Is it a good idea to use SGTools for extra filters / special rules?
I use a lot of external tools in my daily browsing routines, I don't see SGTools being much different really. The invite only giveaway-option "allows you to privately share the giveaway link with friends, or outside communities.", so I don't see a problem using a tool to distribute the link.
Compared to group giveaways I think this tool is doing very little in making it an elite thing.
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Just a random example, i seen 10 the last week (i wasn't active on the forum but there are probably ALOT more), about half i could not enter because my real cv can be a little bit better, giveaways i could have entered perhaps otherwise, unless they set a higher level, but people setting anything above 6+ is not alot and just a reason for you to gift more.
With the sgtools i think when it comes to some (measily) cv, screw it, looking at the polls half agree with that, and don't agree that it doesn't make it an elite thing, it's a matter of opinion.
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If my level is 5,1 or 5,9 i can still enter a level 5 giveaway, a very long range in between (and working to level 6).
If my ratio isn't exactly 1:1 or whatever it is set at, i can't enter it even i am a very little off, the range is shorter on being able to enter.
I don't know what all the options are on sgtools.
Regardless of all that, if admins thought this was a good idea they would have implemented this with the new site a couple of months ago, either integrate it, not let us use an x amount of external tools.
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Level 5 is anything between 250 and 500 Real CV. In SGTools you can set it at any number you want.
Having all kinds of special rules was allowed in the old site, requiring you to have a rule pre-approved. Mods would then have to manually deal with rule breakers, and since this was very time consuming it was decided to not continue this. I don't have the source of this right now, maybe someone can link it...
I guess we'll know how the mods think about using SGTools once people start reporting that winners don't meet the SGTools requirements...
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here's some info by zelghadis on how the old system worked
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How do you know so exactly ? Maybe the admin of this site is working on something comparable ? Many Users want to protect their GA's from unauthorized access Apparently there is indeed a high demand for such tools but I would like to see this as a "built in" feature here on Steamgifts.
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we have many giveaways. some for special areas (region locked), some for groups and now we can even make giveaways for people, who didnt have won much but have given many games to the community. and i promise you, even the low levels will have in future great giveaways to enter.
i think sgtools is great. not every body can spend much money for giveaways, but sometimes you want to reward the elite for beeing generous (at least i think so)
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These filters should be integrated in SG instead of going the detour over another page !
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soon enough youll have to sacrifice a cat just to be able to enter a giveaway >.<
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:P think ill let MuIIins do it, you know... gifs and all that ... its not everyones business :><
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thanks for the ga even if i can't enter :3
to everyone complaining about the tools, these limitations are already imposed by some groups with ratio and rules, so an invite-only ga with sgtools isn't different from a group ga.
in any case it's better since you don't need to join 100 groups to enter something you like.
and it's better if you "thank" all rule-breakers and leeches for this, instead of complaining to ga creators.
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and it's better if you "thank" all rule-breakers and leeches for this, instead of complaining to ga creators.
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I can't enter this giveaway. I think I'm gonna cry and throw a fit about it screaming something about inclusion.
Kidding, have a bump :)
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I'm trying to create a GA, how do I filter by blue eyes and blonde hair only? Also considering right-handed-only players.
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Please post your suggestions here
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indeed but it should also give a fair chance for newcomers !
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It is not surprising that when given a choise between "do you want more limited giveaways" or "more open giveaways" at least some people tend to pick the first option because more is more.
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This SGTools thing is annoying.
If you're really that worried, then make it exclusive to a group you trust or whitelist. Now having to always double-check that it's not a phishing site instead or something is just tons of fun.
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I don't like this tool.
I think using it to check for rule infringements like non-activated wins is fine, but I don't agree with ratio restrictions (note that this is coming from someone with a good ratio) even though I can see why people would want them.
I definitely draw the line at stuff like maximum win value restrictions.
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The ratio restrictions are enforced in closed groups already, so why not see this as a possibility to make those giveaways more public?
What is wrong with a maximum win value restriction? In the old site I had a rule approved that allowed me to limit entrants saying something like "Don't enter if you have won more than 10 giveaways". It's just a way to make more people win something...
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I don't know if people don't qualify, already own the game, don't trust SGTools or maybe can't be bothered to sign in...
I raised the amount of entries (meaning more people will be able to see the URL) - let me know if this is what stops you from entering :)
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I simply see it as just one more way to deliver the giveaway link. And it's definitely easier to set it up that way than to handle invites to a private group.
