Galactic Civilizations 2

Bit torn since I already have it on Impluse. Maybe if it's like 75% off or something I might get it into my Steam library just so I can kill Impulse and be done with it.

In any case still it's a great game for anyone with a turn based strategy bent and something good to add to your Steam library if you don't already have it.

Note this wasn't a huge 'surprise' given the way people can mine the data on Steam

Galactic Civ2 on Steam AppID list

13 years ago*

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It's funny though - Stardock crawling to Valve after the failure that is Impulse.

13 years ago

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How are they crawling to Steam?
They have several other outlets their using to sell their games right now. It's not as though they have any desperate need for Steam.
And considering how profitable Impulse was financially, it's tough to call it a failure unless everything other then the market leader is a failure regardless of finances.

13 years ago

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Well, when you loudly and publicly crap on Steam, then sell your company and appear on that platform 6 months later, I'd say crawling might be appropriate.

They're also not on very many digital storefronts. Steam and Impulse as far as I know. Amazon sells boxed copies. That's about it.

13 years ago

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They sold Impluse to Gamestop for what is probably a crap ton of money.

I'd hardly call that a 'failure'

13 years ago

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"Probably" being the main word. Stardock themselves lost a crap ton of money by attempting to attract customers with their own niche products.

13 years ago

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Considering Impulse was generating 20-30% gross margins I'm sure it sold for a pretty penny

13 years ago

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Can't activate mine either. What a shame.

13 years ago

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They're not going to allow Impulse keys to be activated on Steam as far as I've heard on the boards.

13 years ago

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I got mine as a cover game. Still not sure if it will register.

If it does I am free of Gamestop. If it doesn't I still won't go there.

13 years ago

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GalCiv, greatest Civilization based games set in space.

13 years ago

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The first time I played it I spend probably 80% of my time designing new ships. The second play through I ignored shipbuilding as much as possible.

Either way, it is one of my favorites. Also, the space mod for Civ 4 (whatever one came in the Beyond the Sword expansion) was pretty cool too. Not as extensive as GalCiv, but pretty decent.

13 years ago

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I spent too much time on ships as well. I then decided to make the ship large enough to hide any tiny add-ons that I won't notice.

13 years ago

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Here I am wondering if Stardock will discount their games during the Holliday sales...

13 years ago

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release sale of $15 isn't too bad... if you think you'll enjoy it and you're gonna play it in the next week... GET IT! :P
enjoyment > sales

13 years ago

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Everything eventually 'goes on sale' Depends on hwo long you want to wait vs how much you want to play.

13 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

13 years ago

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I have a retail version of GalCiv2 (which is also activated on Impulse, before it went to GameStop), so it's interesting that your link has an entry for "Galactic Civilizations II Retail". I'll have to see if I can find the original box, so I can try to activate it on Steam.

13 years ago

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The codes given in the retail box only work on Impulse. And the devs have already indicated that these keys are not tranferrable to Steam. You can try but I'm a tad doubtful it will work. Your key should already be in the Impulse client soyou acn just look it up there.

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by satoru.