go down.
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Lost jobs are a terrible excuse for keeping clueless executives rich. If EA goes down, those developers can either try to go to Kickstarter or look for jobs with other companies. If they can't get a new job either way, they probably shouldn't be making games anyway. It's not like there isn't an overabundance of games already.
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The execs just use the lower downs as a shield anyway. Whenever stuff goes wrong, the little people are made to suffer, not the ones who are in charge.
EA's list of offenses is very long indeed. It deserves to die so that its grip on the gaming industry is lost. It would be for the good of everyone.
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Lets let thousands of people lose their jobs right?
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Just let him feel justified in spending $60 + the cost of Xbox Live Gold; as long as he could play with his other Xbox friends :P
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It's so strange how people value games differently from other forms of entertainment. Some people will spend $60+ on a concert for an experience that lasts maybe 4 hours, but a game offers three times that much and anyone who paid $60 is a sucker.
That said, I only paid $20 for Dead Space 3 but I think it was an excellent choice. I loved it.
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Even though i don't consider ppl who buy full price games suckers, they could obviously pay much less if they were patient. If you are extremely hyped about a game and you buy it then good for you. But claiming that is worth paying 60 times the price and it's worth just because you could play it with your friend on low end machine seems weird
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Well I'm an Xbox user because A) my friends are and B) my computer does not run many games and I can't afford to build a good one. I generally don't buy games at release (again, money), but I just think it's interesting how people perceive the price of games. :)
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He said he'd paid $60. Plus, there's the fact that rarely anyone uses Origin, let alone would hace a copy of DS3 on it, which is what I was getting at. Friend= Easy. Friend + Origin= Unlikely. Friend + Origin + DS3 + Being Able to Play with them= So unlikely it's
Not worth it
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He said it was worth it then to buy it for $60 just because he could play with friends. I said that nothing changed now because you can still play it with friends. You just both buy it from HIB, create an origin account and play it. Am I missing something?
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Yeah. Only half a year old and is one dollar now.
Shit is pretty crazy.
It's funny they gave it away when the so to speak, money deadline, happened. (Games stop becoming/barely are profitable after 6 months.)
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EA has nothing to offer me so I don't really care what happens to them.
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Do people even bother reading?Facepalm Its just a fuckin boost for their origin,all the games are origin redeemable.And did you even read that garbage 'origin loves charity'?! EA IS THE GREEDIEST COMPANY ALIVE(Sorry,i forgot Activision) and this is merely a stunt to get their origin store more popular
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I'm always for trying new things, but the word "people" really should have been replaced with "Sheeple."
That way, your post will really reek of bad grammar and nerd entitlement. EA is nowhere near the "GREEDIEST COMPANY ALIVE." Maybe you should look at company's who's greed actually negatively effects the lives of human beings by using child labor, unjustly foreclosing, or actively discriminating against people.
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Alright,so according to you,activision are saints,who put a high price on their games at outrageous prices.And by the way, if you are too dumb to realize that by "company",I mean "Video Game Publishing/Developing Company",then maybe this is not the place for you.
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/Makes some controversial long post about EA that leads to a flame war, or goes completely ignored.
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What the Forbes article doesn't mention at all is the higher management shake-up that happened after the disaster they point out (SWOTR, SimCity). Of course, the outcome of that isn't clear at all yet so it can go either good or bad. But you'd think they would mention EA is trying to sort things out at least...
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EA doesn't care about their employees and neither their client base. Games with tons of bugs because they don't do a good internal beta testing (we are the betas)
SWTOR don't enter here because the problems wasn't created directly by them, but... general anger :)
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EA should just release all their games one year after its released on Origin on Steam. Profit guaranteed.
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I'm 100% sure they'd make additional money, some people just don't buy EA games that are origin exclusive, because they don't want to have another client.
One year exclusivity should be more than enough to promote their client. Everything else is just missing out on potential customers.
Edit: Some statistics on how many of those Humble Origin Bundle keys were activated on origin and steam would be super awesome. I'd say theres more activations in steam than on origin.
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