Over time I've seen tons of different ways for people to restrict access to their giveaways: event-based whitelisting, groups, itstoohard, games you had to download and play to get the giveaway code, an external website with a labyrinth, sgtools, other kind of puzzles, etc.
Some people will use it, others won't. It someone doesn't care to go through the extra hoop, they can just skip them. Nobody is forcing anyone to enter those giveaway
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SGTools actually can be quite fun, I'll surely try some things out with it. Low level giveaways, wins between 3-10, similar things really makes easier to gift for low level users. Usually I use level 1 filter, but when someone with 2 given, 100 won enters... that's pretty much infuriating. Similarly the ratio requirement gives pretty good chances for people with only a few wins (if they also gifted some games)
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2 given & 100 won is a sign that someone is playing the system and has absolutely no interest in giving. 0 given and the same amount of wins is also bad, but it could be a kid who has no way of giving (or hasn't figured out how), but a lot of patience to enter GAs.
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i wouldn´t even mind if he really can´t give anything, what i do mind is, that he will surely not be playing those 100 games.
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I don't like the idea of anything new that makes giveaways more exclusionary. I've recently come back to steamgifts after months of absence, right before the advent of the white and black lists, and I, usually, don't even bother with the forums anymore. Its all whitelist whitelist whitelist whitelist. Maybe groups from time to time. I don't really have a lot of time to be in a bunch of threads, post, and make a name for myself to get on the list. Maybe I'm just being buttmad but I don't think it would help more casual users.
I missed the giveaway but thanks for doing it regardless.
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I don't agree with the forums being all whitelist; yes there are some threads but if they have whitelist in the topic it's easy to ignore them. I'll even say there are more public giveaways in the forums than before, with this train-thing being so popular people have even requested trains get their own category!
On the exclusionary-thing I actually believe SGTools will make it less exclusive and less elitist; instead of making a group you can skip directly to creating the giveaway. Putting up this giveaway was much less time consuming than maintaining a whitelist or a group - and it's open to casual users who happen to come by while it's running :)
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I don't exactly agree but I like the way you said it. To be fair and less biased, I had some time to actually look around more threads then my standard rushed cursory glance and found 2 doing trains that I got in on. Which was nice. Again I'm biased because I can't normally peruse the forum as much as I would like.
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I think it's a bad idea. There are already so many limited giveaways. I hardly see any public giveaways anymore. xD
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Eh, I don't really have a hard and fast opinion either way, but I do lean toward supporting the use of SGTools if that's what the GA creator wants.
I don't see the SGTools requirements as any different than level, whitelist, group, puzzle, or forum-only giveaways. In addition, unlike some of those other methods, it's awful hard to exploit SGTools. I do hope, however, that people using it to make their GAs are still reaching a wide enough audience (and yes, I know that term is subjective) and not using them to cater to only a small portion of possible entrants. So far I haven't seen anyone abusing it (or even the possibility to truly abuse it), and since I'm a proponent of the whole "it's your money, give it away as you see fit" policy, I see no reason to oppose the use of SGTools to create giveaways.
I probably won't ever use it (I know I should never say never), but only because it makes more work and takes more time for me to use it, NOT because I don't think it's a useful tool. :P
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Actually it's less work, at least for me, because now I don't have to check every winner manually for not activated gifts or multiple wins, but the tool does it automatically. Also I found it in fact allows me to open my giveaways up to a broader audience, as I used to gift only to level 3 and above people, because most low level users here that were winning my GAs had horrible ratios (speaking of 5 games given/195 won just as one example).
Now I have a GA running level 1, no rulebreaking, ratio of 0.7. So users can even have more wins then gifts, but within (as I think) a reasonable scale. So now I have the possibility to open up my giveaways to newcomers without supporting long term leeches. I really like this tool!
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You do bring up some very valid points. It would be nice to be able to make low level giveaways again without all the hassle of checking multiple wins/non-activated wins, etc, as well as be able to create GAs for those who try to give away games, but perhaps can't always give away a lot due to financial restrictions. I don't know -- maybe I'll have to take a closer look at it sometime.
As long as there's no way to explot it, I see nothing wrong with people using it. It sure seems a lot less exploitable than other methods used around here, and honestly if people are going to complain about someone using SGTools to create giveaways, then they'd certainly have to complain about other methods like group-only, puzzles, and whitelist giveaways. Those three methods can all easily be exploited (and probably have) for CV farming.
