I'm not sure if anyone on here has heard of this on Kickstarter but it's pretty neat. Not only does it look fun being able to play with a heart monitor and the Oculus, it also helps people with their disorders! I've already pledged, if anybody wants to contribute every little bit helps.

Kickstarter Page

11 years ago*

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The name is extremely unappealing, and the screenshots fail to keep my interest :/ It's not for me, but thanks for sharing.

11 years ago

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Why do you find the name extremely unappealing? Personally I thought it had a nice ring to it.

It might not change your mind, but I would recommend watching the video. It shows gameplay and explains more about the game, as well as what they want to improve upon.

11 years ago

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Well for starters, it's quite long. I assume Nevermind is the actual name and rest is just tagged on for whatever reason? Nevermind isn't a very appealing word, quite boring for me and lacks originality. It's almost like calling a game "Later" or "Distance". Biofeedback just sounds really really weird, sorry.

The video is well done, and the team seem like they're dedicated. It's not everyday you see an indie developer trying something innovative with hardware. I just don't like it when developers decide on taking the supernatural route/dream route as a setting. I've seen small indie developers do this before (Doorways & Kairo), which allows them to "cheat" their way out of more work and consequently avoid making the game more believable. For example: We don't need an animation for the door, we'll just have it automatically swing open as the player approaches. It's just little things like that, that put me off these sorts of games.

Who knows, I might be totally wrong about Nevermind, but after reading "As you explore surreal labyrinths and solve the puzzles of the mind..." I was pretty sure I wouldn't enjoy this.

If I end up loving the game, you have permission to laugh at me forever.

11 years ago

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It looks interesting. Thank you for sharing.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by SarahJessicaWalker.