So, after fucking 10 years of goddamn dog's, i am finally getting my own cat; So guys, what are some things i need to know so she can stay healthy/happy?

10 years ago*

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it must sleep 18 hours per day (it's not a joke), find a gum mouse to play with and feed it with white rice, tuna and ham

10 years ago

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Yeah, the cats sleep all day, not caring about you and when you go to sleep, they want your attention..

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

10 years ago

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White rice will make them fat

10 years ago

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depending what kind of cat, i have 2 cats, one is active all day really hyper cat, and the other one is opposite, sleeps all day and night, just wakes up to eat and shit...

10 years ago

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You have to do what he/she wants you to do, otherwise you will be dead very soon. Have fun ;)

10 years ago

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Don't let it catch the red dot, as it will gain the powers beyond your comprehension.

10 years ago

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you just have to determine what food to buy. and faster to do all the necessary vaccinations.

10 years ago

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From personal experience, cats are waaaay easier to look after than dogs. If you can look after a dog, you can probably look after a cat. Unless maybe you're cat is going to be an indoor cat. That might take a bit more work.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Oooh damn, good one!

10 years ago

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i also need help with direwolf

10 years ago

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I imagine that's a problem that will get sewn up... soon?

Er, I just wouldn't worry about it.

Been to any good weddings?

10 years ago

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yep so good it killed me.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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much of petting! rawr

10 years ago

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:D good one^^ cool u speak dinosaur^^

10 years ago

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If you castrate your cat (in females, it is a health concerns, in males it is just so he doesn't pee all over your stuff):

Keep in mind the chances of it gaining weight are amazingly higher now, so you will have to buy it diet and light cat from now on till they die (they are labelled as such and they are pretty easy to find in any animal store or supermarket).

Keep a look out if it starts sticking his tongue out and salivating far too many times in a row, that'd be a sign of dehydration or illness.

If it purrs it means it is very pleased with you, other signs of attention towards you is licking your hair, as if it was saying "hey dude, we are family now, Ohana and shit."

And that's pretty much it, put the food in its tray twice a day, and have abundant water.

10 years ago

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Some cat advice is dependent on breed, since they have different health and grooming requirements, different need for exercise (they tend to provide that themselves), different levels of cat-proofing your home (if there is a hole or niche anywhere, a Tonkinese will find it and escape through it or hide in it), some are more prone to hairballs than others (longhair cats, naturally). Cats with brachiocephalic (smooshed, flat) faces, like Persians, tend to have a higher incidence of respiratory problems.

And a Himalayan will eventually decide that your entire home is its toilet.

Oh, and some cats, sadly, aren't affected by catnip: Something about the neurochemical receptors...

Edit: For the curious, those little shits I linked to were called O'Malley and Pyewacket.

10 years ago

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Why boring animal as cat.Why not something exciting dragon or trex or giant anaconda.Cats are soo boring and uninteresting creatures.

10 years ago

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So, some basic tips I can give you:
• if the cat will be going outside (lawn, garden, countryside) then you must remember to buy anti-flea collar and regularly use gels to get rid of those pesky creatures. Believe me, been there, u don't want that
• buy him/her something to scratch (even if you do, be prepared for it to scratch sofas, beds or any other furniture)
• never leave any food unattended (cat's don't give a shit it's on a table. why would they?)
• change litter every few days, everytime washing it with hot water (your cat will probably pee or poo outside of the litter when it smells bad for him/her, even though it may look clean)
• change the water at least daily
• feed it on regular basis and avoid putting too much food for them (dry snacks are ok to be left, but any canned/bagged wet food shouldn't lie for too long)
• as some1 mentioned before - all vaccinations!
• love it, no matter what it does - cat's have a funny itch to drop things from windowsills or desks - you wouldn't want your phone smashed into the ground ;)

10 years ago

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In addition to this:

  • remember, cat's drink water, not milk (contrary to a popular belief, they like milk though, but it gives them diarrhea)
  • it's safer not to let the cat go outside on its own, bad stuff happens to cats that walk around unguarded (despite all the love of cats on the net, many people hate cats IRL and hurt then, run them over, etc), it's ok to take it out on a leash (there are special leashes for cats, don't use a dog one or you might strangle the cat)
  • if you live higher than 1st floor it's a really good idea to install a some sort of fence on your balcony, so the cat won't jump out
  • get some safe christmas tree lights when you'll want to use them in december (not the cheap chinese ones that output 230V over a millimeter thin wire) - some cats like to chew thin cables and while a 5V mobile charger or 20somethingV laptop charger are safe, most cheap christmas tree lights are instant death
  • if at some point in the future you'll have kids, do not get rid of the cat - cats aren't a threat to even small babies, potential cat illnesses don't affect humans and a kid that lives in a house with a cat will not be allergic to it
10 years ago

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about cat illnesses:

this one affects humans:

but hey, these are just harmless singlecell parasites living in your brain :)

10 years ago

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About the milk part - this is because majority of cats are allergic to lactose (same as some humans), that's why they have diarrhea after drinking milk. This can be actually used when the cat has constipation (used google translate for this word, dunno if it's a proper english word for this ;d)

Also cats shouldn't be fed pork meat - notice that none of the cat foods has it. Lamb, calf, beef, rabbit, chicken meat are OK. This is due to it's bad effect on cat's liver.

10 years ago

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Do not expect any service from your cat . cats do not offer any service but they offer themselves . love your cat regardless what she/he does .

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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It is common among cat owners.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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a cat is fine too.png

10 years ago

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While the dog knows its a dog and respects you as his owner,the cat thinks you are supposed to satisfy her at all times.Dont get a cat.

10 years ago

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Silly human, you are supposed to satisfy fellow cat lords.

10 years ago

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Cats love boxes, standard box is the best box

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Reinstate the cult of Bast and cats, ancient egypt style.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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nobody mentioned simon's cat ... very accurate

10 years ago

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Keep the box scooped twice daily and clean overall. Both you and kitty will be much happier.

10 years ago

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I am a cat whisperer and they must be spayed or neutered, be an indoor cat (outside cats have shorter lives), don't give them milk, have clean water, dry food daily, wet food as a treat is best. Consider a cat from a rescue site - they make great pets. Treat them as part of your family and they will reward you with affection and respect. Catnip is fine after they're a year old and have something they can scratch on other than your furniture. If you get a kitten, it needs kitten chow and if you can trim it's nails at the start, they will get used to having it done. Clipping off just the tips of the nails will make a big difference in the quality of your stuff lol They love boxes of any sort and are a low maintenance animal. A first visit to the vet to make sure their health is good is really all that's necessary. They don't require vet visits like dogs do. Good luck and congratulations.

10 years ago

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+1000 for comment

10 years ago

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Feed her well , give her much <3 that should be the essential part :d Have fun with your pussy :d

10 years ago

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Tip #1: Get a dog instead.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by CaptainSarcasm.