Hey everyone.

I hit level 9 recently so let's celebrate a bit with a small train.🚅

Not too fancy, level 3, some rules

ticket here

Note that I miss some z's . Probably two of them. If you see them, you should ask them to move and replace them by 4's

I'd add that in the past, I spotted several people accessing my trains without a validated entry. What disturbed me is that some were well-known members of the community. Until then, I just reported these to Knsys, and some are also in my BL (if you are, this is probably because of that). Know that I will apply the same rule here.

1 month ago*

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Not level three but congrats and thanks for giving back to the community, albeit I am still newer :)

1 month ago

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Congratulations for the milestone and thanks for the train (i can't enter because the 0.75 rule, 0.4 is the best i have nowadays :D) :o)

The bad thing is that the sgtools perma banned ones, below 50 accounts, can still enter each sgtools protected GA if they get the clear sg link "from a friend" or solve it with one of their other accounts.

CG don't cooperate with sgtools to extend the punishment for the perma banned cheaters to sg too.

Short time suspended ones done maybe a mistake but the perma banned ones broke the GA rules 3 times+, which can't be a mistake.

1 month ago

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Totally in line with you, which is why I pay very close attention to my winners now. It's a bit frustrating that things are like this to be honest (it's very tiring being suspicious at all times) but there are still positive things left (nice people mostly).

I'll make my rules a little lower next time, promised :)

1 month ago

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I have been having trouble entering sgtools giveaways recently and this is the first time I've heard of a "perma ban", How does said perma ban look on a banned user's end for reference? Or even better would you be able to confirm if I am one of those users?

1 month ago

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How does said perma ban look on a banned user's end for reference?

I don't know how it looks for the banned users.
But the effecct is, that they can't enter sgtools protected GAs, which means they should see a) a message about their ban and/or can't click enter or b) can click enter but are always not able to fullfill the GA rules.

Or even better would you be able to confirm if I am one of those users?

Only the owner of sgtools can do this.

Before someone are perma banned he would get two or three shorter suspensions/bans with X weeks durations.
So if you would be someone with a perma suspension/ban, i expect that some message would be appear there to inform the user that he is suspended/banned and if this happend 2 or 3 times, i assume you would know it :D

1 month ago*

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Thanks for the detailed reply

1 month ago

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damn u r zooming through the levels lol, thanks for the nice milestrain!

1 month ago

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very clean steamgifts speedrun any% glitchless run
gz and thanks for the train!

1 month ago

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Choo Choo! Congrats! :)

1 month ago

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Thanks for the ride!

1 month ago

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Congrats on your level up!

1 month ago

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Congratulations! Level 9 is a huge achievement!

1 month ago

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Congratulations on reaching Level 9, and thank you for the GA train! :)

1 month ago

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Congratulations and thanks for the train! Found a few titles I never heard about - which is what I like seeing in trains

1 month ago

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Congrats :3
Thanks for the train.

View attached image.
1 month ago

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Congrats on reaching level 9! 🎉
I'm a little short of being to enter, but I have some giveaways that will end before then so I might still be able to get in later. :)

You may already know this, but you should be able to reroll a giveaway if you show the mod that the user did not enter through SGTools (= leaked giveaway).

1 month ago

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I did not know that ! I was pretty sure there was no direct cooperation between sgtools and sg .

Thanks for the info, I will open a ticket should this happen

1 month ago

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It's not so much about direct cooperation. It has to do with this guideline:

Respect the privacy of invite only giveaways and do not share the link with other users unless given permission by the giveaway creator. Entering an invite only giveaway through a leak from a third party may invalidate your entry.

An invalid sgtools entry is pretty much proof of a leak from a third party.

1 month ago

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That makes sense indeed.

Thanks to both of you for these clarifications :)

1 month ago

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Congrats on hitting Lv 9, Sword!

View attached image.
1 month ago

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1 month ago

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1 month ago

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congrats!! and thanks for the ride! :)

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Congrats! 🥰
Bump 💙🌺

1 month ago

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Congrats on reaching level 9!

1 month ago

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Congrats on the milestone Sword <3

1 month ago

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Thank you for the train and congrats on reaching lv 9.

1 month ago

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Bump bump bumpin bump

1 month ago

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Hard Bump

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Congrats! Have a celebratory dance :)

View attached image.
1 month ago

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