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The way I see it, it gives plus options to choose from, but not in an additive manner. I like the idea of limiting it from the top down, not just bottom up like SG natively supports. If the site would implement locks for max level/max CV won, I'd use the hell out of it to get the games to the more unlucky ones.
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I am interested in that theme too but the tool lacks required filters at the moment for proper handling of these cases.
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Maybe you're right.
I understand that a lot of people feel unrestricted giveaways are better than restricted giveaways, but are no giveaways better than restricted giveaways?
I think that most of the people who are against SGTools-restrictions think it will mean less giveaways for them to enter, while I feel pretty certain SGTools will make more giveaways available to most of the users here. Gifters who make public giveaways won't turn to restrictions, but gifters who usually stick to group or whitelist giveaways can now put the same restrictions on "public" giveaways.
But yeah, not giving at all would certainly be the easiest way around it :)
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but are no giveaways better than restricted giveaways?
its the same thing for those who dont reach the restriction level, so no its not better, the only thing different is that you made a new club for "X" qualified people thats all.
while I feel pretty certain SGTools will make more giveaways available to most of the users here
you are wrong, as i said it will just strength the "elite" circles, it wount change nothing beyond that.
but gifters who usually stick to group or whitelist giveaways can now put the same restrictions on "public" giveaways
those GA arent public, you can SEE them but you cant ENTER them, they are the same as private/lvl restricted ones, public is that the majority of user can enter and participate.
But yeah, not giving at all would certainly be the easiest way around it
as i said there isnt a difference for those who cant enter.
look, lets get to the point, if someone really wish to give - he just gives!
but lets dont foll ourselves the majority of GA creators here do it of the concept "i give some i win some" (some will call it karma), a small part actually goes for gropes that force you to create a GA for every win or every period of time, and just small fraction actually gives in order to give.and lets not forget those who give for the CV value and for a better chance on better games.
so SGTools just makes new groups with more rolls thats all, and as you add more rolls and restrict more you get farther and farther from the meaning of giving.
so i say again if you really need so many restrictions in order to give maybe just maybe giving isnt your thing...
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Sorry to blow your bubble, but I'm currently running a ga through sgtools. Without tools, it would have at least L5+ requirement. Effect: 2/3 of entries have level below 5. Indeed very elite club.
Forum GAs with or without sgtools are public. It's like night club with dress-code. Anyone can enter if properly dressed. No invitations, no membership, etc is required.
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first of all its not a bubble, you simply changed X restriction with y.
and dress code IS a requirement, as you cant enter without it, a public club will be one most can enter not secluded dressed ones (not that i have any objection to a dress code, just saying).
same thing here, public GA is one that opens to most public users, GA that restrict it and narrow it down is less and less "public" and more and more private - to the point of the all way private GA.
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But that's the point. Thanks to the sgtools it is available to a wider range of users. How it is making elite circle is beyond me
Of course it is requirement. And club is public. Anyone can change clothes and enter. By your definition of public, there is no single place on whole Earth that is truly public - anywhere you go, you have to meet certain criteria. Zoo is not public, you need to have a valid ticket. Most ppl don't have one and has to buy one (or change clothes to enter to the club)
Very interesting. L1 'public' is not public - 90% of users can't enter that. Maybe L0? For a bundle game? 1/4-3/4 owns it and can't enter. So it's almost private.
Hmm, looks like majority of GAs on the site in the category 'public' are in fact private!
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its not available to wider range just to different piece of the pie.
Anyone can change clothes and enter, sure any one can apply to your rolls as well and enter its still the APPLYING part that separate it from public. you want public? then give it to the public, you want private? then stick to the rolls (and im fine with it to each and his own)
and you are mistaking public def is " relating to, or affecting a population or a community as a whole: " meaning something that is available to most parts of society.
zoo ticket is available to MOST parts of society, dress code aint.
L1 'public' is not public - 90% of users can't enter that
true that is why i try not to restrict my GA.
again i have nothing against people preferences or GA limitation you want to use them go ahead use them, just be aware you are not doing it for the public use but for those same circles that "fit" your rolls.
so the more rolls and limitations the less public it is, so if we are speaking on giving and the purpose of it, the more rolls and limitations the farther you are from truly giving it to the public and more to the selected few.
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As a convict I cant enter in such GA, but in general - yes, using sgtools is good idea. Even with restrictions relating to my mistake)
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SGTools check - The Cameron Files: The Secret at Loch NessSGTools check - RACE Injection
Maximum Real CV (Won): 100
Maximum Entries: 30
Your account must have activated all the won gifts
Maximum entries will be continuously increased - maybe :)
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